INTRODUCTION This Section describes the Cosmological order of the Other Worldly Warlocks Universe and provides a list of Gods for which the Player Characters can seek Patronage. BEINGS WITH GOD LIKE POWERS. Not every being with God Like powers is worshipped as a God. Not every Being worshipped as a God has God like powers. Such is the folly of Mortals. ALIGNMENTS There are nine Universal Alignments. Each of these has an associated group of representative Creature Types that are the Incarnations and manifestations Of that Alignment: Alignment: Creature: Leaders: True Neutral Archons Absolute Archons Pure Good Angels Seraph Angels Pure Evil Horrors Ultimate Horrors Pure Law Singularities Supreme Singularities Pure Chaos Abominations Apex Abominations Lawful Good Devas Devine Devas Lawful Evil Devils Arch Devils Chaotic Good Cherubs Exalted Cherubs Chaotic Evil Demons Demon Princes THE UNIVERSAL BALANCE Some worlds may fall under the sway of one Alignment or Another, but in the great scheme of things, this always Evens out on a universal Scale, or at least, always has. OTHER THINGS OF GREAT POWER Not all Beings are Beholden to the Alignment based power Structures. Some are Older, Some Alien, Some are just funny shaped Pegs. These include the Following: -Primordials: These Beings control Time, Space, Energy, Matter, and The Forces of Nature. They provide the Framework for everything else. -Elder Gods: These Guys have been around forever. They Sleep. They Dream. They have Nightmares. They Drool. They Cough And Sputter. They ooze Corruption and Divine Power. They Are the Senior Citizens of the Universe. -Outer Gods: Alien Gods from the far ends of the Multiverse. Their mere thoughts drive mortals insane. Their cruelty is without Limit and their power levels are incomprehensible. -Djinn: A Race with Godlike Powers for Sure. Able to make every Wish come true. Mortals can do worse than seek patronage With them. -Sphinx: Strange Beings of Superior Intellect and Wisdom. The Terrible Secrets of the Universe and all Time are at their Disposal and Contemplation -Fey: Faerie Magic is by its Nature most Elusive. The Lords of the Fey can protect their own to the chagrin of those that want to Steal that Power. -Celestials: Zodiac Gods, Planetary Spirits, Solar Entities. These Are the Celestial Spheres themselves. The background upon Which we play out our short Lived Dramas. -Pantheons: The Offspring of the Gods and their Children. On Worlds where they are worshiped they play with men’s lives as Men might play chess. Scores of these exist, hidden in pocket Universes across the Cosmos. -Gods of Creation: Paragons, Prime Movers, and the Godhead. The Creators of Worlds. The Creators of the Alignments. The Creator of the Universe. -Gods of Magic: Strange, Changeable Beings able to break The Laws of Nature and change reality at will. They are manifestations of the Source of magic itself. -Nature Bound Gods: Nature Gods bound to a Specific Planet. Some are Caretakers and Nurturers of Living Things. Others Lord over the Winds or the Waves or the very Earth itself. -Elemental Lords: Powerful being that occupy the Elemental Planes. They can be cajoled into sharing their power by Those unafraid of getting Burned, or Crushed, or Drowned. -Beast Lords: Lord of Cats, Lord of Wolves, Lord of Birds, and Many more. They make awesome allies to those who can Earn their fickle Trust. -Great Spirits: Ghostly Forms of Kings and Mighty Spell Casters. These Roam the Ethereal Plane at Will. They Go where they want and do what they want. Woe to those Who get in their Way. -Ascended Immortals: Mortal Men who, through force of will, Great cunning, and the Strongest Magics have taken their place Amongst the Gods. An Inspiration to us All. PATRONAGE AND PRIESTHOOD A priest will have a dress code and can only carry weapons preferred by their Patron. The Priest will have additional responsibilities such as ministering to a flock, preaching the word, taking orders from higher level Priests, and fighting oppositional religions. Most Religions do allow time for adventuring, especially if it advances the Cause of the Deity. Each God has one or more associated Magic Types and Priests will mostly know spells of this type. LIST OF GODS & DEITIES Name: Domain: Type: Magic: Abrasax The Godhead Primordial Conjuration Kron Primus of Time Primordial Time Volun Primus of Space Primordial Space Mektix Primus of Force Primordial Force Particulon Primus of Matter Primordial Matter Dynomost Primus of Energy Primordial Energy Zul God of Magic Primordial Transformation Yavoah The Creator Prime Mover Conjuration, Life Archane Spider Goddess Beast Lord Spider Basra Cat Queen Beast Lord Cat Lupon Lord of the Wolves Beast Lord Wolf Tika Bird Goddess Beast Lord Bird Hissil Snake Lord Beast Lord Snake Bombus Bear Lord Beast Lord Bear Xizor Insect Lord Beast Lord Insect Florent Plant Lord Nature God Plant, Druid Tree of Life Life Giver Nature God Plant, Life, Healing Niieema Goddess of Youth Nature God Healing, Druid Sargas The Sea King Nature God Sea Eukil The Storm God Nature God Weather, Air, Water Avasan Sky God Nature God Air, Lightning, Weather Inglorp Swamp God Nature God Swamp Guiyen Fertility Goddess Nature God Life, Farming, Herding Earth Mother Fertility Goddess Nature God Life, Earth, Healing Yinzang Lord of the Balance Absolute Archon Anti-Magic Krind Keeper of Portals Absolute Archon Dimensions Hozer God of Evil Ultimate Horror Evil Helizar God of Death Ultimate Horror Death Nizzurat God of Suffering Ultimate Horror Curses, Hexes Varkor God of Torture Ultimate Horror Evil Liya Goddess of Light Seraph Angel Light Eyo Shield of Existence Seraph Angel Blessings Palidor God of Justice Devine Deva Law, Paladin Frasa The Avenger Devine Deva Holy Wrath Ranye The Vigilant Exalted Cherub Trap Bikarah Champion of Mercy Exalted Cherub Battle Onus Lord of Law Supreme Singularity Law, Order Tibis God of Punishments Supreme Singularity Law Destron Master of Fates Supreme Singularity Time Kazerak Lord of Chaos Apex Abomination Chaos Festoon God of Rot Apex Abomination Putrescence Polyglox God of Many Forms Apex Abomination Transformation Dispat God of Entropy Apex Abomination Darkness Morganus Lord of Hell Arch Devil Diabolism, Necromancy Gorguz The Gluttonous Arch Devil Diabolism Gildgaz The Greedy Arch Devil Diabolism Sesune Queen of Succubi Arch Devil Diabolism, Mind Asmond Lord of the Abyss Demon Prince Demonology Tirade Collector of Souls Demon Prince Necromancy, Spirits Athor The Wrathful One Demon Prince Demonology Golgoth Lord of Excrement Demon Prince Putrescence Cleaven Lord of Carnage Demon Prince Demonology, Battle Culu The Sleeping God Elder God Dreams, Sea Harzash God of Madness Elder God Mind, Space Yog Master of Realities Outer God Space, Matter Ixl Oozing God Outer God Slime Foomus God of Fire Elemental Lord Fire Frumpus God of Earth Elemental Lord Earth Flitus God of Air Elemental Lord Air Filkus God of Water Elemental Lord Water Frigis The Cold One Elemental Lord Ice Thustra God of Wisdom Ascended Immortal Mysticism, Lore Grom God of War Ascended Immortal Warrior, Battle Xamander The Arch Magus Ascended Immortal Wizardry Locutus The Trickster Ascended Immortal Thief Zoltar The Charlatan Ascended Immortal Illusion, Mind Budahn God of Acceptance Ascended Immortal Mysticism, Luck Jezu God of Forgiveness Ascended Immortal Blessings Leeyan The Mighty Monk Ascended Immortal Martial Arts, Body Hamed God of Abeyance Ascended Immortal Law Solaris Star Spirit Celestial Entity Solar, Fire Silene The Morning Star Celestial Entity Solar, Light Yurgis Planetary Spirit Celestial Entity Earth Luna Moon Spirit Celestial Entity Moon, Water Ziune Constellation Celestial Entity Zodiac Grecos Pantheon Greek Pantheistic Nord Pantheon Norse Pantheistic Gyptos Pantheon Egyptian Pantheistic Babel Pantheon Babylonian Pantheistic Kells Pantheon Celtic Pantheistic Nippos Pantheon Japanese Pantheistic Hindic Pantheon Indian Pantheistic Xian Pantheon Chinese Pantheistic Cree Pantheon North American Pantheistic Xoltos Pantheon Central American Pantheistic Incata Pantheon South American Pantheistic Slavos Pantheon Slavic Pantheistic Atalon Paragon of Strength Demigod Warrior Utalon Paragon of Wits Demigod Psychic Djelsawad Grand Sultan Djinn Lord Djinn Zizunni Keeper of Wishes Djinn Lord Djinn, Trap Bahnopekh Supreme Sphinx Sphinx Lord Sphinx Ngokept Master of Mysteries Sphinx Lord Sphinx, Lore Anmemot Eternal Oracle Sphinx Lord Sphinx, Divination Dracor Dragon Emperor Dragon Lord Dragon Feynar King of the Fey Fey Lord Fey, Lore Elsprite Queen of the Fey Fey Lord Fey, Life Pixy Princess of the Fey Fey Lord Fey, Illusions Strongbow Prince of the Fey Fey Lord Fey, Archery TRANSMIGRATION OF THE SOULS All things, living and non-living, generate spirits (souls). When the physical thing is destroyed, the Spirit is set Free. In the case of humans, most fly off into the Ether headed to one of the Outer Planes. Some become stuck or trapped. These are Ghosts and all the variants of such. Some Wander freely. Some are reborn, willing or not. Some are destroyed, consumed or enslaved by Wizards, More Powerful Spirits, or beings from the outer planes. If the Soul was religious, it will eventually find its way to its Patron's abode, or be collected by its Patron's minions (Psychopomps). The Patron may then, as it wishes, reward or punish the soul. Souls found on the outer Planes are often referred to as Shades. ASTRAL PROJECTON The Soul or Spirit leaves the unconscious body. The Spirit remains tethered to the Body by a Silver Cord. If the Cord is cut this is equivalent to Death. Most Spirits may go anywhere, including other peoples Dreams. The Spirit world is also called the Astral Plane. A disembodied spirit can still interact with the physical world. A Spirit can be visible or invisible, heard or unheard. A Spirit can open a door or simply walk through it. A Spirit can make "Physical" attacks. Spirits can be attacked with magic spells and weapons. Some spirits are susceptible to Fire, Cold Iron, or Silver. THE ETHEREAL PLANE Similar to Astral projection but the Body and Soul remain Together. Ethereal Beings are invisible but not to other Ethereal beings. The Ethereal form is insubstantial and so cannot interact by touch. You can walk through a Door but not open one. The Ethereal being can attack or be attacked with magic spells and weapons. Some Ethereal Monsters can make Physical Attacks. The Ethereal Plane is contiguous with most other Planes.

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