by Tom Higgins
Using just One sheet of 8.5x11 (or the euro
equiv) that when folded just right the text and all would make
a very cool very compact zinelete.
Here is the simple version.
Take a piece of 8.5X11 or its equiv.
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Take the bottom edge and fold it up to the top (thus folding it
in half)
| (Top) |
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| (Bottom) |
(fold up to top)
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Then Take the left edge and fold it across to the right (thus
floding it in half again)
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|L | R|
|e | i|
|f | g|
|t | h|
| | t|
(fold across to right)
What you should have should resemble a little 4 page booklete.
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If you mark the Front as cover, the Back as Back , and the inner
two section as Inner1 and Inner 2 then unfold the paper this is
what you will get
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| Back | Cover |
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| Inside 2 | Inside 1 |
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(The once caveat, in order to get everything facing the right
way you need to flip the text upside down in the Inside1 and
Inside 2 sections. MS Word can do this easy as can some other
non MS Wordmanglers.)
The back of the page would be the game map and counter, the game
sheet, etc.
Now what is this good for? Lots.
One application could be in getting some of the games out and
spread around as one page samzdat. For instance.
Malta Convoy. The rules would fit in the front side of the page
and the gamesheet would cover the back side. You could read the
rules, then unfold and play.
You could easily print the gmes out and pass them around, leave
them on the counters of game shops, in book or magazine stores
etc etc etc.
Here is a PDF with a ready to print, ready to fold game.
I used Malta Convoy cause I had the grfx ready.
Well I thought MSword did it, problem is it just does both side
and top not upside down
I used the tables featuer in word to get the page borken up into
the four qudrants. Then I formated the text as I wanted it save
for the upside down part of the bottom two quads.
I then took a screen snapshot of the word doc I was using and
then pasted the image into an art program (pick your fave).
I then cropped out the parts I did not need and wound up with
just the two sections that needed flipping. Then I flipped them
and pasted them back into word as images.
The thing is you loose the ability to play with them as text at
that point, so you better have done all the editing you need to do
before. Its not that hard to redo it, just extra steps.
Then i converted the thing to PDF and bingo, done.
If I can get word to odo upside down text i can do away with the
grfx part:)-