Card Game for 2-6 Players.
Theme: History of Rome from earliest Origins to the Fall of the West.
Each player in turn takes control of the History of Rome.
The Game ends after the 6th Deck is used up.
Final Scoring takes place and the player with the most Victory Points wins.
There are 6 Decks.
They Represent 6 Consecutive Ages each played in turn:
1. Early Rome
2. Early Republic
3. Middle Republic
4. Late Republic
5. Empire
6. Decline
The decks must have different backs to distinguish them.
The Field must have Spaces for Card Piles as Follows:
--Decks not in Use
--Current Deck
--Current Deck Discard
--Leader Cards Available
--Threat Cards Available
--Conquest Cards Available
--Disaster Cards Available
--Politics Cards Available
--Build Cards Available
--Religion Cards Available
--Culture Cards Available
--Each Players Collection of Cards he Controls
As opposed to other cards, Battle cards go into a players hand.
They are discarded when played.
Six sided Dice are needed.
Players share common sets of:
--Gold Coins
--Ambition Tokens
--Legion Markers
--Fate Tokens
--Faction Tokens
--Threat Markers
--Victory Tokens (Synonymous with Victory Points or VP)
--Two Power Tokens
Each player stars with:
1 Legion
1 Fate
2 Gold
5 Ambition
2 Faction
10 VP
Shuffle the Deck.
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. Reroll Ties.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 19 Phases:
--Destiny Phase
--Fate Phase
--Ambition Phase
--Taxes Phase
--Disaster Phase
--Leader Phase
--Senate Phase
--Legion Phase
--Threat Phase
--Conquest Phase
--Politics Phase
--Power Phase
--Build Phase
--Religion Phase
--Culture Phase
--Games Phase
--Scoring Phase
--Corruption Phase
--End Phase
Gain 1 Fate Token.
You may discard a Religion card you control to gain 1
extra Fate Token.
Flip over the Top 2 Cards from the Current Deck.
Place them Face-up in their respective Available Card Piles.
If a Card is a Action Card, place it in your hand.
You may draw extra cards for 2 Ambition Tokens or 1
Fate Token each.
Gain 2 Ambition Tokens.
Gain an extra Ambition Token if you control more
Faction Tokens than anyone else.
Gain 1D6 Gold plus 1 Gold per Conquest Card you Control.
If there is a Major Disaster card available in the Disaster Phase cause
a Target Player to roll 3 times on the following Disaster Table:
1D6 Lose:
1 1 Legion Marker
2 2 Faction Tokens
3 3 Ambition Tokens
4 4 Gold Coins
5 5 VP
6 1 Conquest Card
If there is a Defect card available in the Disaster Phase cause
a Target Player to roll once on the Disaster Table.
Discard the Disaster or Defect card immediately after inflicting the loss.
If a Leader card is available you may take it for 1 Fate Token.
If you take a Leader immediately gain 1D6 +1 Ambition Tokens and 2 VP.
You may gain a maximum of one Leader per turn.
Discard a Politics Card to Gain one of the Following:
--1 Legion
--2 Temporary Legions (Discard them at end of turn if still around)
--Steal a Conquest card from an opponent
--2 Faction Tokens
--3 Gold Coins
--2 Ambition Tokens
Pay 1 Gold per Legion you Control.
You may raise extra Legions for 4 Gold each.
If there is a card in the Threat Pile roll 1D6:
1-5 = Discard one of your Legions
6+ = You defeat the Threat
Discard a Battle Card to increase your roll by 1.
Get +1 if you have a Living Leader in Play.
The first roll is required as a delaying action.
After that, you may continue rolling until:
--All Threats are resolved
--You run out of Legions
--You decide to stop
If you defeat a Threat gain 10 VP
If you decide to stop or run out of Legions, place a Threat Marker on
the Threat Card. If a Threat Card ever has 3 Markers, discard it and
roll 3 times on the Disaster Table.
If there are no cards in the Threat Pile and there are
One or more cards in the Conquest Pile you may go Conquering:
Pay 1 Ambition Token and 1 Gold Coin to attack one target
Conquest Card in the Conquest Pile. Roll 1D6:
1-4 = Discard one of your Legions
5+ = You successfully Conquer the Conquest Card
Discard a Battle Card to increase your roll by 1.
Get +1 if you have a Living Leader in Play.
Continue Rolling until:
--The card is Conquered
--You run out of Legions
--You decide to stop
Gain 7 VP for a successful Conquest.
Place the Conquest card in your collection under your control.
Lose 1 VP if you decide to stop.
If you have a successful Conquest and there are more conquest
cards remaining and you still have Legions, you may attack
another Conquest card (Pay the 1 Gold and 1 Ambition to do so)
For every Conquest you succeed at gain 1D6 Gold in Slaves & Plunder.
If the Conquest is a “Destroyed City” Discard it and gain an
additional 1D6 Gold.
If there are any Politics Cards available, you may take all of them for
1 Fate Token. Immediately Gain 1 Ambition Token and 1 VP for each.
Some Politics cards have the Death Symbol. If you take control
of such a card, one target leader is immediately discarded.
A Leader that is a King (Early Rome), a Consul (Republic), or
Emperor (Empire and Decline Decks) is said to be in Power.
If you have a Leader that is not already in Power, you may
have him attempt to seize power.
Spend 3 Ambition Tokens and Roll 1D6:
1-2 = Failure: Leader making attempt is discarded
3 = Civil War: You lose 1 Legion then roll again
4 = Civil War: Current Leader in power loses 1 Legion then roll again
5+ = Success: Old target Leader is discarded. The Leader who just
succeeded gains control of a Power Token (Place it on the Leader Card).
Add 1 to your roll for every Faction Token you or an ally discards.
If due to a Civil War one side completely runs out of Legions, the other
side automatically wins (Keep the Power Token; Other Leader Discarded)
In Early Rome only 1 Power Token is Available (1 King).
In the Republic Age there are 2 Power Tokens Available (2 Consuls).
In the Empire Age there is only 1 Power Token available (1 Emperor).
In the Decline Age after the “Division of the Empire” card becomes
available there are 2 Power Tokens available (East and West)
Success is automatic if there is a power vacuum, that is, if a Power
Token is available and no Leader controls it.
If there are any Build cards available, you may purchase them for
1 Ambition Token and 4 Gold each: Immediately gain 5VP.
You cannot buy more Builds in a turn than you currently have Legions.
If there are any Religion cards available, you may buy
them for 1 Gold each. Immediately gain 2 VP for each.
If there are any Culture or Origin cards available, you may buy
them for 1 Fate Token each.
Immediately gain 1 VP for each Culture Card.
Immediately gain 3 VP for each Origin Card.
Spend 1 Gold to roll on the Games Table:
1D6 Gain:
1 Nothing
2 Gain 1 VP
3 Gain 1 VP
4 Gain 1 Ambition Token
5 Gain 1 Fate Token
6+ Gain 1 Faction Token
Add +1 to the roll if you defeated a Threat or made a Conquest this turn.
After 3 rolls in one turn the price to roll again that turn is 2 Gold per roll.
Any player who has a Leader with a Power Token gets 1 VP and 1 Gold.
The Player with the most Religion Cards gets 1 VP.
Discard Gold in excess of 20.
Discard Ambition in excess of 12.
Discard Legions in excess of 10.
Discard Fate in excess of 7.
Discard Action cards in excess of 5.
Roll 1D6 for each of your Leaders.
On a roll of 6 a Leader is discarded.
Get a +1 to this roll during the Republic Age Decks, because the
position of Consul was temporary by Law.
An Age Ends when a turn starts and there are no cards left in the Deck.
All Leader and Origin cards controlled by players are discarded.
All Available cards are discarded. Break out the deck for the next Age.
Each player scores 1 VP for each Build card they control.
The Player with the most Culture Cards gets 10 VP.
The Player (3+ player game) with the least Culture cards loses 5 VP.
In the Decline Age in Threat Phase if you run out of Legions or
decide to stop fighting the Threat on your turn, you must
immediately discard one of your Conquest Cards and lose an
extra 2 VP.
L = Leader
T = Threat
C = Conquest
P = Politics
U = Culture
B = Build
R = Religion
D = Disaster
F = Defect
O = Origin
X = Battle
* = Death
** = Destroyed City/Foe
Name = Type
Rome = B Traditional Founding = O
Romulus = O Sewers = B
Remus = O City Walls = B
Etruscan King = L Numa Pompilius = L
Servius Tullius = L Vesta = R
First Assembly = P Vestal Virgins = R
Tarquinius Superbus = L Mars = R
Temple = B Vault & Arch = B
Capitoline Hill = B Volscians = C
Forum = B Luceres = C
Tarquinius Priscus = L Jupiter = R
Patricians = P Saturn = R
Centuries = P Ceres = R
Servius Tullius = L Minerva = R
Ostia = C Flora = R
Tiber Bridge = B Liber = R
Trojan Prince Aeneas = O Tellus = R
Sabine Women = O Quiinus = R
Piety = U Agriculture = U
Fidelity = U Alba Longa = C
Virtus = X Horatii = O
Latin Language = U Roman Calendar = U
Etruscan Vivacity = U Latin Tribes = C
Sculpture = U Janus = R
Ancestor Worship = R Sabines = C
Household Gods = R Drain the Swamps = B
Diana = R Murder = P*
Syibylline Books = R Haruspices = R
Juno = R Circus Maximus = B
Chariot Racing = U Plebians = P
Equites & Pedites = P Latin League = C
Public Works = B Ager Romanus = C
Roman Virtue = U Horatius Cocles = L
Patriotism = P Sylvanus = R
Veii = C Lars Porsenna = T
Brutus = L Dictator = P
Condemnation = P* Castor & Pollex = R
Heroism = X Latin Revolt = T
Quaestors = P Limits on Consular Power = P
Cincinnatus = L Aequians = C
Pass Under the Yoke = D Rights of Citizenship = U
Honores & Suffrage = U Conubium & Commercial = U
Tribunes = P Censors = P
Generous Deeds = P Daggers = P*
Etruria = C Camillus = L
Triumph = U Gauls = T
Sack of Rome = D Restoration = B
Sacred Geese = R Marcus Manlius = L
Gallic Invasion = T Military Colonies = B
Latinum = C Etruscans = C
Friend of the People = P Licinian Laws = U
Praetor = P Aediles = P
Equality of the Orders = U The Twelve Tables = U
Seccession of the Plebs = P Plebian Revolt = P
Spurius Cassius = L Samnite War = T
Samnium = C Campania = C
Mutiny = F Decisive Battle = X
New Allies = X Subdual = X
Turn of Fortune = X Discipline = X
Incorporation = X Pacification = X
Pontius = T Caudine Forks = D
Uprising = T Greek Cities = C
Umbria = C Italian Coalition = T
Hostile Armies Scattered = X Devotion = X
Lucanians = C Subject Allies = C
Garrisons = X Bruttians = C
Tarentum = C War Fleet = X
Declare War = X King Pyrrhus = T
Valerius Laevinus = L Heraclea = D
Pyrrhic Victory = X Siege = X
Servian Wall = B Via Appia = B
Aqueducts = B Engineering = B
Carthage = C** Punic War = T
Macedonia = C Sicily = C
Syracuse = C Cato the Elder = U
Organization = X Appius Claudius = L
Efficiency = X Treachery = X
Quinquiremes = X Duilius = L
Regulus = L Xanthippus = T
Africa = C Long Series of Disasters = D
Honor = R Hamilcar Barca = T
Auguries = R Fortitude = X
Lutatius Catullus = L Enemies Sue for Peace = X
Roman Provinces = U Sardinia & Corsica = C
Illyrian Pirates = C Cisalpine Gaul = C
Hasdrubal = T Spain = C
Treaty = X Hannibal = T
Steadfast = X Courage = X
Scipio Africanus = L Cross the Alps = D
Sempronius = L Flamininus = L
Fabius Cunctator = L Harassment = X
Battle of Cannae = D Marcellus = L
Turn the Tide = X Slavery = U
Claudius Nero = L Livius Salinator = L
Unanimous Election = P Annihilation = X
Egypt = C Antiochus III = T
Philip V = T Diversion = X
Appeal for Protection = P Bequest of Pergamum = C
Rhodes = C Aetolians = C
Tributes = P Perseus = T
Aemilius Paullus = L Laurels = U
Polybius = U Jupiter Capitolinus = R
Achaean Cities = C Corinth = C**
Supremacy = P Governors = P
Authority = P Lusitanians = C
Numantia = C** Servile War = T
Sulpicius Galba = L Concord = R
Loyalty = R Hope = R
Cult of Cybele = R Andronicus = U
Gnaeus Naevius = U Quintus Ennius = U
Plautus = U Terentius = U
Hellenism = U Civilization = U
Stoicism = U Epicureans = U
Foreign Policy = P Administration = P
Legislation = P Demagogues = P
Lack of Representation = F Slave Labor = F
Aemilian Bridge = B Gladiatorial Shows = P
Optimates = P Nobiles = P
Wealth & Influence = P Misconduct = P*
Proconsul = P Law of Nations = U
Avarice = F Decay of Patriotism = F
Large Estates = F Tiberius Gracchus = P
Political Reforms = P Agrarian Laws = P
Populares = P Gaius Gracchus = P
Riots = F Civil Strife = F
Incompetence = F Corrupt Aristocracy = F
Gaius Marius = L Caecilius Metellus = L
Cimbri = C Teutones = C
Cimbric War = T Reorganize the Army = P
The Social War = T Livius Drusus = P
Sulla = L Strabo = L
Jugurtha = C Mithridates = T
Pontus = C Appeal to the Army = P
March on Rome = D Exile = P*
Reign of Terror = F Cinna = L
Pompey = L Prosciptions = F
Perpetual Dictator = P Criminal Courts = U
Constitution = P Civil War = T
Sertorian War = T Metellus Pius = L
Spartacus Slave Revolt = T Crassus = L
Victorious = X Cicero = L
Cilician Pirates = C Lucullus = L
Judea = C Syria = C
Crete = C Julius Caesar = L
Triumvirate = P Helvetii = C
Germans = T Nervii = C
Veneti = C Aquitania = C
Vercingetorix = T Invade Parthia = D
Cross the Rubicon = P Romans Fighting Romans = D
Cleopatra = P Veni, vidi, vici = X
Numidia = C Pharnaces = T
Pontifex Maximus = R Agricultural Colonies = B
Economic Reforms = P Provincial Reforms = P
Ides of March = P* Plutarch = U
Mark Antony = L Fortune = R
Basilica Julia = B Concrete = B
Triumphal Arches = B Sallust = U
Lucretius = U Catullus = U
Religion Diluted = F Oriental Superstitions = R
Power Struggle = D Suicide = P*
EMPIRE DECK (27 BC - 180 AD)
Augustus = L Imperialism = P
Agricola = X Thrace = C
Tiberius = L Maurentia = C
Ovid = U Annexation = X
Pannonian Revolt = T Imperial Civil Service = P
Teutoberg Forest = D Britain = C
Germanicus = L Claudius = L
Mutiny = F Dalmatian Rebellion = F
Retirement = P* Caratacus = T
Early Christians = R Boudicca = T
Conspiracy = P Iceni Revolt = D
Caligula = L Depravities = F
Nero = L Extravagance = F
Assassination = P* Armenia = C
Great Fire of Rome = D Golden Palace = B
Vespasian = L Titus = L
Jewish Revolt = T Galba = L
Year of Four Emperors = P* Vesuvius Eruption = F
Colosseum = B Domitian = L
Nerva = L Trajan = L
Dacia = C Arabia Petaea = C
Campaign = X Trajans Column = B
Parthian War = T Assyria = C
Mesopotamia = C Hadrian = L
Pantheon = B Hadrians Wall = B
Bar Kochba = T Antoninus Pius = L
Marcus Aurelius = L Lucius Verus = L
Marcomanni = T Quadi = T
Germanic Raids = F Virgil = U
Conciliation = P Praetorian Guard = P
Appointments = P Pax Romana = U
City of Marble = B Forum Augustus = B
Apollo = R Patronage = U
Horace = U Livy = U
Divine Julius = R Vices = F
Tyrannical = F Delatores = P
Prosperity = P Insanity = P*
Sejanus = F Scandals = F
Proclaimed by the Army = P* Seneca = U
Persecution of Christians = F Favorite General = P*
Treasury = P Magnificent Spectacles = P
Pliny the Younger = U Tacitus = U
Suetonius = U Cappadocia = C
Public Baths = B Perpetual Edict = U
Pannonia = C Moesia = C
Bread & Circuses = P Roman Mob = P
Cult of Isis = R
DECLINE DECK (180 - 476 AD)
Commodus = L Aurelian = L
Military Despotism = F Diocletian = L
Civil War = T Tetrarchy = P
Septimius Severus = L Accession = P*
Caracalla = L Carausius = T
Parthian Campaigns = T Persian War = C
Constitutio Antoniniana = U Maximian = L
Assassination = P* Constantine = L
Elagabalus = L Edict of Milan = R
Cult of Mithras = R Scourge of God = T
Anarchy = P* Constantinople = B
Alexander Severus = L Julian = L
Killed in Battle = P* Pagan Restoration = R
Plague = D Valens = L
Valentinian = L Decay of Morality = F
Valerian = L Invading Goths = T
Gallienus = L Theodosius = L
Captured in Battle = P* Fedeorates = X
Gallic Empire = T Defeat Rivals = P*
Milan as Capitol = P Division of the Empire = P
Queen Zenobia = T Honorius = L
Arcadius = L Ravenna as Capitol = P
Frozen Rhine = D Visigoths = T
Sack of Rome = D Attila the Hun = T
Vandals = T Groans of the Britons = F
Aetius = L Pope Leo I = R
Murder = P* Romulus Augustulus = L
Odoacer = T War of Succession = F
Manpower Shortage = F Military Appointment = P*
Franks = T Alemanni = T
Decius = L Usurper Tetricus = T
Famine & Pestilence = D Claudius Gothicus = L
Silent Invasion = F Tacitus = L
Probus = L Carus = L
Coloni = P Orientalism = P
Baths of Diocletian = B Abdication = P*
Conversion = R Centralized Power = U
Adoption of Christianity = R Reorganization = P
Orthodoxy = R Reunification = C
General Stilicho = X Burgundians = T
Suevi & Alani = T Inflation = F
Soldier Emperors = P* Sassanids = T
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