Card game based on the Cthulhu Mythos.
Cthulhu is a licensed copyrighted property.
This is merely a Fan Site.
Reduce your opponent to zero Sanity points.
Each player starts with 10,000 Sanity Points.
There are 3 types of creatures:
1. Humans (also Men or allies: Can carry Weapons)
2. Monsters (also Corrupt Humans and Living Dead and Avatars)
3. Major Powers (Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and Elder Gods)
Note: Corrupt & LD Humans are treated like humans for
summoning and carrying weapons, but otherwise treat them as Monsters.
An Avatar is a lesser incarnation of a Major Power.
Major Powers can never be used as Summoning Tribute.
Many cards have a Sanity cost to use them or to put them into play.
This Cost is subtracted from the players remaining total sanity.
Humans have no Sanity Cost.
The Cost to put a Monster or Major Power into play is half of its Force.
The Cost to put an Item or Tome into play is its Force.
The Cost to put a Location or Event into play is its Force.
The Cost to use a Spell is equal to its Force.
The Cost to use an Item is equal to its Force.
The Cost to use the special ability of a Tome is equal to its Force.
Note: When a Spell, Item, or Tome is used, flip it face down.
Flipped cards can take no action.
A card that recieves Delay Tokens is Flipped and
cannot unflip until all the tokens are removed.
The oldest player goes first.
Each player is dealt 7 cards.
Players cannot attack on their first turn.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 11 Phases:
Day Phase
Draw Phase
Event Phase
Travel Phase
Find Phase
Spell Phase
Allies Phase
Weapons Phase
Horror Phase
Threat Phase
Night Phase
Unflip all flipped cards with no Delay tokens on them.
If a card has delay tokens on it, remove 1 Delay token.
Draw 1 card from your deck (or a common deck)
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
You may play one Event card from your hand.
Events are discarded as soon as they are played.
You may play one Location card face up.
(This replaces your previous Location card)
You may Play one Item or Tome face up.
You may attach (Face down underneath) Spell cards to Tomes.
You may Summon (Play) one Human card on your turn from your hand.
The Human is placed Face up.
You may attach weapons to your humans.
(And Monsters listed as CUW: Can use Weapons)
A Human may have only one Weapon attached.
To Attach the weapon the user must have a Force equal to or
greater than the Force of the Weapon.
You may Summon (Play) one Monster or Major Power card on your turn from your hand.
The Monster or Major Power is placed Face up.
Tribute Summons: Summoning a Creature with a Force of 800 or more requires
One or more of your other creatures in play to be discarded (sacrificed) first.
The Sacrificed Creatures must have a total Force equal to at least half the
Force of the creature being summoned.
You may attack with none, some, or all of your creatures (attackers).
If an attacker is unblocked, the target player loses Sanity equal to its Force.
Your opponent may block with his humans and creatures (defenders).
When Creatures are paired up, the creature with the lowest Force is destroyed.
Humans cannot attack, they can only defend.
Invisible humans can attack.
Flipped Creatures (and those with delay tokens) cannot Attack or Defend.
Invisible attackers cannot be blocked.
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
Players construct decks from cards on the card list.
Except for Humans and Monsters, A Deck may have no more than 1 copy of any 1 card.
(Limit 4 for Humans and Monsters)
A Deck may only contain one Major Power card.
A Deck may only contain Avatars if they match the Major Power.
A Deck must contain a minimum 4 Locations.
Standard deck size is 40 to 60 cards.
Spells cannot be cast from your hand.
Spells must be attached to Tomes.
A Tome can attach a number of Spells equal to its Force/100.
Some Creatures and Items can Attach Spells.
Spells can be used multiple times.
Everytime you use a Spell, you lose Sanity equal to the Force of the Spell and
Flip the Spell card. (Cards are unflipped in Start Phase)
If a Tome is Flipped, the attached Spells can still be used.
Items can be used multiple times.
Everytime you use an Item, you lose Sanity equal to the Force of the Item and
Flip the Item card. (Cards are unflipped in Start Phase)
HU = Human
LSR = Lesser Servitor Race
GSR = Greater Servitor Race
GOO = Great Old One
LIR = Lesser Independent Race
GIR = Greater Independent Race
OG = Outer God
EG = Elder God
AV = Avatar
TO = Tome
L = Location
IT = Item
SU = Single Use Spell
EV = Event
CS = Continuous Spell
AS = Activation Spell
SYDFA = Search your deck for a
SDPF = Search your Discard pile for a
APIIYH = And put it in your hand.
Sacrifice = Discard one of your cards in play
Destroy = Discard a card in play
UG = Underground
Sea = Water Monster
Des = Desert
For = Forest
Dark = Darkness
OS = Outer Space
OST = Outside of ordinary Space Time
LD = Living Dead
DS = Discard Spell
MP = Major Power
TS = Tribute Summons
WFP = When First Played
ICAU = If this creature attacks unapposed
CUW = Can Use Weapons & be targeted by Spells that target Humans
D1C = Draw 1 card from the deck and put it in your hand
RDHTP = Return Destroyed Human to Play
AEOT = at end of turn
GOCOC = give opponent control of 1 of your creatures
Cont = Continuous Effect produced by an unflipped card
&P2DT = And put 2 Delay Tokens on this card
FROTP = for rest of this phase (Default for most spells)
PWF+100 = Permanently while in play with Force +100
Name: Type Force Class Notes:
Abhoth OG 2400 UG Grey Horrid Protean Mass; Monstrous Spawn
Ahtu AV 2100 For (Nyarlathotep) Giant Tendriled Tree
Atlach-Nacha GOO 1000 UG Huge Spider; Defense +1000
Azathoth OG 6000 OST Mindless Seething Amorphous Daemon Sultan
Bast EG 1200 Des Cat Goddess; Defense +800
Servants of Bast LSR 400 Des Cat People; Force +400 with Bast
Bokrug GOO 1200 Sea Great Water Lizard
Beings of Ib LSR 400 Sea Primitive Race; Force +400 with Bokrug
Chaugnar Faun GOO 1800 UG Elephantine Humanoid Blood Sucker
Tcho-Tcho LSR 400 For Primitive Men; Force +400 with GOO
Shudde M’ell GOO 2600 UG Giant Tunneling Squid-Worm
Cthonian GIR 1200 UG Force +400 with Shudde M’ell
Colors of Outer Space GIR 1600 OS Invisible Life Force Feeders
Cthugha GOO 2600 OS Great Cloud of Living Fire
Fire Vampire GSR 1300 OS Force +400 with Cthugha
Cyaegha GOO 3200 UG Green Glowing Eye with Tentacles
Daoloth OG 3000 OST Flip: look at top 3 cards of any deck
Dhole GIR 3000 Des Giant Worms; ICAU: Destroy Location
Dimmensional Shambler LIR 800 OST WFP Destroy target Item or Human
Eihort GOO 1000 UG Many Legged Bloated Oval; Defense +1000
Ghasts LIR 600 UG Repulsive Guttural Bipeds
Ghatanothoa GOO 3000 Sea Loathsome Petrifying Extra-galactic Horror
Loigor GIR 1400 OS Invisible; +400 with Ghatanothoa
Ghouls LIR 500 UG Rubbery, Canine Humanoids
Ghoul Leader LIR 600 UG Ghouls get Force +200
Ghoul Shaman LIR 400 UG May attach 1 Spell
Hybrid Ghouls LIR 400 UG CUW
Glakki GOO 2000 Sea Draw 1 card everytime a Human is destroyed
Servants of Glakki LSR 400 Sea Living Dead; +600 with Glakki
Gugs LIR 1200 UG 4-armed Giants with terrible Maws
Hastur the Unspeakable GOO 3000 Sea Titanic Aquatic Being
Byakhee LSR 600 OS Force +400 with Hastur
Hounds of Tindalos GIR 1000 OST WFP Destroy Target Human
Hunting Horrors GSR 1200 Dark Viperine Flyers; Attacking Force +600
Hypnos EG 2400 - God of Sleep; Humans worth double for TS
Ithaqua GOO 2600 Cold No one may play new Locations
Wendigo LSR 600 Cold Force +600 with Ithqua
Gnoph-Keh GIR 1000 Cold Hairy Ice Beast; +400 with Ithaqua
King in Yellow AV 1400 - (Hastur) Tall Man-like being
Leng Spiders LIR 1000 For Immense Bloated Purple Spiders
Lesser Other God OG 2000 OST Giant Mindless Dancing Monstrosities
Martenese Kin LIR 600 UG Degenerate Humans
Moon Beasts LIR 600 OS Pink Toadish Torture Lovers
Nightgaunts LSR 400 - WFP Destroy Target Human; +400 with Nodens
Nodens EG 1200 Sea WFP SYDFA Nightgaunts card APIIYH
Nyarlathotep OG 3500 OS WFP SYDFA Monster card APIIYH
Nyogtha GOO 1800 UG Iridescent Gelatinous Blackness
Quachil Uttaus GOO 1600 OST WFP Destroy Target Human
Rat-Thing LSR 200 UG Tiny evil servant
Rhan-Tegoth GOO 1200 Cold Cannot attack if no opposing Creatures
Sand Dwellers LSR 400 Des Force +200 with GOO or EG
Servitors of the OG GSR 800 OST Tentacled Toad pipers; +200 with OG
Insects from Shaggai LIR 800 - WFP Take control of target Human
Shantaks LSR 600 - WFP SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Skeletons LSR 200 - LD; If killed draw a card
Zombies LSR 400 - LD
Mummy LIR 600 Des LD
Vampire LIR 800 Dark LD; Invisible
Werewolf LIR 1000 For LD
Shub-Niggurath OG 2400 OST WFP SYDFA Spell card APIIYH
Dark Young GSR 1000 For Black Ropy Tree; +400 with Shub-Niggurath
Star Vampires LIR 1000 OS Invisible blob
Tsathoggua GOO 1800 UG Large sleepy bunny-eared furry Toad
Formless Spawn LSR 1000 UG Viscous Black Slime; +400 with Tsathoggua
Tulzscha OG 2000 OST Belching column of sick cold green flame
Ubbo-Sathla OG 4000 UG Formless Mass Keeper of the Elder Keys
Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla GSR 1400 UG +600 with Ubbo-Sathla
Beings from Xiclotl LIR 1000 For +200 with Insects from Shaggai
Y’Golonac GOO 1600 - May be in same deck as Glaaki
Yibb-Tstll OG 2400 For Nightgaunts get Force +200
Yig GOO 1800 For Snake God; Snake People get Force +400
Sacred Snake LSR 200 For ICAU destroy target Human
Yog-Sothoth OG 5000 OST WFP SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Son of Yog-Sothoth GSR 1500 - Invisible Tentacled Monstrous Things
Hybrid of Yog-Sothoth LSR 600 - Human Appearing; Worth 1000 for TS
Zhar GOO 2600 UG Dual Mountain of Sensate Quivering Flesh
Zoth-Ommog GOO 2200 Sea Cone body, tentacles & reptilian head
Elder Thing GIR 1000 Cold Large Flying Botanical Beings
Shoggoth GSR 2000 Cold Mass of Gelatinous Flesh
Cthulhu GOO 4600 Sea If destroyed put him back in your hand
Star Spawn GSR 1600 Sea Smaller versions of Cthulhu
Father Dagon GSR 1400 Sea Patriarchal Giant Deep One
Mother Hydra GSR 1200 Sea Matriarchal Giant Deep One
Deep Ones LSR 400 Sea Amphibious Race
Mi-Go LIR 700 OS Alien Fungi from Pluto ICAU: Steal Item
Mi-Go Surgeon LIR 800 OS WFP Take control of Opposing Human
Mi-Go Leader LIR 1400 OS Mi-Go get Force +400
Flying Polyps GIR 2000 Dark Invisible Horror. Wind & Tentacle Attacks
Great Race of Yith GIR 1400 OST Time Traveling Mentalists; FS: Draw 1 card
Sorcerer Serpent Man LIR 600 UG Can attach 1 Spell; CUW
Serpent People LIR 500 UG ICAU Do Double Damage; CUW
Hybrid Serpent People LIR 400 UG CUW
Cultist Priest HU 400 Your Humans are worth double for tribute
Living Dead Cultist HU 500 LD; Worth 2000 for tribute Summons
Steadfast Companion HU 600 Defense +600
Adventurer HU 500 ICAU: Draw 1 card
Student HU 300 WFP Draw 3 cards
Sculptor HU 400 Flip to Play an extra Item on your turn
Poet HU 200 Discard this card instead of target card
Artist HU 300 WFP SYDFA Monster card APIIYH
Musician HU 300 WFP Target Monster is put back in owners hand
Inventor HU 300 WFP SYDFA Item card APIIYH
Archeologist HU 300 WFP SDPF Item card APIIYH
Doctor HU 200 Your Humans are Immune to Epidemic
Reporter HU 300 WFP Look at opponents hand
Corrupt Cultist HU 500 Worth 2000 for tribute Summons
Sorcerer HU 500 Corrupt; May attach 1 Spell
Corrupt Wizard HU 300 May attach 2 Spells
Witch HU 100 May attach 1 Spell; WFP SYDFA Spell card APIIYH
Gangster HU 600 Gangster may Attack
Maniac HU 400 Maniac may Attack
Crazed Survivor HU 200 May block Invisible Attackers
Wizard-Priest HU 200 May attach 1 Spell; Cultists get Force +200
Mongrel Cultist HU 300 Draw 2 cards if destroyed
Historian HU 200 Flip to Play an extra Tome on your turn
Dilliatante HU 400 Flip to Play an extra Human during your turn
Dreamer HU 300 Flip to Play an extra Monster during your turn
Professor HU 200 Flip up a Tome once on your turn
Occultist HU 200 Flip up an Item once on your turn
Church Agent HU 600 WFP Destroy target Monster or Living Dead
Shaman HU 200 WFP put Major Power back in opponents Hand
Psychologist HU 200 WFP Gain 1000 Sanity
Scientist HU 600 Draw 1 card every time an Event card is played
Sea Captain HU 600 Draw 1 card every time a Location is played
Sailor HU 500 Gains bonuses as would a Sea Monster
Nomad HU 500 Gains bonuses as would a Desert Monster
Bandit HU 600 ICAU: Steal Item
Police Detective HU 400 WFP Steal an Item/Tome from Opponent
Private Eye HU 400 Flip to Negate Special Effect of a target Human
Historical Author HU 200 WFP SYDFA Tome card APIIYH
Egyptologist HU 300 Draw a card every time a Desert Creature is played
Guide HU 400 WFP SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Army Officer HU 600 Cont: Your Humans each get Force +200
Soldier HU 600 Gets Force +100 if Weapon Attached
Mercenary HU 600 WFP SYDFA Weapon card APIIYH
Scholar HU 200 Draw a card every time a Tome is played
Sane Companion HU 200 Gain 200 Sanity in End Phase
Deep One Hybrid HU 400 Also Counts as a Sea Creature
Sanatarium L - Gain 200 Sanity in End Phase
Stonehenge L - Play an extra Monster during your turn
Easter Island L - Play an extra Monster during your turn
Church L - Cont: Your Humans get Force +200
Library L - You may play Spells from your hand
Exotic Location L 300 Your Creatures are worth Double for TS
Witch House L 200 Flip: Your Opponent loses 200 Sanity
South Pacific Island L 100 When played SYDFA Monster card APIIYH
Asylum L - Flip: Gain 800 Sanity & Sacrifice your Monsters
Atlantis L 200 Play an extra Sea Creature during your turn
Pyramids L 100 Play an extra Desert Creature during your turn
Esoteric Order L 100 Flip: look at top 3 cards of any deck
Small Industrial Town L - When played draw 5 cards
Yuggoth L 200 Cont: Your OS Monsters each get Force +400
Mi-Go Base Camp L 100 Play an extra OS Creature during your turn
Country Site L 100 Cont: Your Monsters each get Force +100
Miskatonic University L - Draw an Extra card in your Draw Phase
Catacombs L 100 Cont: Your LD + UG Monsters each get Force +200
Caverns L 100 Cont: Your UG Monsters each get Force +400
Cursed House L 200 When played SYDFA Item card APIIYH
Mansion L 100 When played SYDFA Tome card APIIYH
Remote Farmhouse L 100 When played destroy target Human
Himalayas L 100 When Played all players discard their hands
Tunnels L 200 Flip: Target UG Monster is Invisible
City of the Deep Ones L 300 Cont: Your Sea Creatures each get Force +400
Antarctica L 100 Cont: Your Cold Creatures each get Force +400
Sahara L 100 Cont: Your Desert Creatures each get Force +400
Museum L - Play an extra Item or Tome during your turn
City (NY, Paris, etc) L - Play an extra Human during your turn
Corrupted Lake L - Tribute required for MP or Sea Creature is Half
Cemetary L 100 Cont: Your LD & Ghouls each get Force +400
Temple L 200 Your creatures go into your hand when destroyed
Book of Dzyan TO 300 When played draw 3 cards
Book of Eibon TO 400 Draw an Extra card in your Draw Phase
Necronomicon TO 400 You may play an extra Monster on your Turn
R’lyeh Text TO 400 Your Creatures worth Double for Tribute Summons
Ponape Scripture TO 300 When played SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Cthaat Aquadingen TO 300 Cont:Your Sea Creatures each get Force +200
Seven Cryptical Books TO 300 Your Monsters require 400 less for TS
Cultes Des Goules TO 200 Cont:Your LD & Ghouls each get Force +200
Nameless Cults TO 200 You may play an extra Human on your Turn
The Black Book TO 200 Unflip target Spell
Livre d’lvon TO 100 When played discard a target Monster
Book of the Dead TO 100 Cont:Your Desert Creatures each get Force +200
Kitab Al Azif TO 400 Cont:Your Monsters each get Force +200
De Vermiis Mysteriis TO 100 Flip: When you cast a Spell draw a card
Eltdown Shards TO 400 Monsters do 100 less damage to your investigator
King in Yellow TO 200 Fip: Opponent Loses 100 Sanity
Liber Ivonis TO 100 Flip to Unflip target Item
Yithian Mental Contact EV 300 Sacrifice a Human and Destroy a target card
Direct Sunlight EV - Destroy all Living Dead & Darkness Monsters
Typhus EV 400 Epidemic: Destroy all Humans in Play
Influenza EV 400 Epidemic: Destroy all Humans in Play
Mythos Instability EV 500 Discard all Monsters and Major Powers in play
Typhoon EV 200 Discard all Sea Monsters in Play
Earthquake EV 200 Discard all Underground Monsters in Play
Aldebaran Moves EV 100 Counts as 2000 for Tribute Summon; D1C
Thieves EV 100 Discard target Item
Science Experiment EV 300 Each player may put 1 card into play
Night EV 400 All Monsters get Force +400
Confiscation EV 100 Discard target Tome
Yellow Sign EV 200 Unflip all Spells
Telepathy EV 100 Look at opponents hand; D1C
Rampage EV 100 Monster permanently gets ICAU: Destroy Item
Benefactor EV - Draw 2 Cards
Live with Ghouls EV 200 Target Humans you control become Ghouls PWF+100
Eat the Dead EV 400 All Ghouls get Force +400
Weapon Breaks EV - Destroy target Weapon
Agoraphobia EV 100 Return target Human to Owners hand
Sandstorm EV - All your Creatures are Invisible
Insanity EV 100 Put 3 Delay Tokens on Target Human
Travel by Air EV 200 SYDFA Location card APIIYH; Draw 2 cards
Travel by Sea EV 100 SYDFA Location card APIIYH; D1C
Travel by Land EV - SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Travel Thru Space EV 400 SYDFA Location card APIIYH; Draw 4 cards
Travel Underground EV 300 SYDFA Location card APIIYH; Draw 3 cards
Deep Ones Jewelry IT 100 Cont: Your Sea Creatures each get Force +400
Space Mead IT 300 SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Mi-Go Braincase IT 400 SYDFA Human card APIIYH
Powder of Ibn Ghazi IT 200 Target Monster is Visible and Half Force
Shining Trapezohedron IT 100 Look at top 3 cards of all decks
Star Stone of Mnar IT 100 Target LIR or LSR is half Force this turn
Chime of Tezchaptl IT 500 Negate Spell just cast
Pipes of Madness IT 200 Flip target Human
Pallid Mask IT 200 Target Human becomes Monster with Force +500
Pickman Painting IT 200 Target Human becomes a Ghoul PWF+100
Dust of Suleiman IT 300 Sacrifice Human to Destroy target Monster
Ultra-Violet Machine IT 200 All enemy Creatures are Visible
Glass from Leng IT 200 Look at Opponents Hand
Bad Corpse Dust IT 100 LD Creature cannot Attack or block
Lamp of Alhazred IT 200 Look at next 7 cards of any deck
Plutonian Drug IT 100 Look at next 3 cards of any deck; does not flip
Stone Idol IT 300 Sacrifice: 2500 for Tribute Summon
Cursed Stone IT 100 Opponent Loses 200 Sanity
Dynamite W 100 One Human gets Force +1500; Discard Human AEOT
Blessed Blade W - Force +600 (Discard a card to play)
Fetch Stick W - Force +100 (extra +500 vs Monsters)
Revolver W - Force +300 (extra +300 vs Humans)
Torch W - Force +200 (extra +500 vs UD & Darkness Creatures)
Harpoon W - Force +200 (extra +500 vs Sea Creatures)
Mist Projector W 100 Force +300 (Human becomes a corrupt Monster)
Shotgun W - Force +400 (extra +200 vs UG Creatures)
Rifle W - Force +400 (extra +200 vs OS Creatures)
Tommygun W - Force +500
Sacrificial Dagger W 100 Force +100 (Your Humans worth double for tribute)
Elder Sign S 100 Negate an attack by a Major Power &P2DT
Create Gate S 400 Play an extra Monster during your turn
Dread Curse of Azathoth S 100 Flip target Spell
Shrivelling S 200 Target Human is Force –500 (Minimum 100 Force)
Voorish Sign S 100 Draw 1 Card
Bait Humans S 400 Target Human must Block &P2DT
Spectral Hunter S 300 Target human becomes Monster with Force +700
Black Binding S 300 RDHTP: becomes permanent LD with Force +400
Body Warping S 300 Target Human gets Force +200 and Invisibility
Power of Nyambe S 200 SYDFA Spell card APIIYH &P2DT
Cast out Devil S 100 Control of creature reverts to original owner; D1C
Chant of Thoth S 100 Draw 2 Cards and discard 1
Cloud Memory S 300 Opponent must discard 1 card
Clutch of Nyogtha S 200 Opponent loses 300 Sanity
Consume Likeness S 200 Target Human becomes Invisible
Barrier of Naach-Tith S 200 Monster Attacks do half damage to Investigator
Curse of Darkness S 500 Send target Monster back to Owners hand &P2DT
Limbo Gate S 300 SYDFA Location card APIIYH
Scrying Window S 200 Look at Opponents Hand
Time Warp S 300 Sacrifice Human: Negate Event card
Flesh Ward S 100 Target Human gets Force +1000
Implant Fear S 100 Target Human may not Block
Dampen Light S 100 Flip target Tome
Mist of Releh S 100 Negate first Attack made this phase
Death Spell S 500 DS: Destroy Target Human or Monster
Devolution S 300 Target Creature is Force –500
Dominate S 400 Control Target Human &P2DT
Eibons Wheel of Mist S 200 Negate Attack by target Monster
Enthrall Victim S 200 Monster gets Force +500
Exile S 500 DS: Put target MP back in owners hand
Eye of Light & Darkness S 300 All Monsters are half Force
Grey Binding S 200 SYDFA Living Dead card APIIYH &P2DT
Hands of Colubra S 200 Target human becomes Monster with Force +500
Nightmares S 200 Opponent discards down to 4 cards
Seal of Isis S 200 Target Item or Tome cannot be destroyed/Stolen
Wave of Oblivion S 200 DS: Destroy Target Location
Red Sign S 500 Each player must discard 1 Creature &P2DT
Mind Exchange S 400 Control target Creature; GOCOC &P2DT
Look to the Future S 200 Look at next 7 cards in any deck &P2DT
Mesmerize S 200 Target Creature cannot Block
Mind Blast S 100 Opponent loses 200 Sanity
Power Drain S 100 Flip All Spells &P2DT
Remortification S 400 Put creature in discard into your hand &P2DT
Send Dreaming S 300 All Humans can Attack
Voice of Ra S 200 All your Humans get Force +200
Bind Monster S 300 Flip target Monster &P2DT
Song of Hastur S 200 All enemy Creatures are Force -200
Unspeakable Promise S 200 Sacrifice Human to draw 3 cards
Wrack S 100 Flip target Human &P2DT
Wither Limb S 100 Target Creature is Force -200 permanently
Song of Glissande S 100 No Creatures may Attack &P2DT
Levitate S 100 Target Blocking Human takes no damage
Heal S 100 Put Human in discard into your hand &P2DT
Deflect Harm S 100 Deflect Damage from 1 source to your creature
Contact Spell S 300 SYDFA Monster card APIIYH &P2DT
Command Monster S 500 Control Target Monster &P2DT
This game is quite similar to an already published card game from the
late 90’s called Mythos. Unfortunately, that fine game is out of print.
This game is certainly in tribute to that one.
Another published Cthulhu game is now out called Call of Cthulhu.
So why design a card game that is very like two existing card games?
Well first, at Warpspawn, we like to tinker, and make Things just the
way we like them. This you cannot do as easily with already made games.
Second its way Cheaper to do it this way.
Third, we’re obsessed, a very Cthulhu-ish trait.
Next topic is how this game (GOO) differs from the Mythos CCG:
1. The Human Allies are all generic (No required Starting Locations)
2. The Story cards are removed (Decks in Mythos were built around these)
3. The Investigator cards are removed (They could be re-incorporated)
4. (Fiddly) Travel rules are removed (Gates not required to Summon Monsters)
5. The Locations are (mostly) generic
6. (Annoying) Phobia cards removed
7. Major Powers are now Creatures that can fight (Cool)
8. Languages removed (though knowing Atlantean and Glyphs was cool)
9. You can do more stuff on your turn (Don’t have to worry about opponents passing)
10. Spell Types removed (Another complication)
11. For some of the above reasons, Deck Construction is now 500% easier
Next topic is how this game differs from the Call of Cthulhu CCG:
1. In COC the factions limit what you can bring out. No limits in GOO.
In COC you are limited to 4 Mythos factions, In GOO there are many major powers and
their Minions you can play (Like Glaaki, or Mi-Go, or Serpent People, or Living Dead)
2. Victory and Casting costs are still a matter of Sanity Points in GOO.
In GOO like the old Mythos game, you are still a lone Investigator who has need of
both Human Allies and Mythos Threats (You can play 1 of each per turn in GOO).
In COC there is a Fiddly Resource system and Victory is by capturing Storycards.
Very different game mechanics associated with these two types of setups.
3. In GOO Tomes hold Spells which can be reused.
4. GOO is of course do it yourself, make and modify your own cards.
Why the high point values?
I started this project as a cross between Cthulhu material and Yugioh mechanics.
Eventually I dropped the Yugioh stuff except for the high number values and the
Idea of the tribute summon.
40 card Cthulhu Theme Deck
Major Power: Cthulhu
Monsters: Star Spawn, Father Dagon x2, Mother Hydra x2, Deep Ones x4
Humans: Deep One Hybrid x2, Corrupt Cultist x3, Sailor, Sea Captain,
Cultist Priest, Sorcerer, Corrupt Wizard, Shaman
Locations: City of the Deep Ones, Corrupted Lake, Easter Island,
South Pacific Island, Atlantis
Events: Yithian Mental Contact, Earthquake
Items: Stone Idol, Deep Ones Jewelry
Weapons: Sacrificial Dagger
Tomes: Cthaat Aquadingen, R’lyeh Text, Ponape Scripture
Spells: Voorish Sign, Wave of Oblivion, Dread Curse of Azathoth,
Bait Humans, Create Gate, Black Binding, Elder Sign, Curse of Darkness
Sample 40 card Ghoul Theme Deck
Major Power: Nyogtha
Monsters: Ghoul Leader, Ghoul Shaman x1, Ghouls x4, Hybrid Ghouls x2, Nightgaunt
Humans: Witch x2, Artist, Steadfast Companion, Police Detective,
Reporter, Professor, Student, Sane Companion, Psychologist
Locations: Cemetary, Tunnels, Caverns, Small Industrial Town
Events: Eat the Dead, Travel Underground, Live with Ghouls
Items: Pickman Painting
Weapons: Shotgun, Revolver, Torch
Tomes: De Vermiis Mysteriis, The Black Book, Cultes Des Goules
Spells: Shrivelling, Power Drain, Bind Monster, Nightmares,
Cloud Memory, Deflect Harm
Sample 40 card Mi-Go Theme Deck
Major Power: Shub-Niggurath
Monsters: Mi-Go Leader, Mi-Go Surgeon x2, Mi-Go x4, Dark Young x2
Humans: Guide, Inventor, Cultist Priest, Army Officer, Soldier,
Scientist, Student, Doctor, Artist, Crazed Survivor
Locations: Yuggoth, Mi-Go Base Camp, Himalayas, Exotic Location
Events: Travel Thru Space, Science Experiment, Telepathy
Items: Plutonian Drug, Mi-Go Braincase, Star Stone of Mnar
Weapons: Mist Projector, Rifle
Tomes: Book of Dzyan, Book of Eibon, Seven Cryptical Books
Spells: Implant Fear, Devolution, Mind Exchange, Dampen Light, Mind Blast
Sample 40 card Hastur Theme Deck
Major Power: Hastur
Monsters: Tcho-Tcho x4, Byakhee x4, King in Yellow
Humans: Artist, Sculptor, Musician, Poet, Dilliatante
Dreamer, Shaman, Corrupt Wizard, Corrupt Cultist, Psychologist
Locations: Sanatarium, Asylum, Corrupt Lake, Mansion
Events: Aldebaran Moves, Insanity, Yellow Sign
Items: Pallid Mask, Space Mead, Cursed Stone
Tomes: King in Yellow, Livre d’lvon, De Vermiis Mysteriis
Spells: Song of Hastur, Unspeakable Promise, Send Dreaming,
Nightmares, Song of Glissande, Mesmerize, Scrying Window
Sample 40 card Yog-Sothoth Theme Deck
Major Power: Yog-Sothoth
Monsters: Son of Yog-Sothoth, Hybrid of Yog-Sothoth x2, Hunting Horror x2,
Colours of Outer Space, Dimmensional Shambler x2, Hound of Tindalos
Humans: Professor, Student, Police Detective, Mongrel Cultist x2,
Corrupt Cultist, Reporter, Crazed Survivor, Steadfast Companion x2
Locations: Country Site, Miskatonic University, Cursed House, Remote Farmhouse
Events: Agoraphobia, Night, Benefactor
Items: Shining Trapezohedron, Chime of Tezchaptl, Powder of Ibn Ghazi
Weapons: Revolver, Torch
Tomes: Nameless Cults, Book of Eibon, Eltdown Shards
Spells: Clutch of Nyogtha, Create Gate, Curse of Darkness, Contact Spell,
Command Monster
Sample 40 card Bast Theme Deck
Major Power: Bast
Monsters: Dhole, Servants of Bast x4, Sand Dwellers x2, Mummy x2
Humans: Living Dead Cultist, Bandit, Cultist Priest, Historical Author,
Guide, Egyptologist, Sorcerer, Adventurer, Nomad, Poet
Locations: Exotic Location, Sahara, Cairo (City), Pyramids
Events: Benefactor, Sandstorm, Confiscation, Thieves
Tomes: Kitab Al Azif, Necronomicon, Book of the Dead, Book of Eibon
Items: Powder of Ibn Ghazi, Dust of Suleiman, Lamp of Alhazred
Spells: Spectral Hunter, Chant of Thoth, Enthrall Victim
Time Warp, Dominate
The resource side of a deck should have a balance of getting extra cards and
of being able to put extra cards into play. The other side of the deck should
be a balance of attacking Threats, and defenses to deal with opponent's threats.
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