Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Theme: The Mughal (Mogul, Moghul) Empire (India 1526 - 1712) 

The player with the most VT (Victory Tokens) at the end of the game wins. 

The game lasts 7 Turns. 
Each turn represents the reign of one Emperor:

Turn	Name:			Emperor Card:			Age:
1	Babur the Tiger		7 for Military			Early
2	Humayun			3 for Any			Early
3	Akbar the Great		5 for Building or Military	Middle
4	Jahangir       		3 for Any			Middle
5	Jahan			7 for Building			Late
6	Alamgir			5 for Culture or Military 	Late
7	Bahadur			3 for Any			Late

These types of cards are kept out of the deck at the beginning of the game. 
When turn 3 starts, shuffle the Middle cards into the deck along with the discard. 
When turn 5 starts, shuffle the Late cards into the deck along with the discard. 

Players share a common set of Victory Tokens (VT). 

Each turn has 5 Phases: 
1. Destiny Phase
2. Fate Phase
3. Action Phase
4. Scoring Phase
5. End Phase

Each player is dealt 2 cards face up. All players can see them. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards. 
These are “face-down”, only the owning player can see them. 

There are 2 Steps: 
Step 1 - Each player selects one card from their hand and places it face up on 
the table in front of them. 
Step 2 - Players then pass their hand to the next player.
(on odd turns the next player is to the left, on even turns, to the right) 
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all cards are played to the table. Each player 
should have 7 cards face up in front of them. 

Each card has a Suite and a Level. 
The Suites are: Military, Building, Culture, and Wealth. 
For each suite each player adds up the levels of all their cards in that suite. 
The player with the highest total level in a Suite gets 2 Victory Tokens.
If 2 or more players tie for highest, each one gets 1 VT. 
If you have cards from all 4 Suites gain 2 VT. 

All cards played this turn go to the discard. 

Getting stuck with disaster cards will hurt you in scoring phase because 
they provide no suite and no level bonuses. 

M = Military
B = Building
C = Culture
W = Wealth
D = Disaster
A Card with 2 Types listed can be used for either or. 
Unique = Remove card from game at end of Turn it is used. 
Middle = Can only be used in Middle and Late Ages
Late = Can only be used in the Late Age

Name				Type	Level	Notes:
Emperor				X	X	Wild Card. See Usage Chart
Taj Mahal			B	10	Unique Late
Jama Masjid			B	9	Unique Late
Red Fort	          		B	8	Unique Late
Jahangir Mausoleum		B	7	Unique Late
Shalimar Gardens       		B	6	Unique Late
Lahore Fort			B	6	Unique Middle
Tomb of Humayun			B	6	Unique Middle
Fatehpur Sikri Complex		B	8	Unique Middle
Babri Mosque			B	5	Unique
Elegant Architecture		B	5	-
Monuments			B	4	-
Engineering			B	4	-
Mosques				B	4	-
Observatories			B	3	-
Water Gardens			B	3	-
Gateways       			B	3	-
Fortresses			BM	2	-
Extravagance			BW	2	-
Palaces				B	4	-
Art				BC	2	-
Unified Empire			M	7	-
Expansion			M	6	-
Restoration			M	4	-
Timurid Ancestry       		MC	2	Unique
Desert Warriors			MC	2	Unique
Descendants of Genghis Khan	M	7	Unique
Descendants of Timur		M	7	Unique
Defeat Rebel Factions		M	5	-
Defeat Hindu Rajputs		M	5
Defeat Afghans			M	5	-
Conquer Sultanates		M	6	-
Great Siege			M	6	-
Battle of Panipat		M	7	Unique
Alliances			M	3	-
Rockets & Mortars		M	3	-
Skilled Horsemen       		M	4	-
Armored Elephants		M	4	-
Horse Archers			M	5	-
Composite Bows			M	4	-
Matchlocks			M	4	-
Field Artillery			M	5	-
Bronze Cannons			M	5	-
Military Genius			M	6	-
Damascus Steel			MW	2	-
Arms Manufacturing		MW	2	-
Religious Tolerance		C	7	Unique
Illustrious Ruler		C	7	-
Marry Rajput Princess		C	6	Unique
Persian Influence		C	5	Unique
Chagatai & Urdu Languages	C	3	-
Turko-Mongol Practices		C	4	Unique
Indo-Persian Culture		C	5	-
Syncretic Philosophy		C	3	Middle
Legendary Harem			C	5	-
Literature			C	4	-
Polo Matches			C	3	-
Miniatures & Murals		C	3	-
Mosaics				C	3	-
Patronage			C	4	-
Astronomy & Astrology		C	3	-
Muslim Faith 			C	4	-
Cultural Flowering		C	4	-
Theological Debates		C	3	Middle
Empress Noor Jahan		C	3	Unique Middle
Fatawa-e-Alamgiri		C	6	Unique Late
Wise Ruler			CW	2	-
Political Stability		CW	2	-
Golconda       			W	7	Late
Diamond Mines			W	7	-
Gems & Jewels			W	5	-
Precious Stones			W	5	-
City of Delhi			W	6	-
Vast Empire			W	6	Middle
City of Agra			W	5	-
Taxes				W	4	-
Portuguese Trade       		W	4	-
Fabled Riches			W	5	-
Peacock Throne			W	7	Late
Koh-I-Noor Diamond		W	7	Late
Centralized Administration	W	5	-
Efficient Bureaucracy		W	3	-
Spices				W	5	-
Silk				W	4	-
Cotton				W	3	-
Opium				W	3	-
Suri Dynasty			D	-	Unique
Deposed	 by Usurper		D	-	-
Nawab Insurrections		D	-	Late
Rise of the Marathas		D	-	Late
Poison, Exile & Imprisonment	D	-	-
Civil War			D	-	-
Wars of Succession		D	-	-
Rise of the Sikhs		D	-	Late
Religious Intolerance		D	-	-
British East India Company	D	-	Middle

Mughal Empire     Wikipedia

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