JAPANESE MONSTERS KAPPA SL = 5-6 LV = 3-4 Turtle Men. Armor +2 TENGU SL = 5-6 LV = 4-9+ Crow Men. Medium Fliers. Sword Masters. Spell Casters. Known for forging Magic Swords. Skill Sword+2 carrying +2 Swords. ONI SL = 5-9 LV = 4-15+ Demons. 1D3 Physical, Chaos, and Magical Mutations. Club Wielding. Multiple Eyes. Red or Blue Skin. INUGAMI SL =6-7 LV = 4-6 Dog headed Demon. Spellcaster. USHI-ONI SL = 8-10+ LV = 4 Cow Devil. Sea Monster. Head of a Bull. Body of a Crab. Armor +3 OUNI SL = 6 LV = 5 Mountain Hag. Huge Mouth. Body covered in Hair. Spellcaster. RAT NINJAS SL = 4-5 LV = 1-5+ Highly Skilled and Motivated Assassins. Stealth+4 ZOMBIE SAMURAI SL = 6 LV = 2-4+ Armor +3. Regenerate. Swords. GOBLIN BANDITS SL = 4 LV = 0-3+ Each has 1 Physical and 1 Chaos Mutation. Wild variety of appearance and weaponry. OGRE MAGI SL = 8 LV = 5-10+ Spellcasters. Will also have armor and steel weapons. KI-RIN SL = 8 LV = 8-15 Lawful Good Dragon Horse. Fast Flyer. Spellcaster. JAPANESE DRAGON SL = 7-8 LV = 7-13 Flying. On the Small Side. Land and Sea versions. SHRUNKEN UNDEAD SL = 4-5 LV = 3-5 Short Vampires and Ghouls. GAKI SL = 4-6 LV 1-3 Hungry Ghost. Spirit. Will eat human bones and feces. Will not attack if you give it Rations. Skeletal. Extended Bellies. Diseased. Repugnant. YO KAI SL = 2-10 LV = 0-7+ Nature Spirits. Tremendous Variety. Mostly Friendly. Any Base Form possible including inanimate objects such as Umbrellas or Wagon Wheels. Each has 1 Physical, 1 Chaos, and 1 Magical Mutation. Invisible to most human adults. RIVER SPRITE SL = 6 LV = 2-3 Friendly. Will save drowning People. VENGEFUL SPIRIT SL = 6 LV = 5-15+ Powerful Spell Caster. Can be a Major Foe. FLYING SCROLL SL = 7 LV = 1-2 Slow Flyer. Several people can ride it. NUE SL = 4-5 LV = 3 Monkey Head. Snake Tail. Raccoon Body, Tiger Limbs. BIG MAN SL = 6 LV = 2-7+ Human who can go Monstrous Size (SL = 12) Once per day for 1D2 Hours Requires a large power source. Often Fight Smaller Kaiju. KAIJU SL = 10-16 LV = 16+ Variety of Unique Forms. Each one is an individual. Some can Fly. Some are Capable of Massive Energy Attacks. Forms: Moth, Centipede, Demon, Dragon, Hydra, Bipedal Lizard, etc. LUCKY CAT SL = 3 LV = 0-2 Animal. It's Owner gets +2 Luck at start of Day. Some can Talk. KITSUNE SL = 3-6 LV = 4-7+ Stealthy, Fast, Cunning. Shapeshifting Foxes. May be Friend or Foe. ROKUROKUBI SL = 6 LV = 5-8 Vampiric Female Demon with long extendable Neck. YUKI ONNA SL = 5-6 LV = 4-9+ Snow Woman. Fey. Can use Ice type Spells. NEKOMATA SL = 8-11 LV = 5-15+ Monster Bipedal Djinn Cat. Spellcaster. GIANT SNAKE SL = 7-10 LV = 6-12 Other Enlarged Beasts include Toads, Bats, Lizards, and Centipedes. Phantom Versions also. Often summoned by Magicians. ONRYO SL = 6 LV = 4 Vengeful Ghost. Spirit. Might give target a Quest. Will Haunt Target until Quest completed. Can kill by Fright and Madness. FUNAYUREI SL = 6 LV = 5-9 Malevolent Phantoms of those who perish at Sea. Ghost Mariners. Will sometimes have a Ship. Know Sea and Water type Spells. GHOST RIDERS SL = 6 LV = 5-10+ Fallen Army on Ghostly Steeds. General knows Lightning Spells. YUREI SL = 5-6 LV = 7 Lethal Female Ghost. Revenge Seeking. Powerful Emotions. SKELETON SPECTRE SL = 11 LV = 8-16 Giant Ghost. Hideous Apparition. GIANT TIGER SHARK SL = 13 LV = 7-14 Can Smash Boats. TSUCHIGUMO SL = 9 LV = 20 Giant Spider. Spell Caster. Summons Demons. Can appear as Human Princess. INFERNAL MONARCH SL = 8+ LV = 25+ There were 10 Kings of Hell. Spellcasters. Godlike. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINESE MONSTERS RIVER DRAGON SL = Age Can use the Water type Spells. Swimmer not a Flyer. CLOUD DRAGON SL = Age Can use the Air type Spells. EARTH DRAGON SL = Age Can use the Earth type Spells. Cannot Fly. LUCK DRAGON SL = Age Very Friendly. Allies in Proximity get extra 2 Fate per day. HOPPING ZOMBIES SL = 6 LV = 2-3 Undead. Slow. Regenerate. FOO DOGS SL = 5-7 LV = 5-10 See Invisible. Guards. Bite and Claws. FOO LIONS SL = 6-8 LV = 8-16 Guardians. Attacks get +4 Damage. JADE WARRIORS SL = 6-7 LV = 6-14 Animated. Armor = 4. Two-Handed Weapon. CHINESE DEMONS SL = 5-7 LV = 3-16+ Each has 1D2 Chaos, Physical, and Magical Mutations. Base Forms include: Men, Apes, Spiders, Skeletons, Bears, Ghouls, Carps, Scorpions, Birds, Lions, Ogres, Goblins, Frogs, Rabbits WIND DEMON SL = 7 LV = 5-16 Medium Flyer. Can use the Air type Spells. PANDA WARRIOR SL = 6 LV = 5-14+ Talking Animal. The Kung-Fu Variety. TERRACOTTA WARRIOR SL = 6 LV = 2-8 Animated. Fragile: 1 Wound. Appear in large numbers. CELESTIAL TIGER SL = 8 LV = 8-18 Fast Flyer. Can use Solar and Zodiac type Spells. WATER GHOST SL = 6 LV = LV = 3 Spirit. Drowns Victim and steals their body. Victim takes its place. HEADLESS GHOST SL = 6 LV = 4 Spirit. Special Attack: Save at +2 or Beheaded. Takes Head and leaves. GIANT CARP SL = 9-10 LV = 5 Aquatic. Swallow Victim Whole. DRAGON TURTLE SL = 10-11 LV = 8 Land or Swimmer. Armor +4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRESH WATER MONSTERS BUNYIP SL = 8 LV = 6-12 Aquatic Troll Like Humanoid. GRYNDYLOW SL = 9 LV = 7-14 Tentacle Grappling Attack. KELPIE SL = 7 LV = 5-10 Horse that will drown it's rider. SELKIE SL = 6 LV = 1 Were-Seals. Beautiful Girls. Peaceful. Sad. PIRANHAS SL = 10+ LV = 0 Fresh Water Fish. Swarm. Can reduce victims to bones in minutes. MOAT MONSTER SL = 8 LV = 6-12 Gets +3 to Initiative and Surprise. Turtle with Serpent Neck. Body has Armor +4. GIANT STURGEON SL = 6-7 LV = 1-3 Primitive Bony Fish. Armor +2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEK MONSTERS SATYRS and FAUNS SL = 5-6 LV = 1-3 Fey. Magic Pipes can cause Sleep or Lure or Charm. MINOTAURS SL = 7-8 LV = 5-12+ Bull Headed Humanoids. Love a Good Maze. NYMPHS SL = 6 LV = 2-3 Fey. Forest Seductress. Slay or Delay Handsome Travelers. TRITONS SL = 6 LV = 1-3+ Neutral or Good Aquatic Humanoid. Two Fishtails instead of Legs. HIPPOCAMPUS SL = 7 LV = 1-3 Noble Aquatic Mounts. Horse with back end of a Sea Serpent. NATOR SL = 7 LV = 1-3 Aquatic Three Horned Horse with Fins instead of Hooves. SCYLLA SL = 6 LV = 1-6+ Similar to Tritons but Evil. Two Snake Tails instead of Legs. Can Slither on Land. Prefer Swords and Shields. KRAKEN SL = 15 LV = 18 Sea Monster. Giant Squid. Each Tentacle has 10 Wounds. CAPRICORNS SL = 5-6 LV = 0-2 Sea Goats. Head Butts. MEDUSA SL = 6 LV = 7-16 Snake Haired Woman. Poison Snkes. Sometimes uses a Bow. Looking upon her face causes Petrification. Sometimes has a Snake Tail instead of Legs. CEREBUS SL = 7-15 LV = 7-15+ Three Headed Dog. Three Bite Attacks. +5 Damage. CENTAURS SL = 7 LV = 3-6+ Half Man Half Horse. Heavy Drinkers. Archers. HYDRA SL = 9-13 LV = 7-16+ Multiple Heads. When one is killed two grow back. Must attack body to kill it. SIRENS SL = 6 LV = 4-9+ Lure sailors to their Deaths with their Songs. CYCLOPS SL = 9-11 LV = 5-16+ One Eyed Giant: Gets -2 Attack. PEGASUS SL = 7 LV = 2-8+ Winged Horse. Medium Speed. Highly Desirable steed. CRETANS SL = 6-7 LV = 1-2+ Barbaric Humanoids. MAENADS SL = 6 LV = 1-9+ Female Cultists of Dionysus. Berserkers. Blood Rituals. They drink Wine to excess. Dancing and Music. Priestesses know Life, Pantheistic, and Patronage type Spells. HARPY SL = 6-7 LV = 4-8 Slow Flyer. Evil. Half Woman Half Vulture.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- NORSE MONSTERS Witches, Ghosts, Trolls, Demons, Berserkers, Goats, Giant Boars, Dragons, Frost Giants, Fire Giants, Wights, Werewolves, Wargs, Giant Eagles, Hawks, Stags, Wyrms, Cows, Roosters, Oxen, Whales, Sea Monsters, Wyverns, Mermen, Squirrels, Brownies, Bulls, Horses, Revenants, And Sorcerers are all appropriate to Norse Mythology. Giants are also referred to as Jotunn or Devourers. LAND SPRITS SL = Any LV = 1-10+ Protect a particular Place or Feature. Also Sea Spirits and Water Spirits. Know Blessing, Curse, Earth, Water type Spells. ANCESTOR SPIRITS SL = 6 LV = 2-4+ Know Blessing, Luck, Divination, Farmer type Spells. Some become Elves or Disir. GREAT WOLF SL = 9-16 LV = 5-18+ Evil Beasts. Fast. Get +4 to Tracking. LARGE RAVENS SL = 4 LV = 2-8 Human Intelligence. Some serve Odin. DISIR SL = 6 LV = 2-8+ Protective Female Spirits. Guardians of Families, Clans. Know Life, Healing, Blessing, Curse type Spells. VALKYRIES SL = 6 LV = 5-10 Winged Lawful Good Shield Maiden Spirits. Odin’s Disir. Armed with Sword and Shield. They bear the Souls of Dead Heroes to Valhalla. DRAUGR SL = 6 LV = 5-14+ Undead. Get +3 to Damage. Terrible Stench. Cause Fear. Retain some Intelligence. Once a Day can grow to SL = 9 for one Battle. Some are Immune to Weapons, can Shapeshift or Control the Weather. Some Know Curse, Hex, Darkness, Divination, Dream type Spells. FYLGJA SL 3-5 LV = 4-6+ Animal Spirit. Accompanies a Character in connection With their Fate or Fortune. LIGHT ELVES SL = 5-6 LV = 5-7+ Hidden Folk. Luminous Skin. Beautiful Appearance. Know Healing, Light, Curse type Spells. HALF-ELVES SL = 6 LV = 3-5+ Elf Taint. Appear as Humans. WINTER GIANT SL = 7-10 LV = 7-16+ Knows Ice, Ranger, and Archer type Spells. DEATH GIANT SL = 7-10 LV = 7-16+ Knows Death or Necromancy type Spells. NIGHT GIANT SL = 7-10 LV = 7-16+ Knows Darkness type Spells. SEA GIANT SL = 7-10 LV = 7-16+ Knows Water and Sea type Spells. GREAT SERPENT SL = 11-16 LV = 12+ Some are Aquatic. BLACK DWARVES SL = 4-6 LV = 4-9+ Black Skin. Subterranean. Petrified by Sunlight. Extremely Skilled Miners and Craftsmen. Know Earth, Rune, and Crafting type Spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DJINN All know the Djinn Spell List and 1 of the following types of Spells: Desert, Detect, Time, Space, Dimension, Teleport, Transformation, Spirit, Dreams, Conjuration DAO SL = 6 LV = 2-5 Earth Djinn. Knows Earth, Sand, and Evil type Spells. JINN SL = 7 LV = 6-10 Air Djinn. Flying. Knows Air and Illusion type Spells. Can Grant Minor Wishes. MARIDS SL = 8 LV = 11-15 Water Djinn. Knows Water and Sea type Spells. Can Grant Lesser Wishes. EFREETI SL = 9 LV = 16+ Fire Djinn. Flying. Knows Fire type Spells. Can Grant Major Wishes. -------------------------------------------------------------------
SPHINX Body of usually a Jackal or Lion. All Have Wings. Head can Vary: Lion, Human, Hawk, Ram, Owl, Ibis, Croc, Hippo, etc. Available type Spells: Sphinx, Desert, Sand, Snake, Sea, Detect, Time, Space, Dimension, Teleport, Transformation, Book Magic, Mysticism, Spirit Magic, Solar Magic, Lore, Mirror, Dreams, Runes, Divination, Trap MINOR SL = 6 LV = 1-5 5 Spells LESSER SL = 7-8 LV = 6-10 10 Spells MAJOR SL = 9-11 LV = 11-15 15 Spells GREATER SL = 12-14 LV = 16+ 20 Spells

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