by Peter Cobcroft

Multi-player Card game.
Space Opera / Sci-Fi theme.
Warp / Euchre type Format.

Farscape is a copyrighted, trademarked, licensed property.
This is merely a fan site.
Warning - this game contains spoilers for the entire series.

To have the characters with the highest scores by the time the series
ends.  The character with the highest score is deemed to be the
'star' of the series.

There is one common deck to draw from.

Click Here     Newest Set. 

Click Here for randomizer.

Character cards.  
Event cards.
Character Exit cards.
Play Change cards.

Each player receives 5 cards.  The player in the blackest clothing
goes first.  Play proceeds clockwise.

1. Draw a card
2. Play a card
3. Obey any special rules on a card

The game ends when the 'End of Season' card is played.  Note - longer
games can be played if four seasons are run.  When the 'End of
Season' card is played, reshuffle all cards and keep a running score.

A player may not have more than five cards in their hand at the
beginning of their turn, unless the rules have changed.

Unless the play rules have changed, a player only draws one card from
the deck. 
If there are no cards left to draw from, reshuffle the discard pile
and keep going.

Unless the play rules have changed, a player only plays one card from
their hand. They may play it to the active area in front of them, or
they may discard the card to the discard pile.
Character cards are placed in front of the player whose turn it is.
Event cards are placed on top of Character Cards and add to the score
of the Character Card, they may also be played on other Event cards
for a cummulative effect.  Event cards can be played on other
player's Characters.  If doing so decreases MH or PH to zero, then
the character and all events for that character are immediately
Character Exit Cards are placed on top of all the Events of a
particular Character (either yours or someone else's).  Rotate the
pile sideways - no further cards can be played on it.  Character Exit
cards can be played on another player's Character if legal.
Play Change cards can never be discarded from you hand, and when
played they take effect immediately.  Place Play Change cards next to
the discard pile, they are in effect until another card supercedes

A character, when played, usually starts with 2 Mental Health (MH), 2
Physical Health (PH) and usually 1 in another characteristic (C, T,
R, A).  If either MH or PH is reduced to zero, the character is out
of the game.  Take the Character card, and any Event cards played on
that character and put them in the discard pile.
Event cards usually increase one of a character's four scores -
comedy, tragedy, romance or action.  It is the sum of these scores
that gives a character's final score.  An Event card can only be
played on another Event card or an un-Exited Character.
Character Exit cards are played on a character so that they form a
complete character journey, only when a character has had an Exit
card played on them do they count towards your score when the game
ends.  Some Exit cards reduce your scores in certain attributes if
they are played.  If it reduces an attribute below 1, then it can not
be played on that Character.

C Character card
E Event card
X Character Exit card
P Play Change card
Tr Tragedy
Co Comedy
Ro Romance
Ac Action
MH Mental Health
PH Physical Health

Character Descriptor Notes:
Abbreviation - Name:(Game Effect)Description:
H -  Hunted: A group is actively chasing you.
E -  Exiled: You may not go home.
B -  Betrayed: You were betrayed by someone you trusted.
A -  Authority:(+1 Tr)You once held a position of authority.
M -  Mistrust:(+1 Tr)Other character mistrust you.
HA - Hidden Ally:One other character is loyal to you.
UM - Ulterior Motives:You have your own agenda.
N -  Naive:(+1 Tr)You don't understand the universe as well as everyone else.
MU - Mentally Unstable:(+2 Tr, -1 MH) You suffer from a mental illness.
EU - Emotionally Unstable:(+2 Tr, -1 MH) You are childish.

Name:                           Description:                 Notes:
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan                Delvian Priest               H  
Aeryn Sun                       Ex-PeaceKeeper Commando      B, E
Ka D'Argo                       Luxan Warrior                B
Chiana                          Nebari Thief                 E, H
Dominar Rygel XVI               Hynerian Royalty             E, A
Commander John Crichton         Human Scientist              E, N, H   
Captain Bilar Crais             PeaceKeeper Captain          H, M, A
Scorpius                        PeaceKeeper Special Ops      UM, A, HA, M
SikozuSvalaShantiSugaysiShanu   Kalish Biloid                UM
Pilot                           Pilot                        E, N
Joolushko Tunay Fento Hovalis   Interion Student Naïve       N
Utu-Noranti Pralatong           Traskan Herbologist          UM
Stark                           Banik Strykera               MU, UM
Jothee                          Luxan Hybrid                 EU, HA
Moya                            Leviathan                    E
Talyn                           Leviathan Hybrid             EU, N, H
Lieutenant Braca                PeaceKeeper Officer          A, UM, HA
Commandant Mele-On Grayza       PeaceKeeper Officer          A, M

Name                            Description                  Notes
Martyrdom                       Zhaan (SIW:WFTW)             -3 Tr if not Hunted 
Martyrdom                       Crichton (IP:IA)             -3 Ro if not Exiled 
Martyrdom                       Crais (ITLD:WISC)            -3 Ac if not Mistrust 
Martyrdom                       Talyn (ITLD:WISC)            Any 
Betrayed and killed             Aeryn (DMD)                  -3 Ro if not Betrayed 
Settled down with own species   Jool (WWL)                   -3 Co if not Naive 
Executed                        Stark (TUT)                  -3 Co if not Mentally Unstable 
Running from awkward situation  Jothee (SAL)                 -3 Ac if not Emotionally Unstable 
Spiritual quest                 Stark (F)                    -3 Tr if not Ulterior Motives 
Switch Sides                    Sikozu (BT)                  Any 
Court Martialled                Grayza (WSS:LB)              -3 Ac if not Authority

Name                            Description                     Notes
Make friends w. useful skills   Crichton (P)                    +1 Ac
Get secondhand equipment                                        +1 Ac
Unexpected holiday              Crichton (JC, TL), Aeryn (TL)   +1 Tr, +1 PH
Joyful anomally                 Crichton, Rygel, Chiana (TTLG)  +1 Co, +1 MH
Share personal tragedy          D'Argo (TGAS)                   +1 Tr, +1 MH
Upgrade equipment               Crichton (TTBRC)                +1 Ac
Rescue unfortunate              All (BTBW)                      +1 Ac
Start relationship              (PKTG, TF, OOTM, RA)            +1 Ro
Heal emotional damage           (TTS), AS(TC), Z(MTB), BC(FT)   +1 MH
Party                           (LATP, SNS, WGFA)               +1 MH
Information on personal quest   (ACN, TL, AHR, THM, ITLD)       +1 Ac
Make friends of own species     (LATP,TF,VM,F,ACN,WWL,WSS:HTK)  +1 Ro
Enemy becomes useful ally       Crais (LGAM:PB), Scorpius (CBC) +1 Ac
New power                       Chiana (LT)                     +1 Ac
Reunited with lover             Crichton (F)                    +1 Ro
Training                        (MAA)                           +1 Ac, +1 MH
New ship                        D'Argo (SAL), Crais (FT)        +1 Ac
Presumed dead is returned       (SOD, ACN, TFS)                 +1 Tr
Stripped                        Crichton (P)                    +1 Co
Robbed                          Crichton (P), Natira (LGAM)     +1 Tr
Make new enemies                JC (THM, LATP), Aeryn (P)       +1 Tr
Exploited                       P(DNAMS), KD, Z(TGIFA), J(SNS)  +1 Tr
Disturbing anomally             Crichton (AHR, TTLG)            -1 MH
Create personal tragedy         AS/JC(SAL,DWTB), C/KD(SOD)      +1 Tr, -1 MH
Lose loved one                  JC(DMD), St(SIW:WFTW), C(TTS)   +1 Tr
Betrayed by rescuee             (BABABTTF, DR, ABL, F)          +1 Tr
Insanity                        All (CDM)                       -1 MH
Attacked by friend              J(EM), JC (TFAL, RA), KD (TFAL) +1 Tr
Loved one becomes enemy         Aeryn (R)                       +1 Tr
Mind read                       (N, THM, WGFA, ISTFIA, THM)     +1 Co, +1 Tr
Captured                        JC (often), (ISTFIA), AS(BHTB)  +1 Tr, +1 Ac
Tortured                        JC(often), Sc(WSS:HTK), BC(THM) +2 Tr, -1 PH, -1 MH
Psychological torture           JC (WGFA), BC (TOBM), Z (PIYW)  -2 MH
Betrayed                        Crais (FT), All (FT)            +1 Tr
Possessed                       JC(often), C (LT), BC (GEM)     +1 Tr, -1 PH
Dark secret revealed            Aeryn (TWWW)                    +1 Tr
Dark secret faked               Aeryn (GEM)                     +1 Tr
Spacewalking/trapped in space   (TGAS,FT,LATP:IDIT,GEM,DWTB)    -1 PH
Put on trial                    Zhaan (R:U/DALD), All (TUT)     +1 Ac
Petrified                       Crichton (LATP:IDIT)            -1 PH
Beheaded                        Crichton (LATP:TMC)             -1 PH
Dismembered                     Sikozu (CK, TS)                 -2 PH
Time travel                     JC(BABABTTF), All (DD,K)        +1 Co, +1 Tr, +1 Ac
Tested                          Crichton (AHR), Crichton (UR)   +1 Ac
Cloned                          D'Argo, Chiana, Crichton (EM)   +1 Co, +1 Tr, +1 Ro, +1 Ac
Dress in drag                   JC (CBC, SNS), KD (CBC, UR)     +1 Co
Farting                         Rygel (many episodes)           +2 Co
Vomiting                        (LMST, LMST, TTLG, CBC)         +1 Co
Urination                       Rygel (TGIFA), Crichton (OOTM)  +1 Co
Sneezing                        All (BTBW, HOTR)                +1 Co
Spitting                        R(P),JC(N),BC(THM),S(I,WSS:HTK) +1 Co
Nosepicking                     Rygel, Crichton                 +1 Co
Mind control/Possession         (ABL, season 2, LT, APM)        +1 Tr
Self mutilation                 KD(IET,TGAS,VM),C(TTS),Sc(rods) +1 Tr
Jealousy                        KD(season3),JC(GEM),BC(season2) +1 Ro
Attempted suicide               Jool (EM)                       +1 Tr
Fear                            often                           +1 Tr
Betrayal                        R(FT),BC(FT, R),Sc(Promises)    +1 Tr
Hostage/Kidnapping              (ISTIA,LGAM:WFLT,WSS,WWL:R)     +1 Ac
Terrorism                       All (ITLD)                      +1 Ac
Murder                          (DR,HOTR,THM,ABL,CDM,TWWW,APM)  +1 Tr
Euthanasia                      Chiana (HOTR)                   +1 Tr
Birth                           Chiana/Moya/Talyn (FT)          +1 Ro
Child abuse                     Scorpius (I)                    +1 Tr
Drugs                           (TGIFA,SNS,M),JC(DWTB,season4)  +1 Co
Massacre                        Locals (DD)                     +1 Ac
Inter species Sex               (LATP,AHR,M,SOD,I,LGAM)         +1 Ro
Same species Sex                JC (RIB), AS (TWWW), R(F)       +1 Ro
Adultery                        D'Argo, Chiana, Jothee (SOD)    +1 Tr, +1 Ro
Carnal knowledge                (SOD, ACN, HOTR, K)             +1 Tr, +1 Ro, -1 MH
Fetish/Bondage                  (LGAM:WFLT,  WGFA)              +1 Ro, -1 MH
Group sex                       (implied WGFA)                  +1 Ro, +1 Co
Incest                          Crichton/Leslie (implied WGFA)  +1 Tr, -2 MH
Rape                            Rylana (I), (implied WSS:FA)    +1 Tr, -1 MH
Homosexuality/Bisexuality       (implied WGFA, OOTM), Chiana    +1 Co
Masturbation                    (OOTM)                          +1 Co
Prostitution                    Chiana (implied, often)         +1 Tr
Nudity                          Zhaan (P, TFAL), Crichton (P)   +1 Co
Specific trait emphasized       All (M)                         Double highest stat of character

Name(Description)              Notes:
Body swap (All but JC(UR))     Move every un-Exited Character cards and events one player to the left
Body swap (All but Z(OOTM))    Move every un-Exited Character cards and events one player to the right
Wormhole (All (often))         Play reverses direction
Wormhole (All (often))         Play reverses direction
Quick Draw                     Players now draw +1 cards per turn
Hidden Cache                   Players now draw +1 cards per turn
Ambidextrous                   Players now must play +1 cards per turn
Ambidextrous                   Players now must play +1 cards per turn
Play whole hand                Players must play all cards in their hand per turn
Delete rule                    Discard one Play Change card
Delete rule                    Discard one Play Change card
Cliff Hanger (every season)    Hand size is reduced by 1 
Cliff Hanger (every season)    Hand size is reduced by 2
Anticlimax                     Hand size is now 7 cards
Virtual reality game           (Chiana, Crichton (JQ))*
End of Season                  The season ends
* = Swap any of your un-Exited Characters for one other player's 
else's un Exited Characters, including all Events played on the characters.

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