Board, dice, & card game for 2+ players.
Wild West Theme.
Battle between gunslingers.
Abstract skirmish level combat.
Each figure represents a single man (unit).
You win if you kill all enemy gunslingers.
Use an 8x8 chessboard.
Use chits to indicate terrain features:
Clear (Unmarked spaces)
Six sided dice (Shooters) are needed.
Use pawns, chits or miniatures to represent gunslingers on the map.
The gunslinger deck contains one card representing each gunslinger.
Each gunslinger has his own hand of action cards.
If you are controlling more than one gunslinger, you will have a hand for each one.
C = Cowboy
O = Outlaw
I = Indian
L = Lawman
S = Soldier
P = Pistol
R = Rifle
Name Type Gun Guts Legs Smarts Cool Arms Eyes Hands
Sheriff L P 3 3 5 3 3 3 3
Deputy L P 2 4 3 2 3 3 2
Texas Ranger L R 3 4 6 3 3 4 3
Bounty Hunter L R 4 4 5 4 3 4 3
Preacher L P 2 2 3 3 2 2 1
Shootist O R 3 4 5 3 3 4 3
Pistoleer O P 3 4 5 4 3 4 4
Renegade O P 3 5 6 4 3 3 3
Gambler O P 2 4 6 4 2 3 4
Mexican Bandit O P 4 3 4 3 4 3 2
Mountain Man O R 4 3 6 4 4 3 2
Hired Gun C P 2 4 2 2 3 2 1
Miner C P 2 3 4 3 2 2 2
Saloon Girl C P 2 3 3 3 2 2 1
Homesteader C R 2 3 3 1 2 2 1
Drifter C R 2 4 4 3 2 4 2
Trapper C R 4 4 5 3 4 3 2
The Kid C P 2 5 4 2 2 2 2
Rangehand C R 2 4 3 2 3 3 2
Prospector C P 3 3 5 3 4 2 2
Apache Warrior I R 3 5 5 2 4 3 3
Blackfoot Scout I R 2 5 6 3 3 4 3
Yankee S R 3 4 5 2 3 3 2
Confederate S R 3 4 4 3 3 4 2
Each gunslinger has 7 numerical attributes:
Guts: Number of hits he can take before dying.
Smarts: Maximum action card hand size.
Cool: Number of action cards he can draw in Draw Phase
Legs: Max number of spaces he can move in one turn.
Arms: Ability in HTH combat (Allows use of certain cards)
Eyes: Weapon Accuracy (Allows use of certain cards)
Hands: Max number of attacks the gunslinger can make per turn.
Set up the board with terrain feature chits.
Determine how many gunslingers each player will control.
Each player places his gunslingers on squares of his back two rows.
Each Gunslinger starts with a full hand of cards.
Gunslingers share a common deck of action cards.
The Deck has 2 copies of each Move card and 1 copy of all other cards.
gunslingers take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Move Phase
3. Shoot Phase
Draw a number of action cards equal to the gunslingers Cool attribute.
Max hand size = Smarts Attribute.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Discard excess cards.
Play (discard) a Move card to move your gunslinger.
The move card has a number.
This is the number of spaces the man moves.
Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal.
A man can only use one move card per turn.
Men may not stack.
Play (discard) an Attack card to have the gunslinger attack.
The attack card has a number.
This is the MAXIMUM range of the attack.
Next roll 1D6. This is the Attack Roll.
If the Attack roll is equal to or less than the Shooter's Eyes Trait the Attack hits.
(At Range = 1 Shooters eyes are +1; At Range = 4+ eyes are -1)
Attacks do one wound (Hit of damage) to the target.
Use Chits or coins to record damage.
A man reduced to 0 Hits (Guts) is killed and removed from the board.
Each hit reduces the value of all attributes by one.
Your opponent may play Defense cards to negate your attack.
M = Movement
A = Attack
D = Defense
X = Special
W = Wound (Attack must hit first)
K = as a Knight would move in Chess
Type = Purpose of card
Card Name: Range Type Notes:
Sprint 5 M Only gunslingers with legs attribute 5+
Run 4 M Only gunslingers with legs attribute 4+
Scurry 3 M Only gunslingers with legs attribute 4+
Hurry 3 M -
Break Away 3 M -
Strut 2 M -
Walk 2 M -
Creep 1 M -
Sneak 1 M -
Dodge - D Negate attack if you moved last turn
Duck - D Negate attack: Only gunslingers w legs attribute 4+
Sun in your Eyes - D Negate attack if you are in a Clear Space
Cover - D Negate attack if you are in a Building Space
Prone - D Negate attack if you did not move last turn
Out of Sight - D Negate attack if you are in a Non-clear Space
Behind Rocks - D Negate attack if you are in a Canyon Space
Wild Shot - D Negate attack if shooter moved this turn
Behind Tree - D Negate attack if you are in a Tree Space
Surrender Terms - D Negate attack by a Lawman
Low on Ammo - D Negate attack if opponent attacked already this turn
Loss of Blood - D Negate attack by wounded man
Metal Plate - D Negate attack on an Outlaw
Bible - D Negate attack on a Lawman
Ten Gallon Hat - D Negate attack by a Rifle
Sombrero - D Negate attack by a Pistol
Misfire - D Negate attack of range 2+
Stampede - D Negate attack if you are in a Fence Space
Planned Shot 6 A Only gunslingers with a rifle & eyes attribute 4+
Careful Aim 5 A Rifle only
Sharp shot 5 A Only gunslingers with a rifle & eyes attribute 4+
Line up Target 4 A Only gunslingers with a rifle & eyes attribute 4+
Long Barrel 4 A Rifle only
Brace Rifle 4 A Rifle only
Trick Shot 3 A Only gunslingers with a rifle & eyes attribute 4+
Dead shot 3 A Only gunslingers with pistols & eyes attribute 4+
Guns Blazing 3 A -
Fanfiring 2 A Pistol only
Six Shooter 2 A Pistol only
Two-fisted Shooter 2 A Pistol only
Easy Target 3 A Rifle only
Out in the Open 3 A Only vs target in a clear space
Short Range 2 A -
Shoot from the Hip 2 A -
Shot in the Back 3 A Only vs surrounded Target
Ricochet 3 A -
Ambush 3 A Only if you are in a building
Quick Draw 2 A Only gunslingers with hands attribute 4+
Cause Avalanche 3 A Only vs Target in Canyon
Rifle butt 1 A Rifle only
Bang 2 A -
Bowie Knife 1 A Cowboys only
Pistol Whipped 1 A Pistols only
Derringer 1 A Pistols only
Set Fire 1 A Only vs gunslingers in buildings
Saber Cut 1 A Soldiers only
Strangle 1 A Only vs gunslingers with lower Arms attribute
Fisticuffs 1 A Only gunslingers with Arms attribute 4+
Tomahawk 1 A Indians only
Head Shot - W Target Attack does +1 Damage
Limp - W Target of Target Attack gets Legs -1
Reload - X Draw 3 cards
Cock - X Draw 2 cards
Whiskey - X Gunslinger regains 1 lost hit but is Eyes -1
Bite the Bullet - X Gunslinger regains 1 lost hit but is Legs -1
Way Blocked - X Negate a Move Card just played
Difficult Footing - X Negate a Move Card just played
Pinned Down - X Negate a Move Card just played
Mexican Standoff - X All players discard their hands & draw 3 cards
Gunslingers on Horses have a legs attribute = 6, and may play 2 Move cards per turn.
Gunslingers on Horses have a eyes attribute modifier of -1.
Discard any card from the gunslingers hand to mount/dismount.
If you are hit flip a coin. If tails your horse is shot out from under you.
Treat Shotguns like Rifles except:
Maximum range = 4
Treat range = 5 cards as range = 3 cards.
Some gunslingers may carry both a rifle and a pistol.
Only one can be used to attack in a turn.
Discard any card from the gunslingers hand to switch weapons.
4 players each with one gunslinger.
Gunslingers start in the corner squares.

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