Card game for 2-4+ players.
Theme: Monks in the Middle Ages.
Players share a common deck.
There are 8 Suites:
1. Prayer
2. Work
3. Study
4. Rules
5. Saints
6. Orders
7. Abbey
8. Monks
Each Suite has 9 cards ranked from 1 to 9.
The game lasts 10 Turns.
Each player gains points in each of the 8 Suites.
Your final score is equal to your lowest score out of all the Suites.
Exactly one cross or crucifix is needed.
The current possessor of the cross has the title of Abbot.
Each player will need paper and pencil.
Each player must keep track of their own scores in each of the 8 Suites.
Shuffle the deck.
The oldest player is the Abbot. Give him or her the cross.
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Ascetic Phase
2. Eremitical Phase
3. Cenobitic Phase
4. Salvation Phase
Each player draws 10 cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Starting with the Abbot and going clockwise, each player must play 1 card.
The effect of the card depends on its Suite.
--- Prayer Action: Draw 2 cards. Discard any 2 cards.
--- Work Action: Discard your hand and draw 9 cards.
--- Study Action: All players may trade cards. Limit 3 minutes.
--- Rules Action: X = number of players. X cards are revealed from the deck, and are placed face-up, side by
Side in the middle of the table. Starting with you and going clockwise, each player selects one of these
Cards and puts it into their hand.
--- Saints Action: Each player draws a card. Draw 1 card and place it face-up in the center of the table.
All Players bid on this card. Each player reveals simultaneously 1 card. The revealed card with the
Highest rank is the winner. The winner takes the center card. All cards used for bid are discarded. If there
Is a tie, those tied must bid again.
--- Orders Action: Each player must give 1 card to the player to their right.
--- Abbey Action: Trade hands with target player.
--- Monks Action: Each player must give you 1 card. You must then give each other player 1 card.
Each player may make 1 or more combos:
Two Card Flush: Earn 4 points in that Suite.
Three Card Flush: Earn 9 points in that Suite.
Four Card Flush: Earn 16 points in that Suite.
Five Card Flush: Earn 25 points in that Suite.
Six Card Flush: Earn 36 points in that Suite and draw 1 card.
Seven Card Flush: Earn 49 points in that Suite and draw 2 cards.
Eight Card Flush: Earn 64 points in that Suite and draw 3 cards.
Nine Card Straight-Flush: Automatically and immediately win the game.
One of Each of the 8 Suites: Gain 8 Points in each Suite.
Two of a Kind: Earn 3 points in each Suite present.
Three of a Kind: Earn 5 points in each Suite present.
Four of a Kind: Earn 7 points in each Suite present.
Five of a Kind: Earn 9 points in that Suite present.
Six of a Kind: Earn 11 points in each Suite present.
Seven of a Kind: Earn 13 points in each Suite present.
Eight of a Kind: Earn 15 points in each Suite present.
Three Card Straight: Earn 3 points in each Suite present.
Four Card Straight: Earn 4 points in each Suite present.
Five Card Straight: Earn 5 points in each Suite present.
Six Card Straight: Earn 6 points in each Suite present.
Seven Card Straight: Earn 7 points in each Suite present and draw 1 card.
Eight Card Straight: Earn 8 points in each Suite present and draw 2 cards.
Nine Card Straight: Earn 9 points in each Suite present and draw 3 cards.
Players discard all cards.
The cross is given to a new abbot: It goes 1 person clockwise.
P = Prayer
W = Work
S = Study
R = Rules
Z = Saints
O = Orders
A = Abbey
M = Monks
Name Suite Rank
Vespers P 1
Psalms P 2
Mass P 3
Chants P 4
Contemplation P 5
Worship P 6
Rosary Beads P 7
Song P 8
Hymns P 9
Daily Chores W 1
Manual Labor W 2
Farming W 3
Fish Ponds W 4
Mills W 5
Tanneries W 6
Missionary Work W 7
Quarries W 8
Breweries W 9
Scriptorium S 1
Scholarship S 2
Literacy S 3
Greek and Latin S 4
Classical Writings S 5
Library S 6
Copy Religious Texts S 7
Illuminated Manuscripts S 8
Preserve Knowledge S 9
Poverty R 1
Silence R 2
Devotion R 3
Charity R 4
Routine R 5
Service R 6
Sacrifice R 7
Humility R 8
Obedience R 9
Anthony Z 1
Pachomius Z 2
Brigit Z 3
Honoratus Z 4
Benedict Z 5
John Z 6
Bernard Z 7
Francis Z 8
Dominic Z 9
Benedictine O 1
Augustinian O 2
Cluniac O 3
Cistercian O 4
Templar O 5
Franciscan O 6
Dominican O 7
Carmelite O 8
Jesuit O 9
Church A 1
Gardens A 2
Cellar A 3
Cloister A 4
Chapter House A 5
Infirmary A 6
Refectory A 7
Kitchen A 8
Dormitory A 9
Oblate M 1
Novice M 2
Pilgrim M 3
Disciple M 4
Brethren M 5
Hermit M 6
Mendicant M 7
Friar M 8
Holy Man M 9
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