Board game for 2-4+ players.
Players are the inhabitants of a small European fiefdom in the middle ages.
Players use their Peasants to gather goods and score Victory Tokens.
The game ends the end of the turn in which any player
accumulates 15 or more Victory Tokens (VT).
The winner is the player with the most VT at the end of the game.
Note: Some cards do not score until the game ends.
If tied at the end, the player with the most Upgrades wins.
If still tied, the player with the most Gold wins.
There are 2 common decks:
The Land Deck and the Play deck.
Use the Land cards to make a Map.
As part of the Map, these cards are also referred to as Spaces.
For a 2-3 player game use the 12 basic lands to make a 3x4 grid.
For 4+ players also use the extra lands to make a 4x4 grid.
The Basic Lands:
River, Fertile Fields, Good Fields, Poor Fields, Woods, Pasture,
Hills, Road, Village, Market, Church, Castle
The Extra Lands:
Irrigated Fields, Hunting Grounds, Mountains, Forest.
For purposes of play card placement treat the Irrigated Fields like other Fields,
Treat the Mountains as Hills, and the Forest and Hunting Grounds as Woods.
The Road and River must be placed on a Map edge.
The owner of the game decides how the map is set up.
There are 3 types of cards:
Bounty Cards, Upgrade Cards, and Hardship Cards.
There are 6 Types of Tokens:
Peasants = White = P
Victory = Purple = V (also VT or VP)
Crops = Green = C
Animals = Red = A
Gold = Yellow = G
Resources = Blue = R
Manor = 1 Pawn held by the current Lord
Crops and Animals are collectively called Food.
Gold and Resources are collectively called Money.
Food and Money are collectively called Goods.
Shuffle the deck. Each player starts with:
2 Peasants, 4 Crops, and 3 randomly dealt Non-Hardship Cards.
Pick one player to be the starting Lord of the Manor.
Each turn has 6 Phases:
1. Draw Phase
2. Trade Phase
3. Work Phase
4. Upgrade Phase
5. Feeding Phase
6. End Phase
- Each player is dealt X+1 cards from the top of the deck. X = Number of Peasants they have.
-- Players may next pay 3 Goods to draw 3 cards AND immediately discard 2 (including Hardship cards)
--- Lastly, players may discard 2 cards to draw 1 replacement card.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Hardship cards take effect immediately in Draw Phase as soon as they are dealt
(except when discarded as a result of paying 3 goods) and are then REMOVED from the game.
Players always keep their hands face up visible to all.
Players may inspect each others hands.
Players may freely make deals and trade Tokens and Cards with each other.
Each player gets a number of actions equal to the number of Peasants they control.
Players take turns using 1 action at a time starting with the lord of the Manor and going clockwise.
There are 2 things you can do with an action:
1. Take 1 of your hand cards and place it on the map on a Land card allowed by the card text.
You cannot place a play card in a space that is already occupied by a card.
2. Discard 2 cards from your hand to gain 1 Good of any type.
As soon as you play a Bounty card in Work phase you reap its benefits:
Gain the tokens described in its card text.
Certain spaces will provide additional tokens if you are gaining tokens of the same type.
For example: The Wheat card gives you 4 Crops.
If the wheat card was placed on a Fertile Field (+1C), you would gain a total of 5 Crops.
If placed on a Poor Field (-1) you would get 3 Crops.
Played Bounty cards are discarded at the end of Work Phase.
Some Bounty cards allow you to do a conversion where you may turn any
Number of one kind of token into another type of token.
This conversion can only be done exactly when the card is played.
Any time a card is played on the Castle, that player becomes the New Lord of the Manor.
To play an Upgrade card you must pay 3+X Money Tokens.
X = The number of Upgrade cards you already own.
At the End of Work phase remove upgrade cards you just purchased from the board and place them
Face-up next to you in their own separate section where they remain in play.
Upgrade cards provide a bonus every turn they are in play in Upgrade Phase.
Each of you upgrade cards in play produces a Token (or card) and may be used to
make a conversion according to its text.
For Example: The Cathedral Upgrade would give you 1 Victory Token.
The Mine Upgrade would give you a simple gain of 1 Gold Token and would allow you to
(multiple times if you want to and can) discard 1 card from your hand to gain 1 Gold Token.
When gaining a card as a result of a Conversion, draw the top card of the deck and add it to your hand.
Note: The simple gain of an upgrade is automatic and occurs only once per turn, whereas
Conversions are optional and can be done multiple times.
Discard one Food token for each Peasant you control minus 1.
If you cannot feed all your peasants fully, discard one of them and lose 2 VT.
You cannot lose your last remaining Peasant.
If all of your Peasants are fed, you may discard 5 Food Tokens to Gain 1 Peasant Token.
Max hand size is 3 cards.
Discard excess cards.
Bounty Crop cards placed orthogonally adjacent to a
Compost, Cultivar, Manure or Pollination card get +1C.
Bounty Animal cards orthogonally adjacent to a Fodder card get +1A.
These bonuses are not retroactive.
B = Basic Land
E = Extra Land
G = Gold
C = Crops
A = Animals
R = Resources
Card Name: Type: Notes:
River B G+1
Fertile Fields B C+1
Good Fields B -
Poor Fields B C-1
Pasture B A+1
Woods B -
Hills B -
Road B -
Village B -
Market B -
Church B -
Castle B -
Irrigated Fields E C+2
Hunting Grounds E A+1
Mountains E R+1
Forest E R+1
B = Bounty
U = Upgrade
Rv = River
Fl = Fields
Pa = Pasture
Wo = Woods
Hi = Hills
Ro = Road
Vi = Village
Mk = Market
Ch = Church
Ca = Castle
P = Peasant
VP = Victory Point
R = Resources
G = Gold
C = Crops
A = Animals
H = Hardship
HS = Hand Size
D2X = Draw 2 extra cards next turn
C2L = This Upgrade costs 2 less to build
C2M = This Upgrade costs 2 more to build
FO = From Opponent
End = At the End of the Game this card is worth …
NPM = No Player may…
TT = The Rest of This Turn
TP = This Player
AP = All Players
Card Name: Type: Locations Effect
Pilgrimage B Church 1VP also Convert P --> 2VP
Levy Troops B Castle 1VP also Convert P --> 2VP
Crafts Fair B ViCaMk 1R also Convert R --> VP
Feast Day B ViMkCaCh 1A also Convert A --> VP
Harvest B ViMkFl 1C also Convert C --> VP
Caravan B RoMk 1G also Convert G --> VP
Tournament B Castle 2VP
Feudal Dues B Castle 1VP & Steal 1 Card FO
Feudal Obligations B Castle 1 VP & Steal 1 Good FO
Minstrel Troupe B ViMkRo 1G & 1VP
Cloth Trade B RoMkRv 2G & 1R
Slaughter Livestock B FlPa 4A
Fallow Field B Fields D2X
Clover & Rape B Fields D2X & Compost, Fodder
Turnips B Fields 2C & Fodder
Pigs B WoFl 3A & Manure
Stone B Hills 3R
Honey & Wax B WoFl 1A & 1R & Pollination
Corn B Fields 4C & Compost, Fodder
Beans B Fields 3C
Herbs B FlViWo 1C & 1G
Small Game B Woods 1A & Draw 1 Card
Rye B Fields 3C
Resin, Tar, Pitch B Woods 2R
Apples B Fields 2C & Compost, Fodder
Millet B Fields 2C
Taxes B MkVi 2G
Stag Hunt B Woods 2A
Iron Ore B Hills 3R
Wheat B Fields 4C & Compost, Fodder
Flax B Fields 1C & 1R
Oysters & Crabs B River 2A
Plow Team B Fields 3C & Cultivar
Banditry B RoRvHi Steal 2 Goods from Opponent
Berries, Acorns, Nuts B Woods 1C & Draw 1 Card
Barley B Fields 3C & Fodder
Goats B FlHiPa 2A
Settlers B RvRo 1P
Poultry B MkVi 2A
Marriage B ChViCa 1P
Sheep B FlPa 2A & Manure
Spice Trade B RoMkRv 2G & 1C
Cob, Straw, Reeds B Fields 2R & Fodder
Indulgences B Church 2G
Collect Tolls B Road 2G
Midwife B Village 1P
Fur Trapper B Woods 1A & 1R
Wild Boar B Woods 2A
Cabbage B ViFl 2C & Compost
Money Lender B Market 4G & lose 1 VP
Tithe B ChVi 2G
Horticulture B ViMkFl 1C & 1G
Wool B FlPa 2R
Oats B Fields 2C & Fodder
Gold & Silver B Hills 3G
Timber B Woods 3R
Potatoes B Fields 3C
Herring & Cod B River 3A & Compost
Salt Trade B RoMkRv 2G & 1A
Orchard U Fields 1C. C2L
Woodcutters U Woods 1R. C2L
Tavern U Village 1G. C2L
Stables U ViMkCa 1A. C2L
Watermill U River 1C also Convert 1 Card --> 1C
Quarry U Hills 1R also Convert 1 Card --> 1R
Royal Hunting Grounds U Woods 1A also Convert 1 Card --> 1A
Mine U Hills 1G also Convert 1 Card --> 1G
Warehouse U MkVi HS +1 also Convert G --> R
Weaver U Village 1G also Convert C --> R
Tannery U MkVi 1R also Convert A --> R
Bazaar U Market 1G also Convert G --> C
Cattle Enclosures U Pasture 1A also Convert C --> A
Docks U River 1G also Convert G --> A
Fishing Boats U River 1A also Convert A --> G
Vineyard U Fields 1C also Convert C --> G
Cheese Maker U ViMk 1G also Convert 2A --> 1 Card
Brewery U ViMk 1C also Convert 2G --> 1 Card
Carpenter Workshop U MkViCa 1R also Convert 2R --> 1 Card
Printing Press U ViMk HS +1 also Convert 2C --> 1 Card
Brick Maker U FlHi End 1VP. Upgrades cost 3 Less
Wind Mill U Fields 1C & End 2VP
University U Village End 1VP per Upgrade you own
Bakery U ViMk Convert 2C --> 1VP
Inn U MkViRo Convert 2G --> 1VP
Smithy U ViCaMk Convert 2R --> 1VP
Butcher U MkVi Convert 2A --> 1VP
Guild Hall U Market Convert 1R + 1G --> 1VP
Abbey U Hills Convert 1A + 1C --> 1VP
Renaissance Master U ViMkCaCh Convert 2 Cards --> 1VP
Fortress U Castle 1VP. C2M
Cathedral U Church 1VP. C2M
Blight H - NPM gain Crops TT
Peasant Rebellion H - NPM play cards TT
Fire H - TP loses 1 Random Upgrade
Thieves H - TP loses all Resource Tokens
Scandal H - TP loses 2VP
Heresy H - AP discard their Hands
Plague H - AP lose 1 Peasant
Foraging Army H - AP lose all Food Tokens
Kings Tax Collector H - AP lose all Gold Tokens
Pestilence H - AP lose all Animal Tokens
Thanks Peter. These Look Great!!!
Click Here
Q> Marriage/midwife - does the new peasant become available for placement once acquired?
A -- Peasants are not placed per say, rather they increase the number of cards you draw and the number of
cards you can play per turn. The new peasant immediately improves your abilities in these areas.
Q> Brickmaker - Is he an automatic 3 subsidy to all future upgrades, or do you have to play the brickmaker to get
the 3 subsidy to another upgrade that phase? Same with Printing Press/Warehouse. Once bought, do you have to
play them to get the benefit of the increased hand size for just that phase?
A -- Brickmaker is 3 off for all upgrades you play for the rest of the game. The hand size increase of the
PP & WH is also for the rest of the game. Note that all your upgrades are permanent acquistions that provide
you benefits every turn.
Q> Feudal Dues - Steal 1 card from another player. We assume this means a card from the hand, not an already
purchased upgrade?
A -- Yes, from the hand.
Q> Peasant Rebellion - We assume this means there is a feeding phase but otherwise just an empty round?
A -- Actually there is still a Work Phase. You cannot place cards, but you can still take the option where you
discard 2 cards from your hand to gain 1 Good of any type.
Q> Fortress - Though expensive, it seems unfair that one player could buy this upgrade, then place it on the castle
every turn first thing and lock up the Lord of the Manor for the whole game (an an easy VP per turn).
A -- Upgrades are only placed once when they are first played, then they are kept next to their owner off board
where they still have their effects but no longer interact directly with the map.
1. Remove some or all of the Hardship cards from the deck.
2. Increase/decrease the number of VP needed to win.
3. Players get more/less goodies in setup.
4. Increase/decrease max hand size.
5. Play without the map (all cards are always playable).
6. Players share a common hand (draw = number of peasants in play)
7. Keep out the Hardship cards as a seperate deck.
At the beginning of each Draw phase roll 2D6:
On a roll of 11 a random player draws 1 Hardship card.
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