Card game for 2 Players.
Theme: American Indian Wars in the Post Civil War Years.
One player is the Whites.
The other player is the Indians.
Reduce your opponent to zero Blood Chips.
Note: If both players are reduced to zero at the end of a
Turn, the player with the least negative total wins.
A White win indicates an early end of the Indian Wars in
The White Mans favor.
An Indian win indicates additional Resistance and a
Continuation of the Indian Wars.
(By 1870 there were more Whites in Kansas than Indians in the entire US)
Each player starts with 20 Blood Chips.
Players share a common deck.
There are 7 types of cards:
Initiative, White Combatant, Indian Combatant, Firepower, Aftermath,
Special, and Historical
Except for Special cards and some Historical Cards, all cards have a numerical Score.
Most cards can be played by both players. Some can only be played by one.
Each turn has 6 Phases:
1. Resources Phase
2. Initiative Phase
3. Combatants Phase
4. Firepower Phase
5. Aftermath Phase
6. Endings Phase
Each Player draws 7 cards.
A player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Players lay down their Initiative cards from their hands.
The player with the highest total Initiative score wins the Initiative contest.
(The winner of the Initiative is fighting on his terms)
The loser of the contest loses 1 Blood Chip.
If the loser played no Initiative cards, he loses 2 Blood Chips.
In a tie, neither player loses a Blood Chip.
The White Player may lay down White Combatant cards from his hand.
The Indian Player may lay down Indian Combatant cards from his hand.
The player with the highest total Combatant score wins the combatant contest.
(The winner has the most or the best forces)
The loser of the contest loses 1 Blood Chip.
If the loser played no Combatant cards, he loses 2 Blood Chips.
In a tie, neither player loses a Blood Chip.
Players lay down their Firepower cards from their hands.
The player with the highest total Firepower score wins the Firepower contest.
(The winner has an advantage in guns and ammunition)
The loser of the contest loses 1 Blood Chip.
If the loser played no Firepower cards, he loses 2 Blood Chips.
In a tie, neither player loses a Blood Chip.
The player who won the Initiative contest plus the most
contests overall may play Aftermath cards.
(Remember there are 3 contests: Initiative, Combatants, and Firepower)
Note: In a Tie neither player may play Aftermath cards.
For every Aftermath card you play, your opponent must discard 1 Blood chip.
Every time you play an Aftermath card, your opponent may draw 1 extra
Card in the next turn’s Resource Phase.
Players discard their hands.
I = Initiative
W = White Combatant
X = Indian Combatant
F = Firepower
A = Aftermath
S = Special
H = Historical
US = White player only may use this card
RM = Indian player only may use this card
B = Either player may use card
D = Card can only be played if you lost the Initiative
Y = White player may use this as an Aftermath card
Z = Indian player may use this as an Aftermath card
RP = Resource Phase
Card Name: Type Use Score Notes:
Raid I B 2 -
Ruse I B 3 -
Ambush I RM 5 -
Patrol I US 1 -
Surprise I B 5 -
Cavalry Charge I US 4 -
Pursuit I B 3 -
Trap I B 4 -
Pitched Battle I US 1 -
Surrounded I B 4 -
Hit & Run I RM 4 -
Guerilla Tactics I RM 4 -
Skirmish I B 1 -
Texas Rangers W US 4 -
US Cavalry W US 4 -
Soldiers W US 2 -
Homesteaders W US 1 -
Settlers W US 1 -
Cowboys W US 2 -
Indian Recruits W US 5 -
Horse Soldiers W US 3 -
Fort W US 4 D
Wagon Train W US 2 D/Z
Buffalo Soldiers W US 5 -
Troopers W US 3 -
Yellow Legs W US 3 -
Warriors X RM 4 -
Braves X RM 4 -
Camp X RM 1 D/Y
Village X RM 1 D/Y
War Party X RM 5 -
Scouts X RM 2 -
Hunters X RM 3 -
Plains Indians X RM 2 -
Chief X RM 5 -
Raiders X RM 3 -
Redskins X RM 4 -
Tribesmen X RM 3 -
Renegades X RM 3 -
Pistols F US 3 -
Firearms F B 4 -
Long Arms F US 5 -
Revolvers F B 3 -
Knives F B 1 -
Rifles F B 5 -
Clubs & Shields F RM 1 -
Bows & Arrows F RM 3 -
Lances F RM 2 -
Tomahawks F RM 2 -
Six-Shooters F US 3 -
Carbines F US 4 -
Bullets F B 3 -
Massacre A B - -
Atrocities A B - -
Slaughter A B - -
Scalping A B - -
Captives A B - -
Revenge A B - -
Surrender A US - -
Relocation A US - -
Warpath A RM - -
Rampage A RM - -
Butchered A B - -
Reservation A US - -
Murder A B - -
Confederation S RM - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Uprising S RM - Draw 2 Cards in RP
War Cry S RM - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Bugle Call S US - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Indian Fighters S US - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Offensive S US - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Pony Express S US - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Last Stand S B 2 Use as Initiative or Combatant card
Wounded Knee H US - Use as a Double Aftermath card
Armstrong Custer H US 3 Use for Combatant & Aftermath
Philip Sheridan H US - Draw 3 Cards in RP
George Crook H US 4 Use for Initiative & Combatant
Kit Carson H US 5 Use for Initiative
Little Big Horn H RM 5 Use for Initiative & Combatant
Geronimo H RM 5 Use for Initiative
Red Cloud H RM 4 Use for Initiative & Combatant
Crazy Horse H RM 5 Use for Combatant
Sitting Bull H RM - Draw 3 Cards in RP
Ghost Dancers H RM - Draw 2 Cards in RP
Indian Wars Wikipedia
Thanks Ron!
Card Set
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