Card game for 2 players. 
Theme: New Zealand Maori Wars 1840-1872. 
One player is the Pakehas (White Men). 
The other player is the Native Maori. 

The first player to accumulate 10 Land Tokens is the winner. 

There are 2 Decks: The Maori Deck and the Pakehas Deck. 
Each deck contains cards from 9 Suites. 
Each card has a Strength value. 

Players need a set of common Tokens. 

Pa = Traditional Maori Fort. 

Determine who is who (Maori and Pakehas)
Each player gets their respective deck. 

Each turn has 3 Phases: 
1. Fate Phase
2. Strategy Phase
3. Conflict Phase

Each player draws 9 cards from their own deck. 

Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements. 

Players reveal their hands.  
Each card has a Strength Value. 
Each player adds up the Strength values of all his Useable cards. 
A player may only use 1 card from each suite. 
The player with the highest total Strength is the winner. 
The Winner gains 1 Land Token. 
If tied, neither player gains a Token.
All cards are discarded at the end of the phase. 

L = Leader
T = Tactics
F = Fighters
D = Defenses
M = Morale
W = Weapons
G = Grievances
P = Politics
B = Blunder

Card Name:			Suite:	Strength:
Shrunken Heads			M	3
Ceremonial Cannibalism		M	3
Protective Mysticism		M	3
Maori Tribes			F	3
Insults				G	3
Mountain Refuge			D	4
Head Hunting			M	4
Ngapuhi Warriors       		F	3
Diversionary Attack		T	3
Ambush				T	5
Surprise Attack			T	5
Hide in Thick Bush		T	3
Canoes				T	3
Attack Township			T	2
Sporadic Fighting		T	2
Burn & Loot			T	2
Savage Fighting			T	4
Traditional Fort       		D	4
Stockaded Earthwork		D	3
Counter Attack			T	4
Muskets				W	3
Shotguns       			W	4
Tomahawks			W	2
Fighting Clubs			W	2
Formidable Pa			D	5
Brief Melee			T	2
Repulse Assault			T	5
Maze of Trenches       		D	4
Palisades			D	3
Battle Chants			M	2
Chieftain			L	2
Tribal Chief			L	3
Senior Chief			L	4
Maori King			L	5
Land Wars			G	5
Flagstaff War			G	3
Strong Pa Garrison		F	4
War Party			F	4
Rifles				W	5
Fight Bravely			M	5
Supporters			F	3
Sniping				T	2
Central Citadel			D	4
Outer Defensive Lines		D	3
Rearguard			F	2
Slip Through Lines		T	3
Minor Actions			T	2
Skirmishes			T	2
Tribesmen			F	3
Confused Battle			T	5
Hauhaus Warriors       		F	3
Crops Destroyed			G	2
Stolen Land			G	4
Fire on Camp			T	2
No Sentinels			B	3
British Withdrawals		B	4
Guerilla war			T	4
Mass Escape			F	2
Religious Leader       		L	4
Bush Country			T	5
Instill Fear			M	4
Inflict Heavy Losses		M	4
Leader Killed			B	4
Leader Resigns			B	5

Card Name:			Suite:	Strength:
British Troops			F	5
Colonial Militia       		F	3
Volunteer Units			F	3
Pakehas				F	2
Demand for Land			G	5
Land Speculation       		G	4
Occupation			G	3
Handful of Soldiers		F	2
Reinforcements			F	2
Meet with Chiefs       		P	4
6 Pounder Guns			W	4
Officers       			L	2
Foot Regiment			F	3
Sailors				F	2
Ships Guns			W	4
Blockhouse			D	2
Evacuate       			T	2
Marines				F	4
Treaty				P	5
Kupapas				F	3
Congreve Rockets       		W	2
Bayonet Assault			W	4
Maori Fight Each Other		B	5
Aukland Militia			F	3
12 Pounder Cannons		W	4
Barrage				T	4
Captain				L	3
Governor       			L	4
Hand to Hand Fighting		T	3
Undefended Pa			B	4
White Mans Anger		G	5
Mortar Bombardment		W	3
Settlers Killed			G	3
Colonel				L	4
Victoria Cross			M	4
Warships       			W	4
Clear Out Pa			T	4
Military Camp			D	2
General				L	5
Long Sap			T	5
Fixed Bayonets			W	4
Cut Off Escape Route		T	4
Short Fuse Grenades		W	5
Discover Gold			G	5
Overrun Entrenchment		T	4
Maori Ammunition Shortage	B	3
Patrols				T	2
Cut off Water Supply		B	4
Besieging Force			F	4
Flying Columns			F	5
Major				L	3
Accord				P	3
Regular Troops			F	4
Confiscate Land			G	4
Mounted Troops			F	4
Capture Villages       		T	3
Pursuit				T	4
Forest Rangers			F	5
Conquest       			T	4
Settlements Attacked		G	4
Farms Attacked			G	2
Capture Strongpoints		T	4
March				T	2
Tribal Allies			F	3

First Maori War

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