Card game for 2-4+ players. 
The game is a simulation of the hardships faced by the first 
English Colonists to the New World in the 1600s. 
Each player controls their own colony, modeled after 
Jamestown, the Plymouth Pilgrims, and the Boston Puritans. 

The game lasts 5 years. 
This represents the first 5 years of each players colony. 
Each Season is a turn, so the game runs for 20 turns. 
Season = Turn. 
Each year starts with Winter. 

The player with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game wins. 

Gain 2 VP for each Colonist Token you have. 
Each Building is worth a base 5 VP. 
Some Buildings are worth additional VP. 
Gain 1 VP for each Land Purchase Token. 

There are 6 Decks: 
1. Leader Deck
2. Site Deck
3. Action Deck
4. Build Deck
5. Food Deck
6. Hardships Deck

Each player starts with 1 Leader randomly drawn. 
During play when a Leader is lost, a new card is drawn to replace them. 
Leaders provide a benefit to their colony. 
Leaders have the title of Governor. 

A site is where the Colony is Founded. 
An individual  site is described by 3 cards from the Site deck. 
Site cards give benefits and/or detriments to the colony. 

Each Player keeps a hand of Action cards. 
These cards represent Stocks of Trade goods as well as actions that can 
Mitigate Indian Raids, Mutinies, and Disease. 

These cards represent buildings and land use projects that 
(at a cost of food) can be built by your colonists. 
Buildings provide Benefits and Victory Points. 
Drawn Build cards are kept in a players hand; When built, 
They are placed face up in front of the player. 

These cards will determine how much food your colonists are able to 
Raise, grow, catch, and hunt each season. 

These cards represent the difficulties your colonists will face including: 
Disease, Spoilage, Blights, Indian Raids, Mutinies, and Others. 

Each Colonist Token (CT) symbolizes 10 people. 

Each Food Token (FT) represents enough food to feed 1 CT for 
1 Season (1 Turn). 
Unused Food Tokens can be saved from turn to turn. 

The Stock Token (ST) represents whether you have Livestock or not. 
If you ever have a food shortage, it is assumed that all of the 
Livestock have been slaughtered and eaten; You loose your ST. 
This also represents stored food brought over from England. 
Every time a Ship arrives, you regain your ST if you lost it. 

These represent seeds planted in the spring to be harvested in Fall. 

These can be bought in Trade Phase. 

6 sided dice are needed. (1D6)
10 sided dice are needed (1D10)

Players roll high on 1D10 to see who goes first. 
Each Player starts with 10 Colonist Tokens. 
Each Player starts with 1D6 Food Tokens (Victuals).
Each Player starts with a Stock Token.
Each player draws 3 Leader cards, selects 1 and discards the other 2. 
Each player is dealt 4 Action cards and discards 1. 
Each player is dealt 4 Build cards and discards 2. 
The game starts in Winter of the first year. 
Each player goes through the site selection process detailed below. 

Each player in turn gets to select 1 of 3 possible sites to found their colony:
For each site draw 3 site cards, placed together face up. 
The player picks 1 site and keeps those 3 cards. 
The cards from the other 2 sites are shuffled back into the deck and then 
The next player selects his sites. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 17 Phases: 
1. Time Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Plant Phase
4. Ship Phase
5. Blight Phase
6. Food Phase
7. Harvest Phase
8. Spoil Phase
9. Trade Phase
10. Eat Phase
11. Starve Phase
12. Cold Phase
13. Sick Phase
14. Raid Phase
15. Rebel Phase
16. Hardship Phase
17. Build Phase

Keep track of the season and the year. 
Play starts in Winter of the first year. 

Skip this phase the first turn of the game. 
Draw 2 cards from the Action Deck. 
Draw 2 cards from the Build Deck and discard 1. 
You may discard 2 cards (any type) to draw 1 card (any type). 
Max hand size is 5 cards. Discard excess cards. 

Skip this phase if it is not Spring. 
Gain Plant Tokens equal to the number of CT you have. 

Skip this phase the first turn of the game. 
Roll 1D10. On a roll of 7 or better, a ship (from England) arrives. 
The ship will contain 1D10 CT and 1D10 FT. 
The ship replenishes your Stock Token if you lost it. 

Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Discard 1 Plant token for each Blight Hardship card you drew. 

Draw 1 Food card for each CT you have.
If it is Winter, only draw 1 Food card for every 2 CT you have.  
Place them face up in front of you. 
Discard all Farm cards.  
If it is Winter discard all “Warm” cards. 
Discard Livestock & Victual cards if you do not have a Stock token.
Each useable Food card provides 1 or more FT. 
Discard the Food cards after you have collected the FT. 

Skip this phase if it is not Fall. 
Discard all your Plant Tokens. 
Draw 1 Food card for each PT discarded. 
Each Farm card you drew produces FT equal to its value. 
Discard the cards after you have collected the FT. 

Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Discard X Food Tokens for each Spoilage Hardship card you drew. 
X is the value of the spoilage card. 

You may play (discard) Trade Action cards. 
For each such card, you may gain either 1 Food Token or 
1 Land Purchase Token. 
You may convert 5 FT into 1 VP. 

Each CT consumes 1 FT. 
If you do not have enough FT, there is a Food Shortage. 

Skip this phase if there was no Food shortage. 
Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Lose your Stock Token and 1 CT. 
Discard X CT for each Hunger Hardship card you drew. 
X is the value of the hunger card.

Skip this phase  if it is not winter. 
Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Discard 1 CT for each Cold Hardship card you drew. 
If there is a Food Shortage, discard an extra 1 CT for 
each Cold Hardship card you drew. 

Draw and discard 5 Hardship cards. 
Discard 1 CT for each Disease Hardship card you drew. 
If there is a Food Shortage, instead discard X Colonist Tokens for 
each Disease Hardship card you drew. 
X = the value of the Disease card. 
You may discard a Medical Action card to negate 1 Disease card. 

Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Discard X CT for each Indian Raid Hardship card you drew. 
X is the value of the Raid card.
You may discard a Defense Action card to negate 1 Raid card. 
Each Defense Building you have negates 1 Raid card each phase. 
A “Defense” Leader negates 1 Raid card each phase. 

Skip this phase if there was no Food shortage. 
Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
You may discard a Morale Action card to negate 1 Mutiny card. 
Each “Morale” Building you have negates 1 Mutiny card each phase. 
A “Morale” Leader negates 1 Mutiny card each phase. 
If there is 1 un-negated Mutiny card, discard your hand and gain a New Leader. 
If there are 2 or more un-negated Mutiny cards the Settlers give up: The 
Survivors go back to England on the next ship and you lose the game. 

Draw and discard 10 Hardship cards. 
Special Hardship cards take effect in this Phase: 
Go Native: Lose 1 CT
Return on next Ship: Lose 1 CT
Kicked Out: Lose 1 CT, It goes to another random player. 
Lose Leader: Gain a New Leader
Storm: No Ship for you next turn
Fire: Lose 1 Random Building

You may put 1 Building into play at a cost of 5 FT. 
You may build a second Building for 20 FT. 
Keep the building face up in front of you. 

Name:			Notes:
Nobleman       		Hand Size +1
Sea Captain		All Fish Food cards earn +1 FT
Soldier			Defense +1 (Negate 1 Raid card in Raid Phase)
Explorer       		All Wild Food cards earn +1 FT
Farmer			All Farm & Livestock Food cards earn +1 FT
Minister       		Morale (Negate 1 Mutiny card in Rebel Phase)
Merchant       		Get +1 to Roll in Ship Phase
Frontiersman		Get 1 extra Trade in Trade phase
Notes: If you start the game with the Explorer, you get to select from 
4 sites instead of 3. 
The deck contains 2 copies of each card. 

Name:				Notes: 
Freshwater Spring		Negates first Disease card each turn
Island				Negates the first Hunt card each turn. Defense +1
Hill Top			Defense +1 (Negate 1 Raid card in Raid Phase)
Good Hunting			All Hunt Food cards earn +1 FT
Cleared Land			All Farm Food cards earn +1 FT
Sheltered Cove			Negates the first Cold card each turn
Safe Harbor			Get +1 to Roll in Ship Phase
River Mouth			Get 1 extra Trade in Trade phase
Fishing Grounds			All Fish Food cards earn +1 FT
Swampy				Draw 3 extra Hardship cards in Sick Phase
Many Indians			Get 1 extra Trade in Trade phase.  Draw 1 extra card in Raid Phase
Windswept			Draw 2 extra Hardship cards in Cold Phase
Rocky Soil			All Farm Food cards earn -1 FT
Isolated       			Negate the first Trade card you play in Trade Phase
Tidal Flats			All Wild Food cards earn +1 FT
Indefensible			Draw 1 extra Hardship card in Raid Phase
Salt Marsh			All Farm Food cards earn -1 FT. All Wild Food cards earn +1 FT
Good Pastures			All Livestock Food cards earn +1 FT
Rich in Furs			Trade cards earn 2 VP each instead of 1. 
Quality Timber			Worth 20 VP

Name: 				FT	Type:
Corn				5	Farm
Melons				1	Wild Warm or Farm
Chickens       			1	Livestock
Bluefish       			1	Fish
Indian Gifts			1	Wild
Indian Trade			1	Wild
Shellfish			2	Wild or Fish
Lobsters       			2	Wild
Wild Turkeys			1	Hunt
Deer				2	Hunt
Fowl				1	Hunt
Pumpkins       			2	Farm
Strawberries			1	Wild Warm or Farm
Blueberries			1	Wild Warm or Farm
Harvest				5	Farm
Dried Peas			3	Farm or Victuals
Milk				1	Livestock
Eggs				1	Livestock
Smoked Meats			1	Hunt
Oysters				1	Wild
Cheese				1	Livestock
Squash				2	Farm
Cod				2	Fish
Small Game			1	Hunt
Gardens				1	Wild Warm or Farm
Salted Pork			2	Livestock
Beans				3	Farm
Clams				1	Wild
Crops				4	Farm
Maize				4	Farm
Cranberries			1	Wild Warm
Cows				2	Livestock
Whale Catch			3	Fish
Mussels				1	Wild
Ducks				1	Hunt
Geese				1	Hunt
Wheat				3	Farm
Barley				3	Farm
Grains				4	Farm
Trapping       			1	Hunt
Herring				2	Fish
Ground Nuts			1	Wild
Beer				2	Farm or Victuals
Striped Bass			1	Fish
Butter				1	Livestock
Eels				1	Wild
Boiled Acorns			1	Wild
Goats				1	Livestock
Sheep				1	Livestock
Turtles				1	Wild

Name:				Value	Type:
Sickness       			2	Disease
Starving Time			2	Hunger
Famine				2	Hunger
Spoiled Food			2	Spoilage
Rotten Food			1	Spoilage
Fire				-	Special
Malnutrition			2	Hunger
Bitter Cold			-	Cold
Exposure       			-	Cold
Freezing Temperatures		-	Cold
Drought				-	Blight
Early Frost			-	Cold
Smallpox       			4	Disease
Harsh Winter			-	Cold
Illness				1	Disease
Crisis				-	Mutiny
Indian Raid			2	Raid
Skirmish       			1	Raid
Scalpings			2	Raid
Indian War			3	Raid
Indian Fighting			2	Raid
Plague				4	Disease
Malaria				3	Disease
Storm				-	Special
Pestilence			2	Disease
Rodents				3	Spoilage
Insects				-	Blight
Fungus				-	Blight
Malcontents			-	Mutiny
Agitators			-	Mutiny
Rebellion			-	Mutiny
Confrontation			1	Raid
Food Poisoning			1	Hunger
Hypothermia			-	Cold
Snow				-	Cold
Frost Bite			-	Cold
Epidemic       			4	Disease
Fever				2	Disease
Despair				-	Mutiny
Go Native			-	Special
Return on next Ship		-	Special
Kicked Out: 			-	Special
Lose Leader			-	Special
Disorder       			-	Mutiny
Conspiracy			3	Raid
Lice				1	Disease
Massacre       			3	Raid
Typhus				3	Disease
Mosquitoes			2	Disease
Dysentery			3	Disease
Hostilities			1	Raid
Surprise Attack			2	Raid
Influenza			3	Disease

Name:			Notes: 
Diplomacy		Defense
Emissary       		Defense
Interpreter		Defense
Show of Force		Defense
Preemptive Strike	Defense
Retaliation		Defense
Treachery		Defense
Surgeon			Medical
Medicines		Medical
Quarantine		Medical
Strong Leadership	Morale 
Compact			Morale 
Common Goal		Morale 
Trial			Morale 
Common Enemy		Morale 
Quell Uprising		Morale 
Cloth			Trade Good
Beads			Trade Good
Trinkets       		Trade Good
Knives			Trade Good
Shoes & Coats		Trade Good
Guns			Trade Good
Pots & Kettles		Trade Good
Axes & Hoes		Trade Good
Liquor			Trade Good
Trading Party		Trade Good

Name:			Benefit:
Town Hall		Morale (Negate 1 Mutiny card in Rebel Phase)
Church			Morale (Negate 1 Mutiny card in Rebel Phase)
Taverns			Get 1 extra Trade in Trade phase
Trading Posts		Get 1 extra Trade in Trade phase
Warehouses		Negate one Spoilage card in Spoil Phase
Granary			Negate one Spoilage card in Spoil Phase
Lighthouse		Get +1 to Roll in Ship Phase
Docks			Get +1 to Roll in Ship Phase
Tobacco Plantation	Gain 2D6 VP in Harvest Phase in Fall
Cash Crops		Gain 2D6 VP in Harvest Phase in Fall
Lumber Mill		Worth 20 VP
Logging Camp		Worth 20 VP
Fences			All Livestock  Food cards earn +1 FT
Clear Land for Pasture	All Livestock  Food cards earn +1 FT
Fill in Swamp		Negates first Disease card each turn
Clear Land for Crops	All Farm Food cards earn +1 FT
Irrigation Project	All Farm Food cards earn +1 FT
Shipyard       		All Fish Food cards earn +1 FT
Fishing Fleet		All Fish Food cards earn +1 FT
Stockade       		Defense +1 (Negate 1 Raid card in Raid Phase)
Palisade       		Defense +1 (Negate 1 Raid card in Raid Phase)

Plymouth Plantation
Jamestown Settlement
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Roanoke Colony


The Colonies had very little contact in the beginning, however, to 
Increase player interaction in this game, Players may at any time freely 
trade cards from their hands, as well as CT and FT. 

Players may take their turns together. 
If you choose to proceed together, each player goes in turn order 
(determined in setup) within each Phase. 

Instead of starting in Winter (Historical Coincidence) players each 
Start in a random Season. 

Each colony has 2 Leaders. 

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