2 player Chess variant.
Each player chooses a Nationality which gives them a special ability.
Special Abilities based on some historic aspect of the National character.
A Great Seafaring Nation.
You may move your pawns like queens.
(Not capture like queens, only move like queens)
British pawns cannot be upgraded.
Go Masters.
If you border any opponents piece on 2 opposite sides with any 2 of your pieces, you
automatically capture it.
Bushido Warrior Fanatics.
Move any one of your pieces twice in a row during your turn but that piece is
Removed from play at the end of your turn.
You may not checkmate your opponent in this way.
The Land of Opportunity.
You may at any time, as a move, replace any one of your Pawns with any of your
other pieces that have been captured by an opponent.
Inventors of the Blitzkrieg.
On your turn, you may move 2 of your pieces.
(Not one piece twice)
Manpower Juggernaut.
As a move, you may return one of your captured pawns to
play in any empty space on your back 2 rows.
Mighty Legions.
All your pieces may move and/or capture like pawns in addition to their
regular movement.
Napoleonic Greatness.
As a move, you may switch the locations of any 2 of your pieces.
You may not use this ability to check or checkmate.
Legendary Raiders.
You may as a move, on your turn, move any one of your non-pawn,
Non-king pieces to any empty space on the board.
You may not use this ability to check or checkmate.
Rules in Italian