Board and card game depicting the colonization of the Americas circa 1492-1760.
Each Turn is 10 Years.
After each player has taken a Turn, move a pawn on the Turn Track ahead 1 Decade.
The Game starts in 1490 and ends in 1760.
The player with the most VP at the end of the game wins.
If one player conquers all other players the game ends automatically.
A player may concede: His Territories remain occupied, but his turn is skipped.
Use Tokens to keep track of Victory Points (VP).
It is possible to have negative VP.
Negative VP are called Oppression Points (OP).
Use Coins to keep track of Gold.
Each player has a set of counters (Chits) of a unique color.
To denote that a territory has been Explored place one of your Chits on it.
To denote that a territory has a Settlement place 2 of your Chits on it.
To denote that a territory has a City place 3 of your Chits on it.
A Territory containing no chits on it is called Unoccupied or Wild.
A Territory containing 1 or more player Chits on it is said to be Occupied.
A Territory containing 1 or 2 of a players chits on it is called Rural.
A Territory containing 2 or 3 of a players chits on it is called Civilized.
Spanish Player Chits are Yellow
Portuguese Player Chits are Green
French Player Chits are Blue
English Player Chits are Red
Dutch Player Chits are Orange
The Board is a 8 x 5 Grid.
It is 8 squares long on its North/South Axis and 5 squares long on its East/West Axis.
All Tiles on the rightmost column are adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean.
All Tiles on the leftmost column are adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.
Any Tile on the edge of the map is considered to be coastal.
Any Tile adjacent to a Water Tile is considered to be coastal.
The Top 2 Rows and bottom 2 Rows are Cold Climate.
The Middle 4 Rows are Warm Climate.
Note: Grid can be square or hexagonal.
There are 50 Tiles. When fully explored, the map will only use 40 tiles.
The VP value is a one time bonus to the first player to explore the Territory.
The IP value is a continuous income bonus the Territory provides every turn when it is settled.
Warm Territory Tiles cannot be placed within the 2 most northern and southern rows.
If such a Tile is drawn when exploring and cannot be placed, discard it and draw another.
Cold Territory Tiles must be placed within the 2 most northern and southern rows.
If such a Tile is drawn when exploring and cannot be placed, discard it and draw another.
Water Territory Tiles must be placed on the edge of the board or next to another Water Tile.
If such a Tile is drawn when exploring and cannot be placed, discard it and draw another.
Name: # VP IP Notes:
Sea 10 0 0 Water
Rocky Mountains 1 5 1 Minerals
Grand Canyon 1 5 1 Minerals
Basin 1 1 2 Crops
Temperate Region 1 1 2 Crops, Herds
Great Plains 1 1 2 Herds
Pampas 1 1 2 Herds
Bayous 1 1 1 Wooded
Marshlands 1 1 1 Wooded
Redwood Forests 1 5 2 Wooded
Rain Forest 1 1 2 Warm
Desert 1 1 1 Warm, Herds
Rolling Hills 1 1 1 Crops, Herds
Rocky Hills 1 1 2 Minerals
Islands 1 1 1 Water
Carib Islands 1 1 2 Warm, Water, Crops
Flatlands 1 1 2 Crops
Delta 1 1 2 Crops
Peninsula 1 1 1 Water, Crops
River Valley 1 1 2 Crops
Great Lakes 1 1 2 Water
Great Falls 1 5 1 Wooded
Salt Flats 1 1 1 Minerals
Woodlands 1 1 2 Wooded, Crops
Great Forest 1 1 2 Wooded
Hilly Woods 1 1 1 Wooded, Mineral
Gulf 1 1 2 Water
Bay 1 1 2 Water
Farmland 1 1 2 Crops
Flood Plains 1 1 2 Crops
Hardwood Forests 1 1 1 Wooded
Mountain Chain 1 1 1 Minerals
Plateau 1 1 1 Herds
Highlands 1 1 1 Minerals, Herds
Grazing Lands 1 1 2 Herds
Tropical Forest 1 1 2 Warm, Wooded
Mesas 1 1 1 Crops, Mineral
Taiga 1 1 1 Cold, Wooded
Tundra 1 1 1 Cold, Herds
Sub-Arctic 1 1 1 Cold, Water
Lowlands 1 1 2 Crops
Players share a common deck.
Many cards are of 2 or 3 types, which means they can be used in different ways.
Each player gets 1 National Will Card.
This card may be used once on your own turn.
This card becomes available to you again on your next turn.
Players pick which Nationality they want to control.
Each player is dealt 4 random cards and is given 10 Gold.
Each player starts with 20 VP.
The Spanish Player goes first.
The Portuguese Player goes second.
The French Player goes third.
The English Player goes fourth.
The Dutch Player goes fifth.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 20 Phases:
1. Calendar Phase
2. Event Phase
3. New World Strategy Phase
4. Advantage Phase
5. Colonial Taxation Phase
6. Early Investment Phase
7. Oppression Phase
8. Control Phase
9. Global Strategy Phase
10. Draw Phase
11. Trade Phase
12. Development Phase
13. City Phase
14. Settlement Phase
15. Sea Exploration Phase
16. Land Exploration Phase
17. Settlement Phase
18. Indian Conquest Phase
19. Colonial Conquest Phase
20. End Phase
The game starts in 1490 and ends in 1760.
The Spanish Player keeps track of the passage of time:
After every player has had 1 turn, ten years have gone by.
You may play (discard) 1 Event card.
Its effect is resolved immediately.
Pick one of the following 7 Strategies for this turn:
1. Exploration: Use your National Will card as an Explorer or Expedition card this turn.
2. Colonization: Use your National Will card as a Settlement card this turn.
3. Trade: Use your National Will card as a Trade card this turn.
4. Conquest: Use your National Will card as a Military card this turn.
5. Sea Power: Use your National Will card as a Ship or Naval card this turn.
6. Culture: Use your National Will card as a City card this turn.
7. Privateering: Use your National Will card as a Privateer card this turn.
You may put one Advantage card from your hand into play.
An Advantage lasts for 3 of your turns and is then discarded.
Gain Gold equal to the IP of each of your Civilized Territories.
If you have no Settlements or Cities your Government gives you 4 Gold.
If you have no Cities, gain 3 Gold from Commercial Investors.
If you have at least 1 Settlement you may take the Encomiendas Option:
Gain 1 Gold per Civilized Territory you have. Lose 1 VP.
If you have at least 2 Settlements you may take the African Slavery Option:
Gain 1 Gold per Civilized Territory you have. Lose 1 VP.
If you have at least 1 City you may take the Heavy Taxation Option:
Gain 2 Gold per City you have. Lose 1 VP.
You must pick one of the following 3 Options:
1. Self Governance: Gain 3 VP.
2. Mercantilism: Gain 1 Gold per Civilized Territory you have. Lose 1 VP.
3. Viceroyalties: Gain 2 Gold per Civilized Territory you have. Lose 3 VP.
You cannot go directly from Self Governance to Viceroyalty and vice versa, you must
pick Mercantilism first.
You must pick one of the following 7 Options:
1. Mastery of Europe: Gain 3 VP. Spend 20 Gold
2. Dominance of the Far East: Gain 1 VP and 5 Gold. Discard 2 Cards
3. Supremacy in the New World: Draw 1 Card
4. Balance of Power: Steal 1 VP from target Player. Spend 5 Gold
5. Nation Building: Gain 1 VP
6. Industrialization: Gain 8 Gold. Discard 1 Card
7. Internal Reforms: Gain 4 Gold
Draw 2 Cards.
If you have negative VP draw only 1 Card.
Gain 1 Gold for each of your Cities.
You may Trade cards with other players.
You may discard Resource cards for 3 Gold each.
You may discard Trade cards for 5 Gold each.
You may discard a Privateer card to steal 3 Gold from a target player.
You may buy extra cards (randomly drawn from the deck) for 10 Gold each.
If you have at least 1 City you may discard 1 City card and
spend 5 Gold to gain 1 Victory Point (VP)
You may do this up to X times per turn.
X = the number of cities you control.
You may upgrade a Settlement into a City.
To do this you must play (discard) a City Meld.
The Meld must contain:
1 Settler Card
1 Resource Card (Must be appropriate to the Territory)
1 City Card
10 Gold
To denote that a territory has a City place 3 of your Chits on it.
You may not build a city in a Territory that has not yet conquered its
Native Indian Population.
You may settle a Territory you have explored.
To do this you must play (discard) a Settlement Meld.
The Meld must contain:
2 Settler Cards
1 Resource Card (Must be appropriate to the Territory)
5 Gold
To denote that a territory has a Settlement place 2 of your Chits on it.
Remove Chits (Explored status) from all other players.
If the Target is not adjacent to one of your occupied Territories or it is
a water Territory, one of the Settler Meld cards must be a Ship card instead.
You may replace 1 Settler card with a ship card if the Territory is Coastal.
You may explore a Territory by playing (discarding) a Sea Exploration Meld.
The Target Territory must be adjacent to the Atlantic or to a Water Tile.
The Meld must contain 3 Cards:
1 Explorer Card
1 Ship Card
1 Expedition Card
5 Gold
When a Territory is first explored draw a random Tile from the box.
If it is inappropriate (Warm or Cold in the wrong row) discard it and draw another.
Place 1 Random Indian Counter on the Tile.
To denote that a territory has been Explored place one of your Chits on it.
The first player to explore a Tile gets its VP value as a 1 time reward.
A Territory Tile may have explorer chits on it from multiple players.
You may explore a Territory by playing (discarding) a Land Exploration Meld.
The Target Territory must be adjacent to a non-water Tile you already occupy.
The Meld must contain 2 Cards:
1 Explorer Card
1 Expedition Card
5 Gold
When a Territory is first explored draw a random Tile from the box.
If it is inappropriate (Warm or Cold in the wrong row) discard it and draw another.
Place 1 Random Indian Counter on the Tile.
Place 1 of your Explorer chits on the explored Tile.
The first player to explore a Tile gets its VP value as a 1 time reward.
A Territory Tile may have explorer chits on it from multiple players.
You may conquer an Indian Counter in a Tile containing a Settlement you control.
To do this you must play (discard) an Indian Conquest Meld.
The Meld must contain X Military and/or Conversion Cards and 5 Gold.
X = the Strength of the Indian Counter.
You may conquer a settlement or city controlled by an opponent.
To do this you must play (discard) a Colonial Conquest Meld.
The Meld must contain X Military Cards and 10 Gold.
X = 2 if attacking a Settlement
X = 4 if attacking a City
If the Target is not adjacent to one of your occupied Territories or it is
a water Territory, one of the Meld cards must be a Naval card.
Max hand size is 7 cards.
Discard excess cards.
A player (not on his own turn) may play (discard) a Hazard card to cause a target
card in a meld to be discarded. This will ruin the Meld unless the current player is
able to immediately play a replacement card from his hand. If a Meld is ruined all
cards in the meld are still discarded but the intended effect of the Meld does not occur.
In the case of Colonial Conquests, the player who is the target of the attack may play
military cards from his hand as Hazard cards.
S = Settler
C = City
R = Resource
Y = Conversion
X = Expedition
E = Explorer
H = Hazard
Z = Ship
M = Military
N = Naval
A = Advantage
V = Event
T = Trade
P = Privateer
Name: Type Notes:
Christopher Columbus ES
John Cabot E
Magellan E
Hernan Cortez EY
Hernando de Soto EY
Pizarro EY
Verrazano E
Willem Jansz E
Jacques Cartier E
Cabeza de Vaca E
Francisco Coronado E
Ponce de Leon E
Juan de Fuca E
Vasco de Balboa E
Pedro Alvares Cabral E
Henry Hudson E
Henry Morgan PNM
John White ES
Samuel de Champlain ESM
William Baffin E
Sir Walter Raleigh EP
Sir Francis Drake ENP
John Hawkins ENT
Sea Captain ENZ
Company Charter S
Puritans S
Religious Freedom S Only if you take the Self Governance Option
Indentured Servants S
Minorcans S
Irish,Germans,Italians S
Mercantilism ST
Immigrants S
Mestizos & Mulatos S Only if you take the African Slave Trade Option
Royal Colony S
Creoles & Zambos S
African Slaves S Only if you take the African Slave Trade Option
Native Laborers SY Only if you take the Encomiendas Option
Missionaries SY
Franciscans & Jesuits Y
Colonists SX
Pilgrims S
Protestants S
Sponsorship SX
Migration S
Catholics S
Starving Times H Negate a Settlers or Expedition card
Lost Colony H Negate a Settlers card in Settlement Meld
Galleons Z
Carracks Z
Brigantines ZN
Clippers ZT
Frigates ZN
Cargo Vessels ZT
Caravels ZT
Supply Ships Z
Fluytes ZT
Convoy System ZT
Flota ZT
Sloops NZ
Tall Ships ZN
Schooners ZT
Ships of the Line N
Armada N
Flotilla ZNT
Fleet ZN
Squadron N
Hurricane H Negate a Ship or Naval card
Indian Guides X
Safe Voyage X
Adventurers X
God, Gold, & Glory XY
Mission X
Expansion SX
West India Company SXT
Investors SX
Financiers XT
Discovery X
Trek X
Sailors X
Navigators XZ
Frontiersmen X
Mutiny H Negate an Expedition card
Conquistadors MX
Soldiers MX
Scouts MX
Indian Allies MY Also Hazard versus Indian Conquest
Raiders MP
Artillery M
Cold Steel M
Ambush H Negate a Military Card
Light Troops M
Royal Troops M
Siege M
Militias SM
Small Pox Epidemics Y
European Diseases Y
Divide & Conquer YX
Treachery M
Horses MX
Garrison SM
Surprise Attack M Also Hazard versus Indian Conquest
Colonials SM
Mercenaries M
Massacre M Also Hazard versus Indian Conquest
Depleted H Negate a Resource card
Fur Trapping RX Cold Only
Ore Deposits R Mineral Only
Gold Fields R Mineral and Islands Only
Silver Mines R Mineral Only
Precious Metals R Mineral Only
Bullion RT Mineral Only
Timber R Wooded Only
Logging Camps R Wooded Only
Lumber R Wooded Only
Maple Syrup R Cold Wooded Only
Rubber & Brazilwood R Warm Wooded Only
Fisheries RZ Coastal and Water Only
Shellfish Catch R Coastal and Water Only
Whaling R Cold Coastal and Water Only
Cod Fishing R Cold Coastal and Water Only
Cotton Plantations R Warm Crops Only
Rice, Peanuts & Indigo R Warm Crops Only
Chocolate & Vanilla R Warm Crops Only
Sugar, Molasses & Rum R Warm Crops Only
Coffee & Tea R Warm Crops Only
Peppers & Pineapples R Warm Crops Only
Oats, Rye, & Barley R Crops Only
Corn & Wheat R Crops Only
Tobacco & Hemp R Crops Only
Pumpkins & Potatoes R Crops Only
Cattle Ranches R Herds Only
Livestock R Herds Only
Dairy Farming R Herds Only
Wild Bison R Herds Only
Wool R Cold Herds Only
Town Hall C
Governor General CM
Churches CY
Bank CT
Arsenal CM
Armory CM
Shipyards CZ Coastal and Water Only
Harbor CT Coastal and Water Only
Trade Routes CSTX
Merchants & Mariners TZ
University C
Distilleries CY
Paper Mills CR Wooded Only
Ironworks CR
Newspapers C Only if you take the Self Governance Option
Forts SH Negate a Military card in Colonial Conquest Meld
New Cartography A Gain 1 Explorer Card
Capital Ventures A Gain 1 Expedition Card
Improved Ship Designs A Gain 1 Ship Card
Military Buildup A Gain 1 Military Card
Triangular Trade A Gain 1 Resource Card of any type
Surplus Population A Gain 1 Settlers Card
Quell Rebellions A Play on Opponent: Skip Global Strategy Phase
Internal Strife A Play on Opponent: Skip Global Strategy Phase
Civil War A Play on Opponent: Skip Global Strategy Phase
Rich Resources A Each Settlement earns 2 Gold
Indian Trade A Each Explored Territory earns 2 Gold
Smuggling A Gain 4 Gold
Buccaneers A Steal 3 Gold from target Opponent
Diplomacy A You & Target player may not attack each other
New World V Each player gains 1 VP per Occupied Territory
Indian War V Target player on the map discards his Hand
War in Europe V All players lose all their Gold
Revolution V Target player discards his Hand
Reformation in Europe V All Players discard their Hands
Far East Trade V All Players may discard cards for 4 Gold each
Great Explorations V All Players may discard cards for 1 VP each
Indian Raids V Target player discards 2 Random cards
Piracy VP Target player loses all his Gold
Indian Revolt V Discard Target Settlement. Leave Indian Counter
Name Strength
Aztecs 5*
Incas 4*
Maya 4*
Inuit 2
Iroquois 5
Micmac & Abnaki 2
Arawak 2
Tainos 2
Mapuche 5
Chibchas 3
Caribs 2
Pequot & Algonquin 3
Mahican & Narraganset 2
Wampanoag & Ojibwa 3
Huron & Ottawa 3
Muiscas 3
Shawnee & Miami 2
Cree & Cheyenne 3
Pueblos 3
Chinook & Salish 2
Tlingit & Kawakiutl 2
Nez Perce & Kootenay 2
Walla Walla & Cayuse 2
Spokan & Thompson 3
Ute & Washoe 3
Shoshone & Bannock 3
Mohave & Karuk 2
Navajo & Yuman 3
Apache 5
Hopi & Zuni 2
Chichimecas 3
Comanche & Kiowa 3
Pawnee & Wichita 3
Crow & Mandan 3
Sioux 3
Fox & Kickapoo 3
Arapaho 2
Cherokee & Creek 3
Natchez & Timucua 2
* = 3VP to the first player to discover them
Conquistadores and Missionaries:
The Spanish Player gains 5 Gold and 3 VP every time they conquer an Indian Tribe.
Traders and Trappers:
In Income Phase the French gain 1 Gold for every Explored Territory they control.
Puritans and Surplus Population:
Explorer cards can be used as Settler cards.
Settler cards can be used as City cards when building Cities.
Craftsmen and Merchants:
Trade cards earn an extra 2 Gold when played.
Cities earn an extra 1 Gold per turn.
Seafarers and Navigators:
Each Explored Territory earns an extra 1 VP.
Each Settlement and City built earns 1 VP.
The Spanish must always pick the Viceroyalty and Encomiendas Options.
The French cannot pick the Colonization Strategy.
The English must always pick the Privateering Strategy until 1590.
The Dutch can make a max of 1 Meld per turn.
The Portuguese draw 1 less card per turn in draw phase after 1580.
At the end of the game, all Settlements are worth 1VP and Cities are worth 3VP each.
Images of the New World
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