Board game for 4-8 players.
Players control ancient civilizations.
A map of the Mediterranean is provided.
The map is divided into spaces or territories.
Blue lines connect territories seperated by water.
Territories are grouped into larger units called regions.
Players share a common set of Victory Tokens.
Each player has a set of uniquely colored 'population' chits. (No limit)
Some of a players chits should be marked with a "C" to indicate
that they represent cities.
Play requires construction of a unique deck of cards.
The backs of all cards are identical.
The front of the card contains the name of the card.
See the card list for the 7 types of cards.
Randomly determine turn order.
Each player picks a starting territory at least 5 spaces from all other
players starting territories.
A player places ten population chits in his starting territory.
The game ends when 1 or more players has 100 or more Victory Tokens.
The player with the most Victory Tokens at the end of the game wins.
1. Draw Phase
2. Trade Phase
3. Action Phases
4. Scoring Phase
5. End Phase
Each player draws 5 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Players may freely trade cards.
A player may pass or make one or more actions.
If you pass, you may draw a card.
There are 8 types of actions:
Destroy, Disperse, Convert, Colonize, Grow, Build, Glory, and Advance.
Each action play requires a combination of cards to be played.
A player may play more than one combo per turn if he has the cards.
The cards in the Combo are discarded after the action is resolved.
Destroy Action:
The destroy combo requires any combination of 5+ culture, war,
and/or technology cards.
Destroy X of an opponents chits (1 city couts as 5 chits) that are in
the same territory as one of your chits, or in territories adjacent to a
territory occupied by one or more of your chits.
X = number of War or Tech cards you play.
Grow Action:
The grow combo requires any combination of 5+ population,
trade, and/or technology cards.
Gain X population chits (of your color).
Place these in any territories you already occupy.
X = number of Pop and Tech cards you play.
You cannot grow in a space that already has more than 10 total Chits or
1 City and 5 Chits.
Convert Action:
The convert combo requires any combination of 5+ culture, war,
and/or religion cards.
Replace up to X-1 of an opponents chits (1 city = 5 chits) with your own.
These chits must be in the same territory as one of your chits, or in
territories adjacent to a territory occupied by one of your chits.
Alternatively, a convert combo can be used to Gain X-1 population chits
of your color in any empty territories adjacent to territories
occupied by your chits.
X = number of Cult and Relig cards you play.
Disperse Action:
The disperse combo requires any combination of 3+ government,
trade, and/or religion cards.
Move up to X+1 of your population chits to ADJACENT spaces on the board.
Each chit may be moved to a different territory.
They may be moved into territories occupied by opponents chits.
X = number of Relig and Trade cards you play.
Colonize Action:
The Colonize combo requires any combination of 5+ government,
war, and/or population cards.
Move up to X of your population chits to ANY 1 empty space on the board.
X = number of Gov and Pop cards you play.
Build Action:
The build combo requires one of each of the 7 types of cards.
Place a city counter of your color in any territory occupied by only
chits of your colors.
Only one city per territory.
Glory Action:
The Glory combo requires 3+ cards of any 1 Type.
Immediately gain X-2 VT and draw X-2 cards.
X = number of cards you play.
Advance Action
The Advance combo requires 5+X cards of any 1 Type.
If you play a War combo gain +1 to all future Destroy Actions.
If you play a Religion combo gain +1 to all future Convert Actions.
If you play a Culture combo gain +1 to all future Glory Actions.
If you play a Population combo gain +1 to all future Grow Actions.
If you play a Government combo gain +1 to all future Colonize Actions.
If you play a Trade combo gain +1 to all future Disperse Actions.
If you play a Technology combo draw an extra card in your Draw Phases.
X = zero the first time you make a combo.
X = 1 the second time you make the same combo.
X = 2 the third time you make the same combo and so on.
Multiple chits from different players may occupy the same territory.
Cities cannot move.
Cities and population chits may occupy a territory at the same time.
You only score.
For each Region:
If you have at least 1 population chit in a Region gain 1 Victory Token (VT).
If you have the most territories in a region gain 1 more VT.
If you have all the territories in a region gain 1 more VT.
A player gets 1 VT for each city he owns.
A player may have a maximum of 3 + X cards in his hand.
X = number of cities you have.
Discard excess cards.
Type: # Actions:
War 15 Destroy, Disperse, Convert
Culture 15 Convert, Destroy
Population 15 Grow, Disperse
Religion 15 Colonize, Convert
Technology 15 Grow, Destroy
Government 15 Disperse, Colonize
Trade 15 Colonize, Grow
# = number of these cards in the deck
If you are wiped out, lose 10 VT. You can start again with 5 cards and
10 chits in any non-city territory of your choice.
Click Here Thanks Eric!!!
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