Bidding Game for 3-6+ players.
Theme: The Hittite Kingdom circa 1750 - 1180 BC.
The player with the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game wins.
The Game ends at the end of the turn the 10th King card is played.
Players share 2 common decks:
The Power Deck
The Empire Deck
These are the cards you bid with.
These are the cards you bid for.
Use Coins to keep track of Victory Points (VP).
This determines Bidding Order.
Each player is dealt 3 Power cards.
Randomly give one player the Kings Seal. That player
must discard 1 Power card.
Each turn has 5 Phases:
1. Gold Phase
2. Flip Phase
3. Bid Phase
4. Event Phase
5. King Phase
Each player draws 1 Power card.
If the Power deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Flip over the Top card of the Empire Deck.
Place it face up in the Middle of the Table.
It is now a Treasure card.
If the Empire card flipped over was a War or a King card there will be a Bid.
There will also be a Bid if there are no more cards left in the deck.
Starting with the Player to the left of the player with the Kings Seal and
going clockwise, players bid 1 or more Power Cards. Each total bid must
be higher in total Gold value than the last, or the player must pass.
When all players have passed but one, that player wins the Bid.
The Winner gets all the Face up Treasure cards on the Table.
He moves them in front of himself. They are now his Permanent Cards.
The Winner must discard all Power cards he used to win the Bid.
All other players keep their power cards.
The winner of a King Bid takes possession of the Kings Seal.
If the highest Bid for a War is less than 15 Gold no one wins the Bid. The Hittites
lose the War and the player with the Kings Seal loses 1 City. The Treasure
cards remain in play.
If no one bids on a King Bid all Treasure cards are discarded.
If a King or War card did not come up, and there are at least 3 Treasure cards in
play, any player may declare a Rebellion. A Rebellion starts a Bid. The Player who
called for the Rebellion must begin the bidding with a minimum bid of 10 Gold.
Military cards are worth +2 Gold in War Bids.
Politics cards are worth +2 Gold in King Bids.
Get +2 to your War Bids for each Vassal you control.
Discard a Rebellion card. Target opponent must discard 1 Military card or
1 Vassal card.
Discard a Raid card. Target player must discard 1 Military card or
1 Economics Card or 1 City card.
Discard 2 Economics cards to gain Control of 1 discarded City card.
Discard 2 Religion cards to take a Culture Treasure card and move it to
your Permanents.
Discard 2 Diplomacy cards to take a Vassal Treasure card and move it to
your Permanents.
Discard a Plague card to make all other players discard 1 Economics card or
1 City card.
Discard a Famine card to cause all Treasure cards (not Permanents) to
be discarded.
Gain 1 Victory Point if you have the Kings Seal.
Max hand size is 7 Power cards.
Discard excess cards.
Max hand size is increased by 1 for each city you control.
The game is divided into 3 Periods:
Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom.
The Old Kingdom ends when the 4th King card is played
The Middle Kingdom ends when the 7th King card is played.
The New Kingdom ends when the 10th King card is played.
Score as follows at the end of each period:
Each War card is worth 50 Victory Points
The player with the most Kings gets 25 VP
Each City is worth 20 VP
Each Vassal is worth 10 VP
The player with the most Vassals gets 20 VP
Your first Culture card is worth 5 VP
Your second Culture card is worth 10 VP
Your third Culture card is worth 15 VP
Your fourth and Culture card is worth 20 VP and so on
Each pair of Copper & Tin cards is worth 10 VP
At the beginning of Middle and New Kingdom all players discard
all of their War, Copper & Tin cards.
M = Military
P = Politics
D = Diplomacy
R = Religion
E = Economics
X = Disaster
# = Number of copies of that card in the deck
Name: # Gold Type:
Famine 2 1 X
Plague 2 1 X
Rebellion 2 1 X
Gasgas Raids 2 1 X
Agriculture 1 2 E
Pottery 1 3 E
Metal Working 1 4 E
Mines 1 5 E
Stonemasons 1 6 E
Livestock 1 7 E
Wheat 1 2 E
Trade Route 1 3 E
Tin Trade 1 4 E
Tribute 1 5 E
Chariots 1 7 M
Infantry 1 6 M
Spears 1 5 M
Bows & Arrows 1 4 M
Swords & Axes 1 3 M
Shields & Armor 1 2 M
Fortifications 1 2 M
Skirmishing 1 3 M
Armies 1 4 M
Punitive Campaign 1 5 M
Invasion 1 6 M
Conquests 1 7 M
Treaty 1 7 D
Contract 1 6 D
Marriage 1 5 D
Alliance 1 4 D
Formal Agreements 1 3 D
Claims 1 2 D
Arrangement 1 2 D
Promises 1 3 D
Reconciliation 1 4 D
Requests 1 5 D
Exile 1 2 P
Deposed 1 3 P
Usurper 1 4 P
Murder 1 5 P
Succession 1 6 P
Civil War 1 7 P
Quarrel 1 2 P
Court Intrigue 1 3 P
Appointment 1 4 P
Plots 1 5 P
Polytheism 1 7 R
Anatolian Pantheon 1 6 R
Temples 1 5 R
Storm God 1 4 R
State Cult 1 3 R
Mythology 1 2 R
Indo-European 1 7 R
Spring Festival 1 6 R
Sun Goddess 1 5 R
Sacred Springs 1 4 R
Huwasi Stones 1 3 R
K = King
W = War
C = City
U = Culture
V = Vassal
B = Bronze
# = Number of copies of that card in the deck
Name: # Type:
Copper 12 B
Tin 12 B
Labarna 1 K
Hattusili 1 K
Tudhaliya 1 K
Mursili 1 K
Suppiluliuma 1 K
Arnuwanda 1 K
Muwatalli 1 K
Ammuna 1 K
Zidanta 1 K
Hantili 1 K
Egyptians 1 W
Arzawans 1 W
Hurrians 1 W
Assyrians 1 W
Babylonians 1 W
Kaskians 1 W
Hattusas 1 C
Halpa 1 C
Carchemish 1 C
Ugarit 1 C
Kanesh 1 C
Adaniya 1 C
Tegarama 1 C
Nerik 1 C
Samuha 1 C
Gaziura 1 C
Millawanda 1 V
Ahhiyawa 1 V
Isuwa 1 V
Seha River Lands 1 V
Mira 1 V
Mitanni 1 V
Hapalla 1 V
Azz-Hayasa 1 V
Kizzuwadna 1 V
Urshu 1 V
Bronze Age 1 U
Art 1 U
Architecture 1 U
Administration 1 U
Laws 1 U
Monarchy 1 U
Citadels 1 U
Metallurgy 1 U
Sculpture 1 U
Literature 1 U
Cuneiform 1 U
Hieroglyphics 1 U
Scribes & Historians 1 U
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