Card game for 2 players.
Simulation of the Naval Battle of Lepanto 1571.
Ottoman Turks vs The Holy League.

Players share a common deck.

Each player starts with 100 Strength Points.

You win if at the end of a turn you have twice as many Strength points as your opponent. 

Each player is dealt a hand of 9 cards.

Players take turns.
Each turn is divided into 4 Phases:
Sailing Phase
Strategy Phase
Battle Phase
End Phase

Fill hand to 9 cards.
Use Scout cards in this phase. 

Discard up to 5 cards and draw replacements. 

Players reveal their hands (those cards they wish to use). 
A players hand may contain up to: 
1 Leader Card
4 Ship Cards
2 Attack Cards
2 Movement Cards
Each card has a Force value. 
Total the Force value of your hand
The player with the highest Force value wins the hand. 
Each player loses Strength Points equal to the Total Force of the Opponents hand. 
The loser of the hand also loses Strength points equal to the difference of the 
Force Total of both players. 

Discard any unwanted cards from your hand.
Discard cards in excess of 7. 

# = Number of cards of that type
L = Leader
S = Ship
A = Attack
M = Movement
A/M = Use for Attack or Movement
R = Scout: Discard to Look at Opponents Hand
X = Discard to draw 2 cards
Use = Which units can use this card
I = Muslim
C = Christian
B = Both Muslim and Christian

Unit Type			#	Type	Force	Use	Notes	
Real Don John			1	L	6	C	Allied
Capitana Don Alvaro		1	L	6	C	Spaniard
Capitana Bragadino		1	L	5	C	Venetian
Capitana Doria			1	L	6	C	Allied
Venetian Galleass		2	S	8	C	
Christian Lantern Galleys	2	S	7	C	
Spanish Galleys			2	S	6	C		
Allied Galleys			2	S	6	C			
Venetian Galleys		4	S	5	C	
Sultana Ali Pasha		1	L	6	I	
Sultana Mehmet Suluk		1	L	6	I	
Sultana Uluch Ali		1	L	5	I	
Muslim Lantern Galleys		3	S	7	I		
Muslim Galleys			9	S	5	I	
Muslim Galiots 			4	S	4	I	
Center Line Bow Guns		2	A	6	B	
Flanking Pieces			2	A	4	B	
Cast Iron Cannon Balls		2	A	5	B	
Cut Stone Cannon Balls		2	A	4	B	
Head on Boarding Fight		4	A	5	B	
Heavy Guns			2	A	6	C	Galleass
Turret Guns			2	A	5	C	Galleass
Swivel Guns			1	A	2	B	
Ships Low in the Water		2	A	4	C	Muslim Weakness
Archers				2	A	3	I	
Composite Recurved Bows		2	A	3	I	
Janissaries			2	A	3	I	
Melee				2	A	3	I	
Spurs				1	A	3	I	
Crossbowmen			1	A	2	C
Arquebusiers			1	A	3	C
Spanish Infantry		2	A	4	C	Spanish & Allied
Fighting Platforms		1	A	3	C	Spanish & Allied
Size Advantage			2	A	4	B	Larger vs Smaller Ships
Tactical Advantage		2	X	-	B	
Outflank			2	A	5	B	
Venetian Artillery		2	A	4	C	Venetian
Fighting Oarsmen		1	A	3	C	Venetian
Free Oarsmen			2	M	3	B	Muslims & Venetians
Light Ships			3	M	2	I	
Muslim Sails			2	M	4	I	
Maneuverability			2	M	3	I	
Shallow Draft			2	M	2	I	
Turn the Flanks			2	A/M	4	I	
Fast Galiots			2	M	2	I		
Oarsmen				3	M	3	B	
Dash Speed			2	M	4	B	
Rowing Crew			3	M	3	B	
Retrograde Movement		1	M	3	B	Move Backwards
Slow Ships			2	M	2	I	Christian Weakness
Slave Oarsmen			1	M	2	I	Christian Weakness
Large Hull			2	A	5	C	
Ramparts			1	A	4	C	 
Hold Formation			1	A/M	2	C	
Well Ordered Line		1	A/M	2	C	
Bergantin Scouts		2	R	-	B
Disrupt Formation		2	A/M	3	B	

Highly Recommended...
Crescent & Cross

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