Card & Dice game for 2-4 players.
Based on the Orkworld RPG by John Wick.
Each player controls a Tribe (Gathum) of Orks.

Orkworld is a copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.

The first player to accumulate 25 Fana (Fame) points and survive is the winner.
You may use teeth, pebbles, or bone fragments to represent Fana.

Use Metal or plastic figures to represent your Population.
1 Figure = 1 Ork.
You can have a maximum of 1 Household (Orkum) Totem per 10 Orks rounding down

You start the Game with 10 Orks and a hand of 6 cards.
The ugliest player goes first (or roll high if it’s a tie)

Keep next to you a pile of Foe cards you defeated.
These are worth Fana (Fame) = one-fifth their Force.
(Example: Men with 20 Force = 4 Fana)

Players take turns.
Each turn has 7 phases:
Trouble Phase
Hunting Phase
Birth Phase
Culture Phase
Foe Phase
Battle Phase
Healing Phase

Draw 3 cards.
Max hand size is 9 cards.
Discard excess cards.

Roll 1D6. This is the Hunting Roll.
1D6		Result:
0 or less	1D6 Orks Starve & Birth Roll –3 & All Orks –1 Force this turn
1		2 Orks Starve & Birth Roll –2 & All Orks –1 Force this turn
2-3		1 Ork dies from hardships & Birth Roll -1
4-5		Just Enough Food
6		Good Hunting: Birth Roll +1
7 or more	Abundance: Birth Roll +2
A number of cards will modify the Hunting roll.

Roll 1D6. This is the Birth Roll.
Increase your Population by this number. 
A number of cards will modify the Birth roll.

You may (play/attach) cards to your Tribe or individual Ork figures.
This includes: Weapons, Armor, Items, Modifiers.
(This includes modifiers attached to opposing players Orks) 
A single Ork may only have one Armor and one Weapon card attached.
Cards attached to a figure are placed under it.
Tribal Items & Modifiers are placed face up in front of you.

Any opponent may play one Foe card on you.
2 or more cards of the same Foe may be played – They add their Force together.
You must fight it in Battle Phase.
You may play a Foe card on yourself. 
(This is called looking for Trouble)

1. Calculate the Force Total for your Orks.
Ork Force Total = # of Ork Figures + Modifier & Relic card Bonuses.
You may play appropriate Event cards to increase your Orks Force Total.
2. Determine the Force Total for the Foe.
3. Each side adds 1D6x10 to their Total. These are the Battle Rolls.
4. Determine the winner. The side with the higher modified Total is the Winner.
5. Roll 1D6. This is the Casualty Roll. This many Orks are killed.
Repeat the above 6 steps until the Foe loses or you choose to Flee the Battle.
If the Foe loses, put the Foe card into your Fana Pile.
A Foe card in a Fana pile is worth Fana = 1/5 of its Force.

You may Flee the Battle, but you automatically take 1D6 casualties.

For every casualty, discard one of your Ork figures.
Also Discard all cards attached to a discarded figure. 
If you are reduced to zero population, you lose the game.

Roll 1D6 for every Ork (with an attached card or Blood Token) killed in battle this turn.
These are Healing Rolls.
On a roll of 6+ the Ork is not killed.
For every Ork killed in Battle put a Blood Token on a surviving Ork.
(You don’t get to do this if you Fled)
The Ork with the blood Token has +1 Force.
An Ork can only ever have 1 Blood Token.

M = Personal Modifier
O = Tribal Modifier
E = Battle Event
N = Non-Battle Event
F = Foe
W = Weapon
A = Armor
T = Tribal Item
P = Personal Item
Relic = Weapons, Armor, or Items
Disgraced = Play on Opponent’s Ork

Card Name:			Type	#	Force	Notes:
Zhoothraka			M	2	+4	War Chief
Strong Thraka			M	6	+2	Ork Warrior
Gifted Tala			O	2	-	Ork Bard: Gain Fana +1 per Totem
Gentle Dowmga			O	1	-	Ork Mother: Healing Rolls +1
Healthy Dowmga			O	1	-	Ork Mother: Birth Roll +1
Wise Shaman			O	2	-	Culture Phase: Look at next 2 cards
Badger House Totem		O	1	-	All Cards in Trouble Pile Fana +1
Boar House Totem		O	1	-	Healing Roll +1
Rabbit House Totem		O	1	-	Birth Roll +1
Reindeer House Totem		O	1	-	Force +3
Wolf House Totem		O	1	-	Hunt Roll +1
Elk Migration			N	1	-	Hunt Roll +2
Goblins				F	4	10	Great Hordes
Wood Spiders			F	1	10	Giant & Intelligent
Doomla (Witch) 			F	1	10	Ork Black Magic; Steals Children
Manoo (Men)			F	4	20	Imperial Legionnaires
Rival Ork Tribe			F	2	20	Territorial Dispute
Bring to Battle			F	2	-	Fight Target Opponent Player’s Tribe
Trolls				F	1	20	
Ogres				F	1	20	
Shtoontee (Dwarves)		F	2	30	Heavily Armored Berserkers
Ghosts				F	1	30	
Ghanta (Giants)			F	1	30
Ahlvsees (Elf) Slavers		F	2	40	Flying Chariots & Sorcery
Dragon				F	1	50	
Harsh Winter			N	1	-	Hunting Roll –2 
Broken Spear			E	1	-	Discard target Spear
Irika (Foolish Pride)		M	1	-1	Disgraced
Mawgd (Coward)			M	1	-1	Disgraced
Eat Ork Stomach			M	1	-1	Disgraced
Wa 				E	4	+4	Berserker Trance	
Man Slayer Spear		W	1	-	Force +3 vs Men
Dwarf Slayer Spear		W	1	-	Force +3 vs Dwarves
Eat Ork Spleen			M	1	+1	Courage
Eat Ork Brain			M	1	+1	Cunning
Eat Ork Lungs			M	1	+1	Endurance
Eat Ork Hands			M	1	+1	Prowess
Eat Ork Heart			M	1	+1	Strength
Iron Tipped Spear		W	2	+1	Most are Flint or Bronze
Household Spear			W	2	+1	Worth 1 Fana
Empowered Spear			W	2	+2	Worth 2 Fana
Legendary Spear			W	1	+3	Mythic: Worth 3 Fana
Bold Stand			E	2	+5	
Zha!!!				E	2	+5	Charge
Butanee!!			E	1	+4	Shield Wall
Fight Bravely			E	2	+4	
Scouts				E	2	+5	
Yield the Field			E	1	-	Discard Foe in Foe Phase
Taunts				E	2	+3	
Healing Arts			N	1	-	Healing Roll +2
Surgery				N	1	-	Healing Roll +2
Medicines			N	1	-	Healing Roll +2
Trick Foe			E	2	+5	Dwarves are Dumb
Hostages			N	1	-	Opponent must give you 3 cards
Provisions			E	2	+2	Or Hunting Roll +2
Strange Visions			N	1	-	Look at Opponents Hand
Dreams				N	1	-	Look at next 7 cards in Deck
Thrown Spears			E	1	+3
Counter Attack			E	1	+4
Good Luck			E	1	+2	Or +1 to any Roll
Surprise Attack			E	1	+5
Battle Advantage		E	1	+5	
Rain of Arrows			E	1	+4	Young Thraka Archers
Reindeer Cavalry		E	2	+5	
Steal Bride			N	1	-	Birth Roll +2
Gooleeala Rite			N	1	-	Birth Roll +2 (Coming of Age Ritual)
Thwak (Steal)			N	4	-	Take control of target Relic
Spears are Long			E	2	+4	Swords are Short, Men are Dumb
Dragon Head Cauldron		T	1	-	Hunting Roll +1; Worth 3 Fana
Blessed by Keethdowmga		N	1	-	Great Goddess Mother: Birth Roll +3 
Blessed by Pugg			M	1	+2	God of Trickery
Blessed by Bashthraka		M 	1	+2	God of Warfare
Secrets of Gowthdukah		N	1	-	God of Knowledge: Draw 3 cards
Spuh!!				N	1	-	Bad Luck. Opponent discards 2 cards
Winter Home			N	1	-	Dooladay: Hunting Roll +1
Summer Village			N	1	-	Eetalday: Hunting Roll +1
Poola (Desperate Food)		N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Bone Stew			N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Bala (Honey Mead)		N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Roast Auroch			N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Ork Bread			N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Gayla (Feast)			N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Gather Sooeta (Honey)		N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Dracha Ritual			N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1 (Eat Fallen Ork)
The Walking Stone		P	1	-	Hunting Roll +1; Worth 3 Fana
Severe Winter			N	1	-	Hunting Roll –3
Birthmark			M	1	+1	Auspicious Birth
Triplets			N	1	-	Birth Roll +2
Difficult Birth			N	1	-	Birth Roll –2
Romance				N	1	-	Birth Roll +1
Group Duna (Sex)		N	1	-	Birth Roll +2
Disease				N	1	-	Hunting Roll –3 
Shelter & Clothing		N	1	-	Hunting Roll +1
Political Strife		N	1	-	Hunting Roll –1 
Brass Helmet			A	2	+1	
Round Shield			A	2	+1	Wood with Metal Boss
Leather Armor			A	3	+1	
Sense of Hearing		E	1	+3	Superior to Humans
Sense of Smell			E	1	+2	Or Hunting Roll +1
Chain Mail Shirt		A	1	+2	Very Rare
Strange Allies			E	2	+5	Versus a Common Enemy 
Redeem Oneself			E	1	-	Discard target Disgraced Modifier
Bonaloo (Cave Mushrooms)	N	1	-	Look at next 7 cards in deck
Migration			N	2	-	Discard hand & draw 5 cards
Meeting of the Tribes		N	2	-	Draw 3 cards
Trade with Outsiders		N	2	-	Draw 2 cards

Draw only 1 card at a time.
Play Foes & Negative Events against yourself the same turn.

Forge Review
Pen & Paper

May add some cards later: Locations & Adventures.

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