Board game for 2 -4+ players based on the TV show.
Players move their pawns around a circular track collecting tokens
Needed to solve a central Mystery and its complications.
Lost Girl is a licensed, copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.
In the spirit of the show, there should be drinking (and kissing).
Be the first player to solve 3 Mysteries.
The Board is a circular track with 12 spaces:
# Space (Notes)
1 Bo (Gain 2 Tokens of any type except Lore)
2 Weapon or Disguise (Gain 1 Guile or Fight Token)
3 Kenzi (Gain 2 Guile or Heart Tokens or 1 Fight or Search Token)
4 Complication (Draw 1 Card from the Complication Deck)
5 Dyson (Gain 1 Token of any type or 2 Fight Tokens)
6 The Dal (Have a Drink and or a Kiss)
7 Hale (Gain 1 Token of Lore, Search, Magic, Fight, or Guile)
8 Relic or Story (Gain 1 Lore or Magic Token)
9 Trick (Gain 2 Lore Tokens or 1 Guile, Magic, Search, or Heart Token)
10 Assistance (Draw 1 Card from the Assistance Deck)
11 Lauren (Gain 2 Search Tokens or 1 Heart, Lore, or Guile Token)
12 Victim or Investigation (Gain 1 Heart or 1 Search Token)
Each player gets 1 pawn of a unique color.
Pawns start on the “Bo” space and move clockwise.
One six sided die is needed.
There are six types of Tokens, one type for each of the six traits.
Trait: Toke Color: Notes:
Guile Yellow Trickery, Cons, Persuasion, Wit, Sleight of Hand
Lore Green Contacts, Knowledge of Fae Biology and History
Search Blue Investigation Techniques, Analysis, Interrogation
Heart Red Family, Friends, Sacrifice, Courage, Willpower
Fight Orange Weapons, Strength, Fighting Ability
Magic Purple Magic Powers, Potions, Spells, Relics
Or assign colors according to whatever Tokens you have.
There are 3 common decks of cards:
1. Mystery Deck
2. Complication Deck
3. Assistance Deck
If any deck is used up, shuffle its discard and draw from it.
Each card represents a Mystery that must be solved or resolved.
Much like how there is one or more “cases” to each episode.
To solve a Mystery a player must collect 3 of each Token type, plus
Extra Tokens required by individual Mysteries and complications.
An individual Mystery card lists any extra Tokens required in addition to the 3 of each type.
When a Mystery is solved, the solving player keeps the card and
A new card is drawn from the Mystery Deck to be the new Mystery.
When a player lands on the Complication space, they draw a Complication card.
This card is placed face up next to the board.
This card lists extra Tokens that need to be gained to solve the current Mystery.
This additional burden applies to all players.
When the current Mystery is solved, these cards are discarded.
When a player lands on the Assistance space, they draw an Assistance card.
This card gives that player one or more extra Tokens.
The Assistance card is then discarded.
Shuffle the 3 decks.
The Top Mystery Card is placed face up in the middle of the movement track.
Each player selects a Pawn.
Pawns are placed on the “Bo” space.
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.
Play proceeds clockwise.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Move Phase
2. Action Phase
3. End Phase
Roll 1 die and move that many spaces clockwise along the track.
Most spaces when you land on them give you 1 or more Tokens.
If you land on a Deck space, draw a card from the indicated deck.
If you have enough of the right Tokens to solve the Mystery and all of its
Complications, declare your intent. Keep the Mystery card.
Discard all complications. All players discard all of their Tokens.
If you land on an opponent’s Pawn, steal 1 Token of your choice from him.
Skip all other actions you would take at that space.
Name: Notes:
Kappa Fight +1 (Japanese Turtle Under Fae)
The Glaive Guile +1 (Fae District Attorney)
Duppy Lore +2 (100 year returning Murdering Spirit)
Stag Hunt Guile +2 (Choose new Ash)
Amazons Search +1 Guile +1 (Prison Guards)
Garuda Lore +2 Magic +4 (Demon that Feeds on Fae)
Gama-Senin Heart +1 Search +1 (Fae Frog Juice)
Una Mens Lore +1 Guile +2 Fight +2 (Fae Inquisition)
Noble Feud Search +1 (Light Dark Rift in a Noble Family)
Krampus Heart +2 (Ancient Anti-Christmas Fae)
Wanderer Guile +2 Lore +2 Search +2 (Forgotten Warrior)
Kitsune Heart +3 (Japanese Fox Doppelganger)
Framed for Murder Guile +1 Search +1 (Typical Shenanigans)
Human Serial Killer Search +1 (Fae Killer)
Coin of Jahayla Lore +1 Guile +1 (Gives good Luck)
Alabaster Lore +1 Search +1 (Sexual Shame)
The Lich Magic +2 (Keeps a Menagerie of Humans)
Aife Heart +1 Fight +1 (Powerful Succubus)
Basilisk Poisoning Search +1 Magic +1 (In Answang Stew)
Djieiene Spider Lore +1 Search +1 Fight +1 (Bite causes Madness)
Land Wight Search +1 Lore +1 Guile +1 (Lucky Country Club)
Mermaids Search +1 Guile +1 (Stealing Legs)
Hell Train Heart +1 Search +1 Lore +1 (Prison of the Wanderer)
Monstrous Massimo Magic +2 Guile +2 (After ingesting the Origin Seed)
Pyrippus Heart +4 Fight +2 Lore +2 (At the Gates of Hell)
Revenants Fight +1 Lore +1 (Walking Dead)
Baba Yaga Guile +2 (Ancient Russian Witch)
Name: Notes:
Bad Vex Fight +1 Heart +1 (Mesmer Powers)
Bad Tamsin Guile +1 (Dark Fae Valkyrie Cop Spy)
The Morrigan Guile +2 (Leader of the Dark Fae)
Ogre Fight +1 (Strong)
Goblin Assassin Fight +1 (Fae Hit Men)
Blackthorn Guile +1 (Old World Envoy)
Druid Heart +1 (Greedy Human Alchemist)
Banshee Lore +1 (Screams to warn of Death)
La Shoshain Lore +2 (Holiday to Celebrate Fae Law)
Sexual Diversion Heart +1 (Major Distraction)
High Council Guile +1 (Political Intrigue)
The Norn Heart +2 (Ancient Tree that makes costly trades)
Morragh Fight +1 (Killer Rage Fae)
Kenzi as Hostage Fight +1 (Humans are Weak)
Fury on Rampage Fight +1 (Angry Fae whose Stare causes Insanity)
Lightning Bird Guile +1 (Lays Eggs of Knowledge)
Crows Fight +1 Guile +1 (Servants of the Wanderer)
Leviathan Guile +2 (Riddle loving keeper of the Netherworld)
Name: Notes:
Good Vex 1 Heart
Good Tamsin 1 Search
Science 1 Lore or 1 Search
Healing Sex 1 Magic
Gratuitous Sex 1 Magic
Twig of Zamora 2 Magic (Serious Protection)
Vampire Informer 1 Search
The Ash 1 Lore (Leader of the Light Fae)
Siracon 1 Fight (Unicorn Horn Sword)
Luck Fae 1 Search
Succubus Touch 1 Magic (Calming)
Chi Transfer 1 Magic (Succubus Kiss)
Magic Egg 1 Search
Koushang Amulet 1 Magic (Protects Chi)
Abath Horn 1 Magic (Healing Properties)
Lab Analysis 1 Search
Luduan 1 Search (Chinese Truthsayer Fae)
Book of Blood 2 Tokens of Any Type (Belonging to the Blood King)
Sirens Song 1 Magic
Almost done with season 4.
I plan on adding and updating cards.
Lost Girl Wikipedia