Poker Style card game for 2 players.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Currently the 8 richest men in the world have wealth equal to the
poorest 3.6 Billion people.
The gap between the rich and the poor has been increasing for decades.
Each hand represents 10 years starting with the 1950’s.
One player is the Rich. The other player is the Poor.
At the end of 7 hands, the player with the most points wins.
If the rich player wins, it is business as usual.
If the poor player wins, then the world is a better place.
Players share a common deck.
There are 7 card Types:
Type: Used by:
Rent Seeking Rich player
Enlightened Poor Player
Tax Evasion Rich player
Investment Poor player
Extraction Rich player
Reaction Poor player
Neutral Both players
Each player has 3 types of cards he can use plus the Neutral type.
This equals 4 suites for each player.
Determine who is the rich player and who is the poor player.
Shuffle the deck.
1. Deal each player 5 cards. If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
2. Each player may discard up to 3 cards and draw replacements.
3. Players reveal their hands and score them.
4. All cards are discarded.
Each player has a hand of 5 cards.
This will include cards they can and cannot use.
Points: Hand: Notes:
2 1 Pair 2 of the same Suite
4 3 of a Kind 3 of the same Suite
6 4 of a Kind 4 of the same Suite
8 5 of a Kind 5 of the same Suite
5 2 Pairs 2 of the same Suite and 2 of the same Suite
7 Full House 2 of the same Suite and 3 of the same Suite
5 Flush 4 from 4 different Suites
Card Name: Type: User
World Economic Forum Enlightened Poor
Corporate Responsibility Enlightened Poor
Moral Issue Enlightened Poor
Political Issue Enlightened Poor
Sustainable Prosperity Enlightened Poor
Enlightened Leaders Enlightened Poor
Enlightened Self Interest Enlightened Poor
Shared Prosperity Enlightened Poor
Shifting Taxes Tax Evasion Rich
Lower Tax Jurisdictions Tax Evasion Rich
Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Rich
Offshore Tax Havens Tax Evasion Rich
Tax Competition Tax Evasion Rich
Panama Tax Evasion Rich
Cayman Islands Tax Evasion Rich
Luxembourg Tax Evasion Rich
Long Term Investments Investment Poor
Treat Workers Decently Investment Poor
Increase Wages Investment Poor
Invest in Employees Investment Poor
Technology Investments Investment Poor
Capital Investments Investment Poor
Invest in the Future Investment Poor
Profits back into Company Investment Poor
Lobbying Rent Seeking Rich
Deregulation Rent Seeking Rich
Taxpayers pick up the Tab Rent Seeking Rich
Monopolies Rent Seeking Rich
Subsidies Rent Seeking Rich
Too Big to Fail Rent Seeking Rich
Government Favor Rent Seeking Rich
Rent Seeking Rent Seeking Rich
Demand Fair Share Reaction Poor
Elections Reaction Poor
Referendums Reaction Poor
Rebellion Reaction Poor
Anti-Poverty Organizations Reaction Poor
International Monetary Fund Reaction Poor
Democracy Reaction Poor
Oxfam Reaction Poor
Shareholders Extraction Rich
Top Executives Extraction Rich
Super Rich Extraction Rich
Dividend Payouts Extraction Rich
Under Investing Extraction Rich
Bankruptcy Extraction Rich
Pension Deficits Extraction Rich
Corporate Borrowing Extraction Rich
Global Economy Neutral Both
Economic Gains Neutral Both
Political Systems Neutral Both
Globalization Neutral Both
Market Economies Neutral Both
Corporations Neutral Both
Magnates Neutral Both
Ordinary Citizens Neutral Both
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