SKILLS LIST Acrobatics - Flips, Tumbles Acting - Theatre Acupuncture - Healing, Curing Acute Hearing - Perception Bonus Alertness - Perception Bonus Ambush - Bonus to Attack if Hidden Animal Handling - Training, Husbandry, Breeding Apothecary - Use of, Production of Medicinals Appraisal - Monetary Value Arcane Languages - Ancient and Magical Archeology - Study of Ancient Civilizations Archery - Bows. Attack Bonus Architecture - Designing Buildings Artillery - Catapults, Ballistae. Attack Bonus Astrology - Method of Non-magical Fortune Telling Axe - One and Two Handed Backstab - Bonus to Damage if Hidden or from behind Baking - Bread, Pastries Balance - Keep from Falling. Parkour Barber - Cutting Hair Battle-cry - Increase Allies Morale; Decrease Opponents Beast Lore - Animals, Zoology Begging - For Money or Mercy Blacksmith - Forging and Casting, Armoer Blind Fighting - Negate Penalties (Max 1 Level) Block - Extra Defense Bonus with Shield Bluff - Persuasion Bonus if Lying Book Binding - And Scrolls Bowyer - Making Bows Brawl - Unarmed Combat. Punches. Kicks. Strikes Brewing - Making Beer, Ale, Mead Calligraphy - Scribing Candle Making - Wax Carousing - Alcohol Consumption Carpentry - Woodworking Carry - Increase Encumbrance Limits Cartography - Making and Reading Maps Carving - Sculpture Catch - Anything Thrown, Dropped, Missiles Cheer - Reduce Anger in Others Chemistry - Component of Alchemy Climb - Walls. Mountain Climbing Club - Mace, Morning Star. Bonus to Attack and Damage Cobbler - Shoe Maker Constitution - Toughness +1 Construction - Techniques for Building Cooking - High Level Gourmet Crossbow - Attack Bonus Dagger - And Knives. Bonus to Attack and Damage Dance - Multiple Styles Demon Lore - And Devils; Ask GM one Question Detect Lie - Body Language Dexterity - Agility +1 Diagnosis - Diseases, Internal Injuries Dig - Shovel Work; Burrowing Diplomacy - High Level Negotiations Disarm - Remove Foe's Weapon Discernment - Perception +1 Disguise - Goes good with Acting, Spy, and Languages Dodge - Defense Bonus vs Ranged Attack Dual Wield - Negate Penalty Empathy - Psychology. Know Motivations Engineering - Making sure Mechanical systems, Bridges, Buildings will work Escape Artist - Slip Bonds; Contortions Etiquette - Nobility, Chivalry Evasion - Bonus to Save vs Area Effect Attack Farming - Plants and Animals Fast Draw - Initiative Bonus Fast Healer - Extra Wound per Day Fey Sight - See Fey Flail - Attack and Damage Bonus Fletcher - Making Arrows Fight Dirty - Bonus to Attack (Max 1 Level) Find Weakness - Bonus to Attack First Aid - Medical Attention, Stop Bleeding Fishing - Rod, Net Foraging - Food Gambling - Betting Games, Gaming Gardening - Vegetables, Horticulture Geography - Natural and Man-Made Gemology - And Gem cutting Geology - Natural Origins of Terrain Features Glassblowing - Art Glass, Mirrors, Vials, Flasks Goldsmith - Jeweler. Silversmith Gossip - Learn Rumors Gunnery - Firearms, Cannons. Attack Bonus Grappling - Wrestling. Holds. Locks. Throws Haggle - Bargaining Hammer - Mauls. Bonus to Attack and Damage Heavy Armor - Maneuvers; Negate Penalties (Max 1 Level) Heraldry - Crests Herbalism - Know Medicinal Value of Plants. Plant Lore Hidden Weapons - Evade Casual Detection History - Local, Regional, National, International Horse Archery - Negate Penalty (Max 1 Level) Identify Potions - Taste, Smell, Look, Viscocity Intelligence - Wits +1 Interrogation - Gain Information Intimidate - Cause Fear in Opponents Investigation - Finding Clues Jest - Humor. Can be used to Diffuse or Enrage. Juggling - Goes good with Catch Missiles and Thrown Weapon Jump - Long and High Karma - Fate+1 Knots - Ropework. Pioneering Law - Local, Regional, National, International Language - One Foreign Language Leadership - Rally, Command Troops Leather Working - Armor, Boots, Belts, etc. Lip Reading - Up to Short Range Literature - Great Books Locks - Lockpicking Logic - Puzzles. Arguments Logistics - Supplying an Army. Quartermaster Luck - Fate+1 Masonry - Stone Working Massage - For Medical or Seduction Purposes Mathematics - Geometry, Algebra, Calculus Mechanics - Fixing, Making mechanical Devices Medicine - Non-emergency Ailments Meditation - Reduce Anger and Fear in Self Memory - Remembering Midwife - Delivering Babies Mining - Finding Precious Metals Monster Lore - Ask GM one Question Musical Instrument Muscles - Strength +1 Navigation - On Water Optics - Lenses Oratory - Public Speaking Painting - Fine Arts Paleontology - Extinct Animals and Monsters Paper Making - And Parchment Parry - Defense Bonus with Weapon in Hand Pathfinding - On Land. Trailblazer Philosophy - Ethics, Metaphysics Physics - Pre-Newtonian Pick Pocket - And Cutpurse Pilot - Vehicles: Land, Sea, Air Planar Lore - Other Dimensions Poetry - Limericks and Sonnets Poison Lore - Identify Poison, Poisonings Politics - How to Polearms - Halberds, Bills, Glaives, Pole-Axes. Attack and Damage Pottery - Clays, Spinning, Glazes, Firing. Ceramics Preaching - Conversions Presence - Charisma +1 Prone Fighting - Negate Penalty (Max 1 Level) Protect - Intercept Attack on Nearby Character Quickness - Reflexes +1 Rage - Bonus to Hit and Damage, Penalty to Defense Relic Lore - Famous Magic Items Religion - Know Prayers, Ceremonies, Beliefs Riddles - Solving and Knowing Riding - Equestrian Rowing - Group Effort. Increase Boat Speed Sailing - Boating Scout - Determine Troop Numbers, Dispositions Seduction - Sexual Attraction Shield Bash - Secondary Attack if First Misses Sing - Harmonies, Melodies Skiing - Over Snow Skirmish - Move and Attack, Open Formations Slay - Bonus Wounds to successful attacks vs Target Type Slings - Bonus to Attack. Also to Craft Slow Fall - Take less Damage from Falls Spear - Pikes. Bonus to Attack and Damage Spirit Lore - Folk Tales Spy - Learn Secrets of Foe Staff - Bonus to Attack and Damage Star Gazing - Astronomy Stealth - Bonus to Hide; Remain Undetected Storytelling - Attracting and impressing an Audience Strategy - Large Battles Streetwise - Dealing with Criminals Surgery - Patch up Injuries and Mortal Wounds Survival - Food, Shelter, Water, Fire Starting, Camping Swashbuckling - Reduce Penalties for Difficult Moves Sweep - Hit Multiple Targets in HTH (Max 1 Level) Swift - Increase Movement Rate by +10 per level Swim - Distance, Depth, Speed, Duration, Diving Sword - One and Two Handed. Bonus to Attack and Damage Tactics - Advantage in Small Combats Tailor - Sewing Tattoo Artist - Drawing on Skin Taunt - Attracting Hostile Attention Theology - Religious Arguments Throw (Weapon) - Pick: Dagger, Spear, Axe, Flask, Bolas, etc. Track - Hunting. Also Hide Tracks Traps - Finding, Detecting, Disarming, Making Trick Shot - Including Indirect Fire and Ricochets Weather Sense - Predict 1-2 days out Weaving - Making cloth/Clothing from Wool or Cotton. Willpower - Will +1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINKS

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