Card & Record Keeping Game for 2-4+ players. 
Each player is a European Imperial Power circa 1500-1750. 

The player with the most Culture points at the end of the game wins. 
At the end of the game get 1 Culture point for each Territory you 
Control, plus 1 for each level in the Law and Humanities Technologies. 
If a player loses 7 or more of his European Territories, he 
Automatically loses. 

The game ends at the end of the turn in which all of the Colonial 
Territories have been claimed. 

Six and ten sided dice are needed. 

There are 2 Decks: 
The Exploration Deck
The Research Deck
The Research Deck contains 2 copies of each card for each 
Technology listed in the Technology Stats Table. 

Each player has a set of Stats. 
These Stats fall into 5 Categories: 
Military Units
European Territories
Colonial Territories

Have a page for each Non-territory stat category. 
On each page draw a box for each stat in that category. 
Use Tokens placed in the boxes to keep track of stats. 
Simply write down your 10 European Territories. 
Colonial Territories are in the form of cards. 

There are 7 Unit Stats: 
1. Fleets 
2. Armies in Europe
3. Armies in the Caribbean
4. Armies in South America
5. Armies in Central America
6. Armies in North America
7. Armies in Canada

There are 7 Resource Stats:
1. Workers
2. Gold
3. Food
4. Cloth
5. Wood
6. Metal
7. Horses

There are 20 Technology Stats: 
1. Science
2. Exploration
3. Farming
4. Livestock
5. Fishing
6. Forestry
7. Textiles
8. Mining
9. Transportation
10. Finance
11. Sea Power
12. Infantry
13. Cavalry
14. Artillery
15. Fortifications
16. Industry
17. Urbanization
18. Law
19. Humanities
20. Equestrian

Each player has 10 Territories. 
Each Territory has a Terrain Type. 
There are 10 European Terrain Types:
1. Grain
2. Wool
3. Cattle
4. Ore
5. Forest
6. Herds
7. Fish
8. Grapes
9. Coal
10. Stone
Each player starts with 4 set Territories: 
1 Grain, 1 Wool, 1 Ore, and 1 Woods. 
For each player roll 1D10 six times to determine the 
Terrain types for their remaining 6 European Territories. 

Colonial Territories are represented by cards in a deck called the Exploration Deck. 
Colonial Territories are of 5 Regions: 
1. Caribbean
2. South America
3. Central America
4. North America
5. Canada
The Deck has 40 cards described in the Exploration Deck Card List.

Each player starts with 2 Fleets and 3 Armies in Europe. 
Each player starts with 10 Gold & 10 Food. 
Each player starts with an Exploration Technology of 1. 
Each player starts with a Transport Technology of 1. 
Each player starts with a Science Technology of 1. 
Each player starts with a Humanities Technology of 1. 
Each player starts with an Equestrian Technology of 1. 
Players select Nationalities under Optional rules. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 12 Phases: 
Event Phase
Upkeep Phase
Production Phase
Trade Phase
Research Phase
Worker Phase
Ship Building Phase
Raise Armies Phase
Exploration Phase
Colonization Phase
Transport Phase
War Phase

Roll 1D6: On a roll of 4+ roll 1D10:
1D10	Event:		Notes:
1	Piracy		Lose 1D6 Gold
2	Privateers	Steal 1D6 Gold form Opponent	
3	Prosperity	Gain 1D6 Gold
4	Storms		Loose 1 Fleet
5	Disease		Lose 1 Army
6	Famine		Lose 1D6 Food
7	Pestilence	Lose 1 Worker
8	Discovery	Get an Extra Exploration & Colonization Phase this turn
9	Invention	Get an Extra Research Phase this turn
10	Revolution	See Revolution Rules...

1 Random Colonial Territory of yours gains 1D6 Revolutionary Armies. 
These Armies are not controlled by any player. 
They will only defend that Territory if it is attacked. 
You may not collect resources from this Territory. 
Any player who defeats the last of these Armies takes control of the Territory. 

You may not have more Workers in play than you have Food. 
Excess Workers are discarded. 
You may not have more Fleets or Armies in play than you have Food or Gold. 
Excess Military units are discarded. 

For each Grain Territory gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Cattle Territory gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Wool Territory gain 1 Cloth Resource. 
For each Ore Territory gain 1 Metal Resource. 
For each Forest Territory gain 1 Wood Resource. 
For each Herds Territory gain 1 Horse Resource. 
For each Grapes Territory gain 1 Gold Resource. 
For each Stone Territory gain 1 Gold Resource. 
For each Fish Territory gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Level of Farming Technology gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Level of Fishing Technology gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Level of Livestock Technology gain 1 Food Resource. 
For each Level of Forestry Technology gain 1 Wood Resource. 
For each Level of Mining Technology gain 1 Metal Resource. 
For each Level of Textiles Technology gain 1 Cloth Resource. 
For each Level of Finance Technology gain 1 Gold Resource. 
For each Level of Industry Technology gain 1 Gold Resource. 
For each Level of Equestrian Technology gain 1 Horse Resource. 
Colonial Territories produce resources according to the card text. 

Spend 5 Gold to buy 1 unit of any of the following 5 resources: 
Food, Cloth, Wood, Metal, Horses. 
Players may also trade, buy, and sell resources from each other. 

For each level of Science and Urbanization Technology, draw 
1 card from the Technology Research Deck. 
Discard a card and pay 3 +2X Gold to gain an advance of 1 level in the 
Technology indicated on the card. 
X = is equal to the level of the Technology. 
For Example: Tech 1 costs 5 Gold; Tech 2 costs 7 Gold, etc. 
Any Technology card not purchased is discarded. 

Buy 1 Worker for 2 Food and 1 Cloth. 
You may buy Multiple Workers. 

Buy 1 Fleet for 1 Worker, 1 Metal, 2 Cloth, and 4 Wood. 
All Fleets start in the Atlantic. 
You may buy Multiple Fleets. 

Buy 1 Army for 1 Worker, 1 Cloth, 2 Metal, and 2 Horses. 
All Armies start in Europe. 
You may buy Multiple Armies. 

For each level of Exploration Tech you have draw 1 card from the Exploration Deck.  
Place them face up in the middle of the table.  
These cards are unclaimed Colonial resources. 

For each level of Transport tech you have, you may discard 1 Worker 
Token to colonize 1 target unclaimed Colonial Territory. 
Colonized Territories actively produce resources in Production phase. 
Place Colonized Territories face up in front of you. 
Discard all unclaimed Colonial resources that were not Colonized. 

You may move Armies from 1 Region to another. 
The number of Armies you move cannot be greater than your 
Transport Tech level or the number of Fleets you own. 

If you have Armies in a Region, you may attack a 
Territory controlled by an opponent that is also in that Region. 
If your opponent has no Armies there, your attack  automatically succeeds. 
Each Army & Fleet gets 1 Attack roll. 
If you have superiority in Infantry Technology get 1 extra Attack roll. 
If you have superiority in Cavalry Technology get 1 extra Attack roll. 
If you have superiority in Artillery Technology get 1 extra Attack roll. 
If you have superiority in Sea Power Technology (& at least 1 Fleet) get 1 extra Attack roll. 
If you have superiority in Fortification Technology  get 1 extra Attack roll. 
The Defender gets 2 extra Attack Rolls. 
For every roll of 6, one opposing army or Fleet is destroyed. 
If your opponent is reduced to zero Armies, and you have at 
Least 1 Army remaining, you may take 1 Territory from him. 

C = Caribbean
S = South America
M = Central America
N = North America
K = Canada
Reg = Region
# = Number of copies of that card in the deck.
P = Produces this Resource in Production Phase. 

Territory:		#	Reg	Notes:
Sugar			2	C	P = 1 Food
Tobacco			2	C 	P = 3 Gold
Indigo			2	C	P = 2 Gold
Coffee			2	C	P = 4 Gold
Lumber			2	K	P = 1 Wood
Furs			4	K	P = 1 Cloth
Syrup			2	K	P = 1 Food
Tobacco			2	N	P = 3 Gold
Fish			2	N	P = 1 Food
Cotton			2	N	P = 1 Cloth
Rice			2	N	P = 1 Food
Gold			2	M	P = 6 Gold
Fish			2	M	P = 1 Food
Gems			2	M	P = 7 Gold
Cotton			2	M	P = 1 Cloth
Coffee			2	S	P = 4 Gold
Cocoa			2	S	P = 3 Gold
Silver			2	S	P = 5 Gold
Indigo			2	S	P = 2 Gold


Players may pick from 1 of 5 specific Countries: 

Starts with Industry and Sea Power +1
(Treat Grape Rolls as Wool)

Starts with Exploration +1
Starts with 5 extra Gold. 

Starts with Infantry +1
Starts with 1 extra Army

Holland only gets 8 European Territories. 
Starts with 2 extra Fleets
Starts with Transport & Textiles +1

Portugal only gets 8 European Territories. 
Starts with 10 extra Gold. 
Starts with Fishing & Finance +1

***This game has a number of Abstractions as a result of not having a 
Map and in order to reduce record keeping. 
1a) Each player has 10 territories in Europe, and starts with 2 fleets
and 3 armies. How do they take territories away from each other? 
***Battles are fought in 6 Regions. There are the 5 Colonial Regions. 
Each Colonial Region has 8 Territories (per the deck). Europe is 
considered a Region by itself with 10 Territories per player. 
1b) Is any and every territory in Europe adjacent to every other; 
Europe is one "Region"?
*** Europe is 1 Region. When attacking in Europe, you can pick any 
Territory in Europe to attack.  
1c) If you want to attack another player's European territory do
you have to have armies in a territory of the same type of terrain?
***Armies do not occupy individual Territories. They are present in 
The Region as a whole. Multiple players can have Armies in the 
same Region at the same time, and they don't have to fight. 
1d) Do you use fleets the same as you do to attack territories in the colonies?
*** Yes
2a) Does a player go through all 12 phases before the next player?
*** Yes
2b) or does each player do each phase, then we all go on to the next and 
Each player does each phase, etc?
*** No
3a) Can you be in a colonial Region without having claimed a colony?
*** Yes, you may have armies in the Region. 
3b)That is, if someone has acquired, say, the "Sugar Canadian" Territory,
and you want to attack him: can you just use fleets to transport armies
to "Canada" (presumably a box on your stat sheet) during Transport
Phase then attack on War Phase?
*** Yes
 3c) or do you have to have one of the" Canada" territory cards already in 
place in front of you from having acquired it in a Colonization Phase?
*** No
4a) Fleets and Armies always start in Europe?
*** Fleets are everywhere all the time. Armies start in Europe.  
4b)All other resources are "everywhere"; they're just "spent" to buy fleets, 
armies, and Colony cards?
*** Yes, resources are considered to automatically be transported back to 
Your Old World Home Country. 

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