Simultaneous Bidding Game for 3-8 players.  
Each player is a “Great Power” circa 1835-1935. 

The game ends after 10 Turns. 
Each turn represents 10 Years. 

The player with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game wins. 

Players share a common set of Tokens: 
White = Victory Points
Black = Industry
Green = Population
Red = Nationalism
Blue = Navies
Brown = Armies
Yellow = Colonies
Tokens can be replaced with counters, markers, chits, or cubes. 
Token Denominations of 1, 5, and 10 are recommended. 
Each players traits are always available for everyone to see. This may 
require some other type of bookeeping system to facilitate. 

Each player has a set of 6 Bidding Cards, 1 for each Trait: 
1. Industry
2. Population
3. Nationalism
4. Navies
5. Armies
6. Colonies

The Baton is used to indicate which player goes first in the current turn.

One Event card is played each turn. 

Players have the opportunity to take 1 Action card in Action Phase. 

Each player starts with 5 Tokens of each of the 7 types of Tokens. 
One Random player is given the Leader Baton (or winner of Thumb war). 

Each turn has 7 Phases: 
1. Deal Phase
2. Bid Phase
3. Results Phase
4. Action Phase
5. Score Phase
6. Event Phase
7. End Phase

Turn the top X+1 cards of the Action deck face up. 
X = Number of Players. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player picks 3 of his Bid cards and places them 
face down in order: first, second, and third.   
You may NOT bid on a Trait you have the highest Level in. 

Start with the leader and proceed clockwise. 
Each player reveals their first Bid card and immediately scores for that Bid according to 
the appropriate Bid Results Chart. 
After all the first Bids are resolved, complete the second Bids and then the third Bids. 
Important note: Bids are cummulative through the entire turn. for example: If 2 people made 
industry bids on their first bid, and you made an Industry bid for your second bid, it 
would be the third Industry bid for the turn.  

The first player to bid on Industry in the turn gets 1 Industry Token. 
The second player to bid on Industry in the turn gets 2 Industry Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Industry in the turn gets 4 Industry Tokens and must 
lose 1 Population Token due to hazardous working conditions. 
The fourth player to bid on Industry in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Industry in the turn loses 1 Industry Token 
due to economic depression. 

The first player to bid on Population in the turn gets 1 Population Token. 
The second player to bid on Population in the turn gets 2 Population Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Population in the turn gets 4 Population Tokens and must 
lose 1 Nationalism Token due to the influx of immigrants. 
The fourth player to bid on Population in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Population in the turn loses 1 Population Token 
due to epidemic. 

The first player to bid on Nationalism in the turn gets 1 Nationalism Token. 
The second player to bid on Nationalism in the turn gets 2 Nationalism Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Nationalism in the turn gets 4 Nationalism Tokens and must 
lose 1 Population Token due to purges and pogroms. 
The fourth player to bid on Nationalism in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Nationalism in the turn loses 1 Nationalism Token 
due to internal rebellions and power struggles. 

The first player to bid on Armies in the turn gets 1 Army Token. 
The second player to bid on Armies in the turn gets 2 Army Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Armies in the turn gets 4 Army Tokens and must 
lose 1 Population Token due to conscription. 
The fourth player to bid on Armies in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Armies in the turn loses 1 Army Token 
due to a military coup. 

The first player to bid on Navies in the turn gets 1 Navy Token. 
The second player to bid on Navies in the turn gets 2 Navy Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Navies in the turn gets 4 Navy Tokens and must 
lose 1 Industry Token due to the diversion of resources into Naval Programs. 
The fourth player to bid on Navies in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Navies in the turn loses 1 Navy Token 
due to decommissioning aging ships. 

The first player to bid on Colonies in the turn gets 1 Colony Token. 
The second player to bid on Colonies in the turn gets 2 Colony Tokens. 
The third player to bid on Colonies in the turn gets 4 Colony Tokens and must 
lose 1 Navy Token due to dispersal of the Fleet. 
The fourth player to bid on Colonies in the turn misses the boat and gets nothing. 
The fifth (and higher) player to bid on Colonies in the turn loses 1 Colony Token 
due to Revolts by the Natives. 

Each player may take 1 face-up Action Card. 
This is in the same turn order as bidding.  
A player must after selecting a card either discard it or resolve it. 
Some resolutions require a payment of Tokens. 
Discard the remaining Action card. 

Highest Level = Most Tokens. 
Resolve these in the following order: 
The player with the highest Army level gets 7 VP.  
The player with the highest Navy level gets 5 VP and may steal 1 Colony Token from any Target Player. 
The player with the highest Industry level gets 5 VP and 1 Navy Token and 1 Army Token. 
The player with the highest Population level gets 5 VP and gets to play 1 extra Bid card next turn. 
The player with the highest Nationalism level gets 5 VP and may look at the next Event card in the deck. 
The player with the highest Colony level gets 5 VP and gets to draw 3 Action cards and may resolve 1.  

Flip the top card of the Event deck face up and Resolve it. 

The Leader passes the Baton to the player to his Left. 

Card Name:		Notes: 
Imports			The player with the highest Colony Level gets 10 VP
Exports			The player with the highest Industry Level gets 10 VP
Sea Power		The player with the highest Naval Level gets 10 VP	
Warmongers		The player with the highest Army Level gets 10 VP
Patriotism		The player with the highest Nationalism Level gets 10 VP
Imperialism		The player with the highest Colony Level gets 10 VP
Unification		The player with the highest Nationalism Level gets 10 VP
Arms Race		The player with the highest Industry + Army Level gets 10 VP
Immigration		The player with the highest Population Level gets 10 VP
Great War		See War Rules
War in East Europe	See War Rules
War in West Europe	See War Rules

In Event of War the Leader picks a target player to be his Foe. 
The Foe picks one other player to be his ally. 
The Leader then picks another player to ally with. 
This continues until all players are on one side or the other. 
The side with the total highest Army and Navy Level wins. 
Break ties with Industry and then Nationalism. 
The winners each gain 10 VP. 
The winners lose half (rounding down) of their Armies and Navies. 
The losers lose all but 1 of their Army and Navy Tokens. 

This is resolved like the Great War except the only combatants are 
the Leader and the player to his right. 

This is resolved like the Great War except the only combatants are 
the Leader and the player to his left. 

Card Name:			Notes: 
Gilded Age			Gain 5 VP and lose 1 Industry Token
Mass Production			Gain 2 Industry Tokens
Science & Industry		Gain 1 Industry Token and 2 VP
Militarism			Gain 3 Armies and 1 Navy and lose 1 Industry Token
Parliamentary Government 	Gain 2 Nationalism Tokens
Communist Revolution		Gain 4 Nationalism Tokens and lose 1 Population Token
Civil War			Target Player loses 2 Armies
Shipyards			Gain 2 Navy Tokens
Conscription			Gain 4 Army Tokens and lose 1 Population Token
The Great Game			Look at next card in Event Deck
Balance of Power       		Steal 1 Nationalism Token from Target Player
Gunboat Diplomacy		Gain 4 Colony Tokens and lose 1 Navy Token
War with Japan			Target Player loses 2 Navy Tokens
Boer War			Gain 4 Colony Tokens and lose 1 Army Token
Boxer Rebellion			Gain 1 Colony Token and 1 Nationalism Token
New Imperialism			Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Art Nouveau  			Gain 3 VP
Art Deco			Gain 3 VP
Impressionism			Gain 3 VP
Abstract Art			Gain 3 VP
Five Year Plan			Play an extra Bid card next Turn
Peasant Uprising       		Target Player loses 1 Population Token and 1 Army
Assassination 			Target player plays 1 less Bid card next Turn
Stock Market Crash		Target Player loses 2 Industry Tokens
Great Depression       		All other Players lose 1 Industry Token
Worlds Fair			Gain 1 Industry Token and 2 VP
Military Buildup       		Gain 2 Armies and 2 Navies and lose 1 Industry Token
Dust Bowl			Target Player loses 2 Population Tokens
Colonial Immigrants		Gain 4 Population Tokens and lose 1 Colony Token
Jewel in the Crown		Gain 1 Colony Token and 2 VP
New Deal			Play an extra Bid card next Turn
League of Nations		Gain 1 Nationalism Token and 2 VP
Colonial Possessions		Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Opium Wars			Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Flying Columns			Gain 4 Colonies and lose 1 Army
Industrial Revolution		Gain 4 Industry Tokens and lose 1 Population Token
Improved Munitions		Gain 2 Army Tokens
Trade Unions			Gain 4 Population and lose 1 Industry
Capitalism			Gain 1 Industry and 2 VP
White Man’s Burden		Gain 1 Population and 1 Colony
Native Troops			Gain 2 Armies
Naval Mutiny			Target Player loses 2 Navy Tokens
East India Company		Gain 1 Colony and 2 VP
Jingoism       			Gain 1 Colony and 1 Nationalism Token
Manifest Destiny       		Gain 1 Population and 2 VP
The Fashoda Crisis		Steal 1 Colony from target Player
The Congo			Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Land Purchase			Steal 1 Colony from target Player
Hong Kong			Gain 1 Colony and 2 VP
Sepoy Revolt			Target Player loses 2 Army Tokens
Socialism			Gain 4 Nationalism and lose 1 Navy
Emperor				Gain 2 Nationalism Tokens
Factories			Gain 2 Industry Tokens
Sick Man of Europe		Target Player loses 2 Nationalism Tokens
Spheres of Influence		Gain 1 Colony and 2 VP
Bankers & Financiers		Play an extra Bid card next Turn
Migrations			Steal 1 Population Token from Target Player
Potato Famine			Target Player loses 2 Population Tokens
Crown Prince			Gain 2 Nationalism Tokens
Merchantmen			Gain 1 Colony 1 Navy and 1 VP
Suez Canal			Gain 1 Industry 1 Colony and 1 VP
Battleships & Submarines       	Gain 2 Navy Tokens
Propaganda			Gain 2 Nationalism Tokens
Transcontinental Railway       	Gain 1 Industry and 2 VP
Invention			Gain 2 Industry Tokens
Coal & Oil Reserves		Gain 2 Industry Tokens
Urbanization			Gain 1 Industry and 2 VP
Railroads			Gain 2 Industry Tokens
Monopoly       			Steal 1 Industry Token from Target Player
Ocean Liners			Gain 1 Industry Token and 1 Population Token
Population Explosion		Gain 4 Population Tokens and lose 1 Nationalism Token
Guns & Butter			Gain 1 Army Token and 1 Population Token
Fascism				Gain 4 Nationalism Tokens and lose 1 Population Token
Biology & Medicine		Gain 1 Population and 2 VP
Physics & Chemistry		Gain 1 Industry and 2 VP
Agricultural Reform		Gain 2 Population
The Novel			Gain 3 VP
Feminism       			Gain 3 VP
Partition of Africa		Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Missionaries			Gain 2 Colony Tokens
Ideology       			Gain 2 Nationalism Tokens
Genocide       			Target Player loses 2 Population
Photography			Gain 3 VP
Jazz				Gain 3 VP
Aeroplanes			Gain 1 Army and 1 Navy Token
Victorian Era			Gain 1 Colony and 1 Nationalism Token
Telegraph and Telephone		Gain 1 Industry  and 2 VP
Electric Lights			Gain 3 VP
Automobiles			Gain 1 Industry and 1 Army Token

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