Players represent ideologies in conflict in the 20th century.
Each player picks one Ideology:
If there are more than 5 players also use the following:
Control the most countries by the end of the century.
Ties are resolved by bidding.
Each round represents 5 years.
The game starts in 1900 and ends in 2000.
There are 20 game rounds.
The map is divided into 20 Regions:
# Region Influence
1 North America 3
2 Russia 3
3 Germany 2
4 South America 1
5 Central America 1
6 Balkans 1
7 West Europe 1
8 United Kingdom 2
9 East Europe 1
10 North Africa 1
11 South Africa 1
12 Australia 1
13 China 2
14 Japan 2
15 Mediterranean 1
16 India 1
17 South East Asia 1
18 Scandinavia 1
19 Middle East 1
20 Pacific Islands 1
Influence is the number of Influence Tokens (ITS) the
Region generates per turn.
Minor regions have an influence = 1.
Major regions have an influence = 2+.
Use cardboard counters (chits).
Each player has a set of control counters of a unique color.
All players share a set of Influence Tokens (ITS).
ITS can be represented by coins.
Dice are also needed.
Players draw from a common deck.
The deck includes 42 conflict cards and 23 influence cards.
Each player starts with a hand of 2 cards.
Each player begins in control of adjacent Regions with a combined
Influence of 3. For example:
North America (3) by itself; or Japan (2) and SE Asia (1)
Alternatively, a player could start with an Influence of 2 and 2 extra cards.
Each player starts with a reserve of 1D6 Influence tokens.
A player places one of his chits on a region he controls.
All regions not controlled by a player are considered to be neutral.
Neutral regions are denoted by the absence of a control marker.
Bidding is the mechanism for resolving all conflicts.
All bids are secret.
Players are bidding Influence tokens (ITS).
A player may bid none, some, or all of his ITS.
A player cannot bid more ITS then he has.
Bids are written on pieces of paper and are then revealed simultaneously.
Include on the note any influence cards you are using.
The value of the cards is added to the ITS you bid.
All bids must be paid, even if you lose.
Break ties by rolling high on 1D6.
Players must write on their bid what they are bidding for.
Used Influence cards are discarded.
Each round is composed of 6 phases.
1. Production Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Initiative Phase
4. Peace Phase
5. War Phase
6. Conflict Phase
Gain 1D6 Influence tokens (ITS).
Also gain ITS equal to the influence of all of your regions.
ITS may be saved from round to round.
Each player draws 1 card.
A player may draw extra cards for 3 ITS each.
A player may have a maximum of 7 cards in his hand.
Excess cards are discarded.
All players bid to determine turn order in all the other phases for
The rest of the round.
The winner gets to choose whether he wants to go first or last in each phase.
A player may target 1 opponent and play one of the following peace cards:
Treaty or Trade Agreements.
If a peace card is played, neither player may play military
conflict cards against each other, or Bid in military conflicts
against each other for 1D6 rounds.
A player that controls a Major Region may target 1 opponent that
also controls a Major Region and play one of the following war cards:
World War, Cold War
The player that started the war is the leader of the axis side.
The target opponent is the leader of the allies side.
The 2 players resolve the War by bidding.
Other players may bid to help one of the two sides.
The losing side has 1D6 of their controlled regions become neutral.
The winner picks which regions.
Players, in turn order, may play conflict cards other than war and peace cards.
To target a Major country with a conflict card costs 3 ITS.
(It costs nothing to target a Minor country)
The player that plays the card is the active player.
Each conflict is resolved in turn by bidding.
Other players may bid for or against the outcome of the card.
For example: John the Fascist plays Diplomacy against Neutral India.
If he wins he gains control of India. If he loses nothing happens.
John plays Military Coup on South America controlled by Ray the Socialist.
If John wins, S. America becomes neutral. If he loses nothing happens.
Controlled regions that become neutral lose a control marker.
Regions that come under control gain a control marker.
A player may play more than one conflict on his turn.
Card Name Target Result Type #
World War D Z XM* 2
Cold War D Z XE* 2
Treaty D T XP 2
Trade Agreements D T XE 2
Superpower Operation O B XM* 2
Limited War O B XM 2
Insurgency O B XM** 2
Rebellion O B IM 2
Military Coup O B IM 2
Civil War O B IM 2
Revolution O B IM 2
Insurrection O B IM 2
Coup d'etat O B IP 2
Depression O B IE 2
Economic Collapse O B IE 2
Economic Boycott O B IE 2
Terrorism O B XP** 2
Trade War O B XE 2
Incursion OA C XM 2
Power Vacuum N C IP 2
Regional War N C XM 2
Colonialism N C XE 2
Occupation NA C XM 2
Police Action N C IP 2
Cultural Revolution N C IP 2
Alliance N C XP 2
Annexation NA C XM 2
Puppet State NA C XM* 2
Counter Revolution NL C IM 2
Purge NL C IP 2
# = Number of that card in the deck
* = Can only be played by a player with a Major Region
** = Can only be played by a player without a Major Region
O = Region controlled by opponent
N = Neutral Region
D = Opposing Ideology
C = You gain control of target region
B = Target region becomes neutral
A = Target must be adjacent to a region you control
M = Military
P = Political
E = Economic
L = Must target region you just lost control of
I = Internal
X = External
Z = 1D6 controlled regions of Loser become neutral
T = Neither Ideology may play Military conflicts against each other for 1D6 rounds.
Card Name # Inf Notes
Appeasement 2 3 +1M
Isolationism 2 2 +2I
Foreign Aid 2 2 +1E
Guerilla Warfare 2 2 +1M
War Crimes Tribunal 2 1 +1P
Charismatic Leader 4 5 +1P
Iron Curtain 1 3 +1E
League of Nations 1 2 +1X
United Nations 1 3 +1X
Diplomacy 2 2 +1P
Espionage 2 1 +2 for Initiative
Propaganda 2 2 +2I
National Will 2 4 +1X
Manifesto 2 3 +1P
Industrial Buildup 2 0 *
* = Permanently increase Influence of target region by + 1
Additional bonus Influence is received in the appropriate type of conflict:
M = Military, P = Political, E = Economic, I = Internal, X = External
Inf = Influence that may be added to the conflict bid.
# = Number of that card in the deck.
Remember you are an Ideology, not a nation.
Don't get too attached to any particular country.
Russia was a Tsarist Empire, then communist, now a democracy.
Even the USA could have switched governments several times this
Century: the Great Depression, McCarthyism, The 60's.
A humanists wish:
May objective truth triumph over all doctrines.
A More Historically Constrained Variant For "Manifesto"
By Michael Callahan
Achtung!!! Read MANIFESTO DESTINY Now!!!
Questions by Michael Andre-Driussi...
Q: About writing out the bids, it seems like you intended it to be
verbose "Police State in South America, Against, 2 ITS." But we
tended to just write Y for yes or N for no and the number of coins,
if any. (Less a question than a statement--but here's the question:
was there a reason for a verbose bid?)
A: The simpler you can make it the better. I'll take the short
version over the doctoral thesis.
Q: The "die roll of 1 to 3 means target a minor country" thing. I
took this to mean that first a player would select a card, playing it
down (perhaps face down?); then roll; then apply the card
accordingly. One player thought that it went another way--first one
rolls, then if the die forces an action against a minor country the
player selects the most appropriate card and plays it. I still think
I'm right but I wanted to alert you to this.
A: The 1-3 rule was an inelegant fudge rule to prevent the big guys
from directly duking it out. More problems than its worth.
New rule: To target a Major country with a conflict card costs 3 ITS.
I think that might work better.
Q: Bidding for initiative. If no bids, then we resolved with dice.
But we didn't do a complete scramble, we simplified it and said
whoever wins gets the choice of first or last to move, and play moves
clockwise from that player. (Another statement.)
A: Works for me.

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