Card game for 2+ players based on the Harry Potter Universe. 
Voldemort has created 7 Horcruxes, each one containing a piece of his soul.
In order to defeat him, you must destroy all his Horcruxes first. 
Kill Voldemort after all 7 Horcruxes are destroyed. 
If you killed Voldemort but did not destroy the most Horcruxes, 
You must share the victory with player who did. 

Harry Potter is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Players share a Common Deck. 
There are 4 Types of Cards: 
H = Horcrux
A = Action
C = Character
S = Special

Shuffle the Deck. 
Each player is dealt 5 cards. 
The most magical player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Destruction Phase
2. Horcrux Phase
3. Action Phase
4. Draw Phase

If you have a Horcrux in play, you may play the cards needed to 
Destroy it. The Horcrux card then goes into your Victory Pile. 
The non-Horcrux cards used do not produce their other effects

You may play a Horcrux card from your hand. 
Place it on the table face-up in front of you. 
It is in your possession. 

You may play up to 3 Action cards from your hand. 
Note: Some Special cards and Character cards can be used like 
Action cards in this phase. 

Fill your hand to 5 cards if it contains less than 5. 
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Harry Potter
2. Basilisk Fang

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Fiendfyre or Fang
2. Harry Potter
3. Ron Weasley

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Killing Curse
2. Harry Potter
3. Voldemort
4. Phoenix Tears

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Gryffindor’s Sword or Killing Curse or Fiendfyre
2. Neville Longbottom

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Gryffindor’s Sword
2. Albus Dumbledore

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Gryffindor’s Sword
2. Ron Weasley
3. Harry Potter

To destroy this Horcrux you must play: 
1. Hermonie Granger
2. Basilisk Fang

To kill Voldemort all 7 Horcruxes must first be destroyed, 
Then you must play: 
1. Harry Potter
2. Voldemort
3. Elder Wand
4. Killing Curse

Card:				Type:	Copies	Notes:
Tom Riddle’s Diary		H	1	
Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring		H	1	
Ravenclaw’s Diadem		H	1	
Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup		H	1	
Slytherin’s Locket		H	1	
Lightning Scar			H	1	Living
Nagini the Snake		H	1	Living
Basilisk Fang			S	2 	Venom
Killing Curse			S	2 	Spell
Fiendfyre			S	1	Spell
Gryffindor’s Sword		S	3 	
Albus Dumbledore		C	2 	Search Discard for any 1 Card
Harry Potter			C	3	Draw 3 Cards and Keep 2
Voldemort			C	2	Draw 2 Cards. Opponent Discards 2 Cards
Hermonie Granger		C	2	Draw 5 cards and Keep 1
Ron Weasley			C	2	Shuffle the Discard into the Deck
Neville Longbottom		C	2	Draw 1 Card
Phoenix Tears			S	2 	Search Discard for 1 Character
The Elder Wand  		S	2	Opponent must discard 1 random card
Chamber of Secrets		A	1	Search Deck for Fang or Harry or Diary
Ginny Weasley			A	1	Search Deck for Harry or Diary or Ron
Corruption			A	1	Opponent Discards 2 Random Cards
Possession			A	1	Steal 2 random cards from opponent’s hand
Soul Drain			A	1	Steal 1 random cards from opponent’s hand
Soul Fragment			A	1	Opponent Shows Hand. Discards 1 Horcrux
Stolen				A	1	Steal a Horcrux in Play
Soul Manifestation		A	1	Shuffle a Horcrux in play back into the Deck
Taunting Illusions		A	1	Discard a Horcrux in Play
Isolated			A	1	Negate an Action Card
Defend Itself			A	1	Place Horcrux in Play on top of Deck 
Deadly Curse			A	1	Opponent Shows Hand. Discards 1 Character
Unbreakable			A	1	Place Horcrux back in owners Hand
Powerful Enchantments   	A	1	Place Horcrux in Play into your Hand
Felix Felicis			A	1	Search the Discard for Voldemort or 1 Horcrux
Mundungus			A	1	Search Deck for Albus or Ring or Sword
Gringott’s Bank			A	1	Search Deck for Cup or Hermonie or Fang
Battle of Hogwarts		A	1	Search Deck for Diadem or Nagini or Cup or Wand
Room of Requirement		A	1	Search Deck for Diadem or Fiendfyre or Fang
Draco Malfoy			A	1	Search Deck or for Fiendfyre or Albus or Wand
Snape				A	1	Search Deck or Discard for Albus or Voldemort
Quirinus Quirrell		A	1	Search Deck or Discard for Voldemort or Harry
Hogwarts			A	1	All Players draw 2 cards
Ministry of Magic		A	1	All Players discard 2 cards
Order of the Phoenix		A	1	Draw 2 Cards
Pensieve			A	1	Take 2 Random cards from the Discard
Deathly Hallows 		A	1	Search Deck for Wand or Cloak or Stone
Forbidden Forrest		A	1	Search Deck for 1 Character
Visions				A	1	Search Deck for 1 Horcrux
Invisibility Cloak		A	1	Draw 1 Card. Opponent Shows Hand
Resurrection Stone		A	1	Search Deck for Ring or Harry or Albus
True Master			A	1	Search Deck for Wand or Albus or Harry
False Vision			A	1	Opponent discards 2 Random Cards
Occlumency			A	1	Play to prevent a Steal or Discard
Death Eaters			A	1	Opponent discards 2 Random Cards
Mission				A	1	Opponent Shows Hand. Steal 1 Card
Prophecy			A	1	Draw 1 Card. Look at next 10 cards in Deck 


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