Card and Board Game for 2-4+ players.
Theme: The finances and status of the great country houses built in
England and Scotland in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Each player controls one noble who is making improvements to his estate.
The game ends when any player has more than 30 Improvements.
End game scoring is then conducted.
The player with the most status wins.
The board is a circular track with 16 spaces:
1. Country (start)
2. Agriculture
3. Architect
4. Mining
5. Land
6. Accomodations
7. Industry
8. Features
9. London
10. Trade
11. Style
12. Titles
13. Rents
14. Construction
15. Credit
16. Collections
Each player gets a pawn of a unique color.
Pawns move around the track.
Six sided dice are needed.
There are 2 Decks of cards:
The Income Deck and the Status Deck.
The top 4 cards of each deck are always kept face up.
If any cards are purchased or discarded immediately draw a new one to replace it.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each coin is worth 1000 Pounds.
The income deck has six types of cards:
A = Agriculture
M = Mining
I = Industry
T = Trade
L = Titles
C = Credit
Each card has a cost and an income value.
The status deck has six types of cards:
R = Architecture
S = Style
O = Collections
X = Accommodations
F = Features
N = Construction
Each card has a cost and a status value
Each player gets 20 Coins.
Each player starts with an Estate Size = 10.
Each player picks one of the Aristocrats.
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.
Shuffle the decks.
Flip over the top 4 cards of each deck.
These are face-up and spread out and are available for purchase.
Name: Special Ability:
Duke Starts with Estate Size +2
Marquis Starts with 2 Random Status Cards
Earl Starts with 10 extra Coins
Count Starts with 2 Random Agriculture Cards
Merchant Starts with 5 land and 4 Random Trade Cards
You cannot have more total Agriculture, Mines, and Industry
Improvements than your Estate size.
Beginning estate size is 10.
Each point of Estate size is equivalent to 300 acres.
On your turn roll one die.
You may go either forwards or backwards.
If you land on a space that has one or more matching cards face up, you may buy them.
Place cards you own face up in front of you.
OR If you land on a space that has an income type matching income cards you own you may
Collect income from them equal to their total income value.
Note: You cannot buy and collect income in the same turn.
If you land on the Country space you may discard all the face up income cards and go again.
If you land on the London space you must pay 2 Coins then you may discard all
The face up status cards and go again.
If you land on the Land space you may pay 2D6 Coins to increase the size of your Estate by 1.
If you land on the Rent space gain 1D6 Coins.
When you land on the agriculture space you can both collect income and purchase any
available agriculture improvement cards.
Credit cards do not cost anything to buy.
They give an immediate one time windfall of coins and are then discarded.
If two or more are available, you may only take one.
Trade is very profitable, but also risky.
Every time you gain income from a Trade card roll 1D6: On a roll of 6 discard the card.
Industry requires large investments, but generates accordingly large incomes.
Note there are 6 Suites in the Status Deck.
Add up the Status Points of all of your Status cards.
A Set is one card from each suite.
Get an extra 30 Points for each complete Set you own.
Name: Type: Cost: Income:
Farming A 1 1
Enclosures A 1 1
Barley & Oats A 2 1
Husbandry A 2 1
Horticulture A 3 2
Orchards & Groves A 3 2
Drain Marshes A 4 2
Cattle Droves A 4 2
Timber Yard A 5 3
Forestry A 5 3
Coal M 3 2
Quarries M 4 2
Limestone M 5 3
Clay M 6 3
Lead M 7 4
Strip Mine M 8 4
Iron Ore M 9 5
Shaft Mine M 10 5
Drift Mine M 11 6
Marble M 12 6
Textiles I 2 1
Linen Factory I 4 2
Weaving I 6 3
Spinning I 8 4
Cotton Mill I 10 5
Brick Works I 12 6
Pottery Works I 14 7
Paper Mill I 16 8
Glass Works I 18 9
Forge & Foundry I 20 10
Cotton T 1 2
Caribbean T 2 2
African T 3 4
American Colonies T 4 4
Manufactured Goods T 5 6
Sugar T 6 6
Tobacco T 7 8
Slave Trade T 8 8
Bounties T 9 10
Smuggling T 10 10
Pensions L 1 1
Political Posts L 2 1
Sinecures L 3 2
Keeper of the Signet L 4 2
Master of Works L 5 3
Lord Advocate L 6 3
Secretary of State L 7 4
Keeper of the Privy Seal L 8 4
President of the Privy Council L 9 5
Chancellor L 10 5
Loans & Mortgages C - 5
Extension of Credit C - 5
Peerage Rank C - 10
Safe Securities C - 10
Provincial Banks C - 15
National Banks C - 15
Patronage System C - 20
Financial Interests C - 20
Public Investments C - 25
Board of Trustees C - 25
Name: Type: Cost: Status:
Carpentry N 1 1
Masonry N 2 2
Plasterwork N 3 3
Interiors N 4 4
Showcase N 5 5
Imports N 6 6
Landscapes N 7 7
Conspicuous N 8 8
Significant N 9 9
Extensive N 10 10
Fashionable S 1 1
Decorative S 2 2
Aristocratic S 3 3
Elegant S 4 4
Innovative S 5 5
Sophisticated S 6 6
Harmonious S 7 7
Grand S 8 8
Lavish S 9 9
Grandiose S 10 10
Tapestries O 1 1
Silver O 2 2
Acquisitions O 3 3
Rich Decor O 4 4
Porcelain O 5 5
Furniture O 6 6
Sculpture O 7 7
Portraits O 8 8
Paintings O 9 9
Works of Art O 10 10
Ornamentation R 1 1
Classical R 2 2
Scottish R 3 3
English R 4 4
Distinctive R 5 5
Palladian R 6 6
Commissions R 7 7
Symbol of Refinement R 8 8
Symbol of Nobility R 9 9
Symbol of Power R 10 10
Stables X 1 1
Apartments X 2 2
Billiard Room X 3 3
Library X 4 4
Hunting Lodge X 5 5
State Rooms X 6 6
Wings X 7 7
Gardens & Parks X 8 8
Pavilions X 9 9
Great Gallery X 10 10
Cabinetry F 1 1
Cornices F 2 2
Mouldings F 3 3
Paneling F 4 4
Friezes F 5 5
Carvings F 6 6
Stucco Ceilings F 7 7
Chimney Pieces F 8 8
Staircases F 9 9
Façade F 10 10
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