Solo Card Game.
New Deal Theme 1932-37.
You are FDR. Help the US recover from the Great Depression.
The Game ends after 15 turns.
Your Final Score is equal to your lowest score multiplied by your highest score
in all the 8 Scoring Categories.
Shuffle the Deck.
You start with a score of zero in each of the 8 Scoring Categories.
1. Proposal Phase
2. Depression Phase
3. Legislation Phase
4. Reform Phase
5. Politics Phase
Fill your hand to 9 Cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard.
If you have one or more Crisis cards in your hand,
You must play 1 of them.
You may play 1 card to get one of its benefits.
You may play a Meld of 1 or more cards that give the same Category Bonus.
For Example, you have 3 cards that give a Crop Price Bonus. You discard all 3 and get
the combined bonus of all 3 to your Crop Price Category Score.
You may discard up to 5 cards from your hand and must discard at least 1.
Some cards allow you to gain additional Actions.
An action can be used to either play an extra card in legislation Phase or
Play an extra Meld in Reform Phase.
The Eight Scoring Categories include:
Name: Notes:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Gain 3 Actions or NS +2
Power of Government Add +2 to any Meld
Louis McHenry Howe Draw 2 Cards or Gain 2 Actions
Bold, Persistent Experimentation Draw 1 Card and Gain 2 Actions
Broad Programs Get +1 in any 2 Categories
Social Welfare NS +1 or WF +1
Unemployment Relief WF +1 or gain 2 Actions
Restore Faith of the Nation NS +1 or Draw 2 cards
Restore Shattered Economy Any Category +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Federal Regulation FN +1 or BK +1 or IF +1
Outbursts of Violence Crisis Skip Legislation Phase
Protests Against Foreclosures Crisis Skip Reform Phase
Brain Trust Draw 2 Cards or Gain 2 Actions
Raymond Moley Draw 3 Cards
Rexford Guy Tugwell AR +2
Adolf Berle Jr. SM +1 or BK +1
Bank Closures Crisis BK -1
Fear Itself Crisis NS -1
First 100 Days Draw 2 Cards and Gain 1 Action or NS +1
President’s Speeches NS +1 and gain 1 Action
Rehabilitate the Banks BK +2
Issue Edicts Any Category +1 or NS +2
Fireside Chats NS +1 or Gain 2 Actions
New Deal Draw 1 Card & Play 1 extra Meld or NS +1
Propose Bills Draw 3 Cards and discard 1 or PW +1
Sign Bills into Law Gain 2 Actions or IC +1
Glass-Stegall Act BK +1 or SM +1
Federal Deposit Insurance BK +2
Repeal Prohibition NS +2
Relief Recovery Reform Get +1 in any 2 Categories
Ratify Amendment Gain 2 Actions or NS +2
Century of Progress Draw 3 Cards or NS +1
Far Reaching Legislation Add +2 to any Meld
Farm Crisis Crisis AR -1
Stabilize Crop Prices AR +1 or IF +1
Subsidize Scarcity AR +1 or IF +1
Henry Agard Wallace AR +2
Agricultural Adjustment Act AR +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Farm Subsidies AR +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Harold L. Ickes PW +2
Farm Bill AR +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Go Off the Gold Standard IF +2
Stunning Press Release NS +1 and Gain 1 Action
Inflationary Proposal IF +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Gold Buying IF +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Silver Purchase Act IF +1 and Gain 1 Action
Controlled Inflation IF +2
Fiscal Policy IF +1 or BK +1
Gold Reserve Act IF +1 or BK +1
Emergency Banking Relief Act IF +1 or BK +1
National Industrial Recovery Act IC +1 and Gain 1 Action
Frances Perkins IC +2
Industry-Wide Agreements IC +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Antitrust Law Exemptions IC +1 or FN +1
Collective Bargaining IC +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Worker’s Rights IC +1 or WF +1
Minimum Wages IC +1 or WF +1
Public Works Administration PW +1 and Draw 1 Card
National Recovery Administration IC +1 or WF +1
Hugh Johnson IC +2
“We Do Our Part” IC +1 or NS +1
NRA Codes IC +1 and Draw 1 Card
Maximum Hours IC +1 or WF +1
Outlaw Child Labor IC +1 or WF +1
Highways & Subways PW +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Dams & Power Plants PW +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Hospitals & Housing Projects PW +1 or WF +1
Schools & Playgrounds PW +1 or NS +1
Reconstruction Finance Corporation BK +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Jesse Jones BK +2
RFC Investments PW +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Securities Act FN +2
Require Financial Statements FN +1
Deep Rooted Reform FN +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Securities & Exchange Commission FN +1 and Gain 1 Action
Wall Street Opposition Crisis FN -1
Economic Legislation FN +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Sanction Unionization IC +1
Poverty Crisis WF -1
Run on Banks Crisis BK -1
Unemployment Crisis WF -1
Lost Foreign Trade Crisis Discard 1 random card
Stock Market Crash Crisis FN -1
Sense of Purpose NS +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Federal Art Project NS +1 or WF +1
Bread Lines WF +1
Homelessness Crisis WF -1
Welfare State WF +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Dust Bowl Crisis WF -1
Labor Disputes Crisis IC -1
Political Challenges Crisis NS -1
Riots Crisis NS -1
Harry Hopkins WF +2
FERA Program WF +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Direct Relief WF +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Civil Works Administration WF +1 or PW +1
Works Progress Administration WF +1 or PW +1 or AR +1
Canker, Moths, Weevil Control WF +1 or AR +1
Federal Theatre PW +1 or NS +1
Federal Writers Project WF +1 or NS +1
Federal Music Project WF +1 or NS +1
Black Cabinet WF +1 or NS +1
National Youth Administration WF +1 or NS +1
Civilian Conservation Corps WF +1 or NS +1 or AR +1
Soil Conservation Service AR +1 and Draw 1 Card
Tennessee Valley Authority AR +1 or PW +1
Rural Electrification Administration PW +1 and Gain 1 Action
Public Utility Holding Company Act FN +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Brandeis Group FN +1 or Draw 2 Cards
Second Hundred Days Draw 2 Cards and gain 2 Actions or FN +1
Revenue Act FN +1 or Gain 2 Actions
Estate, Gift, & Capital Stock Taxes FN +1 and Gain 1 Action
Excess Profits Tax & Surtaxes FN +1
National Labor Relations Act IC +1 and Draw 1 Card
Social Security Act WF +2
Unfair Labor Practices Crisis IC -1
Opposition by Big Business Crisis Negate last Action
US Housing Authority WF +1 or FN +1 or PW +1
Home Owners Loan Corporation WF +1 or FN +1 or PW +1
Federal Housing Administration WF +1 or FN +1 or PW +1
Resettlement Administration WF +1 or AR +1
Unemployment Insurance WF +1 or NS +1
Public Health Services WF +1 or NS +1
Eastern Floods Crisis AR -1
Shelter Belt AR +1
John Collier WF +2
Supreme Court Rulings Crisis Negate last Meld
Recession Crisis IF -1
Anti-Trust Policy FN +1 or Draw 2 Cards
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