INTRODUCTION Yurvay is a partially detailed World that the GM can use to start his campaign in. It has lots of wild areas, ruins, portals, and adventuring sites. PLANETARY AND SOLAR SYSTEM INFO Fourth Planet from a Yellow Sun. Medium Size. The Sun Spirit is called Yurgis. The Planetary Spirit is Called Yurvay. Two Moons: The Green Larger and closer one is called Vanos. The Smaller Purple Moon is called Kayale. Temperate Climate. Minor Axis Tilt. 25 Hour Day. 400 Day Year. Most societies use a 10 Month Solar Calendar. Zodaic has 10 Constellations. 11 other planets in system. Five with Rings. 47 Moons Total. Other Planet Names: Stanng, Gorotha, Matook, Vonan, Lakesk, Elibis, Wobar, Miophis, Bleemis, Chandraj, Mahote. Life can be found on 6 of these. Intelligent life on 4. Some minor use of Void Ships. Portals are more common. Nearest Neighboring Star is 3 Light Years Away. Yurvay is 55% Water. Ice caps present. CONTINENTS Yurvay has 6 Continents, 3 Major Oceans, and 8 Seas. WOTAN Eastern Continent. Plains, Desert, Hills, Badlands, Forests Devils, Demons, Spirits, Dragons. Tiang Empire Kuro Kingdoms Mohar Horse Tribes XOTHOS Southern Continent. Savannah, Jungles, Deserts. Beasts, Abominations, Djinn, Sphinx, Demons. Savage Tribes Desert Tribes Oldijar Theocracy IKORN North Polar Continent. Mountains, Arctic, Tundra, Taiga Giants, Barbarians, Dragons, Undead. FREZANTIS Northern Continent. Forest, Mountains, Plains, Marshes Humanoids, Dragons, Composites, Fey, Demi-Humans Feudal Kingdoms KALAMA Western Continent Mountains, Hills, Badlands, Forest, Marshes Humanoids, Horrors, Spiders, Dragons, Undead, Spirits Humanoid Tribes Ancient Ruins of the Kalamar Empire GORZANTHA Central Continent Volcanoes, Mountains, Badlands, Forests, Ruins Overrun with Dragons, Behemoths OCEAN OF ISK Lots of Trade Routes and Pirates OCEAN OF ATOS Spawns the occasional Kaiju from large Portals in the Abyss. OCEAN OF OZMAR Infested with Krakens and Sea Devils STORMY SEA Ship Graveyard below. Ghost Ships. SEA OF MISTS Very Foggy. Fish Men BOILING SEA Underwater Volcanoes. ICY SEA Lots of Icebergs. Whales, Penguins, Leviathans. MIDDLE SEA Balmy, Warm, Pleasant, Sea Monsters SALTY SEA High Salt Concentration SARGASSO SEA Choked with Seaweed. Sea Elves. SIRENS SEA Home of the Sirens. MAJOR ISLANDS There are thousands of Islands. Some Notable ones include: VIANTI - The Isle of the Technomancers GLORD - Lair of the Goblin Pirate King MIKOS - Island of the Birds LEMOS - Land of the Talking Lemurs FREZANTIS DETAILS This Continent will most Likely be the Starting Point. Half is Wild. There are 12 Kingdoms: DEMAR Large Feudal Kingdom. Lots of Trading. Decentralized power. Barons posture and fight. MORASH Small Kingdom. Isolated. Paladins. Religious and cultural Purity highly valued. JONO Small Kingdom. Excellent Navy and Merchant Marine. Explorers and Adventurers. ZIAN Mageocracy. Ruled by Council of Mages. Known for its frequent ritualized Mage Duels. FLENZEN Medium Kingdom undergoing a Renaissance style Golden Age. UNDAKOSH Northern Medium Liberal Kingdom. Reindeer Herders. Saunas RICIEN Mid Size Kingdom known for its bountiful Harvests and Fine Wines. Intrigue and Hedonism are the national pastimes. MURKIN Industrial Kingdom. Factories, Artificers, Alchemists. Run by the Guild Masters. Home to Four Dwarven Mountain Strongholds. GLOKENSHPLOK Tiny Kingdom. Lots of Fey. Known for high quality Mercenary Troops and Chocolate. Elven Communities occupy the Woodlands. ZAMISH Disorganized Country. Undergoing a series of Civil Wars. Large Population. Invented the Guillotine. LOQUTUS Cursed Kingdom. Evil Lords. Necromancy. ENDON Medium Kingdom. Constant incursions by Humanoids and Dragons. Realm of Heroes. Let us assume that Endon is the starting Kingdom of our intrepid adventurers, so a little more detail is required: The King is Lord Endomon. The Kingdom is composed of 64 Hexes (30 miles wide each). There are 3 Million Inhabitants, mostly in 12,500 Villages. There are 112 Castles. There are 3 Cities: Raganuk, Vestook, and Balifin. There are 20 Towns. There are 17 Baronies. The players start in a Coastal Barony of 5 Hexes led by Ardnor the Bold which contains the Port Town of Norge. The local Count is Lord Hammen. The Characters are currently residents of Norge. They are Sell-Swords with some experience in the Goblin Wars. They are a rough and tumble lot ready for any adventure. There are rumors of a Dungeon in the nearby Badlands...

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