War in Ancient China
Module for the Warp Empires system.
You must use the Warp Empires system to play this game.
Map of China.
Territory types:
Mountain- No income. Units must stop upon entering Mountain spaces.
Defending units in Mountain spaces get +1 Force each.
Forest- No income
Infantry in Forest spaces get +1 Force each.
Plains- No income
Cavalry in Plains spaces get +1 Force each.
Hills- No income
Archers & Artillery in Hill spaces get +1 Force each.
Farmland- Generate 1 income
Rich Farmland- Generate 2 income
City- Generate 3 income
Fortress- Generates 1 income. Has a Force = 10 in battle.
Defending units in Fortress spaces get +1 Force each.
Rivers & Walls- It takes a units entire move to cross one of these barriers.
Units that just crossed a river or wall generate –1 Force each.
Capture all territories and eliminate all opposing units to found the next dynasty.
Each player picks one Unit List.
Each player starts in his own territory with:
3 Generals (Leaders) and 12 other random units.
Starting territories should be near their historical counterparts.
Players share a common Action deck.
L = Leaders (Generals)
I = Infantry
C = Cavalry (& Chariots)
A = Archers (& Artillery)
F(C) = Force and (Cost) if not equal to Force
Stacks without leaders cannot move.
Leaders generate no Force unless matched with troops of equal or greater force value.
All of the Armies listed below existed before 100 BC.
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Heavy Chariots 3 10 5 C 4-Horse
Light Chariots 4 10 2(4) CA
Armored Infantry 2 10 2 I Swords or Battle Axes
Infantry of Wei 1 5 3 I Pikes & Rhino Hide Armor
Elite Guards 2 5 3(4) IA Swords & Crossbows
Unarmored Infantry 2 30 1 I Halberds, Spears & Javelins
Archers 2 30 2 A Bows or Crossbows
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Charioteers 3 5 4 C
Horse Archers 5 60 2(4) CA
Crossbowmen 2 15 2 A
Armored Infantry 2 10 2 I Battle Axes
Unarmored Infantry 2 10 1 I
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Elite Troops 2 10 4 I “Gallants from the Three Rivers”
Yung-kan Archers 2 5 3 A Volunteer Expert Marksmen
Noble Cavalry 4 5 4(5) C Armored
Orphan Infantry 2 5 3 I Ringmail & 2-handed Swords
Convict Troops 2 5 2 I Amnestied. Spears
Crossbowmen 2 20 2 A
Charioteers 3 5 4 C
Artillerists 1 5 4 A Large Crossbows
Armored Infantry 2 10 2 I Shields & Ringmail
Unarmored Infantry 2 10 1 I Swords or Spears
Armored Cavalry 4 10 3(4) C
Unarmored Cavalry 5 10 2(4) CA Auxiliary
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Charioteers 3 5 4 C
Horse Archers 5 70 2(4) CA
Cameleers 4 25 1(3) CA
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Light Cavalry 5 70 2(4) CA
Light Infantry 2 20 1 I
Picked Units 5 10 3(5) CA
Name Move # F(C) Type Notes
General 5 10 5 L
Horse Archers 5 10 2(4) CA
Bowmen 2 40 1 A
Armored Infantry 2 20 2 I Spears
Unarmored Infantry 2 30 1 I Spears
Card Name # Notes:
Direct March 8 Move 1 stack
Combined March 6 Move 2 stacks
Planned March 4 Move 3 stacks
Gongs & Drums 2 Battle: All your units get Force +1
Banners & Flags 2 Battle: All your units get Force +1
Concentrate your Forces 2 Battle: All your units get Force +1
Cornered Tiger 2 Battle: Defending units get +2 Force each
Overrun his Flank 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +5
Strike Suddenly into his Rear 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +10
Feigned Rout 2 Battle: All enemy units get Force -1
Determine his Dispositions 2 Look at target stack
Mobilize the People 2 Gain 5 Income
Know your Enemy 2 Look at opponents hand
Close Quarters 2 Battle: All your Infantry get Force +2
Pursuit Force 2 Battle: Opponents Archers get Force -1
Shock Assault 2 Battle: All your Cavalry get Force +1
Long Range Attacks 2 Battle: All your Archers get Force +1
Art of War 2 Battle: Draw 3 cards
Unexpected Attack 2 Battle: Opponent discards 3 cards
Avoid his Strength 2 Battle: Your stack takes one less casualty
Speed is the Essence of War 2 Move 1 stack twice
Divide his Forces 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +9
Take Key position 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +7
Attach where he is Unprepared 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +8
Confuse & Decieve Opponent 2 Battle: Stack gets Force +6
Hit & Run Tactics 2 Battle: Your stack takes one less casualty
Divert with Bait 2 Move opposing Stack
Art of Maneuver 2 Move 2 or 3 stacks
Devious Route 2 Move 1 Stack & Draw 1 card
March Quickly on Lax Enemy 2 Move 1 Stack into battle
Lost Baggage 2 Opponent loses 5 income
Stragglers 2 Negate target Move
Opponents Forces Dispersed 2 Battle: All enemy units get Force -1
March at Double Time 2 Move 1 stack twice
Assemble the Troops 2 Gain 5 Income
Difficult Terrain 2 Negate target Move
Cut Lines of Communication 2 Negate target Move
Local Guides 2 Move 1 or 2 Stacks
Conceal your Forces 2 Battle: All your units get Force +1
Raiding & Plundering 2 Opponent loses 5 income
Instill Fear in the Enemy 2 Battle: All enemy units get Force -1
Enemy Exhausted 2 Battle: All enemy units get Force -1
Counter Attack 2 Move 1 Stack into battle
Quick Tempered General 1 Move opposing Stack
Reckless General 1 Move opposing Stack
Cowardly General 1 Negate target Move
Compassionate General 1 Negate target Move
Honor Bound General 1 Move opposing Stack
Fortified Camp 2 Battle: Defending units get +1 Force each
Generic ruleset for a series of empire building/conquest games.
The map depicts an irregular, interlocked set of territories.
Use chits to represent control markers.
Use chits to represent units.
Units include Leaders & non-leader units.
Players share an action deck.
In some games, each player will have their own action deck.
The action deck cards allow you to move your units.
Most Leader units will be in play.
Others will be mixed into the unit chit pile.
Each player will start with several non-leader units in play.
Starting points of units will be determined by the scenario.
Players take turns. Each turn has 7 phases:
Draw Phase
Move Phase
Battle Phase
Revenue Phase
Recruit Phase
Upkeep Phase
Control Phase
First discard any cards you don't want.
Each player draws 5 action cards.
Max hand size = 7. Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Use Action cards to move stacks or units in stacks.
A Fast unit can move 1-3 spaces.
A Medium speed unit can move 1-2 spaces.
A Slow unit can move 1 space.
Units can move into but not through opposing stacks.
Fortifications cannot move (Move = 0).
Your opponent can only look at the top unit of your stacks
When two opposing stacks occupy the same territory there will be a battle.
Each unit has a force value.
Add up the total Force values for each side.
Players may play action cards to increase their force value.
If one stack has a Leader and the other does not, the stack with the
leader gets an additional 5 Force.
The side with the highest force value wins.
The losing stack must retreat one space.
The losing stack loses half of its units. The winner picks the first
unit lost, the loser picks the remainder.
Fortification units in the losing stack are destroyed automatically.
The winning stack loses units with a force equal to at least half the force
total lost by the losing stack. The winner decides which units are lost.
Destroyed units are returned to their chit pile.
Captured leaders are set aside and not returned to the chit pile.
After a battle both sides replenish their hands to 7 cards.
Gain revenue points for every revenue generating territory you control.
Draw 5 random units from the unit chit pile.
Purchase units. A units cost is equal to its Force value.
If you purchased all the drawn units, draw another 1D6 random units.
Revenue may be saved from turn to turn.
Discard unpurchased units back to your unit chit pile.
Units start in any revenue generating territory you control.
Number of Units that automatically receive upkeep = 5 x total Revenue.
Discard excess units.
Example: You generate 10 revenue points per turn...
You may have up to 50 units.
Place a control marker on every revenue generating
territory occupied by one of your units.
Only one control marker per space.
S = Slow
M = Medium speed
F = Fast
F = Force
F = Fortification
# = Number of that unit in the chit pile.