HUMANOIDS Humanoids are often found in a primitive tribal stage so will have Shamans as their primary Spellcasters. GOBLINS SL = 4-5 LV = 0-4+ Green, Crazy, and Slightly Magical. Tremendous Variety. Some Fey Ancestry, but most other Fey avoid them. They pick up Taints to a higher degree than Humans do. Common Types: Snow, Marsh, Forest, Hill, Cave Warriors, Shamans, Alchemists, Technomancers, Scouts, Thieves, Farmers, Herders, Bandits, Soldiers, Pirates ORCS SL = 6 LV = 1-4+ Brown, Grey, Tan, Black Colorations. Often Tainted with Chaos or Demon Blood. The Brutish Backbone of many a Fantasy Army. Warriors, Soldiers, Shamans, Barbarians, Scouts, Assassins, Pig Farmers, Herders, Hunters, Bandits GNOLLS SL = 6-7 LV = 1-4+ Shaggy Hyena-Headed Humanoids. Prefer Cool Climes. Tribal or Clannish. Rangers, Archers, Warriors, Shamans, Barbarians, Scouts HOBGOBLINS SL = 6 LV = 1-5+ Goblins All Grown Up. They Assemble into Proper Armies with Good Cavalry. Warriors, Cavaliers, Knights, Herders, Soldiers BUGBEARS SL = 7 LV = 1-3+ Big Furry Fellows who enjoy a Good Ambush. Warriors, Rangers, Barbarians, Hunters, Bandits LIZARD MEN SL = 6-7 LV = 0-3+ Tough Hides. Primitive Lizard Brains. Warriors, Shamans, Sentries, Scouts, Barbarians FROG MEN SL = 3 LV = 0-3+ Good Jumpers. Inhabit Swamps. Warriors, Shamans, Scouts, Bug Hunters FIRE NEWTS SL = 5 LV = 1-5+ Fire Resistance. Hang out around Volcanoes. Warriors, Shamans, Scouts SNAKE MEN SL = 6 LV = 0-7+ Tails instead of legs. Evil Spellcasters common. Ancient. Civilized. Decadent. Corrupt. Warriors, Wizards, Alchemists, Sorcerers DRAGON MEN SL = 6-7 LV = 1-6+ Tough Hides. Dragon Breath. Wings. Slow Flyers. Warriors, Knights, Priests, Wizards BEAST MEN SL = 6 LV = 1-3+ Animal Heads. Bestial. Warriors, Shamans, Hunters, Scouts, Barbarians KOBOLDS SL = 4 LV = 0-2+ Short Scaly Dog Men Ambushers. Cave Dwellers. Warriors, Bandits, Soldiers, Hunters CAT PEOPLE SL = 5-6 LV = 1-7+ Fast, Nimble, Fierce Opponents. Appearance varies: Lions, Tigers, Lynx, Panthers Scouts, Hunters, Rangers, Thieves, Assassins, Dancers HAWK MEN SL = 6 LV = 0-5+ Wings. Fast Fliers. Helmets, Shields, Bare Chests, Javelins, Clawed Maces Scouts, Warriors, Hunters FLYING APES SL = 6 LV = 2-3 Fierce, Winged, Blue-Furred Baboons. Medium Fliers. They like to torment their prey. Whips, Spears, and Swords BIRD MEN SL = 5-6 LV = 0-4+ Bird Heads. Most Types have Wings. Variety of Types: Owls, Ducks, Falcons, Vultures, etc. Scouts, Warriors, Hunters, Fishermen APE MEN SL = 6-8 LV = 0-4+ Not so primitive Primates. Caste Societies. Several Varieties: Chimp, Gorilla, Orangutan, Baboon. Warriors, Shamans, Priests, Hunters, Fishermen, Farmers MOLE MEN SL = 5 LV = 1-3 Blind. Live in Darkness. Good Hearing and Smell. Claw Attacks. RAT MEN SL = 4 LV = 0-4+ Also called Ratlings. Stealthy. Great Numbers. Warriors, Shamans, Scouts, Thieves, Rangers TROGLODYTES SL = 6-7 LV = 0-2+ Subterranean Luddites. Stone Axes and Spears. Scaly Hides. Armor = 1 Warriors, Shamans, Hunters, Fishermen GREAT MEN SL = 7 LV = 1-9+ Various Northern Forest Tribes. Often Associated with Werebears. Rangers, Warriors, Farmers, Shamans, Fishermen, Barbarians ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GIANTS All Giants can Throw Boulders: Medium Range for +3 Damage for Hill and Stone Long Range for +4 for Frost and Higher. Occasional Shamans and other Spell caster types. OGRES SL = 8-11 LV = 3+ Large Brutes. Simple Weapons. Red Warty Skin. Double Range with Ranged Weapons. YETI SL = 7-8 LV = 3+ Solitary White Furred Mountain Dwellers. Cold resistance. Clawed Hands. Fangs. HILL GIANTS SL = 7-9 LV = 4+ Spears and Clubs. Triple Range with Bows. Known for unusual Mounts: Mastodons, Wyverns, etc. ETTIN SL = 9-10 LV = 4+ Two Headed Giant. The Two Heads are often arguing and distracting each other. STONE GIANTS SL = 8-10 LV = 5+ Some can use Earth type Spells. Stone Clubs and Boulders. Armor = 2 SAND GIANTS SL = 8-10 LV = 6+ Some can use Sand type Spells. Jackal Heads. Will have Armor and Scimitars. MOUNTAIN GIANTS SL = 10-11 LV = 7+ Also called Tor Giants. Resistant to Cold. FROST GIANTS SL = 8-11 LV = 7+ Some can use Ice type Spells. Resistant to Cold. FIRE GIANTS SL = 8-12 LV = 8+ Some Can use Fire type Spells. Resistant to Fire. CLOUD GIANTS SL = 10-12 LV = 9+ Can use Air type Spells. Live in Cloud Castles. STORM GIANTS SL = 11-13 LV = 10+ Some can use Lightning, Air, and/or Water type Spells. TITANS SL = 12-14 LV = 15+ Titans can use a variety of Spells. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMI-HUMANS More Sophisticated than your typical Humanoid. ELVES SL = 5 LV = 1-8+ Svelte Forest Dwellers. Related to Fey. Long Lived. Superiority Complexes. Variants: Wood, Grey, High, Desert, Valley. Spell Casters, Rangers, Healers, Druids, Archers, Warriors, Bards, Battle Mages, Green Knights ELFLINGS SL = 4 LV = 1-4+ Small Elves. Fey Tainted. The Girls have Butterfly Wings. DWARVES SL = 5 LV = 1-6+ Stocky Underground Dwellers. Clannish. Variations: Mountain, Hill, Deep, Degenerate Warriors, Miners, Smiths, Soldiers, Avengers, Sentinels, Berserkers, Bards, Brewers, Rune Masters, Battle Masters, Artificers, Champions GNOMES SL = 3-4 LV = 1-4+ Diminutive Hill People. Cheerful. Woodsmen, Tinkerers, Farmers, Artificers, Tricksters, Jesters, Illusionists, Woodworkers, Carpenters. HALFLINGS SL = 4 LV = 1-3+ Half pint Farmers, Skirmishers, Scouts, Thieves, Brewers, Gardeners, Archers, Lookouts, and Cooks. DROW SL = 5 LV = 1-7+ Evil Elves. Subterranean. Powerful Spell Casters. Cultists, Warriors. Worship Spider Gods. CHAOS DWARVES SL = 4-5 LV 1-5+ Corrupted by Chaos. Warriors, Chaos Priests, Chaos Warriors, Berserkers Cultists, Blackguards, Warlock DUERGAR SL = 4-5 LV = 1-6+ Evil Deep Dwarves. DERRO SL = 4-5 LV = 1-7+ Insane Mage Dwarves. ----------------------------------------------------------------- AQUATIC HUMANOIDS The Trident and Net Crowd. MERFOLK SL = 6 LV = 1-4+ Good or Neutral. Use Giant Mantas as Mounts. Traders, Raiders, Warriors, Fishermen, Kelp Farmers, Scouts. SEA DEVILS SL = 6 LV = 1-5+ Ancient Evil Race. Reptilian Scales. Warriors, Raiders, Priests, Fishermen, Hunters. FISH MEN SL = 5- 6 LV = 0-3+ Also known as Fish Heads. Neutral. Fishermen, Raiders, Hunters, Shamans, Warriors, Scouts. SEA ELVES SL = 5 LV = 1-6+ Use Sea Horses as Mounts. Warriors, Scouts, Traders, Explorers, Guides, Reef Pirates. TRITONS SL = 6 LV = 1-7+ Good or Neutral. Use Hippocampi as Mounts. Fishermen, Warriors, Paladins, Priests, Scouts ----------------------------------------------------------------

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