Card game for 2+ players. 
Simulation of the French Revolution (starting 1789). 

The first player to accumulate 10 Reform points is 
able to consolidate the Revolution and wins the game.

Players share a common deck.

The most ‘French’ player begins as the leader of the Revolution.

Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Unrest Phase
2. Revolution Phase
3. Reform Phase
4. Tactics Phase

Each player fills their hand to 10 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

The Current leader of the revolution may play Oppression cards.
Other players may play Unrest cards & at least one Tactics card.
The player that plays the most Oppression or Unrest cards wins the 
turn and becomes the new leader of the Revolution.

The current leader of the Revolution may play Reform cards.
This player gets 1 Reform Point for every Reform card played.
Other players may play Anti-Revolutionary cards to negate 
Reform cards on a one to one basis.

Players may discard any cards from their hand they don’t want. 

U = Unrest
T = Revolutionary Tactics
R = Reforms
O = Oppression (Reactionary Tactics) 
A = Anti-Revolutionary 

Card Name:			Type:	
Intellectuals			U		
Student Uprising  		T		
Rebellion			T		
Peasant Mob 			T		
Aristocrat			A
Guillotine			O
Unequal Taxation	        U
Political Crisis	        U
Increasing Population		U
Inflation			U
Food Shortages			U
Impoverishment			U
Low Wages			U
Rents & Dues			U
Scapegoats			T
Social Injustice	        U
Economic Hardship		U
Reforming Aspiration		U
Governmental Impotence		U
Rural Revolt			T
Parisian Riot			T
National Assembly		R
French Constitution		R
Censorship			O
Centralized Government		R
Representative Government	R
Nationalize Church Lands	R
Executive Power			R
Legislative Power		R
Modernization			R
Abolish Feudal Institutions	R
Legal Equality			R
Rising National Debt		U
Popular Sovereignty		R
Ministers			O
Civil War			T
Foreign War			U
Universal Male Suffrage		R
Religious Tolerance		R
Rebuild Institutions		R
Instrument of Reform		R
Metric System			R
Church Sympathizers		A
Conservatism			O
Liberalism			U
Departements			R
Altar to Reason			R
Free Speech			R
Freedom of the Press		R
State Emergency			O
Extreme Politicians		U
Democratic Language		U
Executions			O
War with England	        U
Catholic Clergy			A
Commoners			T
Bloodshed			O
Parliamentary Regime		R
Royalists			A
Landowners			A
Nobility		        A
Malcontents			U
Intrigue	          	T
Class Divisions			U
Parisian Radicals		U
The Directory			A
Coup d’etat			T
Great Reforms			R
Formal Abolition	        R
Declarations			R
Individual Rights		R
Separation of Church & State	R
The Rights of Man		R
Theocratic Absolutism		A
Revolutionary Politics		U
Feudal Privileges		A
Estates General			O
Absolute Monarchy		O
Emigration of Noblemen		U
Papal Rejection			A
Leader Discredited		U
Questioning Authority		U
War with Austria	        U
War with Prussia	        U
Intimidation			O
The Reign of Terror		O
Rhetoric	          	O
Street Fighting			T
Firing Squads			O
Parisian Insurrection		T
Republican Constitution		R
The Convention			R
Ideological Crisis		U
Storm the Bastille		T
Pillage & Burn			T
"Let Them Eat Cake"		U
King Louie XVI			A
Marie Antoinette	        U
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity	U
Feuillants			O
Jacobins	          	U
Girondists			U
Rumors of Treason		U
Revolutionary Tribunal		O
Revolutionary Calendar		R
Robespierre 			O
Ultrarevolutionaries		U
The Indulgents			U
Goddess of Reason		U
Cult of the Supreme Being	O
Arrests   	        	O
Purges     	        	O
Aspirations of the Bourgeois	U
Outbreak of Violence		T
The Great Fear			T
Destroy Feudal Dues Records	R
Counterrevolutionary Court 	O
Frenzied Mobs 			T
Storm the Tuileries 		T
Massacres  			T
Plebiscite 			T
Corruption			U
Put Down Insurrection		O
Overthrow the Government  	T
American Revolution        	U
Rousseau         		U
Voltaire         		U
Montesquieu         		U
Lists of Grievances		T
The Third Estate      		U
Laissez-faire             	U
Abolition of slavery           	R
Naval War with America          U
Vendee           		A
Clergy Civil Constitution       R
Nation in Arms           	T  (meaning conscription)
Legislative Assembly           	R

History of the French Revolution

In the Revolution Phase:
  (1) What is the purpose of the Tactical cards? Do you
  mean that you cannot play an Unrest card without
  playing a Tactical card too?
A)Yes. You must play a Tactics card in order to have any of 
your Unrest cards count.
  (2) Can the current leader play only Oppression cards?
A)Yes, he can only oppress, just as the others can only rebel.
  (3) If players play an equal number of Oppression or
  Unrest cards, does the current leader remain the
  leader for the next turn?
A)Current Leader wins ties.
  (4) As I read the rules, the Current Leader plays
  Oppression cards, then the other players play Tactical
  and Unrest cards. Is this go-around done once before
  moving on to the Reform Phase?
A)Yes, just once. Each player may play 1 or more cards.
  In the Reform Phase:
  Leader plays Reform cards. Others play
  AntiRevolutionary cards to negate this.  Do you only
  go around the table once in this phase?
A)Yes just once. Each player may play 1 or more cards.

This game is also published in the Academic Gaming Review: Click Here

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