Card game with a near-future, modern war theme.
2-4+ Players.
In addition to the Ground, Air, and Naval theatres of war, Space and
Cyberspace are now equally important factors.
Reduce all of your opponents to zero Strength Points (SP).
Players with 0 SP are eliminated from the game.
Use tokens to represent SP.
Players share a common pile of SP Tokens.
Use denominations of 1, 5, 10, and 20.
These represent a Nation’s ability and willingness to continue to wage War.
Players share a common set of Action Counters.
These are used to denote the readiness of Surviving Units to
Reuse their Special Abilities.
Six sided dice are needed.
Players share a common Pool of Defense Chits.
Keep these in a cup to be drawn from and discarded back into.
The pool should contain 10 copies of each type of chit.
There are 6 types of Chit:
Abrv: Defense: Notes:
H Hardened Unit has Armor, Physical Damage Resistance
A Active Point Defense, Jamming, Electronic Warfare
E Evasion Unit relies on Speed, Agility, Flares to avoid Attacks
D Dispersed Large Force. Surviving Units continue to function
S Stealth Invisibility to Detection: Sonar, Radar, EM Spectrum
V Vast Units protected by great Distances
Note: Defense Chits are discarded immediately back to the pool when used.
Players share a common deck.
If the Deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each Card will have 6 Traits:
1. Type: Unit, Attack, or Counter
2. Search: This is how a card is identified when one is being searched for.
The search trait will be 1 or more of the 5 Domains.
3. Target: This is how a card is identified when it is being targeted for Attack.
The target trait will be 1 or more of the 5 Domains.
4. Hits: How many successful attacks are needed to destroy this target. (1 or 2)
5. Defense Type: Which types of Defense Chits can be used to neutralize
Attacks against this card
6. Ability: The effect that is activated when this card is played: Kill, Draw, Search,
Gain SP, Spy, Neutralize, Opponent discard or lose SP.
Some Cards will have the Minor designation of Missile or Base.
There are 4 Basic Types of Cards:
U = Units- These remain in play after being used.
A = Attacks- These are discarded once used.
C = Counters- Discarded once used, these negate an attack card just played or an
Attack made by a Unit.
X = Special- These are discarded once used.
There are 5 Domains:
G = Ground
N = Naval
A = Air
S = Space
C = Cyber
NOTE: As noted in the Card text a Unit with 2 or more Abilities might be able
To do both (AND) or just one (OR) during a turn.
Kill: (Destroy, Degrade) Cause a Target Unit of the indicated Target
Type to be discarded.
Neutralize: (Counter, Negate) Cause an Attack of the indicated
Search Type to be cancelled.
Draw: Draw 1 or 2 cards from the top of the Deck and add them to your hand.
Search: look at the next 10 cards in the Deck and place 1 of them of the
Indicated Search Type into your hand.
Gain SP: You gain the indicted number of SP (1 or 2).
Spy: Look at opponent’s hand.
IMPORTANT: If a Unit can do the Spy ability OR another ability, there is a 50% it
Must pick the Spy Ability.
Shuffle the Deck.
Each player starts with 50 Strength Points.
Each round has 5 Phases:
1. Readiness Phase
2. Resupply Phase
3. Initiative Phase
4. Deployment Phase
5. End Phase
Each player draws 10 cards and 3 Defense Chit.
Place 1 Action Counter on all Surviving Units.
A Unit may have a Maximum of 1 Action Counter on it.
Players roll 1 Die each.
High roll goes first in Deployment Phase.
Play proceeds clockwise.
Players take turns conducting 1 Deployment each.
An Deployment may be either:
1. Playing a Unit and resolving it’s action if there is a target.
2. Playing an Attack card and resolving it.
3. Removing an Action Counter from a Unit to resolve its action.
In order to pass, a player must discard a card if he has one.
As a reaction to an action or an attack, a player may immediately play a
Counter Card (Match attack’s Search type) or a Defense Chit (Match Target’s
Defense Type) out of turn to Negate it.
Deployment phase ends when everyone has no cards left in hand, no useable
Action counters, and/or Passes in turn.
IMPORTANT: Every time an Enemy Unit is destroyed the enemy loses 1 SP for
Every Hit the Unit had.
If a Base is Destroyed the Enemy loses 2 SP.
Players discard Cards and Defense Chits they did not use.
Unit Name: Type Search Target Hits Def Ability
Carrier Task Force U NA N 2 A Kill GNA
Boomer Sub U N N 1 Z Kill GN (Missile)
Hunter Killer Sub U N N 1 Z Kill N
Armored Division U G G 2 XH Kill G or SP +1
Artillery Brigade U G G 1 X Kill G or SP -1
Infantry Division U G G 2 X Kill G or SP +1
Destroyer Group U N N 1 A Kill NA
Air Cavalry U A A 1 E Kill G or Search G
Missile Cruiser U N N 1 A Kill GN (Missile)
Marines U GN G 1 X Kill G or SP +1
Army Group U G G 2 XA Kill G or SP +1
Special Forces U GNA G 1 Z Kill G or SP -1
Stealth Fighter U A A 1 Z Kill GN or SP -1
Bombers U A A 1 E Kill G or SP -1
Interceptors U A A 1 E Kill A
Drones U A A 1 E Kill G
Mobile Launchers U G G 1 X Kill GNA (Missile)
Air Defense A G G - - Kill A
Naval Base U N G 1 H Search N (Base)
Army Base U G G 1 H Search G (Base)
Air Base U A G 1 H Search A (Base)
Laser Satellite U S S 1 V Kill GNA
Missile Satellite U S S 1 V Kill GNS (Missile)
EMP Attack A NotC NotC - - Kill NSAC
Hunter Killer Sat U S S 1 V Kill S
Cyber Command U C GC 1 H Spy or Search C (Base)
Cyber Security C C C - - Negate C Attack
Cyber Network C C GC 1 X Spy or Search C
Hacker Groups U C GC 1 ZX Spy or Search C
Comm Sat U SC SC 1 V Draw 1
Militias U G G 1 X Kill G or SP -1
ICBM Silos U GA G 2 H Kill GSN (Missile, Base)
Military Base U Any G 1 H Draw 1 (Base)
Stockpiles U G G 1 - SP +2 (Base)
Strategic Point U G G 1 - SP -1 (Base)
Industrial Area U G G 2 - SP +1 (Base)
Population Center U G G 2 X SP +1 (Base)
Biological Attack A GNA GNA - - Kill G
Chemical Attack A GNA GNA - - Kill G
Nuclear Attack A NotC NotC - - Kill GNS (Missile)
Hyperkinetic Sat U S S 1 V Kill GNS
Air Command U A A 1 Z Spy or Search Any
Fighter Bomber U A A 1 E Kill GNA
Ground Support U A A 1 E Kill G
Antiship Missiles A GNA GNA - - Kill N (Missile)
Merchant Marine U N N 1 - SP +1
Reserves X - - - - Draw 2
Diplomacy X - - - - End Round. Shuffle Discard into Deck
Cruise Missile A GN GN - - Kill GN (Missile)
Mechanized Infantry U G G 1 XH Kill G or SP +1 or -1
Mission Control U S G 1 H Spy or Search S (Base)
Spy Satellite U SC S 1 V Spy
Missile Defense C All All - - Negate Missile Attack
Orbital Attack A S S - - Kill GN
Orbital Battle Station U S S 1 VA Spy or Kill GSN (Base)
Scram Jet U A A 1 E Kill S
Attack Shuttle U S S 1 VE Kill S
Multistage Rocket A S G - - Kill S (Missile)
Micro Satellites U S S 1 VX Kill S
Denial of Service A All All - - Kill C or SP -1
Spam: Propaganda A C C - - Draw 1 and Foe Discard 1 Card
Malware: Sabotage A C C - - SP -2
Trojan: Intercept C C C - - Negate Any Attack
Spoof: Replace C C C - - Redirect Any Attack to new target
Virus: Compromise A C C - - SP -1 and Foe Discard 1 Card
Worm: Disruption A C C - - Foe Discard 2 Cards
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