LIST OF SPELLS Abra Cadabra - Turn a small Object into a different Object. A rock into a Dagger. Absorption - 60% Negate Spell Targeting you, if so gain 1 Power Point. Acid Spray - Conjure. Close Range. +0 Damage +1 per Level to 1D3 Targets. Age - Curse. Target becomes Young or Old or Anything in-between. Permanent. Alarm - Enchantment. Proximity Alarm. Lasts 1 Day. Alchemy - Transform. Create Potions. Consumables: Magic Food, Cakes, Fruit, etc. Ancestral Aid - Targets Ancestors will aid them in some way if possible. Animate Object - Enchantment. For 1 Combat. Sword, Armor, Broom, Statue, Scarecrow, etc. Animal Form - Limited Shapechange. Extra Stat Bonuses. Antimagic Field - Cone or Medium Range Area or 1 Room. Lasts 5 turns per Level. Armor - Energy. Target Has +3 Armor for 1 Combat Arrow Magic - Lasts 1 Day 1 Arrow gets Slay or Poison or Frost or Flame, etc. Artifice - Enchantment. Create Artifacts, Relics. Astral Projection - Soul Travels to other Locations. Connected by Silver Cord. Awe - Holy. All Foes within Medium Range get 1D2 Hinderances. Allies get 1D2 Boons Banish - Target must go and stay away. 10 Miles per Level. Beast Bond - Friendly Animal will become a life Long Companion. Beast Form - Limited Shapechange. Extra Stat Bonuses. Blade Magic - For 1 Combat Weapon gains Frost or Fire or Bonus Attack or Damage, etc. Bless - 1 Target per Level. Gain 1D3 Boons. Blind - Medium Range. Curse. Permanent. Blink - Teleport. Evade Target Attack with Short Teleport. Blizzard - Large Area. Half Movement. 1D4 Hinderances. Take Damage-2 every Hour Exposed. Blur - Illusion. Target is harder to Hit for 1 Combat. Boil Blood - Medium Range. Damage+4. Bound - Target must stay at a specific Location, House, Room, Place. Break - This can be a Curse. 75% Chance to break Chains, Arms, Locks, Skulls, etc. Brilliance - Light. Defense+4 for 2 Turns per Level. Bury - Medium Range. Teleport Target into the Earth. Solid Earth or a Geode Prison. Candle Magic - Timed Spells, Imbue candles with Spells. Increase Spell Durations. Catch Spell - 70% Catch Spell cast within Medium Range. You may recast it later that day. Charm Person - Short Range. Becomes Friendly. Target lower level than Caster. Charm Monster - Short Range. Becomes Friendly. Target lower level than Caster. Call - Nearby Animals or Allies will be alerted and may come to your Aid. Calm - Medium Range. 1 Lower Level target per Level. Reduce Anger, Madness, Fear. Chains - Conjure. Short Range. Target Immobilized. Very Hard to break free. Chaos Storm - Acid Rain, Vortex, Maelstrom, Firestorm, Stone Rain, Rain of Frogs. Chill - Cold. Touch. Damage+1. 1D3 Hinderances. Circle of Protection - 5 Turns per Level. Protects 6 People. Lower Level Foes cannot Enter. Clairvoyance - See out of Friendly Targets Eyes. Cleanse - Area Affect. Short Range 50% Remove Evil Magic. Roll for each. Clone - Conjure. Make a Copy of Individual. Lasts 1 Combat. Clones cannot make Clones. Cloud of Dust - Short Range. All get 1D4 Hinderances for 1 Combat. Command - Will follow Orders for number of turns equal to level of Caster. Comprehension - Knowledge. Understand any Written Language. Commune - Speak to Supernatural Entity. Ask 1D2 Questions. Max once per day. Complex Curse - Long Term. Lots of Rules. Like in the Fairy Tales: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. Cone of Cold - Cold. Medium Range. Area Effect. -1 Damage and 1D2 Conditions. Confusion - Curse. Medium Range. Area Effect. Do nothing 50% or attack Randomly for 1D6 Turns. Control Undead - Short Range. Of Total Levels equal to Caster. Lasts 1 Day. Counter-Spell - Protects 1 Target per Level from Target Spell just Cast. Corruption - Curse. Target will become Evil in 20 Days minus Level of Caster. Permanent. Create Clothing - Conjure. Vestments, Shoes, Common or Fine. Disguise Potential. Create Food - Conjure. 1st Level: One Ration. 20th Level: King's Feast. Drinks Included. Create Shelter - Conjure. Last 1 Day. 1st Level: Tent. 20th Level: Castle Create Transport - Conjure. Last 1 Day. 1st Level: Unicycle. 20th Level: Ship Create Weapon - Conjure. Last 1 Day. 1st Level: Sword. 20th Level: Armory. Ammo Included. Cure - Life. Close Target. Cure or mitigate a Disease Curse Breaker - Negate or mitigate Target Curse cast by Mage of Lower Level. Dance - Curse. 1-2 Targets. Lasts for 1 Minute per Level. Dark Tidings - Evil Wind, Bad Moon, Gloom. Large Area. Good beings get 1D3 Hinderances. Darkness - Enchantment. Fills Medium Room. Good for escapes. Death Ray - Short Range. Death. Target lower level than Caster. Save for +3 Damage. Death Aura - Close Range. All must save vs Death at +1. Lasts 1 turn per 2 Levels. Decay - Rot, Spoil, Sour. Target or Area Affect. Deflection - 80% Cause Spell or Ranged Attack to change Target. Desiccate - Air. Drying Attack. Remove Water, Flesh. Cone. Damage+1. Detect - Knowledge. One Specific type of Thing: Magic, Invisible, Traps, Thoughts, Good, Evil, Gold, etc. Chose when spell is Learned. Lasts 10 Minutes per Level. Devils Sight - See through Magical Darkness, Blinding Effects. Lasts 1 Hour. Dig - Earth. 10 Foot Passageway per level. +5 Damage vs Earth based Foes. Disarm - Medium Range. Target equal to Casters Level Drop their Weapons. Discord - Area of Affect. Targets will start fighting for 1D3 Minutes. Disenchant - Negate Target Enchantment cast by Mage of Lower Level. Disguise - Illusion. 1 Person per Level for 5 Minutes per Level. Glamour. Disintegrate - Energy. Destroyed or Save to take +1 Damage. Medium Range. Dispel Magic- Remove Magical Effect of Lower Level Caster. Displacement - Illusion. Appear 5 feet from Actual Position. Attack and Defense+3 Drain - Energy. Target gains 1 Hinderance and you gain 1 Boon. Close Range. Dream Magic - Enter Targets Dream. Drain Dreamer or fight Nightmares and Intruders. Earthquake - Earth. Tremors to Crevasses. Knock down Walls. Swallow up Foes. Elemental Aura - Close Range Damage+1. Lasts for 1 Battle. Elemental Blast - Negate Elemental Spell. +4 Damage to Elemental Foe. Medium Range. Elemental Breath - Close Range. Get +1 Damage. 3 uses in one Combat. Elemental Burst - All within Short Range Take Damage. Get +1 Damage per 2 Levels. Elemental Form - Pick an Element. Target Immune to Normal Weapons. Attack for +2 Damage. Elemental Wall - Length 10 Feet per Level. Attacks if Touched. Lasts up to 1D3 Hours. Elemental Weapon - Does +3 Damage of the Elemental Type. Lasts 1 Battle. Type can vary. Enchant Place - Create a real-life Escher Maze, Bog of Stench, Endless Hallway, etc. Energy Blast - Medium Range. +1 Damage per Level. Enslave - Close Range. Permanent Psychic Control. Lost if range exceeds 1 Mile. Entangle - Immobilize. Vines or Branches. 1 Target per Level. Strength Test to Escape. Eruption - Earth. Volcanic, Magma, Lava Attacks. Area Effects. +3 Damage. Ethereal - 1 Turn per Level. Invisible and insubstantial. Close Target. Evil Eye - Curse. Target gets 1D4 Hinderances for 1D4 Days. Exorcism - Banish Target Spirit. Short Range. Lower level than Caster. Familiar - Summon. Owl, Crow, Snake, Cat, Imp, etc. Only 1 Familiar at a Time. Fear - Illusion. Medium Range. All Foes for 1D3 Turns must Flee or 1D4 Conditions. Fear Aura - All within Short Range Save or Flee for 1D3 Turns. Lasts 1 turn per Level. Feeblemind - Target gets Wits-4. Cannot cast Spells. Lasts 1D4 Hours. Fetishes - Spirit. Primitive Relics. Find Safe Haven - Nearest Oasis, Friendly Village, Shang Ri La. Fireball - Fire. Medium Range. Area Affect. +2 Damage +1 per Level Fire Ray - Fire. One Target. 10 Feet per Level. +1 Damage. Fist of Force - Throw Foe against Ceiling, Walls, over Cliffs. Damage +1. Stun 1D2 Turns. Flay - Medium Range. Inflict 1D3 Wounds and Bleed. Flood - Water. Fill a Room or a City. Wash away Foes. Fly - Telekinesis. Medium Speed. Target Creature for Turns equal to Level. Fortune Telling - Knowledge. Very Variable Results. Prophecy. Divination. Visions Force Field - Energy. Lasts 2D6 Turns. Impenetrable. Cover for 6. Forest Walk - Walk into and out of Trees. Shortcut through Woods. Forget - Medium Range. Target forgets past 1D4 Hours. Freeze - Cold. Medium Range. Area Effect. Target Encased in Ice. Can be Thawed out. Frost Ray - Cold. Long Range. +1 Damage and 1D2 Conditions. Gate - Portal to location Caster has visited. Lasts 4 + 1D6 Turns. Glyph - Animated Image on a surface (Wall, Page, Tapestry) tells a story. Permanent. Gravity - Target Floats away or is pinned to Ground. Great Strength - Target gains +1 Strength per 2 Levels. Lasts 15 Minutes. Grow - Transform. Size Level + 1D4. For up to 10 Minutes per Level. Hair Magic - Hair Grows and Manipulates or Attacks. Grapple+3 Hallucinate - Illusion. Medium Range. 1D4 Hinderances for 2+1D4 Hours. Hand of Force - Invisible. Large or Small. Can Manipulate Things. Attack for Damage+2 Harmony - Area of Effect. Enchantment. Everybody gets Along. Haste - Enchantment. Target Double Speed and Attacks for 1 Combat. Heal - Life. Heal 1 Wound per 3 Levels. Close Target. Stops Bleeding. Heat - Start Fires, Heat Metal, Boil Water. Short Range. Hellfire - Short Range. Damage+1 per Level. Hex - Blight, Pestilence, Plague, Famine, Spreading Evil, Endless Winter, etc. Hocus Pocus - Teleport Small Object (you have touched) to your or Away from you. Hold - Short Range. Target cannot Walk or Run. 1 Turn per Level. Hopelessness - Target gets 1D6 Hinderances for 10 Minutes per Level. Horror - Target Freezes or Flees for 1D6 turns then is Confused/Mad for 1D20 Turns. Howl - Long Range. Foes Freeze or Run away in Fear. Human Form - Known to Gods and Dragons. Hurl Flame - Medium Range. Damage+1. Start Fires. Up to 1 Round per Level. Hydro Blast - Knockback Target. Damage-1. Medium Range Hypnosis - Plant an Idea or behavior in unconscious of Lower Level Target. Ice Shards - Cold. Medium Range. Damage+1. One Target per Level. Immortality - Curse. Target will arise from Dead unless certain Condition met. Immunity to Missiles - Close Target immune for 2D6 Turns. Incinerate - Short Range. Damage+3 for 3 Turns. Incorporeal - Targets Body insubstantial for 2 turns per Level. Insect Swarm - Very Long Range. Area Effect for -2 Damage. Spiders too. Inspire - Increase Morale. Area Affect. Gain 1D3 Boons for 1 Task. Invisibility - One Close Target for 1 Minute per Level. Invulnerability - Cannot be Wounded. Lasts 1 Minute per Level. Jealously - And Envy. Of one Target for Another. Medium Range. Jinx - Curse. Long Range. 1D3 Hinderances. Permanent. Jolt - Close Range Electrical attack. Damage -1. 25% lose Consciousness. Jump - Enchantment. 10 Feet up or over per Level. One Close Target. Juxtapose - Merge 2 things into one. Has features of Both. Knock - Transform. Open Door, Chest, Container. Close Range. It gets a Save. Laughter - Area Effect. Curse. Targets Laugh. 2D2 Hinderances. 3 Turns per Level. Lay on Hands - Holy. Heal 1 Wound or 1 Condition. One extra per 3 levels. Levitate - Telekinesis. Slow Speed. Objects and Creatures. Light - Enchantment. Like a Torch or Flash to Blind Close Foe. Lightning Bolt - Air. Long Range. +4 Damage. Locate - Know Direction and Distance to Someone or Something. May be vague. Lock - Enchantment. Magically Seal Door, Container. Permanent. Lore - Learn Something about Target Object. Love - Make target fall in Love with nearby target of same race and opposite sex. Luck - Enchantment. Target gets +1 Fate. Luck in Battle - Target gets +2 Fate for 1 Battle. Lure - Long Range. All in range must Approach Target at normal Speed. Madness - Curse. Medium Range. 1D4 Conditions. Permanent. Psychosis. Magic Missiles - Energy. Short Range, +0 Damage, 1 Missile +1 per 2 levels Magic Shield - Target gets +4 Magic Resistance for 1 Combat. Magical Contract - Enchantment. Contracted individuals must abide or face Consequences. Magical Limb - Iron, Silver, Fiery, Glowing. Replace lost One. Permanent. Magical Potency - Enchantment. 1 Target per level can attack Foes immune to Normal Weapons. Magical Seal - Trap Monsters Inside. Various other Effects. Magical Steed - Summon. Horse, Unicorn, Pegasus, Nightmare, etc. Like Familiar. Magical Trap - Usually Elemental Damage with Proximity Trigger. Maze - Area of Effect. Illusion. Trapped in a Maze. Lasts 5 Minutes per Level. Melt - Short Range. Damage +1D6. Target gets 1D3 Hinderances. Permanent Memory - Change 1 Memory of Target. Permanent. Mend - Transform. Fix, Repair Objects, Relics, Items. Mesmerize - All Targets in Short Range Immobilized for 2D4 Turns or until Attacked. Mind Shield - Target Save+5 vs Mental Attacks of all types. Miracle - Divine Intervention. The Deity may ignore or subvert request. Max 1 per Week. Mirage - All can see something in the Distance. Mislead. Mirror Magic - Scry, Speak, Move through this and target mirror. Mist Magic - Create Mist or Become Mist. Up to 10 Minutes per Level. Moan - Long Range. Cause Fear to all in Range. Multiple Images - Illusion. 1 Image per Level. Disappear if Hit. Mutate - Chaos. Transform. Curse. Roll on Chaos Mutation Table once +1 per 5 Levels. Neutralize Poison - Mitigate or Complete Negation. Oath - Vow. Geas. Targets Magically compelled to abide by promise. Obscure - Target resistant to Scry and Locate type Spells and effects for 1 Hour per Level. Pain - Medium range. Target gets 1D6 Hinderances for 1 Turn per Level. Paralysis - Curse. Short Range Target Immobilized 1D4 Turns. Permanence - Make a Magical Effect Permanent. Object or Being can have only 1 permanent. Petrify - Earth. Curse. Medium Range. Turn to Stone. Permanent. Phantasmal Foe - Illusion. Distract and Delay. Phantasmal Terrain - Illusion. Mislead and Delay. Phobia - Curse. Close Target gains a Phobia. Permanent. Pleasure - Illusion. Major Distraction. 1 Target per Level. Lasts 1D4 Hours. Pocket Dimension - Conjure. From size of a Bag to that of a Kingdom. Poison Cloud - Conjure. Medium Range. Weak Poison. Choking. Area of Effect. Polymorph - Transform. Non-Self Target of Lower Level Change into Toad, Sheep, etc. Possession - Control Target by entering their Body. If body killed Possessor killed. Precognition - Get Defense +4 and Saves +4 for 1 Minute per Level. Protection From - Pick one: Good, Evil, Magic, etc. Area or Target gets Defense and Armor+4 Psionic Blast - Mind. Medium Range. Does +5 Damage. Sometimes Heads explode. Puppet Master - Medium Range. Control Target Like a Puppet for 1 turn per Level. Purify - Food and Water. Can be used to make Holy Water. Pyrotechnics - Fire. Fireworks, Flares. Can start Fires or use for -2 Damage. Long Range. Quicksand - 5 Square feet per level. Sink in 1D3 Minutes. Raise Dead - Make Undead. Must have Corpses on Hand. Permanent. Skeletons and Zombies. Read Mind - Mind. Medium Range. Target of Lower Level. Learn 1D3 Secrets. Regenerate - Target heals 1 Wound per Minute. 1 Minute per level. Regrow/Reattach Limbs. Resistance to Cold - One Hour. Targets equal to Level. Save +4 Resistance to Fire - One Hour. Targets equal to Level. Save +4 Restore - Removes Injury on Close Target. Resurrect - 50% of the time target is claimed by a God and cannot be resurrected. Rewind - Time. Redo last X turns. X = Caster Level. Ritual - Very Specific. Summon a God, a Demon Prince, etc. Rock Bolt - Medium Range. +2 Damage plus 1D2 Conditions for 1D3 Turns. Rope Magic - Create and Animate it. 1 Hour and 10 Feet per Level. Climb or Bind. Rust - Water. Destroy Metal Object or Structure. Damage+5 to Metal Foe. Sanctuary - Consecrate. Area Affect. Only Creatures of a certain Alignment may enter. Sandstorm - Area Affect. All get 1D3 Hinderances for 2D6 Turns. Sap - Destroy a Summoned Target Creature. Medium Range. Screech - Area Affect. Medium Range. All Stunned for 1D6 Hinderances for 1D4 Turns. Scry - Observe Distant Target. Uses Orb, Water, Mirror. 1 Minute per Level. See the Past - Of the Area you Occupy. May go back hundreds of years. Send - Send Message or Small Object to Faraway Target. Shadow Magic - Disappear, Reappear, Move through Shadows. 1 Minute per Level. Shapechange - Transform. Self into Animal or Monster. Shatter - Energy. Destroy Glass, Mirrors, Relics. Shield - Energy. Target gets Defense +3 for 1 Combat. Shrink - Transform. Size Level becomes - 1D4. Sicken - Curse. Medium Range. Target or Area Effect. 1D2 Hinderances for 1D2 Days. Silence - Curse. Short Range. Cast on Area (1 Hour) or Creature (Permanent) Simulacrum - Permanent Clone. Artificial Life Form. Cannot Cast Spells. Sleep - Enchantment. Medium Range. 1 Target per Level. Slice - Save vs Death or Amputation. Short Range. Slow - Enchantment. Medium Range Target 1D4 Conditions and Half Move for 1D6 Turns. Smite - Target gets +5 Damage in HTH. Lasts 1 Combat. Smoke - Obscure a large Area. Can make it different Colors. Sonic Scream - Cone or Area Affect. Damage+2. One turn per Level. Soul Burn - Save or 1D2 Wounds and 1D2 Hinderances. Medium Range. Speak to Animals - Life. Lasts 1 Hour per Level. Speak to Plants - Life. They know Stuff. Lasts 1 Hour per Level. Speed - Medium Target Swiftness+1 per Level. Lasts 5 Minutes per Level. Spider Climb - Enchantment. Wall Walker. Target for 2 Turns per Level. Web Walking. Spines - Grow 2 Spines per Level. HTH Damage+1. Can be slung Short Range. Poisonous. Spores - Area Effect. Short Range. Fungal Infection. 1D6 Hinderances for 2 Weeks. Staff - Enchantment. Also Wands. Spells cast with this work as 1 Level higher. Staff to Snake - For 1 Combat. Poisonous. Wound Limit = 1. Stasis - Suspended Animation. Target or Area Affect. Stench - Area or Foe. Those effected get 1D3 Hinderances for 1D2 Days. Stun - Energy. Medium Range. 1D4 Conditions for 1D3 Turns. Substitution - Switch location of two Objects. They appear as the other Object. Suggestion - Area of Affect. Persuade+5 for one Argument. Summon Animal - For 1 Day. Will serve as mount, spy, guard, combatant. Summon Demon - And Bind it. Must bargain with it for services. Summon Elemental - Of Level equal to Caster for 1 Task. Summon Monster - Of Level equal to Caster for 1 Task. Summon Sea Creature - Animals or Monsters for 1 Task. Summon Spirit - Of Level equal to Caster for 1 Task. Symbol - Combined with another Spell. Effects all who can see Symbol. Talk to Dead - Corpses or Nearby Spirits. Ask 1D6 Questions. Tattoo Magic - Create 1 Weapon, 1 Ration, 1D4 Gold. Inscribe other Spells on Self. Technomancy - Energy. Powered Devices. Telekinetic Attack - Medium Range. Multiple Objects. 1D10 Damage +1 per Level. Thunder - Area Effect. Can stun, deafen, cause fear. Telepathic Projection - Send Image of Self to Distant Locale. Can See and Talk. Telepathy - Mind. Long Range. One Target or Broadcast. Teleportation - Teleport. Single Willing Target. Range increases with Caster Level. Tentacles - They have Grapple+4. Damage+1. 1 Target per 2 Levels. Time Stop - Caster gets 1D3 extra turns. Max once per Day. Time Travel - Far Future or Distant Past. Creates new Timelines. Timer - Combo Spell. Activates another Spell when time is up. Tongues - Understand and speak language of Target Character. Lasts 1 Day. Transfer Soul - Spirit. Put it in a Jar, another Body, a Gem, a Suit or Armor, etc. Transformation - Turn a Man into an Anvil or a Cup into a Cat. Close Range. Transmutation - Transform. Physical Objects. Lead into Gold. Stone to Mud. Trap Soul - Into Gem or Jar. Body also. Permanent. Can be Released. True Aim - Target gets Ranged Attack+5 for 1D6 Turns. True Sight - Detect Illusions, Invisible, Spirits. Lasts 1 Turn per Level Truth - Target or Area Affect. Cannot Lie or Cheat. Lasts 2 Minutes per Level. Turn Undead - Holy. Undead Flee plus +1 Damage per 2 Levels. Twister - Dust Devil, Tornado, Desert Twister, Cyclone, Hurricane, etc. Unbind - Negate Immobilization effect. 1 Target per Level. Unseen Servant - Spirit. Light Housework. Lasts 1 Hour per Level. Ventriloquism - Air. Illusion. 1 minute per Level. Distract and Mislead. Walk on Water - Lasts 1 Minute per Level. Wall of Swords - To cross suffer 2D4 Attacks. Lasts 1 Hour per Level. Ward - Prevents Magical Travel into/out of a Room/Area. Permanent. Water Breathing - Water. Air. Lasts 1 Day. Number of People per Level. Waves - Water. Create Splashes, Currents, Undertows, Whirlpools, Tsunamis Weakness - Curse. Medium Range. 1 Target per Level. 1D3 Conditions for 1 Combat. Weather Control - Air. Start Stop Storms. Weight Control - Target becomes very Heavy or very Light. 1 Turn per Level. Webs - Immobilize. Area Effect. Strength Test to Escape. Whimsy - Cause Something Whimsical to Happen. Real or Illusion. Wind Gust - Air. Knockback. Knockdown. Damage-2. Area Effects. Wish - Max one per Week. Wishes always have unexpected consequences. Wither - Kill Target Plant. Short Range. Word of Power - Combined with another Spell. Effects all who can hear Word. Wrath - Of God, Nature, etc. Large Area. Death. Save at -2. Write Magic - Create Scrolls, Magic Books X-Ray Vision - See through 10 Feet of Walls. 1 Minute per Level. STARTING MAKERS A Character with Artifice, Technomancy, or Fetishes will, as a starting character, begin play with 1 appropriate Minor Relic. A Character with Alchemy will start with 4 Minor Potions. GAME MASTER RULES This list is for the GM only not the players. You control if a NPC has a Spell and if and when and how they use it. You may not want the PC's to have certain Spells. They may unbalance your campaign. A PC can only gain access to a Spell if you allow it. At level increases you tell them which Spells are available to be learned. Just because a Player wants a Spell doesn't mean they get it. COMBO SPELLS Advanced casters can combine two or more Spells into one producing a novel effect. This would be simultaneous casting. For example: A wizard might cast Fireball and Invisibility to create an invisible Fireball. The Word and Symbol Spells are designed to be used in Spell Combos. THE TERM ELEMENTAL A spell can have many variations depending on the manifestation of its power. The Typical Elements are Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. However many others are available: Steam, Lava, Stone, Iron, Crystal, Wind, Ice, Plants, Shadow, Void, Holy, Unholy, Chaos, Law, Magnetic, Diamond, Metal, Sun, Light, Darkness, Tar, Lightning, Energy, Force, Plasma, Flesh, Bone, Poison, Slime, Acid, Sand, Mud, Clay, etc. Practically any Substance can be substituted. The GM will have to develop rules for any he wants to include. For example: What would the properties of a Wall of Flesh have (Regeneration) compared to a Wall of Iron (Armor+5)?

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