Two Player Board & Card Game of Modern Infantry Combat.
Destroy or Rout all enemy Squads or take and hold 3 Objectives.
Use unique Miniatures, counters, or tokens to represent Squads.
Each Squad starts with 10 men (or 10 men equivalents).
A Squad is destroyed when no men remain.
Players will have to keep records of how many men remain in each individual squad.
Squad Types: NS CD
Rambo 1 6
Elite 2 6
Veterans 3 5
Regulars 4 4
Sub-Standard 5 3
Green 6 2
NS = Number of Squads that player starts the game with.
CD = Number of cards that player draws each turn.
Rambo Squads can make multiple attacks per turn.
Players pick whether they are Rebels or Government Troops.
Each player picks one Squad type.
Each player places one unit on each square of his back two rows.
Units may not stack. Flip a coin to see who goes first.
Deal 3 cards to the loser of the coin toss.
The basic map is an 8x8 square grid.
Map sizes can be larger or smaller.
The rules will also work with hex grids and irregular grids.
Give each space a terrain type according to the Terrain type list.
Mark 3 or more spaces as being objectives.
Type: Cover: Movement:
Buildings Hard -
Mountain Hard Difficult
Swamp Soft Difficult
Jungle Soft -
River None Difficult
Fields None -
Clearing Exposed -
Road Exposed Double while on road
Hard and soft cover are collectively referred to as Protected Terrain.
None and Exposed terrain are collectively referred to as Open Terrain.
Certain cards can be used by or can target units in certain terrain types.
A squad entering Difficult Terrain must stop when entering and
Cannot make any further moves.
Six sided dice are needed.
Players share a common Deck.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Orders Phase
Move Phase
Defensive Fire Phase
Offensive Fire Phase
Logistics Phase
Draw a number of cards as determined by your Squad type.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each of your units gets 1 free move to 1 adjacent space per turn.
Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your units the extra distance indicated on the card.
Moves can be to any space within range.
Your opponent may play Negate cards to negate the (Free or Card driven) Move of a single unit.
Your opponent may play (discard) an Defensive Attack card to have one of his units attack.
A Squad can make a maximum of 1 Attack per turn.
All Attacks have a range of 1 or more spaces.
The enemy unit that is the target squad of the attack loses 1D6 Men.
If it is a half strength attack there are only 1D3 casualties.
Your may play Protection cards to negate the Attack.
Your may play (discard) an Attack card to have one of your units attack.
A Squad can make a maximum of 1 Attack per turn.
All Attacks have a range of 1 or more spaces.
The enemy unit that is the target squad of the attack loses 1D6 Men.
If it is a half strength attack there are only 1D3 casualties.
Your opponent may play Protection cards to negate your Attack.
Max hand size = 3 cards. Discard excess cards.
Certain cards can only be used be either Government troops or Rebel troops.
It is possible for both players to be of the same type.
A = Attack
M = Move
MA = Move first then Attack
N = Negate Move
P = Protection: Negates an Attack
PN = Can be used as a Protection or Negate card
PD = Protects from Fire in Defensive Phase only
D = Defensive Fire Only
O = Offensive Fire Only
H = Half Strength Attack
G = Government Troops only
R = Rebel Troops only
Y = Special
Z = This Squad may make an additional attack this turn
X = Attack that cannot be used at Range 1 but only farther
XX = Attack that cannot be used at Range 1 or 2 but only farther
S = Suppression: Opponent must discard 1 random card
Range = Farthest allowed range of a Move or Attack
Card Name: Type Range Notes
Covering Fire PD - S
Grenade A 1 Z
Pistol Fire A 1 H
Machetes A 1 HR
Close Combat A 1 -
Bayonets A 1 HG
Infiltration MA 1 O
Claymore Mine A 2 D
Ambush A 1 ZD
Opportunity Fire A 2 DH
Surprise Attack A 1 ZO
Forced March M 1 -
Double Time M 1 -
Crossfire A 2 Z
Suppression Fire PN - S
Mortar A 3 X
Recoilless Rifle A 4 X
Artillery Strike A 4 SXX
Air Strike A 5 SXXG
Helicopter Gunship A 5 XG
Smokescreen P - -
Helicopter Insertion M 5 G (Ignore Terrain)
Trucks M 4 -
Lay of the Land M 1 R
Know the Terrain M 1 R
Carefully Picked Position P - R
Home Ground P - R
Fire Superiority A 3 Z
Assault Rifles A 2 -
Small Arms Fire A 2 H
Automatic Weapons A 2 -
Light Machine Gun A 3 H
Heavy Machine Gun A 3 S
Grenade Launcher A 2 -
Shotgun A 1 H
Obstructions P - Use by Unit in Hard Cover
Concealment P - Use by Unit in Soft Cover
Find Cover P - Use by unit in Protected Terrain
Easy Pickings A 3 Vs Unit in Exposed Terrain
Out in the Open A 2 Vs Unit in Open Terrain
Camouflage P - -
Recon M 1 Look at Opponents Hand
Pinned N - S
Ammunition Shortage P - -
Sniper A 3 -
Exhaustion N - -
Lost N - -
Tough Going N - -
Radio Contact Y - Draw 3 cards
Tactics Y - Draw 2 cards
Firefight A 2 -
Body Armor P - G
Patrol M 1 Look at Opponents Hand
Players may optionally designate secretly picked spaces to be
Booby traps and/or Minefields.
These cause Half Strength Attacks when an enemy squad enters them.
They cannot be defended against.
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