Card game for 2 players. 
Based on Hindu Mythology
One player is the Good Blue Skinned Rama
The other is the Evil 10-headed, 40-Armed Demon King Ravana

Kill the opposing Leader.

Each player has a unique Deck. 
There are 9 basic card types:
Note: Strikes, Defenses & Events are discarded after being played. 
Units, Weapons, Armor, and Mods stay in play until destroyed.

Leaders, Heroes, & Troops are collectively referred to as Units.
A Unit may attach:
1 Close Weapon
1 Armor
1 Ranged Weapon
Any number of Modifiers

Each player draws the top 7 cards of his deck.
Each player starts with their Leader card in play.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 Phases
Destiny Phase
Summon Phase
Battle Phase
Heal Phase

Draw 3 cards from your Fate Deck.

Put Heroes & Troops into play.
Attach Weapons, Armor, Mounts, and Modifiers. 

You (the Attacker) may attack with some, none, or all of your units. 
Your Opponent (the Defender) determines which of his units block which attackers. 
A maximum of 1 Unit may block 1 Attacker (form pairs). 
Attacking & Defending Units do damage to each other equal to their Strength. 
Strike Cards can be played to increase the Damage done by a Unit. 
A Defense Card negates all the damage done by one unit to another unit. 
Use Markers (counters/coins/chits) to indicate Damage.
Units with a number of Damage markers that exceed their Defense level are destroyed.
If 2 units do enough damage to destroy each other, the unit that does the most 
damage wins. The loser is killed. The winner keeps damage markers enough to kill him -1.  
Any unblocked attacking units automatically attack the opponents Leader.
The Damage done by a Leader to Units attacking that Leader is divided 
up amongst the Attackers by the controller of the attacked Leader.  

Troop units remove 1 Damage Marker each
Heroes remove 2 Damage Markers each
Leaders remove 3 Damage Markers each
Cards that Heal are played in this phase
Maximum hand size is 8 cards. Excess cards are discarded.

STR = Strength
DEF = Defense
L = Leader
H = Heroes 
T = Troops
RH = Ranged Weapons for Hero
CH = Close Weapons for Hero
AH = Armor for Hero
ZH = Mounts for Hero
RT = Ranged Weapons for Troops
CHT = Close Weapons for Hero or Troops
CT = Close Weapons for Troops
AT = Armor for Troops
ZT = Mounts for Troops
SH = Strikes by Hero
DH = Defenses by Hero
ST = Strikes by Troops
DT = Defenses by Troops
WM = Weapon Modifier
AM = Armor Modifier
HM = Hero Modifier
TM = Troop Modifier
SM = Strike Modifier
HTM = Hero or Troop Modifier
E = Events
BP = Both Players
DO = Discard others
SDF = Search Deck for
APIIYH = And put it in your hand
IKOMD2C = If killed, opponent must discard 2 cards
CBWOA = Cannot bear Weapons or Armor
MOD = May only Defend
D1C&LAOH = Draw 1 card & look at opponents hand

Card Name			Type	STR	DEF	Notes
Rama				L	10	20	
Lakshman			H	9	8	Rama’s Brother
Hanuman				H	8	8	Ape son of the Wind God
Sugriva the Monkey King		H	2	3	Draw 1 extra card per turn
Vishvamitra the Brahmin		H	1	2	All your Heroes are +1/+1
Vibhishan the Betrayer		H	1	1	All enemy units are DEF –1
Bear King Jamvuvan		H	4	6	
Angada Vanar Heir-Apparent	H	2	3		  
Divine Armaments		CH	+3	-	
Summon Magical Weapons		E	-	-	SDF Weapon APIIYH
Mantras				E	-	-	Draw 5 cards & discard 4
Invincible			WM	+3	-	
Invisible			WM	+2	-	
The Unbending Bow		RW	+2	-	Arrow Strikes are STR +2
Arts of War			HM	+1	+1	
Bow & Arrow			RT	+2	-
Swords & Maces			CT	+2	-
Discs & Javelins		RT	+2	-	
Destiny				E	-	-	BP Discard hand & draw 5 cards
Arayan Warriors			T	2	2	
Blessings			HTM	+1	+1	
Chariots			ZT	+2	-	
Archers				T	3	1	Arrow Strikes are STR +2
Sacred Texts			E	-	-	Draw 2 cards
Stored Merit			E	-	-	Draw 4 cards keep Strikes DO
Spiritual Energy		SM	+5	-	
Metaphysical Power		SM	+X	-	X = # of cards in your hand
Holiness			HM	+2	+2	
Incinerating Glance		SH	+4	-	
Smash Limbs			SH	+4	-	
Divine Diamond Bow		RH	+3	-	
Inexhaustible Quiver		WM	+2	-	Attach to RH
Golden Sword			CH	+3	-	
Martial Duties			HTM	+1	+1	
Knightly Prowess		HM	+1	+1	
Invincible Arrow		SH	+5	-	Arrow
Holy Arrow			SH	+4	-	Arrow
Cut Down in Midair		DH	-	-	
Comrades-at-Arms		E	-	-	All Units get STR+1 this turn
Kshatriya Fighters		T	4	3	
Order of the Universe		E	-	-	SDF Unit APIIYH
Indra’s Thunderbolt		SH	+7	-
Vishnu’s Disk			SH	+6	-
Jatayu King of the Birds	H	5	3	CBWOA
Mercy				E	-	-	Target Enemy not killed & Draw 3 cards
Vanar Apes			T	4	4	
Black Apes			T	3	5	
Red Apes			T	5	3	
Bhalluka Bears			T	6	6	
Speed of a Zephyr		MH	+1	+1	
Jump 100 Miles			E	-	-	SDF Unit APIIYH
Increase Size			DH	-	-
Shrink				DH	-	-	
Escape				DH	-	-	
Bad Omens			E	-	-	Opponent must discard 3 cards
Garuda Vyuha Formation		E	-	-	All Troops get STR+1
Prayer				E	-	-	Draw 2 cards
Spear & Axe			CT	+2	-	
Ground Soggy with Blood		D	-	-	
General Neela			H	6	5	All Troops get STR+1
Massive Stone			SH	+5	-	
Uprooted Tree			SH	+4	-	
Brahma Arrow			SH	+5	-	Arrow
Ayodhyan Prince			H	4	5	
Cyclonic Power Punch		SH	+6	-	
Three Flaming Bolts		SH	+3	-	Arrows
Salve Wounds			E	-	-	Heal 4
Potent Himalayan Balm		E	-	-	Heal 6
Apish Infantrymen		T	6	6	
Form Defensive Circle		D	-	-	
Eagle Avatar of Vishnu		H	9	7	CBWOA
Band of Stalwarts		T	4	6	
Hurl Mighty Boulder		SH	+4	-	
Wind Arrows			SH	+3	-	Arrows
Scimitar Quills			SH	+3	-	Arrows
Sever Limbs			SH	+5	-	
Arrow of Indra			SH	+6	-	Arrow
Arrow of Kuvera			SH	+4	-	Arrow
Eagle Weapons			SH	+3	-	Negate Snake Weapon or Strike
Agni Fire Weapons		SH	+4	-	
Shula Black Steel Trident	CH	+3	-	
Vision				E	-	-	SDF Strike APIIYH
Arrow of Vishnu			SH	+9	-	

Card Name			Type	STR	Armor	Notes
Ravana the Demon King		L	10	20
Kumbhakarna the Devourer	H	12	12	CBWOA
Indrajit			H	9	9	Sorcerer son of Ravana
Surpanakha			H	3	1	Ravana’s Sister
Maricha				H	1	3	IKOMD2C
Rakshasas of the Forest		T	4	4	
Demonesses			T	3	3	
Yellow Rakshasas		T	2	2	
Vast Army of Demons		T	8	8
Massed Legions			T	7	7	
Death Dealing Demons		T	4	2	
Giant Headless Demon		H	8	6	CBWOA
Demon Bull			H	6	4	CBWOA
Fearsome Naga Serpent		H	9	9	CBWOA-MOD
Huge Demons			T	5	5
Demon Henchmen			T	4	3	
Hungry & Horrible		HTM	+1	+1
Armed for Slaughter		CHT	+2	-	
Thirsty for Gore		E	-	-	All Units get STR+1 this turn
Double Headed Battle Axes	CT	+2	-	
Crushing Mallets		CT	+2	-	
Freshly Honed Sabers		CT	+2	-	
Bronze Discuses			RT	+2	-	
Hurl Lances			ST	+3	-	
Razory Talons			CHT	+2	-	
Black Blooded			HTM	+1	+1	
Swoop Down			SH	+3	-	
Ravenous Beasts			T	2	3	CBWOA
Immune to Warriors		HM	-	+5	
Disguise			SM	+3	-	
Illusion			SM	+3	-	
Deception			DH	-	-	
Giant Scorpions			ZT	+3	-
Magical Trick			DH	-	-	
Magic Chariot			ZH	+2	-	
Boon of Invulnerability		MH	-	+5	
Regenerate			E	-	-	Heal 4
Heads Grow Back			E	-	-	Heal 5
Disciple of Shiva		MH	+1	+1	
Sin of Pride			E	-	-	Draw 2 cards
Seize Shadow			SM	+3	-	
Three Tusked Elephants		ZT	+2	+1
Polyglot Ogresses		T	2	3	
Demon Soldiers			T	2	2	
Magic Net			D	-	-	
Spies				E	-	-	D1C&LAOH
Demon Magic			SM	+2	-	
Tridents & Daggers		CT	+2	-	
Battle Dust			D	-	-	
Yama the God of Death		E	-	-	Each side must discard 2 Troops
Eat their Victims		E	-	-	Heal 3
General Prahasta		H	5	4	All Troops get STR+1
Akampana			H	6	3	Arrow Strikes are STR +2
Torrent of Arrows		SH	+4	-	Arrows
Atikaya				H	4	6	
Impenetrable Armor		AH	-	+4	
Swirling Eddy of Destruction	SH	+5	-	
Obliterate 			SH	+6	-	
Quill of Fire			SH	+3	-	Arrow
Thunderbolt Fist		SH	+5	-	
Hailstorm of Arrows		SH	+4	-	Arrows
Giant Discus			RH	+2	-	
Naga Weapons			RH	+3	-	Venomous Serpents
Replenish Sorcery		E	-	-	Heal 3
Vicious Sword			CH	+3	-	
Magic Net of Snakes		SH	+5	-	
Magic Rite			E	-	-	Draw 2 cards
Duty				HTM	+1	+1	
Arrow of Yama			SH	+3	-	Arrow
Invisibility			HM	+2	+4	
Dart from Rudra			SH	+3	-	Arrow
Volley of Bolts			SH	+4	-	Arrow
Lion Mouth Arrows		SH	+3	-	Arrow

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