Card game for 2-4 players.
Each player is a faction of the Knights Templar.
Players try to build the best Legacy for the Templars possible.
The game ends when one player has 5 or more Downfall cards, or
When there are no more cards in the deck.
When the game ends the player with the most Victory points wins.
Players share a common deck.
The deck has 9 types of cards:
Legacy, Allies, County, Treasures, Mission
Power, Battles, Enemies, Downfall
To determine which Player is the First Grand Master:
Each player draws 10 cards.
The player with the most Mission cards becomes Grand Master.
If there is a tie, the tied players draw again.
Players discard all cards and shuffle them into the deck.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Select Phase
3. End Phase
Flip over the top X cards of the deck.
Have them be face-up in the middle of the table visible to all players.
These are called the Fate cards.
X is determined by the number of players:
Players X
2 or 3 or 6 7
4 or 8 9
5 6
7 8
The Grand Master selects (picks/chooses) one Fate card.
He then selects another player to pick the next card and so on until all
Players have selected a card. This is called a Round.
If there are Fate cards remaining, a new round starts.
This continues until all Fate cards have been claimed.
When a card is selected, it is immediately played.
Each card type has its own special effect when played.
Determine who the Grand Master is for next turn.
Determine who gets the 1 VP for having the most County cards.
Determine if the game has ended.
When you pick a Legacy card, put it face up in front of you.
The player with the most Legacy cards at the end of the game gets 5 Victory points.
If there is a tie, each tied player gets 3 VP.
When you pick a County card, put it face up in front of you.
The player with the most County cards in each End Phase gets 1 VP.
If there is a tie, no one gets any VP.
When you pick a Treasure card, put it face up in front of you.
At the end of the game, get 1 VP for each Treasure card you control.
When you pick a Mission card, put it face up in front of you.
The player with the most Mission cards becomes the Grand Master.
If tied, the previous Grand Master retains his position.
When you pick a Power card, put it face up in front of you.
The player with the most power cards must draw and play one card from the
Deck at the end of Select phase.
If there is a tie for power, all tied players will draw a card.
When you pick an Enemy card, discard it.
Choose a card in play controlled by another player: That card is discarded.
When you pick a Battle card, discard it.
Choose a card in play controlled by another player: Steal it:
Put it in play under your control.
When you pick an Ally card, discard it.
Draw 2 cards from the deck: Discard one and play the other.
When you pick a Downfall card, put it face up in front of you.
At the end of the game, get -1 VP (negative!) for each Downfall card you own.
If any player has 5 Downfall cards, the game ends.
L = Legacy
A = Allies
C = County
T = Treasures
M = Mission
P = Power
B = Battles
E = Enemy
D = Downfall
Type Card Name:
L Myth
L Legend
L Mysteries
L Speculation
L Secrecy
L Templar Architecture
L Enigmas
L Innovations
L Freemasonry
L Temple of Solomon
A Crusaders
A Saint Bernard
A King of France
A The Pope
A Teutonic Knights
A King of Jerusalem
A Richard the Lionheart
A Peter the Hermit
A Knights Hospitaller
A Benefactor
C County of Odessa
C Kingdom of Jerusalem
C Principality of Antioch
C Outremer
C County of Tripoli
C Cypress
C Armenia
C Crusader Kingdom
T Skull of Sidon
T Holy Grail
T Ark of the Covenant
T True Cross
T Turnin Shroud
T Lance of Longinus
T Stone of Scone
M Take the Cross
M Oath of Allegiance
M Discipline
M Protect Pilgrims
M Poverty
M Chastity
M Obedience
M Bravery
M Monastic Order
M Fight Infidels
M Brotherhood
M Order of the Temple
M Champions of Christianity
M Vows
M Pious Soldiers
M Humble Knights
P Politics
P International Banking
P Diplomacy
P Recognition & Confidence
P Industry & Agriculture
P Respected
P Collect Taxes
P Business Enterprises
P Great Wealth
P Influence
P Military Professionalism
P Elite Warriors
P Knowledge
P Papal Privileges
P Crusader Castles
P Fleets & Shipyards
B Montgisard
B Ascalon
B Arsuf
B Damietta
B Hattin
B Mansura
B Siege
E Turks
E Arabs
E Saracens
E Infidels
E Muslims
E Saladin
E Mamluks
E Mongols
D Scapegoats
D Pride & Greed
D Inquisition
D Envy
D Persecution
D Arrests & Trials
D Condemnation
D Bloody Repression
D Fall From Grace
D Occultism
D Accusations
D Criticism
D Blasphemy
Q) In the Select Phase, when every player has picked a card that
concludes a Round. If there are any more cards to pick then that's
another Round.
A) Yes
Q) After each Round do you then go on to the End Phase, or wait
until all 7 cards have been picked?
A) Continue with further rounds (all within the select phase) until
all cards are picked.
Q) There are more cards than players.
A) Yes, some players will get to pick more cards.
Q) Since 6/7 of the cards are beneficial isn't there an incredible advantage
to whoever picks earlier becaue they'll get more cards?
A) Possibly. It also could make them more of a target for
enemy and Battle cards. The Master would also have to keep picking
Mission cards to maintain his position. Plus he is the most likely to
have to pick a Downfall card.
Q) Am I understanding correctly that "strategy" in this game is as much
kissing-up to the Grand Master, so he'll let you pick earlier, as figuring
out what card(s) you want to pick?
A) I figure treachery and "Take That!" will also play a role
in addition to but-kissing.
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