WWI Biplane dog fighting.
Get in your Sopwith Camel and take out some Albatrosses.
1 plane per player.

Use a Hex map.
The map should depict a sky with clouds, or a WWI battlefield.

Each player gets to fly one WWI era fighter plane.
The model or figure or pawn must fit within 1 space of the map
Six sided dice are needed

Players share a common deck.
The deck has 52 custom cards.

There are 6 steps of Altitude (1-6).
Use a six sided die to record the altitude of your plane.
The ground would be considered altitude = 0.

A plane can shoot a maximum of 12 times.
Use dice to record Ammo.

Planes start on opposite ends of the map facing towards the middle.
Planes start at an altitude of 1D6.
Your plane starts with a velocity = 3
Players start with 2 cards each.

During every round each player gets a turn.
At the beginning of each round each player rolls high on 
1D6 to determine turn order. Reroll ties.
Keep the turn order constant in a 2 player game.
Each turn has 2 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Move Phase
2a. Shoot Segment
2b. Observer Shoots Segment

Draw 2 cards from the common deck.
Maximum hand size = 6.
Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and use it.
You may discard 2 cards to draw 1 card once on your turn.

Your plane must move a number of spaces equal to it's velocity.
Velocity ranges from 0 to 6.
Use a die to record your plane's velocity.
You may freely change your facing 1 arc (hex side or 60 degrees) 
anytime during your move.
You may freely increase (Climb) or decrease (Dive) your altitude 1 step 
anytime during your move.
You may freely increase or decrease your velocity by 1
anytime during your move.
You may discard a move card from your hand to gain extra movement 
anytime during your move.
The number of Move cards you can play per turn is determined by plane type.
A description of the movement allowed by each type of Move card:
Left: change your facing 1 arc to the left.
You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Right: change your facing 1 arc to the right.
You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Hard Left: change your facing 1 arc to the left and velocity +1.
You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Hard Right: change your facing 1 arc to the right and velocity +1.
You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Forward: Velocity +1 or -1.
You may increase or decrease your altitude 1 step.
Slide Left: Move your plane into the space 1 arc to the left of forward. 
Do not change the plane’s facing. You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Slide Right: Move your plane into the space 1 arc to the right of forward. 
Do not change the plane’s facing. You may decrease your altitude 1 step.
Immelman (Loop): Move backwards 4 spaces. Do not change the plane’s facing.
You may increase or decrease your altitude 1 step.
You must have a velocity of 5+ to do a loop.
If your ending velocity = 0 or 1, your opponent may play a Stall card on you.
If you stall, you must play a recover card or you immediately drop 2 steps of altitude.
If this puts you at 0 or less steps you crash.
All cards played are discarded.
Two planes in the same hex at the same altitude crash.

This segment is part of your Move phase.
You make take this segment at any point during your Move phase.
You must discard a Shoot Card to attack.
If your opponent is 6 spaces directly in front of you he takes 1D6-5 hits.
If your opponent is 5 spaces directly in front of you he takes 1D6-4 hits.
If your opponent is 4 spaces directly in front of you he takes 1D6-3 hits. 
If your opponent is 3 spaces directly in front of you he takes 1D6-2 hits.
If your opponent is 2 spaces directly in front of you he takes 1D6-1 hits.
If your opponent is 1 space directly in front of you he takes 1D6 hits.
The target must be at the same altitude or 1 step lower.
A plane that takes 6 or more hits is shot down.
The target player may discard a Recover card to evade the attack.
The attacker may also play a stall card on an opponent that was hit.
Every time a plane is hit for 1 or more points of damage roll 1D6.
On a roll of 1 on 1D6 roll on the Critical Hit Table.

This segment is part of your Move phase.
You make take this segment at any point during your Move phase.
If your plane has an observer, play a Shoot card to let him attack.
The observer attacks into the 60 degree arc behind the plane.
If your opponent is 3 spaces behind you he takes 1D6-4 hits.
If your opponent is 2 spaces behind you he takes 1D6-3 hits.
If your opponent is 1 space directly behind you he takes 1D6-1 hits.
The target must be at the same altitude or 1 step higher.
A plane that takes 6 or more hits is shot down.
The target player may discard a Recover card to evade the attack.
The attacker may also play a stall card on an opponent that was hit.
Every time a plane is hit for 1 or more points of damage roll 1D6.
On a roll of 1 on 1D6 roll on the Critical Hit Table:

1D6	Hit			Notes
1	Pilot Killed		Kill the observer first if there is one.
2	Engine Damaged		Max Speed –2.
3	Gas Tank Punctured	Plane must land in 2D6 turns.
4	Cables Severed		Maneuverability -1.
5	Controls Jammed		Hand Size -2.
6	Struts Damaged		Plane can no longer climb or loop.

Card		#	Type	
Left		6	M
Right		6	M
Slide Left	3	M
Slide Right	3	M
Forward		9	M
Hard Left	3	M
Hard Right	3	M
Immelman	3	M
Stall		3	--
Recover		3	--
Shoot		9	--
Ace		1	--
M = Move card
The Ace card may be used as any other type of card except stall.

Name			Side		Maneuverability	Observer
Sopwith Camel		Allies		2		No
Bristol F2b		Allies		1		Yes
Fokker D-V11		German		2		No
Albatros C-V		German		1		Yes
Maneuverability is the number of Movement cards a plane may use on its Move turn. 
Planes with observers have a max speed of 5.
Planes without observers have a max speed of 6.

Ace pilots get +1 Maneuverability.
Aces have 5+ kills.

These include Clouds & Balloons.
Use counters to indicate these on the map.
Indicate the altitude of Clouds and balloons.

Clouds may occupy 1 or more hexes.
Planes may move into or through clouds.
Planes cannot shoot into or through clouds.

Balloons occupy 1 hex.
Planes may shoot down balloons. (1 hit destroys them)
Planes that move into baloons crash.

Ground units are stationary.
Use counters to indicate ground units on the map.
Rifles have a range of 1 hex and 1 altitude step.
Machine guns have a range of 1 hex and 2 altitude steps.
Flak guns have a range of 3 hexes and 6 altitude steps.
If an enemy plane comes in range of one of your ground units, 
discard a shoot card to do damage in your shoot phase:
Rifles do 1D6-5 damage.
A machine gun does 1D6-4 damage.
A Flak gun does 1D6-2 damage.

Shoot down your opponents.
Other scenario objectives may include:
Shooting down balloons, spotting missions, aerial photography, 
strafing/bombing trenches, dropping propaganda leaflets, etc.

The following counter & card set was created by Janne Thörne:
Janne has also made sets for Blitz, Cannonade & Midway.

Biplane Dogfight Game Rabbidgerbal

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