INTRODUCTION Adventures involving Major foes are Tougher than Basic Dungeons and potentially less complex than the Quest or Other Worlds Adventure options. Typically the Major Foe would be encountered after completing a Basic Dungeon. Ideally Each Foe listed would have its own Encounter Table to be used in place of or in conjunction with the Basic Dungeon Table. Several sample Major Foe Encounter Tables are listed below. MAJOR FOE TABLE 1D100 Foe: 1 Nefarious Necromancer of the Necropolis 2 The Lich in his Well Guarded Tomb 3 Alien Warlock in his Dimension Traveling Citadel 4 Colossus in the Ruined Acropolis by the Sea 5 Brooding Sorcerer in his Twisted Tower 6 Rampaging Behemoth in the City Ruins 7 Leviathan in the Subterranean Sea 8 Ghoul King on his Underground Throne 9 Evil High Priest in his Temple 10 Demon Lord in his Hot Halls 11 Devil General in his Fiery Pits 12 Hydra in the Jagged Cliffs 13 Orc Warlord in his Torch Lit Camp 14 Vampire Lord in his Vast Fastness 15 Cultists at their Secret Alter 16 Cosmic Horror at Forgotten Gateway 17 Dark Elf Queen in her Shadowy Demesne 18 Medusa in her Sculpture Garden 19 Skeleton Lord of the Catacombs 20 Zombie Master amongst the Plague filled Graveyards 21 Beast Men in their Jungle Refuge 22 Spider Horde in the Dense Mist Filled Forest 23 Goblin King in his Mountain Warrens 24 Kobold Emperor in the Narrow Caverns 25 Mummy Pharaoh in his Great Pyramid 26 Wish Granting Djinn in a Hidden Oasis 27 Mysterious Sphinx at the Temple Complex 28 Snake Men in their Underground Complex 29 Troglodyte King in his Damp Tunnels 30 King of the Crab Men in their Seaside Caves 31 Barbarian Chieftain in his Trophy Lined Hall 32 Amazon Queen in her Island Stronghold 33 Death Knight in a Ruined Keep 34 Cabal in their Fort 35 Slime Outbreak oozing up from Below 36 Golden Golem in the Golem Factory 37 Mad Shaman of the Hillside Grottos 38 Ghost Regent in his Mausoleum 39 Ice Queen in her Frozen Palace 40 Werewolf Clan in their Den Network 41 Ogre Magi in their Massive Dojos 42 Elementalist on his Rocky Island Abode 43 Enchantress in her Sylvan Palace 44 Illusionist in his Magnificent Maze 45 Crazed Alchemist in his Dangerous Laboratory 46 Technomancer in his Workshop 47 Biomancer in her Labs and Bestiary 48 Fire Giants in their Volcanic Caves 49 Frost Giants in their Ice Caves 50 Stone Giants In the Rocky Ravines 51 Hill Giants in their Giant's Playground 52 Bored Titan in his Cloud Castle 53 Dragon Men in their Gilded Fortress 54 Snow Dragon on the Icy Peaks 55 Forest Dragon in the Wild Woods 56 Swamp Dragon in the Fetid Marsh 57 Mountain Dragon in the Crags 58 Volcanic Dragon in his Lair 59 Naga Queen in her Pillared Alcazar 60 Pit Fiend Guarding a Portal 61 Greater Abomination befouling Church Lands 62 Dinosaurs on a Lost Jungle Island 63 Fungus Lord in the Mushroom Forest 64 Witch Coven in the Mounds by the Moor 65 Skeletal Dragon upon an Ancient Battlefield 66 Puppet Master in his Creepy Manor House 67 Faerie King under the Black Hill 68 War Machine Relics waiting in their Armory 69 Wraith Lord in his Barrow Downs 70 Voodoo Priest in his Borderland Hideaway 71 Chaos Lord in his Bastion of Bedlam 72 Chaos Priest in the Corrupted Cathedral 73 Giant Psychic Brain in its Spacious Safehold 74 Evil Warrior Monks in their Monastery 75 Pagan Cult in their Sanctuary 76 Pirate King in his Pirate Town 77 Merchant Lord in his Fortified Port 78 Pit Fighters in their Arena 79 Assassins Guild on the City Streets 80 Dwarf King within his Great Dwarf Hold 81 Sea King in his Sunken City 82 Dark Lord atop his Dark Tower 83 Nymph Sorority Frolicking in the Woods 84 Beast Lord in his Forest Home 85 Minotaur in his Labyrinth 86 Troll King in his Mines 87 Dragon Master in his Dragon Hatchery 88 Diabolist in a Desert Ivory Tower 89 Demonologist inside the Ziggurat 90 Lizard Man King in the Crags 91 Dungeon Keeper in his Dank Dungeon 92 Evil Eye Under the Ground 93 Overlord In his Great Keep 94 Rat King in his Sewer Kingdom 95 Morlocks in the Abandoned Mines 96 Mantis Men in their Donjon 97 Winged Apes in the Hollow Earth 98 Mind Slayer in his Underworld Realm 99 Aberrations in a Deep Dark Prison 00 Horrible Horde Locked beneath the Earth NEFARIOUS NECROMANCER OF THE NECROPOLIS ENCOUNTER TABLE 1D20 Encounter: 1 Lurking Ghouls: 2D6 Undead 2 Broken Tomb Stones: Nothing 3 Zombie Mob: 3D6 Undead 4 Open Vaults: Nothing 5 Skeletons with Spears: 2D6 Undead 6 Empty Graves: Accident 7 Coffin Corpse: Level 6 Undead 8 Skeleton Warriors: 2D6 Undead 9 Wrathful Wraith: Spirit 10 Sarcophagus Treasure: 1D6 x 1000 Gold 11 Lost in the Catacombs: Delay 12 Zombie Soldiers Milling About: 2D6 Undead 13 Houses of the Dead: Nothing 14 Skeletal Rats: Swarm. 2D6 Damage 15 Skeletal Ogre with Chain: Monster 16 Maze of Grave Stones: Delay 17 Zombie Troll with Axe: Regenerate 3 Hits per Turn 18 Scattered Bones: Nothing 19 Heavy Gate: Strength Test or Delay 20 Skeleton General with Magic Sword: Level 8 Undead The Necromancer Himself is 10th Level. He will have 1D6 Magical Items and 2D6 Skeletal Bodyguards. DRAGON MAJOR FOE ENCOUNTER TABLE 1D10 Encounter: 1 Large Opening to the Outside 2 1D6 Dragon Eggs. Worth 1000 Gold Each 3 1D3 Hatchlings SL = 5. If Fought 75% Dragon Wakes Up 4 Remains of Dead Knights. Salvage Weapons 5 Loose Treasure: Worth 1D6 x 1000 Gold 6 Pile of Dragon Poop: All get -1 to all Rolls next 3 Encounters 7 Dragon Snoring Sounds 8 Knock Rock Over: 50% Dragon Wakes Up 9 Trip over Skeleton: 50% Dragon Wakes Up 10 Maze of Passageways: Delay The Dragon Herself will be an Adult SL = 13. If you killed the Hatchlings or took the eggs she will get +4 to Damage. If she is asleep the Party will get Surprise. This Table will work in conjunction with most other types of Dungeon Tables. She will be guarding 1D6 Magic Items and other Treasure worth 10K in Gold. MUMMY PHARAOH IN HIS GREAT PYRAMID 1D50 Encounter: 1 Fast Moving Scarab Beetle Swarm: All Take 3D6 Damage 2 Room full of small Figurines: Search to find Magic one 3 Hieroglyphic Warnings: Get +2 to Detect next Trap 4 Sand Man: Elemental Spirit. Casts Sleep Spell 5 Carved Tablet: Exploding Rune Trap hits 1D3 Characters 6 Mummified Zombies rise up: 2D4 Regenerating Undead 7 Bone Cases: Search to Find Magic Ring 8 Mummy Guards: 1D4 with Swords. Level = 6. Hasted 9 Magic Curtain: Trick. Perception Check or Delay 10 Locked up Dao: Angry Earth Djinn. Will not grant Wishes 11 Freezing Barrier Trap: 2D6 Damage. Disarm with Fire Spell 12 Statue: Detect Trap or Turns into Minor Sphinx that Attacks 13 Lightning Barrier Trap: 2D6 Damage. Disarm with Force Spell 14 Pharaoh Statue: Ruby Eyes worth 1000 gold Each 15 Fire Barrier Trap: 2D6 Damage. Disarm with Ice Spell 16 Skeletal Remains: Search to Find Magic Ankh 17 Infinite Room Puzzle: Wits Check or Delayed 18 Skeleton Guards: 2D6 Undead with Swords and Shields 19 Stairs: Nothing 20 Sand Trap: All Save or Death 21 Archway: Teleport Trap: Disarm or 1 Character Separated 22 Dancing Scimitar: Animated Weapon 23 Secret Door: Search for 1 Less Encounter 24 Sloping Passageway: Nothing 25 Maze: Delay then Wits Check or Second Delay 26 Cartouche Puzzle: Wits Check or Delay 27 Raised Dias. Teleport Trap: Detect or 1D3 Separated 28 Underwater Tunnel: Must Leave Armor to Swim 29 Magnetic Ceiling Trap: 2D6 to all in Metal Armor 30 Multiple Javelin Traps: All must save or 2D6 Damage 31 Murals of the Pharaoh Hunting: Nothing 32 Clones: Fight copies of themselves. Clones have no Spells 33 Crushing Wall Trap: Disarm or all Characters Die 34 Rows of Statues: One is a Stone Golem that gets Surprise 35 Collapsing Ceiling: All Save or 2D6 Damage 36 Two Clay Golems on Either Side of Opposite Doorway 37 Snake Pit: 2D6 Poisonous Vipers 38 Piles of Sand: Sand Elemental 39 Fiery Jackal Headed Major Demon with Flail 40 Open Sarcophagus: Search to Find Magic Weapon 41 Murals of Pharaoh at War: Nothing 42 Mummy Priest: Level 7. Sand, Mind, Curse Spell Lists 43 Rows of Engraved Pillars: Nothing 44 Papyrus Scrolls: Search for 1D4 Zodiac Spell Scrolls 45 Mummified Vampire: Knows Vampire Spell List 46 Statue of Osiris: Leave an Offering or lose 1D6 Power 47 Gargoyles: 4 Hidden in corners of Ceiling 48 Shrine of Ra: Leave an Offering or lose 1D6 Luck 49 Curse Trap: Character becomes a Trap Magnet 50 Raised Dias: Gold Idol worth 500 Gold The Pharaoh Mummy himself is a Tenth Level Spell Caster. He knows the Fire, Lightning, Sand, Darkness, and Death Lists. He has a Staff that can cause Fear three times a day. His Tomb has 20K Gold worth of Coins and Jewelry. BARRIER TRAPS Act as regular traps: If not detected they will hurt the first individual to come across them. After that however, unless they are disarmed, the party will be delayed. DUNGEON KEEPER IN HIS DANK DUNGEON ENCOUNTER TABLE 1D60 Encounter: 1 Imps: 2D6 Demons with picks and 5K of Gold Ingots 2 Poison Gas Trap: All Characters Regular Poison 3 Goblin Horde: 3D6 Humanoids. Mixed Weapons 4 Tunnels: All Consume 1 Ration 5 Giant Beetles: 1D6 SL = 5 Insects. Armor = 3 6 Lightning Trap: 1D3 Characters 1D6 Damage 7 Wooden Door: Easy Strength Test or Delay 8 Hatchery: Find 1D6 +4 Rations 9 Guard Room: Next Monster Group not Surprised 10 Lava Trap: One Character 3D6 Damage 11 Demon Spawn: 2D3 Minor Demons SL = 4 12 Training Room: Next Monster gets +2 Damage 13 Braced Door: Strength Test or Delay 14 Alarm Trap: Next Monster Group not Surprised 15 Blood Fly Swarm: All take 1D6 +2 Damage 16 Lair: Next Monster Group gets +2 Members 17 Evil Ghost: SL = 6 Ethereal. Causes Fear 18 Word of Power Trap: All Take 2D4 Damage 19 Hell Hounds: 1D6 of the Beasts 20 Prison: Rescue one Hungry Hero 21 Horned Reaper: SL = 7 Lesser Devil 22 Boulder Trap: All save or 3D6 Damage 23 Orcs: 2D6 with Crossbows and Swords 24 Magic Door: Need Spell to open or Delay 25 Skeletons: 2D6 with Spears 26 Fear Trap: All Save or Separated 27 Giant Spiders: 1D6 Poisonous SL = 3 28 Torture Chamber: Find Wounded Hero 29 Tentacle Monster: SL = 9. Has 7 Tentacles 30 Iron Door: Strength Test or Delay 31 Cave Troll: SL = 8 Regenerator with Maul 32 Workshop: Next Trap is -2 to Detect 33 Vampire: Knows Vampire Spell List 34 Freeze Trap: One Character 2D6 Cold Damage 35 Warlock: Multiple Lists. Level 1D4 +2 36 Graveyard: Loot 2D4 Corpses 37 Black Knight: Armor = 3. Level 1D3 +4 38 Fireburst Trap: One Character 2D6 Fire Damage 39 Dark Elves: 1D4 +4 Archers 40 Unholy Temple: Next Monster gets +2 Morale 41 Fireflies: Nothing 42 Jack in the Box Trap: 1D3 Characters 1D6 Damage 43 Dark Angel: Knows Darkness Spell List 44 Steel Gate: Lift Gate or Delay 45 Spider Maiden: Knows Spider Spell List 46 Cannon Trap: SL = 7 Armor = 4. Ranged Attack 2D6 Damage 47 Salamander: SL = 7 Fire Damage 48 Library: Find 2D2 Valuable Books 49 Backstabbing Rogue: He gets +4 to Surprise 50 Stone Bridge: Next Monster fight 1 at a time 51 Trigger Trap: Next Trap does +1D6 Damage 52 Portal: To a Demon Dimension 53 Bile Demon: SL = 8 Acid Attack Close Range 54 Secret Door: If Found one less Encounter 55 Treasury: Worth 2D4 x 10K Coins 56 Dark Mistress: Succubus with Whip 57 Casino: 2D6 Monsters and 1D4 x 10K Coins 58 Spike Trap: One Character 3D6 Damage 59 Dungeon Heart: Destroy it for 2 less Encounters 60 Dragon: Young SL = 8 Volcanic Dragon The Dungeon Keeper Himself is a Tenth Level Greater Demon SL = 8 with Armor = 5 and a +4 Sword of Cleaving.

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