BACKGROUND EVENTS Roll or Pick one or more events from the Table. Players are encouraged to really dive in and flesh out Their characters Background Story. The GM needs to Approve of the story. The GM may want to change or Add details to better fit his campaign. BACKGROUND EVENTS TABLE 1D100 Event: 1 Your Village was killed off by Marauders 2 Birthmark Indicates an Important Destiny 3 Born During Major Astronomical Conjunction 4 Escaped Slave 5 Witness to or Subject of a Powerful Omen 6 Raised by Gypsies 7 Family Member or Best Friend Disappeared 8 Raised by Thieves Guild to be a Pick Pocket 9 Parents are Exiled Nobility 10 Family Member or Friend Imprisoned 11 Family Member has become a Vampire 12 True Love Abducted 13 Raised by Pirates or Bandits 14 Raised by Animals or Monsters 15 Shipwreck Survivor 16 Raised by Monks in a Monastery 17 Parents Murdered by Evil Sorcerer 18 Made Discovery as Apprentice. Master Took Credit 19 Last Surviving Heir 20 Subject of Prophesy 21 Suffering from Tragedy. Drink to Forget 22 Raised by Humanoids or Demi-Humans 23 Family Curse 24 Entered this World through one way Portal 25 Mentor was a Great Master 26 Reincarnation of a Legendary Hero 27 Homeland Conquered 28 Forbidden Love 29 Haunted by Ghost 30 Found or Inherited Important Relic 31 Price on your Head 32 Father is a God. Pawn of the Gods 33 Trained to a High Degree 34 Last Members of a Dying Race 35 Cursed by a Witch 36 Raised by Fey 37 Refugee 38 Lycanthrope or Under Enchantment 39 Special Companion 40 Evil Stepmother 41 Little Brother Taken by Goblins 42 Illegitimate Birth 43 Raised by Aunt/Uncle/Grandparents 44 Orphan. Raised by Guardian/Foster Parents 45 Inherited a Mansion/Castle/Inn 46 Unusual Birthplace or Birth Circumstances 47 Identical or Fraternal Twin 48 Many Siblings 49 Received Major Blessing 50 Family Legacy: Guardians 51 Raised by Cult to be an Assassin 52 Traumatic Event 53 Guardian Angel or Fairy Godmother 54 Grandfather was a Treasure Hunter 55 Betrothed at a Young Age 56 Mysterious Benefactor 57 Secret Identity. In Hiding 58 Bound Demon in Tattoo Seal 59 Sibling in league with Evil Spell Caster 60 Friends or Family Members are Rebels 61 Unleashed a Great Evil 62 Joined the Circus 63 Religious Experience 64 Childhood Friend became Nemesis 65 Self or Family or Cause Betrayed 66 Dormant or Manifest Magical Power 67 Family Social Class Increased/Decreased 68 Travelled Widely 69 Witness to a Crime 70 Know an Important Secret 71 Befriended a Noble 72 Accused of a Crime 73 Honorable or Dishonorable Military Service 74 Visited by Planar Entity 75 Life Changing Romantic Encounter 76 Saved Somebodies Life 77 Organized Crime, Underworld Contacts 78 Owe Someone a lot of Money 79 Marriage Proposal 80 Minor or Major Fame or Parents Famous 81 Green Thumb. Eagle Eye. Special Talent. Gifted 82 Terrible Accident 83 Disowned by Parents 84 Unusual Pet 85 Sibling Rivalry 86 Kissing Cousin. Unusual Suitors 87 Immigrant Story 88 Self or Family Blackmailed 89 Lived on the City Streets. Criminal Activity 90 Owe Allegiance a Guild Faction 91 Actually a Creature polymorphed into Human Form 92 Battle Scars 93 Unrequited Love 94 Circle of Friends 95 Possessed by a Demon 96 Lost for a Long Time 97 Heroic Action 98 Business Experience 99 Tortured 00 Physical or Medical Condition --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONALITY TRAITS The player should pick one or more off the List. PERSONALITY TRAITS LIST Abrasive, Addict, Aesthetic, Affectionate, Aggressive, Aloof, Altruist, Amoral, Anarchic, Angry, Antagonistic, Anxious, Apathetic, Argumentative, Arrogant, Assertive, Avaricious, Barbaric, Blaming, Blustering, Bold, Brave, Callous, Calm, Careful, Cautious, Chaste, Cheat, Cheerful, Chivalrous, Clean, Clever, Comforting, Compassionate, Confident, Conservative, Conscientious, Considerate, Courageous, Courteous, Cowardly, Craven, Creative, Cruel, Curious, Day-Dreamer, Deceitful, Dependable, Dependent, Depraved, Depressed, Deviant, Diabolical, Diplomatic, Disciplined, Disrespectful, Driven, Drunkard, Dullard, Earnest, Easy-Going, Egalitarian, Egotistical, Emotional, Emotionless, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Envious, Ethical, Even-Tempered, Exacting, Extrovert, Fanatical, Fearless, Filthy, Flighty, Flippant, Follower, Foolhardy, Foolish, Foppish, Forceful, Forgiving, Foul, Friendly, Frivolous, Fun-Loving, Generous, Gentle, Gloomy, Greedy, Grim, Happy, Hard-Hearted, Harsh, Hateful, Haughty, Hedonist, Helpful, Honest, Honorable, Hostile, Hot-Tempered, Humble, Humorous, Iconoclastic, Illogical, Imaginative, Immaculate, Immature, Immoral, Impatient, Impure, Inquisitive, Insane, Insecure, Insensitive, Intellectual, Intolerant, Introvert, Irreverent, Jealous, Jolly, Judgmental, Kind, Lazy, Leader, Lecherous, Liar, Liberal, Logical, Loving, Lustful, Malevolent, Maniacal, Manipulating, Martyr, Materialistic, Miserly, Mean, Modest, Moody, Morbid, Morose, Mysterious, Neurotic, Obsequious, Obsessive, Obstructive, Opinionated, Optimist, Organized, Overbearing, Passive, Patient, Peacemaker, Perfectionist, Perverted, Pessimist, Pious, Prankster, Pretentious, Psychopath, Punctual, Pure, Rash, Reliable, Reserved, Respectful, Responsible, Restrained, Retiring, Reverent, Romantic, Rough, Rude, Sadistic, Saintly, Scheming, Scrupulous, Secretive, Self-Centered, Self-Sufficient, Selfish, Selfless, Sensitive, Serene, Serious, Servile, Skeptic, Slothful, Slovenly, Sober, Sociopath, Soft, Solitary, Spendthrift, Stern, Studious, Suave, Superstitious, Suspicious, Taciturn, Tactful, Tactless, Talkative, Tardy, Tolerant, Thoughtless, Thrifty, Trusting, Truthful, Undisciplined, Unforgiving, Unfriendly, Unrefined, Unscrupulous, Untrustworthy, Vain, Vengeful, Violent, Virtuous, Vivacious, Warlike, Warmhearted, Wastrel, Well-Mannered, Wise, Worrying, Zealot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOTIVATIONS Why you do the things you do. This needs to answer the Question: Why did you become an Adventurer? If what you roll does not work simply pick one that does. Similar to Personality Traits but not exactly. For example you may have a Friendly Personality, but Friendship is not your main Motivation. MOTIVATION TABLE 1D100 Motivation: 1 Practicality, Common Sense 2 Social Climbing, Socializing 3 Creation, Craftsmanship, Artistry 4 Find Fame 5 Purity, Uncorrupted, Self-Control, Virtue 6 Competition, Struggle, Conflict 7 Responsibility, Seriousness 8 Romantic Love. Looking for Love 9 Knowledge, Lore 10 Teaching, Sharing 11 Community Involvement 12 Performance, Storytelling 13 Freedom 14 Travel, Exploration 15 New Experiences, Adventure 16 Curiosity, Mystery, Strangeness 17 Domination, Control 18 Desire, Lust, Passion 19 Anarchy, Chaos, Disruption 20 Law and Order 21 Greed. In it only for the Money 22 Work, Dream Job 23 Family Ties 24 Friendship 25 Revenge 26 Extremist, Fanaticism 27 Being the Best 28 Simple Life, Comforts, Normalcy 29 Safety, Security 30 Food, Gluttony, Eating 31 Collecting, Gotta Catch em All 32 Raw Power, Magical Power 33 Self-Importance, Ego, Pride 34 Self Degradation 35 Amusement, Humor, Comedy 36 Defending, Protecting, Savior 37 Destruction, Murder, Killing 38 Honor, Chivalry 39 Find Fortune 40 Stealing, Thievery, Score 41 Gossip, Drama, Unpredictability 42 Rebellion, Social or Political Change 43 Hatred, Contempt 44 Disgust, Horror, Macabre, Dark Secrets 45 Rank, Social Class 46 Affinity for Nature, Animals 47 Mastery 48 Wisdom, Insight, Find the Truth 49 Morals, Ethics, Advocacy 50 Beauty, Perfection 51 Pranks, Trickery 52 Unresolved Past Event, Clear Your Name 53 Faith, Religious Belief 54 Response to Mockery 55 Hedonism, Pleasure 56 Noble or Ignoble Goal 57 Survival, Escape 58 Find Someone or Something 59 Service, Undying Loyalty 60 Heal, Help People 61 Looking for a Purpose in Life 62 Correct an Early Mistake 63 Inferiority Complex 64 Acknowledgement from Parent, Rival 65 Wants to Fulfill a Destiny 66 Compulsion to Help Everybody 67 Protecting the Weak and Innocent 68 Find the Best Mate, Marriage Possible 69 Pay off or Settle a Debt, Repay a Kind Act 70 Conquest, Rulership 71 Envy, Resentment 72 Demotivation, Disinterest, Apathy, Sloth 73 Create or Destroy a Dystopia 74 Embodiment of an Abstract Concept 75 Destroy Enemies 76 Gambling, Addiction, Dependency, Insanity 77 Family Honor 78 Clan, People, Place, Homeland 79 Justice Shall Prevail 80 Spread Joy, Cheer, Happiness 81 Guilt, Survivors Guilt, To Not Fail Again 82 Discovery, For Science 83 Evil for its own Sake. Playground of Evil 84 Freudian Excuse 85 Glory Seeker, Glory Hound 86 Looking for a Cure 87 Hidden Agenda 88 Home Sweet Home 89 Rationality, Logic 90 Humble Goal 91 For Self: Immortality, Beauty, Strength 92 New Start, Start Over 93 Wants to be Special 94 Excitement, Adrenaline, Danger 95 Prove your Masculinity 96 Bring Someone Back. Regain something Lost 97 Fear, Anger, Rage, Wrath 98 Oath, Promise, Vow, Resolution 99 Boredom, Ennui 00 Want a Specific Artifact, Relic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CULTURE AND HOMELAND Cultures come in 5 types: Primitive, Nomad, Barbarian, Kingdom, Imperial. These will limit available Professions and Skills. The player must also pick his starting Homeland according to the Campaign setting and what the GM allows. Homeland will also further limit available Professions, Skills, Languages, and Patrons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GODS WORSHIPPED The Character may worship some, none, or all of the Gods. Players should check out the Gods and Patrons Section to make a Selection or go by what the GM offers. Worship may range from a token affinity to priestly devotion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPENDANTS These are living Friends and Relatives you still see on a regular basis and Who depend on you in some way. You may be especially close. They may Need financial Support. They may need Supervision or Protection. They May be worried about you or expect you home for dinner. You are Wanted and needed. You have both support and obligations. Pick freely off this List and/or Roll 1D6 – 2 Times on the Table to determine what dependents you have: DEPENDENTS TABLE/LIST 1D30 Dependents 1 Parents 2 Mother 3 Father 4 Sibling(s) 5 Brother(s) 6 Sister(s) 7 Husband or Wife 8 Children 9 Grandparent(s) 10 Aunt and/or Uncle 11 Cousin(s) 12 Girlfriend/Boyfriend 13 Childhood Friend(s) 14 Drinking Buddies 15 Orphan(s) or Prostitutes 16 Villager(s) or Tribe 17 Substitute Family 18 Partner(s) 19 Pet or Monster Friend 20 Mentor 21-25 Small Family 26-30 Large Extended Family --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAMILY/CLAN What Family and/or Clan you belong to. This will also determine other things like Social Class, Dependents, and Background Story. a powerful family can mean that in addition to wealth and other Resources, you have obligations and enemies as well. In real life you can't pick your family, but in RPG's you can, so have fun with it and be creative. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL CLASS Every culture type will have its own set of Social Class Designations. The Profession a player has chosen will limit his choices. Once players start adventuring their social class will often change dramatically according to their fortunes. Adventurers are often considered outsiders and will be rejected by parts of the existing social order. Players are with the GM's permission free to choose any starting Social class they like. The GM may have players pick a result or simply roll on the Class Table: CLASS TABLE 1D6 Social Class: 1 Slave or Escaped Slave 2 Lower Class 3 Lower Class 4 Middle Class 5 Minor Nobility 6 Greater Nobility -------------------------------------------------------------------- WEALTH AND POSSESSIONS Starting Characters get only what the GM gives them per their Class Description. Different worlds will have very different class systems and measures of wealth. In general most Adventurers can expect to start things off with only the clothes on their back, a couple of weapons, and a handful of Coins in a pouch. The player may be a Landowner. His Estates will have value and will generate incomes. Only some of a Characters wealth may exist in liquid form: Gold Coins and equivalents. Servants and slaves have value. Magic Items are certainly of great rarity and value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REPUTATION This is highly variable. It will be limited to a time and place. It may be good or bad. It will incur a Charisma Bonus or Penalty. It is possible for a Character to have multiple Reputations in different locales. For some professions, like entertainers, reputation, or Fame, is extremely important. Many men spend a great deal of time, money, and effort cultivating their Reputation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS Use the table below to quickly determine a relationship between two characters or groups. ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP TABLE 1D60 Relationship: 1 Mutual Trust 2 Strangers 3 Acquaintances 4 Long Time Friends 5 Distant Relatives 6 Close Relatives 7 Friendly 8 Distrustful 9 Mutual Respect 10 Romantic Interest 11 Business Like 12 Professional 13 Annoyance 14 Disgust 15 Drinking Buddies 16 Argumentative 17 Brotherly 18 Protective 19 Bullying 20 Nagging 21 Impatience 22 Codependent 23 Envious 24 Domineering 25 Passive Aggressive 26 Take for Granted 27 Polite 28 Conversational 29 Comradery 30 Avoidant 31 Exasperated 32 Intimidated 33 Idolized 34 Forgiving 35 Just Tolerable 36 Helpful 37 Teaser 38 Advisory 39 Questioning 40 Preaching 41 Didactic 42 Best Behavior 43 Timid 44 Spiteful 45 Honorable 46 Flippant 47 Arrogant 48 Bitchy 49 Commiserating 50 Complaining 51 Secretive 52 Withdrawn 53 Allegiance 54 Blood Debt 55 Comedic 56 Mean 57 Stubborn 58 Shared Passion 59 Low Opinion 60 Congenial

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