Most Relics have a Hero Type Requirement.
For instance a Relic might only be useable by a Mage or a Rogue.
Potions are Single Use.
There are 3 Copies of each listed Potion in the Relic Deck.
Req = Requirement
Ftr = Fighter
FR = Fighter or Rogue
RM = Rogue or Mage
PF = Fighter or Priest
PM = Priest or Mage
Any = Any Hero Type
HS = Hand Size
PS = Party Size
AD = Auto-Defeat
** = Once per Quest
Req: Relic: Notes:
Rogue Cloak of Invisibility Save. Fight +2
Ftr Vorpal Blade AD** Monster or Giant. Fight +1
Rogue Flying Carpet AD Falls. Move +1
Mage Staff of Power Fight +3
Mage Staff of Wizardry HS +1. Fight +1
Rogue Dagger of Venom AD** Rogue or Mage or Priest or Fighter
Mage Wand of Paralyzing AD** Greater Minion
Any Potion of Healing Potion. Heal or AD Acid or Poison
PM Bracers of Defense Save. Fight +1
Any Ring of Protection Save
Ftr Demon Sword Fight +3
FR Blade of Warning Fight +4 vs Ambush Minion. Fight +1
PM Staff of Fire AD** Cold Trap or Enemy. Fight +1
PM Staff of Freezing AD** Fire Trap or Enemy. Fight +1
Priest Holy Symbol AD** Undead or Spirit or Demon
Any Holy Water Potion. AD Undead or Demon or Slime
PF Mace of Disruption Fight +5 vs Undead or Demon
FT Elder Bow Fight +2
Ftr Titan Shield AD Energy. Save. Fight +3 vs Final Foes
PF Mithril Mail Save. Fight +1. AD Blade
RM Gem of True Seeing AD** Trap
RM Deck of Many Things Draw 2 Action Cards**
Mage Wand of Illusions AD** Men or Humanoids
Priest Staff of Healing Heal** or AD** Poison or Acid
Any Ring of Fire Resistance AD** Fire Trap or Enemy
Any Ring of Cold Resistance AD** Cold Trap or Enemy
Priest Holy Hand Grenade AD Any Enemy. Single Use
Ftr Flaming Sword AD** Cold Trap or Enemy. Fight +2
Ftr Cold Brand Blade AD** Fire Trap or Enemy. Fight +2
Any Coral Helm AD** Water Trap or Enemy
Ftr Trident AD** Water Trap or Enemy. Fight +2
PM Rod of Blasting AD** Earth Trap or Enemy. Fight +1
Mage Ring of Levitation AD** Falls. Fight +1
Any Spirit Jar AD Spirit or Curse. Single Use
PM Dragon Orb AD** Dragon
Ftr Rune Sword Fight +4 vs Greater Minions and Final Foes
Mage Crystal Ball Look** at top 5 cards of any Deck
Mage Philosophers Stone AD** Slime or Acid. Gain 1 Gold in End Phase
Mage Magic Hour Glass Reroll** 1 Target Die Roll
Any Acid Flask Potion. Fight +3
Ftr Bright Shield AD Gaze and Blade. Fight +1. Save
Ftr Holy Sword Fight +4 vs Undead and Demons. Fight +2
PF Holy Armor Save. Fight +3 vs Undead and Demons and Fey
Ftr Magic Shovel AD** Delay or Earth Trap or Enemy.
Rogue Enchanted Lute AD** Beast or Swarm or Fey or Curse
Ftr Rod of Rulership PS +1
Ftr Goblin Bane Sword Fight +4 vs Humanoids and Fey. Fight +1
Ftr Dragon Lance AD** Dragons. Fight +1
Rogue Sling of Seeking AD** Giants. Fight +1
Mage Tome of Wisdom HS +1. AD** Wits or Curse or Spirit
Ftr Eldritch Blade AD** Spirit or Fey or Plants. Fight +2
Mage Lightning Rod AD** Energy or Animated. Fight +2
Ftr Sword of Slaying AD** Monster or Beast. Fight +1
Mage Spell Book Draw 2 Mage Spells from the Action Deck**
Main Rules