Each player takes the role of an (American) Indian Brave (Young Warrior).
Players compete to accumulate prestige by their deeds.

Players share a common deck.
Use tokens to represent Eagle Feathers.

The first player to accumulate 28 Eagle Feathers has enough to 
make his Warbonnet and wins the game.

Each player starts with a hand of 6 cards.
The oldest player goes first.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
1. Medicine Phase
2. Raid Phase
3. Hunt Phase

The current player draws 1 card.
If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Max hand size is 9 cards. Discard excess cards.

A player may decide to go on a Raid. 
There are Four types of Raids:
Horse Raids, War Parties, Revenge Raids, and Pipeholder Raids.

To go on a Horse Raid you must do 5 things:
1. Play one Spirit card
2. Play one Tribe card
3. Play one Weapon card
4. Play one Dress card
5. Play two Approach card
Next flip over and discard the top 7 cards in the Deck.
For every Coup card that comes up gain one Eagle Feather Token.
Discard all played cards.
A Coup is an action that demonstrates considerable courage.

To go on a War Party you must do 5 things:
1. Play one Spirit card
2. Play one Tribe card
3. Play two Weapon cards
4. Play two Dress cards
5. Play one Approach card
Next flip over and discard the top 8 cards in the Deck.
For every Coup card that comes up gain one Eagle Feather Token.
Discard all played cards.

To go on a Revenge Raid you must do 5 things:
1. Play two Spirit cards
2. Play one Tribe card
3. Play two Weapon cards
4. Play one Dress card
5. Play two Approach cards
Next flip over and discard the top 9 cards in the Deck.
For every Coup card that comes up gain one Eagle Feather Token.
Discard all played cards.

To go on a Pipeholder Raid you must do 10 things:
1. Play two Spirit cards
2. Play one Tribe card
3. Play two Weapon cards
4. Play two Dress cards
5. Play two Approach cards
Next flip over and discard the top 10 cards in the Deck.
For every Coup card that comes up gain one Eagle Feather Token.
Discard all played cards.
In a Pipeholder raid the player is the Leader of the Raid.
A player must have 10+ Feathers to go on a Pipeholder Raid.

If the current player did not go on a raid this turn he gets one action this phase. 
An Action can be used to do one of 5 things:
1. Play a Hunt or Trade Card.
2. Tribal Gathering: Discard a Tribal card and any other card to draw 2 cards.
3. Small Game Hunting: Draw 1 card
4. Trade with other players.
5. Omen: Discard a Spirit card to look at next 10 cards in deck.
If trading, the player may trade any of their cards with any one other player.
Trades must be acceptable to both parties. There are no forced trades.
A player may also play one Luck card.
Playing a Luck card does not use up an action.
Discard all played cards.

T = Tribe Cards
W = Weapon Cards
D = Dress Cards
A = Approach Cards
C = Coup Cards
H = Hunt/Trade Cards
L = Luck Cards
S = Spirit Card
X = Trade Card

Card Name:			#	Type	Notes:
White Settlers			1	T
Blackfoot			1	T
Cree				1	T
Assiniboine			1	T
Crow				1	T
Sioux				1	T
Cheyenne	          	1	T
Pawnee				1	T
Arapaho				1	T
Comanche	          	1	T
Oto				1	T
Osage				1	T
Kiowa				1	T
Wichita				1	T
Kansa				1	T
Omaha				1	T
Ponca				1	T
Arikara				1	T
Mandan				1	T
Ute				1	T
Shoshone	          	1	T
Curved Bow			1	W
Straight Bow			1	W
Recurved Bow			1	W	
Horn Bow	          	1	W
Steel Head Arrows		2	W
Stone War Club			1	W
Sling Head Club			1	W
Gun Stock War Club		1	W
Flintlock Musket	        1	W
War Horse			1	W
Trade Rifle			1	W
War Cry				1	W	
Knife				1	W	
Double Edged Dagger		1	W
Pipe Tomahawk			1	W	
Hatchet				1	W
Iron Tipped War Lance		1	W
Long War Lance			1	W
War Shield			1	D
Medicine Shield			1	D
War Paint			2	D
Wolfskin	          	1	D
Travel Moccasins	        1	D
Bear Grease			1	D
Capote Blanket Coat		1	D
War Shirt			1	D
Medicine Bag			1	D	
Breechclout			1	D
Hairpipe Bone Breastplate	1	D
Rawhide Leggings	        1	D
Weapon Sheath			1	D
Bowcase & Quiver	        1	D
Animal Headdress   		1	D
Buffalo Robe			1	D
Fur Cap				1	D
Trade Blanket			1	D
Bear Claw Necklace		1	D
Marked Trail			1	A
Know the Land			1	A
Landmarks			1	A
Direction Sense			1	A
Horses				1	A
Mustangs	          	1	A
Horsemanship			1	A
Tricks				1	A
Expert Tracker			1	A
Experienced Scout		1	A
Keen Senses			1	A
Long Distance Signals		1	A
Hunting Skills			1	A
Survival Skills			1	A
Stealthy Movement		1	A
Battle Plan			1	A
Close Quarter Signals		1	A
Ambush				1	A
Intercept			1	A
Night Attack			1	A
Lay in Wait			1	A
Trail Enemies			1	A
Scalp Enemy			1	C
Steal Horses			1	C
Capture Woman			1	C
Capture Child			1	C
Ride Down Enemy			1	C	 
Strike Enemy			1	C
Recover Enemy Weapon		1	C
Touch Enemy			1	C
Kill Enemy			1	C
Rescue Comrade			1	C
Charge Enemy			1	C
Infiltrate Enemy Camp		1	C
Surprise Enemy			1	C			
Fight in the Open		1	C
Wounded in Battle		1	C
Cut Enemies Throat		1	C
Coup Stick			1	C
Challenge Enemy			1	C
Hand to Hand Combat		1	C
Shoot Enemy			1	C
Last Man to Retreat		1	C
Dream				2	S	
Vision				2	S	
Omens  				2	S
Purification Ritual		1	S	
Religous Ceremony		1	S
Totem Creation    		1	S
Smoke Sacred Pipe		1	S	
Strong Medicine			2	S
Medicine Man			1	S
War Dance			2	S	
Sweat Lodge			1	S	
Sacrifice			1	S	
Prayer				1	S	
Scarification			1	S	
Victory Dance			1	S	
French Traders			1	X 	Draw 3 Cards and discard 2
French Trappers			1	X	Draw 3 Cards and discard 2
Buffalo Hunt			1	H	Draw 2 Cards
Deer Hunt			1	H	Draw 2 Cards
Elk Hunt	          	1	H	Draw 2 Cards
Eagle Trapping			1	H 	Draw 2 Cards
Salmon Fishing			1	H 	Draw 2 Cards
Infection			1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Cholera				1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Small Pox			1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Harsh Winter			1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Trade for Sex			1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Trade for Alcohol		1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards
Trade for Tobacco		1	L	Opponent must discard 2 cards

In the type of limited warfare practiced by the Native American Indians there 
were very few casualties. 

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