Factional Warfare within and between the City States of  Northern Italy circa 1220-1380. 
Each player takes the role of a Faction that can be found in any given city. 
Board game for 5 players. 

Faction:       	ID	Scale	Main Rival	Color	Type	Notes:
Papalists	P	State	Imperialists	Red	Major	Guelph
Imperialists	I	State	Papalists	Blue	Major	Ghibelline
Republicans	R	Local	Signorialists	Green	Major	-
Signorialists	S	Local	Republicans	Purple	Major	Signori
Citizenry	C	Local	None		Yellow	Minor	Pacifists

The Papalists side with the Pope. 

The Imperialists side with the Holy Roman Emperor. 

The Republicans want representative government within their own city. 

The Signorialists desire autocratic government within their own city. 

The Citizenry desire a peaceful existence for their city.  

The Player with the most Victory Tokens at the end of the game wins
The game ends after 30 Rounds. 

Each player gets a Pawn of a unique color. 
Pawns move on the Board. 

Each player except the Citizenry gets a set of Influence Cubes (IC) of a unique color. 
There is no maximum number of IC. 

Players share a common set of Victory Tokens (VT). 
There is no maximum number of VT. 

Six sided dice are needed. 

The Scoring Marker moves around the Board like a Pawn. 
It should look different and be colored different from the player pawns. 

Players share a common deck. 

The board is a circular track of 26 spaces. 
It is also referred to as the City Track. 
Each space represents a City in Northern Italy. 
Each space should say the name of the city and have enough room for 
several IC and Pawns and the Scoring Marker. 
The Cities include: 
1	Treviso
2	Novara
3	Pisa
4	Alessandria
5	Genoa
6	Milan
7	Lucca
8	Lodi
9	Florence
10	Pavia
11	Siena
12	Piacenza
13	Ravenna
14	Arezzo
15	Cremona
16	Reggio
17	Vercelli
18	Modena
19	Mantua
20	Bologna
21	Parma
22	Padua
23	Verona
24	Venice
25	Ferrara
26	Rimini

Players choose their Factions. 
Each of the Major Factions places 1 Influence Cube in each of the Cities.
Each player starts with 5 VT. 
Each player is dealt 3 cards from the deck.  
Players roll high on 1D6. Re-roll ties for highest.  
High roll is the Leader for Setup. 
Play always proceeds clockwise with the Leader going first. 
Players (Leader First) pick which city they want their Pawn to start in. 
After all players have placed their pawns, the Leader places the Scoring Marker. 

Play proceeds in Rounds. 
Each Round has 3 Stages: 
1. Initiative Stage
2. Player Turns Stage
3. Scoring Stage

First record Round Number (To know when the game ends). 
Players roll high on 1D6. Re-roll ties for highest.  
High roll is the Leader for the Current Round. 

In Initiative order each player gets a Turn (See Turn Sequence). 

Roll X+1 Six sided dice. 
X = The number of Players. 
Starting with the player to the left of the leader and going clockwise, 
Each player discards one die. The remaining die indicates how many spaces 
Forward (Clockwise) the Scoring Marker moves along the City Track. 
The city the Marker lands on is now scored. 
Imperialists and Papalists are State Level Opposing Factions
Republicans and Signorialists are Local Level Opposing Factions
First compare the number of IC the Papalists and Imperialists each have in that city. 
If one side has more IC, it is said to have Dominance. 
The Dominant faction gets 1 VT. 
If one side has more IC by 4 or more, it is said to have Supremacy. 
If one side has IC and the other side has none, the side with IC is also said to 
Have Supremacy.  
A Supreme Faction gets 2 VT. 
Next compare the Republican and Signorialist factions with each other in 
the same way as you did with the Imperialists and Papalists. 
Finally, the Citizenry gets 1 VT for each faction that has Supremacy. 
In the rare case that neither opposing side has any IC, the Citizenry gets 2 VT. 

Player turns occur within the Player turn stage of a Round. 
Each player gets a turn. 
Each turn has 3 Phases: 
Fortuna Phase
Occasio Phase
Fini Phase

Draw 2 cards from the top of the deck and put them in your hand. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Roll 2 Dice. 
Move you pawn forward (Clockwise) a number of space equal to 
The value of either one of the dice or the sum of the 2 dice together. 
If you land on an Opponent, you may either trade cards with him or 
Steal 1 random card from his hand. 
(If you landed on multiple opponents, pick one)
You may then play (discard) one card from your hand or start a Battle. 
Most cards cause you to gain an IC in that city, or cause a target 
Opponent to lose one IC. 
Some cards produce a benefit/penalty for a specific Faction. 
Most also allow some additional action or benefit. 
Note: The citizenry when playing a card that adds IC to an 
Undesignated Faction must choose which Faction they want to get the IC.  

To start a Battle you must declare a target opponent and 
then play 1 or more Battle cards. 
Your opponent may then play a Battle card, and then you, and 
so on until you both pass. 
The player who played the most cards wins. 
The loser loses all their IC in the city your pawn is in. 
In case of a tie both of you lose one IC in the city your pawn is in. 
(Note the Citizenry have no IC so they cannot be targeted as an Opponent)
The Citizenry can discard 3 Battle cards to start a battle between 
2 opposing factions (Imperialists and Papalists, or Republicans and Signorialists)
The Faction with fewer IC is reduced to zero IC. 
If both had equal IC, both are reduced to zero IC. 
Discard all Battle cards played. 

Your maximum hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

Lets say you play the first card in the Card List: Strong Prince. 
Your Faction would get 1 IC in the City your pawn is in and 
The Signorialist Faction would also get 1 IC in the same city. 
(So if you were the Signorialists, you would get 2 IC in that city) 

Lets say you play the second card in the Card List: Gain Upper Hand. 
Your Faction would get 1 IC in the City your pawn is in and 
An opposing faction of your choice would lose 1 IC.  

Lets say you play the third card in the Card List: Quarrels. 
Your Faction would lose 1 IC in the City your pawn is in and 
An opposing faction of your choice would lose 2 IC.  

Lets say you play the third card in the Card List: Exile.  
An opposing faction of your choice would lose 1 IC.  

P = Papalists	
I = Imperialists	
R = Republicans
S = Signorialists	
C = This card can only be played by the Citizenry
X = Get another Action Phase After this one
Y = Draw 1 Card 
Z = You may play an extra card after this one
B = Battle card
A = Attacker only (Battle) 
D = Defender only (Battle) 
V = Target Opponent discards 1 random card
W = Same Opponent gets to draw 1 card
T = Steal 1 Random card from Target Opponent
G = Gain 1 VT when you play this card
O = Discard to reroll your Movement Rolls
J = Discard to reroll your Initiative Roll
N = Discard to Negate a Battle
All = All Factions are Affected
Leader = Faction(s) with the most IC in that city
Loser = Faction(s) with the least IC in that city

Card Name: 			Notes: 
Strong Prince			+1 and +1S
Gain Upper Hand			+1 and -1
Quarrels       			-1 and -2 
Exile				-1 
Factionalism			+1Z
Family Loyalty			+2
Clans				+1
Marriage       			+1Z
Oaths				+1
Allegiance			+1
Common Enemy			+1X or O
Exile				-1 
Faction Split			-1V
High Towers			+1G
Internal Divisions		-1V
Conflict       			B or -1
Principality			+1 and +1S
Captaincy			+1 and +1S
Magistrate			+1 and +1S
Powerful Family			+1Z
Fierce Reputation		+1 or -1
Respite				-1C
Peace				-1C
Suppression			-1
Seize Control			+1 and -1
Pontificate			+1 and +1P
Oligarchy			+1 and +1R
Patrician			+1Z
Dynasty				+1I
Expulsion			-1
Nobility       			+1 and +1S
Council				+1 and +1R
Commune				+1 and +1R
Lordship       			+1 and +1S
Legislature			+1 and +1R
Guilds				+1 and +1R
Aristocracy			+1 and +1S
Professionals			+1 and +1R
Merchants			+1 and +1R
Elections			+1 and +1R
Black Death			-1 All
Plague				-1 All
Rebellion			-1 Leader
Insurrection			-1 Leader
Revolt				-1 Leader
Wealthy Family			+1Y
Politics       			J or +1T or -1T
Coup				J or +1 and -1
Dissension			+1 or -1
Tyrant				+1 and +1S
Ambitions			+1Y or O
League				+1X
Struggle       			B or -1
Jurisdiction			+1X
Institution			+1G
Traitors       			-1T
Prestige       			+1Z
Prosperity			+1Y
Build Cathedral			+1G
Banishment 			-1
Bankers				+1Y
City State			+1 and +1R
Independence			+1 and +1R
Feud				-1 and -2
Dominant Power			+1 and +1I
Petty States			+1 and +1P
Political Chaos			+1 and +1P
Plots				+1ZJ
Treaty				N or O
Taxation       			+1Y
Northern Bishops       		+1 and +1P
Centralized Power		+1 and +1I
Imperial Claims			+1 and +1I
Unification			+1 and +1I
German Emperors			+1 and +1I
Holy Roman Empire		+1 and +1I
Economic Expansion		+1 and +1P
Catholic Church			+1 and +1P
Powerful Papacy			+1 and +1P
Local Rivalries			+1Z or O
Patronage			+1G
Papal Bull			+1 and +1P
Supporters			+1
Atrocity       			-2W
Military Expedition		B or O
Army				B
Foreign Troops			B
Opposition			B or -1
Monarchy       			+1 and +1I
Continuous War			B
Franciscans			+1I
Boniface       			+1 and +1P
Succession			+1 or -1
Civil War			B or -1
Excommunication			-1 and +1P
Crusade				BA
Walled City			BD
Allies				B or +1
Imperial Vicar			+1 and +1I
Murder				-1V
Occasio				+1TZ
Fortuna				+1XY
Mercenaries			B
Reinforcements			B
Cavalry				B
Infantry       			B
Siege				B
Battle Cry			B
Act of Treachery       		B or J or -1
Counter Attack			BD
Decisive Victory       		B
Condottieri			B
Temporal Power			+1 and +1P
Burghers       			+1 and +1R
Conspiracy			+1YJ
Deposed				-1
Public Opinion			-1Z
Prominence			+1YZ
Restoration			+1 and +2 Loser 
Massacre       			-2W
Autocrat       			+1 and +1S
Invasion       			BAX
City Rivalries			+1X or O
Lombard League			+1 and +1P
Petty Despot			+1 and +1S
Knights				B
Foot Soldiers			B
Political Chaos			+1WXYZ


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