INTRODUCTION Card game for 2 Players. Simulation of the Crusades during the 11th to 13th Centuries. One player is the Christian Crusaders. The other player is the Muslims. GAME LENGTH The game is played in 18 hands. Every 2 Hands represent a Crusade and then the Muslim Reaction. GEOGRAPHY Levantine = Holy Land The resource base of the Muslims is Egypt and the Turks. The resource base of the Crusaders is Europe. The Muslims had ready access to the Levantine. The Crusaders required expensive/difficult journeys to reach the Holy Land. TERRITORY TOKENS There are 3 Territory Tokens (TT). TERRITORY CHART TT Possessions: Draw 0 None 10 1 Syria 8 2 Jerusalem 6 3 Extensive 4 TT = Number of Territory Tokens you Control. Possessions = How much of the Holy Land you Control. Draw = How many cards you draw in your Support Phase. VICTORY At the end of the game (The Ninth Crusade), the player with the most TT wins. THE DECK Players share a common deck. SETUP The Muslim player starts the game with all 3 TT. The Crusader player goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. The current player is the Attacker. The other player is the Defender. Each turn has 6 Phases: Support Phase Recruit Phase Battle Phase Siege Phase Conquest Phase End Phase SUPPORT PHASE Both Players draw a number of cards according to the Territory Chart. RECRUIT PHASE The Attacker may put Leader and Army cards into play. The Crusader player as Attacker may put a max of 1 Leader and 1 Army in play. For every Transport card the Crusader plays, he may put an Additional Leader and Army card into play. The Crusader player may have a max of 3 Leaders in play at a time. The Muslim player as Attacker may only put 1 Leader into play, but may put Any number of Armies into play. The Muslim player may have a max of 1 Leader in play at a time. DEFENDER PHASE The Defender may put up to 1 Fortification card, 1 Leader, and 1 Army card into play. BATTLE PHASE Skip to End phase if the Attacker does not have at least 1 Leader & 1 Army in play. Both players roll 1D6 for each Leader and Army card they have in play. Players may roll an extra 1D6 for each Battle card they play (discard) from their hand. Totals are called Battle Totals (BT). Higher BT wins. Defender wins ties. For every natural roll of 6, your opponent must discard 1 Army card. If the Attacker loses battle Phase, skip to End Phase. SIEGE PHASE Skip to End phase if the Attacker does not have at least 1 Leader & 1 Army in play. Both players roll 1D6 for each Leader and Army card they have in play. The Defender rolls 1D6 for each Fortification card in play. Players may roll an extra 1D6 for each Siege card they play (discard) from their hand. Totals are called Siege Totals (ST). Higher ST wins. Defender wins ties. For every natural roll of 6, your opponent must discard 1 Army card of his choice. If the attacker wins, the defender must discard half (round up) of his fortification cards and Give the other half to the attacker. CONQUEST PHASE If the Attacker won both Battle and Siege Phase, and he has at least 1 Leader and 1 Army in play, he may take a TT from his opponent. The victorious Attacker may then continue his conquest by playing an Extra Battle and Siege Phase. This is called an Extended Conquest. An Attacker may capture a maximum of 2 TT in one Turn. END PHASE Roll 1D6 for each Leader and Army in Play. (The Age Roll) On a roll of 1-3 on 1D6 discard the card. Leaders are automatically discarded after 2 crusades (old Age). Max hand size is 7 cards; discard excess cards. CARD LIST NOTATION L = Leader AL = Attacking Leader = Can only be played in Recruit Phase DL = Defending Leader = Can only be played in Defender Phase A = Army E = Event T = Transport F = Fortification S = Siege C = Crusader player only may use this card M = Muslim player only may use this card Z = Either player can use this card X = Special B/S = Battle or Siege COMMON DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Use Notes: Richard the Lionhearted AL C Rolls an extra 1D6 for Battles Baldwin IV DL C Draw 2 cards when played King Guy DL C St Louis IX AL C Recruit Phase: Transport 1 extra Army Fredrick II AL C When Played Opponent discards 2 cards Theobald of Champagne AL C King Philip AL C King Edward AL C Amalric L C Land Hungry Barons AL C Rolls an extra 1D6 for Sieges if Attacker Nobility X C Counts as Leader or Army Knights Templar A C +2 to Age & Battle Rolls Knights Hospitaller A C +2 to Age & Battle Rolls Men-at-Arms A C English Knights A C Latin Crusaders A C French Knights A C German Knights A C Teutonic Knights A C Heavy Infantry A C Turcopoles A C (Light Cavalry) Crossbowmen A C Footsoldiers A C Fortifications F Z Crusader Fortress F C Siege Engines S Z Pilgrims E C Draw 2 cards Children’s Crusade E M Draw 2 cards Templar Financing X C Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards Massacre E Z Loser in B/S must discard all Armies Slaughter E Z Loser in B/S must discard all Armies Pillage E Z Winner of Siege draws 2 cards Sell into Slavery E Z Winner of Siege draws 2 cards Alliances E Z Draw 2 cards opponent discards 1 card Raiding E Z Draw 1 card opponent discards 2 cards Indulgences E C Draw 2 cards Papal Support T C Armenian Allies A Z Byzantine Allies A Z Sea Power T C Leaders Quarrel E M Enemy Leaders get –2 to Battle Rolls Cross Asia Minor T C Holy War X C Use as Transport or Battle card The True Cross B C Religious Fervor X C Use as Transport or Battle card Martial Glory X C Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards True Believers T C Promise of Eternal Salvation X C Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards Hope of Material Gain X C Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards Earthly Plunder X C Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards The Will of God E Z Negate Event card or reroll Die Roll The Holy Lance B C Fight the Infidel X Z Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards Saladin L M Rolls an extra 1D6 for Battles & Sieges Kilij Arslan L M Yagi Siyan L M Nur al-Din L M Emir Kerboga L M Baibars L M Rolls an extra 1D6 for Sieges if Attacker Zengi of Mosul L M Al-Ashraf Khalil L M Poisoned Wells S Z Defender Only Heat & Thirst E M Opposing Armies get –2 to Battle Roll Starvation S Z Disease E M Opponent must discard an Army Counter Attacks X M Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards Hit & Run Attacks B M Negotiations E Z Opponent may not attack this Phase Ambush B M Foolish Attack E M Opposing Armies get –2 to Battle Roll Factionalism E Z Opponent must discard 2 random cards Treaty E Z Opponent may not attack this Phase Diverted to Constantinople E M Crusaders may not attack this Turn Unification E M Draw 3 cards Expel the Invaders X M Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards Avenge Atrocities X M Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards Jihad X M Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards Consolidate Power E M Draw 3 cards Seljuk Turks A M Horse Archers A M Light Cavalry A M Heavy Cavalry A Z Muslim Archers A M Turkish Cavalry A M Fatimids A M Ayyubids A M Mamelukes A M Saracens A M Bedouins A M Arabs A M Khwarizamian Horsemen A M Egyptian Armies A M Scythians A M Relief Force S Z Defender Only Greek Fire S Z Sappers S Z Siege Towers S Z Attacker Only Boiling Oil S Z Defender Only Battering Rams S Z Attacker Only Force a Breach S Z Attacker Only Sorties B/S Z Frankish Charge B C Discipline B C Bastion F Z Garrison S Z Defender Only Royal Fleet T C Kingdom of Cyprus T C Catapults S Z Political Strife E Z Opponent must discard 2 cards Petty Warfare E Z Opponent must discard 2 cards Supply by Sea T C Surrender Terms S Z Attacker Only Dungeon E Z Loser in B/S must discard a Leader Ransom Prisoners E Z Draw 1 card opponent discards 2 cards Combined Forces A C Walled City F Z Illness E Z Opponent must discard a Leader Logistics X Z Use as Transport card or Draw 2 cards Pay Tribute E Z Draw 1 card opponent discards 2 cards Assassin Sect E M Opponent must discard a Leader Fanaticism X Z Use as Battle card or Draw 2 cards Grand Masters L C Venetian Fleet T C Genoese Shipping T C Great Fleet T C Italian Fleets T C Revolt E Z Opponent discards 2 Random cards Weak Crusader States E M Opponent discards 2 Random cards Antioch Mercenaries A Z Pikemen A C Islamic Spirit E M Draw 2 Cards Mongol Invasions E C Opponent discards 2 Random cards Fabian Tactics S C Defender Only OPTIONAL RULES STRIKE AT EGYPT Egypt is represented by a fourth unique Territory Token. The Muslims start in control of Egypt. The crusaders may always choose to attack Egypt instead of the regular TT’s. If Egypt is attacked, the Muslim player immediately draws 6 cards. If the Crusaders conquer Egypt, the Muslim player always draws 2 less cards in Support Phase, until it is won back. LINKS wikipedia

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