Board game of warfare in Feudal Japan.

The deck contains 100+ cards as described in the card list.
The backs of all cards are identical.
The face should contain the name of the card and its Force value.

The map is a 10 X 10 grid.
There are 7 terrain types:
Clear			1		0		Plains
Fortress		1		10		Ancestral Clan Home
Keep			1		5		Minor Castles
Difficult		2		0		Desert 
Covered			2		3		Forest, Hills		
Treacherous		2		-5		Rivers, swamps
Impassable		X		X		Water, Mountains
Move- This is the number of movement points required to enter the space.
Defense- This is the Force modifier applied to a defending army occupying the space.
When designing the map, place fortresses on opposite sides of the map.
There should be a number of fortresses equal to the number of players.
Include examples of all the terrain types.
There should be 2 or 3 Keeps per player, spread evenly around the map.

Each player has a set of counters or chits of a unique color.
These pieces are marked with a 'C' or an 'A' or an 'H' or a 'G'.
C-counters are control markers. They are placed on Keeps and Fortresses you control.
A-counters represent an entire army each. 
H-counters are Honor counters.
G-counters represent gold.
Alternately, players may use painted miniatures to represent the army pieces.

For each Fortress roll 3 times on the Trait Table.
For each Keep roll once on the Trait Table.
Your clan gains the traits of every Keep & Fortress you control. 
Combat bonuses apply to your armies during every battle.

Each player starts the game controlling one fortress and two armies.
One army is located in the fortress, the other is adjacent.
Players start with 0 honor and gold.
The Keeps start the game as neutral, undefended spaces.
Players determine turn order by rock-paper-scissors.

Capture the fortresses of your opponents.
If a player loses his fortress he is out of the game, and all of his 
armies are removed from the board.
Another way to win is to be the first to acquire 50 Honor points.

Players take turns. 
Each turn consists of the following six phases played in order:
1. Revenue Phase
2. Expense Phase
3. Draw Phase
4. Honor Phase
5. Travel Phase
6. Battle Phase

Your Fortresses generate 3 gold in this phase.
Your Keeps generate 1 gold in this phase.
Fortresses and keeps are near settlements, ports, trade routes, farmland, 
and mines, from which they derive their income.
Certain traits of keeps & Fortresses will provide additional gold.
Gold may be saved from turn to turn.

Pay 1 gold per army to supply your armies.
Armies that are not supplied are immediately disbanded and are removed from play.
You may raise a new army at a cost of 4 gold.
A new army starts in or next to its owners fortress.

You may draw 1 card from the deck.
You may repeatedly pay two gold to draw one extra card.
If the deck runs out, reshuffle the discard pile and continue.

You may pay two gold to gain one honor. Up to 2D6 times.
This Honor award is derived from skilled and beautiful efforts in 
the arts, literature, dance, theatre, poetry, craftsmanship, tea 
ceremonies, courtly etiquitte, and the like.
Certain traits of keeps & Fortresses will generate additional Honor.

Each of your armies may move.
Each army has 2 movement points it may use per turn.
See the terrain list  for the number of movement points required 
to enter each type of terrain.
Only one army may occupy a space at a time.
If you move your army into a fortress or a keep, you gain control of it.
Place a control marker on keeps and fortresses you control.

You may have your armies attack adjacent enemy armies.
Only two armies are involved in each battle.
Each player in the battle draws 5 cards.
Each player sets aside 1 to 7 cards face down. 
Up to 5 of these cards may be peasant, soldier, or samurai cards.
These cards are then revealed simultaneously.
Each player adds up the Force value of all of his revealed cards.
Cards have force values ranging from 1 to 8+.
The defender also gets a Force modifier from the type of terrain he occupies.
The side with the higher force total wins.
The defender wins all ties.
The losing player removes his army from the board.
All revealed cards are discarded and go to the discard pile.
After each battle, the winner must discard down to 8 cards or less.
The loser must discard down to 3 cards or less.
If the loser occupied a keep or fortress the winning army 
immediately moves in to occupy it.
The winner gains 3 honor points.
The loser loses 1 honor point.
Note that battles are either at a fortification siege, or are on open ground.
The current active player is considered to be the attacker.

Players, at any time, may trade promises, gold, cards, armies, keeps, and honor.

Each time an army defeats another army it gets one experience point.
In battle, an army gets a force bonus equal to its experience.
Place counters marked with an 'E' under the army counter to keep track of experience.

#	Card Name		Force	Notes
6	Yari Ashigaru		3	Infantry/ Spears/ Peasant. +1 if Defending
6	Bushi Naginata		4	Infantry/ Soldier. +1 if Defending
6	Warrior Monks		5	Infantry/ Monk.
6	Ashigaru Arquebusiers	5	Guns/ Peasant. +2 at siege
6	Bushi Musketeers	6	Guns/ Soldier. +2 at siege
5	Yari Samurai		6	Samurai/ Infantry/ Spears. +1 if Defending
5	No-Dachi Swordsmen	7	Samurai/ Infantry/ Swords. +1 if Attacking
5	Cavalry Archers		6	Samurai/ Horses/ Bows. +1 in open ground
5	Yari Cavalry		4	Samurai/ Horses. +3 in open ground
5	Samurai Archers		7	Samurai/ Bows. +1 at siege
5	Heavy Cavalry		8	Samurai/ Horses/ Swords. +2 in open ground
10	Superior Tactics	7	Battle Action.
3	Treachery		10	Battle Action. Lose 7 honor.
1	Prosperity		0	Gain 3 gold. Play in revenue phase.
1	Much Honor		0	Gain 4 honor. Play in honor phase.
5	Diplomacy		0	Neither side wins the battle.
5	Shinobi Spies		0	Look at opponents hand.
5	Forced March		0	Target army gets a second travel and 
					battle phase this turn.
5	Intrigue		0	Opponent must lose 3 cards or 3 honor. 
					Play in honor phase.
5	Ninja			0	Remove all Experience counters from target Army.
					Play in Honor Phase. Lose 3 Honor.
# = number of such cards in the deck.
A player may play multiple superior tactics cards in a battle.
If a diplomacy card is played, neither army is lost, no honor is lost or 
gained, and each side must discard down to 5 cards.  All revealed cards 
are still discarded.

D6D6	Trait			Effect
11	Shinto Temple		Gain 1 Honor per turn
12	Trading Posts		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
13	Ports			Gain 1 Tribute per turn
14	Trade Route		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
15	Horses			Gain 1 Tribute per turn
16	Geisha House		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
21	Tranquil Gardens	Gain 1 Honor per turn
22	Buddhist Temple		Gain 1 Honor per turn
23	Tea House		Gain 1 Honor per turn
24	Art of War		Add 1 to your Force total
25	Fortifications		Add 3 to your Force total if defending at a Fort/Keep
26	Siegecraft		Add 3 to your Force total if attacking a Fort/Keep
31	Sword Dojo		Swordsmen get +1 Force
32	Monk Dojo		Monks get +3 Force
33	Armory			Samurai get +1 Force
34	Ninja House		Draw an extra card each turn. Keep it if its a Ninja.
35	Large Populace		Ashigaru get +2 Force
36	Archery Dojo		Bowmen get +2 Force
41	Spear Dojo		Spearmen get +2 Force
42	Bushi Dojo		Bushi get +2 Force
43	Gunsmiths		Gun troops get +2 Force
44	Stables			Horsemen get +1 Force
45	Barracks		Infantry get +1 Force
46	Copper Mines		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
51	Iron Mines		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
52	Silver Mines		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
53	Gold Mines		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
54	Jade Works		Gain 1 Tribute per turn	
55	Pearl Beds		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
56	Saki House		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
61	Ying			Add 2 to your Force total if defending
62	Yang			Add 2 to your Force total if attacking
63	Silk Farmers		Gain 1 Tribute per turn
64	Farms			Gain 1 Tribute per turn
65	Much Honor		Gain 1 Honor per turn
66	Palace			Gain 1 Honor per turn

Written by Frederic Moll (fmoll@geocities.com)
To avoid repetitions of games, the boardgame could be made with 
tiles (squared or hexagonal) representing all types of terrain.. And 
placement of tiles would be made by each player one tile at a time 
(cf the making of the board for "Kings and Things" game for an 
   After all tiles are laid down each player will put in sequence his 
fortress on one tile... then each player will place his first keep then 
his second keep... the restriction is that keep can only be placed 
adjacent to the fortress or one tile away...
   To allow more possibilities, have 4 or 6 more tiles than the total 
required ...

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