American Civil War card game for 2 players.
Gettysburg: 1-3 July, 1863.
The biggest battle ever fought on the soil of North America.
The deck contains 52 cards, one of each on the card list.
All cards are shuffled together into a single common deck.
One side is the Union, the other is the Confederacy.
The first player to win 5 rounds is the winner.
Players take turns(rounds).
The Rebel player goes first.
Each turn is divided into 3 phases:
1. Plan Phase
2. March Phase
3. Attack Phase
Both players may discard some, none, or all of their cards.
Players draw cards to fill their hands to a maximum of 6 cards.
If the deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and draw from it.
Both players may discard some, none, or all of their cards.
Players draw cards to fill their hands to a maximum of 6 cards.
The Union player may only play Union cards.
The Confederate player may only play Confederate cards.
Either player may play cards of the "Either" type.
Played cards are played face up on the table.
All played cards are all revealed simultaneously by both players.
The current player may play one location card if he has one.
Each player may play one officer card.
Each player may play one military unit card.
Players may play up to two battle cards each.
Each player adds up the Force values of his cards.
The player with the higher total wins the round.
The Union player wins all ties.
All played cards are discarded.
U = Union
C = Confederate
E = Either
O = Officer
B = Battle
M = Military Unit
L = Location
Type Side Force Card Name
O U 3 Brigadier General John Buford
B U 1 Spencer repeating carbines
O C 6 General Robert E. Lee
O C 5 Major General Jeb Stuart
O U 4 Major General George Meade
L U 4 Cemetery Hill
M C 6 Confederate 3rd Corps
L C 3 Seminary Ridge
M U 3 Union 1st Corps
O C 3 General Ambrose P. Hill
O U 2 General Abner Doubleday
M C 6 Rebel 2nd Corps
O C 1 General Richard Ewell
M U 3 Federal 11th Corps
O U 2 General O. O. Howard
O U 1 General Shimmelfennig
M U 3 Federal 3rd Division
L C 2 Lutheran Seminary
L U 3 Culps Hill
M U 3 Union 1st Cavalry Division
B U 1 Springfield Rifle Musket
B C 1 Enfield Rifle
O U 2 Major General John Reynolds
O U 2 Major General Winfield Scott Hancock
L U 2 Cemetery Ridge
L U 3 Little Round Top
L U 1 Big Round Top
O C 2 Lieutenant General James Longstreet
M C 6 Confederate 1st Corps
O U 1 General Daniel Sickle
M U 3 Union 3rd Corps
L C 3 The Peach Orchard
L C 3 The Wheatfield
L C 4 Devils Den
B C 3 Confederate Sharpshooters
L U 1 Trostle Farm
B C 2 Smoothbore 12-pounder
B U 2 Parrot 10-pounder
O U 2 Brigadier General Gouverneur Warren
B U 3 Army of the Potomac
B C 6 Army of Northern Virginia
O U 2 Brigadier General John Gibbon
B U 2 Surprise offensive
B U 4 Longstreet's hesitation
O C 3 Major General George Pickett
B U 4 Pickett's charge
B E 2 Barrage
B E 2 Bombardment
O C 2 Brigadier General Lewis Armisted
B C 3 Rebel Yell
O U 1 Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer
B U 2 Union Field Batteries
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