INTRODUCTION Card Game for 2 Players. French Indian War Theme circa 1753-1763. VICTORY The first player to possess all 10 Fort Tokens wins. FORT TOKENS Each player starts the game with 5 Fort Tokens. THE DECK Players share a common deck. The deck contains 1 copy of each card in the card list. SETUP One Player is the British. The other player is the French. Players flip a coin. The winner of the Toss starts as the Attacker. The loser of the Toss starts as the Defender. TURN SEQUENCE Each turn is divided into 5 Phases: 1. Recruit Phase 2. Strategy Phase 3. Expedition Phase 4. Siege Phase 5. Victory Phase RECRUIT PHASE Each Player is dealt 8 cards. If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. STRATEGY PHASE Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements. EXPEDITION PHASE The Attacking player plays his Journey, Wilderness, Indian, and Morale cards. The Defending player plays his Logistics, Wilderness, Indian, and Morale cards. Only one card of each type can be played in this Phase. Each card has a point value. The player with the highest total point value wins. Defender wins ties. If the Attacker wins, continue to Siege Phase. If the Defender wins, he wins the turn: Skip to Victory Phase. Irregular Troop cards can be used for Expedition Phase or Siege Phase. SIEGE PHASE The Attacking player plays his Leader, Siege, and Conventional Troop cards. The Defending player plays his Leader, Defense, and Conventional Troop cards. Only one card of each type can be played in this Phase. Each card has a point value. The player with the highest total point value wins. Attacker wins ties. Irregular Troop cards can be used in both Expedition Phase and Siege Phase. VICTORY PHASE If the Defender won in either Expedition or Siege Phase, he becomes the Attacker next turn. If the Attacker won both Expedition and Siege Phase, he takes a Fort Token from the Defender, and continues to be Attacker next turn. Players discard all cards they did not play. CARD TYPE NOTATION L = Leader C = Conventional Troops R = Irregular Troops W = Wilderness Fighting S = Siege D = Defenses J = Journey X = Logistics I = Indians M = Morale COMMON DECK CARD LIST Name Type Force General L 5 Lord L 4 Commander L 3 Captain L 2 Missionary L 1 Veterans C 5 Marines C 4 Regulars C 3 Soldiers C 2 Mercenaries C 1 Indian Fighters R 5 Frontiersmen R 4 Militia R 3 Trappers R 2 Colonials R 1 Iroquois Scouts I 1 Huron Braves I 2 Algonquin Warriors I 3 Mohawk War Party I 4 War Chief I 5 Investment S 1 Scale Walls S 2 Mortars S 3 Bombardment S 4 Surprise S 5 Palisade D 1 Stockade D 2 Garrison D 3 Cannons D 4 Reinforcements D 5 Expedition J 1 Guides J 2 Forced March J 3 Wilderness Trek J 4 Travel by Sea J 5 Harsh Winter X 1 Lost X 2 Difficult Terrain X 3 Delayed X 4 Short Supplies X 5 Hatreds M 1 Outrage M 2 Scalping M 3 Discipline M 4 Savagery M 5 Skirmish W 1 Sharpshooters W 2 Guerilla Warfare W 3 Raid W 4 Ambush W 5 SOLO RULES Play opponents hand as well as your own. Your “opponent” skips Strategy Phase. OPTIONAL RULES The British had a much larger population of Colonists than the French. Irregular Troop cards played by the British player get +1. The French had better relations with the Indians. Indian cards played by the French player get +1. OPTIONAL HISTORICAL BRITISH ADVANTAGE In the late stages of the war, the British invested heavily in the conflict. Starting on turn 10, all Journey, Conventional Troops, and Siege cards played by the British player get +1. LINKS Philadelphia Print Shop Web Index Scalping Background Wikipedia A Walk in the Woods

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