INTRODUCTION The Wayfarer System gives some tools and options to Game Masters who need to create an adventure on the Fly. Basically it is a series of Encounter Tables that allows the GM and Players to start playing with Minimal Preparation. It is intended that the GM roll secretly on these tables, and then have the players roleplay the results. STEPS IN THE WAYFARER SYSTEM Address the Following steps in order. 1. Character Readiness 2. Determine Adventure Type 3. Determine Distance to Adventure Site I. CHARACTER READINESS If the Characters do not have characters generate New ones. Or use already established experienced Characters. The GM may need to randomly determine their starting Point: 1D6 Starting Location: 1 Wilderness 2 Village 3 Town 4 City 5 Castle 6 Temple II. DETERMINE ADVENTURE TYPE 1D10 Type: 1-2 Classic Dungeon 3-4 Major Foe 5-6 Other World 7-8 Quest 9-10 Geopolitical Or pick one. For lower level characters, new players, or a quicker start pick the Classic Dungeon Option. III. DETERMINE DISTANCE TO ADVENTURE SITE 1D10 Distance 1 You're there already. How Convenient! 2 1 Wilderness Trek 3 2 Wilderness Treks 4 1 Sea Voyage then 1 Trek 5 1 Trek then 1 Portal 6 1 Trek 1 Portal 1 Trek 7 2 Treks 1 Portal 1 Trek 8 1 Trek 1 Sea Voyage 2 Treks 9 1 Sea Voyage 1 Trek 1 Portal 1 Trek 10 3 Treks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSIC DUNGEONS Once you have navigated the wilderness Treks, Sea Voyages, and Portals, you can enter the Dungeon! To complete the Dungeon will require 3D6 consecutive encounters on the Basic Dungeon Encounter Table. MAJOR FOES Determine who the Major foe is at the beginning of the Adventure by rolling on the Major Foe Table. After completing the Treks and Dungeon you will meet, fight, and hopefully defeat the Foe. Like all encounters the GM will have to provide the details on the Major Foe. Major Foes are listed on a separate Page. OTHER WORLDS You need magic or a Portal to get There. The GM picks or Roll on the Other Worlds Table to see where you are going. The GM will have to Make up encounter Tables suitable for these alien worlds. Other Worlds are listed on a separate Page. QUESTS These are usually Provided to the Player Characters by a meddling Non-player Character. The GM will have to Flesh these out. Quests are listed on a separate Page. GEOPOLITICAL For Higher Level Characters with Holdings. Defend your Kingdom, Start Wars, Manage your resources, build your Empire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTALS A portal could place you in a different Climate Zone, Planet, or even a different Dimension. Most Portals are hard to find, have guardians, and may be within dungeons. Roll 1D3 times on the Portal Difficulty Table: PORTAL DIFFICULTY TABLE 1D8 Difficulty: 1 Portal in Dungeon 2 Portal Hidden 3 Must Solve Puzzle to Access Portal 4 Portal Magically Sealed 5 Portal Broken (Must be Repaired) 6 Portal Trapped 7 Portal Guarded on This Side 8 Portal Guarded on Other Side PORTAL GUARDIAN TABLE 1D10 Guardian: 1 Living Statues 2 Tentacle Monster 3 Slimes 4 Carnivorous Plants 5 Gargoyles 6 Golems 7 Elemental 8 Undead 9 Spirit 10 Demon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WILDERNESS TREKS Several Wilderness Trek Tables are Available depending on the Terrain Type. Pick the desired or most Appropriate Table or roll on the Master Table. To complete a Trek will require 1D8 consecutive encounters. The Tables themselves are located on their own separate page. WILDERNESS TREKS MASTER TABLE 1D12 Wilderness Type: 1 Temperate Forest 2 Jungle 3 Desert 4 Frozen 5 Sylvan Forest 6 Plains 7 Mountainous 8 Hills 9 Volcanic 10 Swamp 11 Savannah 12 Badlands Note: A City by Itself is a source of much Adventure. The Cosmopolitan City Encounter Table could substitute for a Wilderness Trek. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMING RATIONS A ration is one days food. On a wilderness trek you will use up 1 Ration per Encounter. Dungeons are more compact: Use only 1 Ration per 10 Encounters. The GM may increase or decrease this as he sees fit. For example he may determine that a Sea Voyage will take 30 days and require 30 Rations but there will only be one encounter per 3 Days. Most Settlements will have plenty of food available for a few coins.

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