ANIMALS Most Animals can move at least twice as fast as Humans. Intelligence can vary 1-10+. BEASTS In a Broad Sense this term includes all animals. In this context we use it to mean particularly vicious or more dangerous versions. TALKING BEASTS Human Intelligence and speech. Very frequently they can use tools and weapons as well. They border on the classification of Humanoid. Usually larger that normal. Good or Evil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERMIN Swarms are given an SL rating to indicate the size of the swarm as a whole and how much damage it would take to disperse it. Weapon attacks (swords, hammers, etc.) do a max of 1 point of Damage to a Swarm per attack. In encounter tables Swarms generally just inflict some damage and then move on. RAT SWARM SL = 6-8 LV = 1-2+ PLAGUE RAT SWARM SL = 6-8 LV = 3+ Save or Contract Disease. BAT SWARM SL = 6-8 LV = 2+ Medium Speed Flyers. GIANT RATS SL = 4 Each LV = 3 FIREBAT SWARM SL = 6-8 LV = 3 Fire Damage. Will Start Fires. SNIPE SL = 3 LV = 6 Hard to Find. Very Fast. Gets +4 to Hide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITTERS GIANT PORCUPINE SL = 7-8 LV = 3-5 Really big Quills. TALKING RABBIT SL = 5-6 LV = 1-3 Often Rogues, Mercenaries, Smugglers, Pirates. Prefer Short Weapons: Daggers, Cutlasses. TALKING WEASEL SL = 6-7 LV = 1-3 Scoundrels like talking Rabbits. Can be 7 feet tall but with short Legs. Prefer Long Weapons: Staves, Spears. TALKING BEAVER SL = 4-5 LV = 0-2 Friendly. Good Hosts. Make an excellent cup of Tea. Good Swimmers. Bite Attack. WOMBAT SL = 2-4 LV = 0-1 These things are so cute. WOLVERINE SL 3-4 LV = 1-5 Fierce Solitary Predators but fall prey to Wolf packs. BADGERS SL = 3-4 LV 1-3 Omnivores. Burrowers. Clans. Will Eat Snakes, Hedgehogs. SKUNK SL = 3 LV = 1-2 Stink Spray. Targets get -5 to Stealth and Charisma. Smell diminishes over 1D3 Days. BANDERSNATCH SL = 8-9 LV = 7 Gets +3 to Ambush. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOLVES AND DOGS Pack Animals. Lone Wolves are quite rare. DOG SL = 3-4 LV = 1-4 Bred for a Variety of Purposes. Mans Best Friend. WOLF SL = 4-5 LV = 2-4 Tracking, Bite Attack. Also Coyote. WINTER WOLVES SL = 4-5 LV = 2-5 Half Damage from Cold Attacks. DIRE WOLVES SL = 6 LV = 3-5+ Fast. Damage +1 WARGS SL = 7 LV = 5-7+ Evil. Fast. Damage +2 JACKALS SL = 4 LV = 3 Scavengers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SNAKES COBRA SL = 3 LV = 3 Strong Poison. Gets +4 to Initiative. BOA CONSTRICTOR SL = 6 LV = 3 Constriction (Grappling) Attack. GIANT CONSTRICTOR SNAKE SL = 8 LV = 6-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRDS EAGLE SL = 4 LV = 3-7+ Fast Flyer. Swoop Attack for +3 Damage WISE OLD OWL SL = 3 LV = 3-6+ Fast Flyer. Talking. Wisdom. GIANT OWL SL = 6 LV = 4-8 Fast Flyer. Night Vision PHEONIX SL = 3-9 LV = 6-12+ Medium Flyer. Can assume Elemental Fire Form. Will come back to life if Destroyed. On some worlds this beast is Unique and/or Divine. THUNDERBIRD SL = 5-7 LV = 7-14+ Can shoot a Lightning Bolt every other turn. On some worlds this beast is Unique and/or Divine. GIANT EAGLES SL = 7 LV = 5-10+ Medium Flyers but Fast when Diving. Lawful Good Versions will carry allies. ROC SL = 10 LV = 7-14+ Medium Flyer. Can pick up an Elephant JUBJUB BIRD SL = 8 LV = 6-12 Fast Flightless Runner. Heavy Crushing Beak Attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOOFED ANIMALS STAG SL = 7 LV = 4 Antler Attack AUROCHS SL = 7 LV = 3 Stampede BULL SL = 7 LV = 6 Charge. Horns. GIANT BOAR SL = 8 LV = 5 Fast. Charge. Tusks. WARP BOAR SL = 5-7+ LV = 3-6+ Chaos Tainted. Can make short Tactical Teleports. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FELINES SAVANNAH LION SL = 7 LV = 5 Tactics, Bite Attack. JAGUAR SL = 5 LV = 4 Stealth, Ambush, Bite Attack. LEOPARD SL = 4 LV = 5 Jump Long and Far. CHEETAH SL = 4 LV = 5 Very Fast. SABRE TOOTH TIGER SL = 8 LV = 6-10 Bite Damage +4 GIANT LYNX SL = 8 LV = 7-9 Fast. Bite Damage +3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEARS BLACK OR BROWN BEAR SL = 5-7 LV = 4 Bear Hug (Grappling) Attack. Damage +1 GRIZZLY OR KODIAK BEAR SL = 6-7 LV = 5 Bear Hug (Grappling) Attack. Damage +2 POLAR BEAR SL = 7-8 LV = 6-8 Claw Attack. Short Range. Damage and Initiative +3 Long arm reach and Quicker than you'd think. GIANT BEAR SL = 10 LV = 7-14 Bear Hug Grapple. Damage +4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LARGE ANIMALS RHINO SL = 7-9 LV = 4-8 Charge. Horn HIPPO SL = 7-8 LV = 3 Aquatic. Rivers. Bite. ELEPHANT SL = 8-9 LV = 5-10 Tusks and Stomp MASTODON SL = 9-10 LV = 6-12 MAMMOTH SL = 10-11 LV = 7-14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMMIANS & SUCH MOUNTAIN GORILLA SL = 7 LV = 4-8 400+ Pounds. Strength and Toughness +4 BABOON SL = 5 LV = 3-6 Savage Bite +3 Damage. GIANT LEMURS SL = 5-6 LV = 2-4 Fast. Long Jumpers. Some groups will wield clubs and throw stones. MONSTROUS GORILLA SL = 13 LV = 8-16 King Kong. Grapple +3 TALKING SLOTH SL = 6 LV = 7 Very Slow. Non-aggressive. Exists between the realms of life and death. Knows Spirit Magic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REPTILES CROCODILE SL = 4-8 LV = 4 Armor +1. Salt Water ALLIGATOR SL = 4-9 LV = 3 Armor +1. Fresh Water GIANT SNAPPING TURTLE SL = 7 LV = 5 Makes good Soup. Armor +5 HUMUNGOUS LIZARD SL = 10 LV = 6 Can be ridden as Mount. Armor +3 GIANT CROCODILE SL = 11 LV = 8-16 Armor +4. They make Terrible Pets. LOPERS SL = 7 LV = 0-4 Armor +1. Two Legged Steeds. Medium Speed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- AMPHIBIANS Frogs, Toads, Salamanders GIANT TOAD SL = 5-10+ LV = 5 Sticky Tongue Short Range. Swallow Attack GIANT POISON DART FROG SL = 4 LV = 4 Poison Touch. Long Jump. can stick to walls. FIRE SALAMANDER SL = 8-9 LV = 5-10 Fire Breathing Short Range. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VARIOUS INVERTEBRATES Crustaceans, Mollusks, Worms MONSTROUS SNAIL SL = 8-9 LV = 5 Don't get Slimed. Shell Armor +3 RACING SNAILS SL = 5-7 LV = 3 Fast. Used as mounts. Shell Armor +2 Can climb up walls but cannot jump. GIANT SLUGS SL = 4-9+ LV = 3-6 Muscular Critters. Land or Aquatic. MONSTROUS SCORPION SL = 8 LV = 6 Poison Stinger in Tail. Armor +2 GIANT WORM SL = 9-10 LV = 6-12 Some Burrowing, Some Aquatic. HELLION SL = 9-12+ LV = 8-16 Giant Tentacled Fast Moving Worm. Burrowing. Infernal Often with Earth or Fire Elemental Associations. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIDERS Spiders can be of any size and any intelligence. They also appear as swarms. They can climb on almost any surface. Jump, Stealth, Ambush, Poison Bite, Web Trap, Web Attack, Carapace, Wall Crawl Some Base Spider Types include: Trap-Door, Tarantula, Woolly, Crab, Wolf WATER SPIDER SL = 3-5 LV = 3 Can walk on Water. Bite Attack CORPSE SPIDERS SL = 2-4 LV = 3 Undead Spiders. Regenerate. GIANT DADDY LONG LEGS SL = 5-9+ LV = 4-6+ Fast. Surprise +2 ALIEN SPIDERS SL = 1-2 LV = 3-5 Invisible. They will burrow into your flesh and take control of your brain, eventually turning you into a Zombie. These critters have taken over entire Worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------- INSECTS Similar to Spiders but 6 legs. Common Abilities include: Poison Bite or Sting, Wings, Wall Crawl, Jump, Carapace, Stealth Some Base Insect Types Include: Ants, Beetles, Mosquitos, Dragon Flies, Flies, Locusts, Bees, Wasps Large Bugs can Serve as Mounts. HUMUNGUS WASPS SL = 4-7 LV = 4-8 Poison Stinger. Fast Flyer. Sometimes used as Mounts. HUMUNGUS CENTIPEDE SL = 8 LV = 3-6 Armor = 2. Carnivorous. GIANT RED ANTS SL = 3 LV = 2 Weak Poison Bite. GIANT CATERPILLAR SL = 7 LV = 3 Faster than it looks. BURROWER SL = 8 LV = 4-5 Burrowing Speed = 10 Feet per Turn. Bite and Mandibles. Acid Spray. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIQUE BEASTS One of a kind. One per World. Usually Immortal. If caught/met they will provide their boon then leave/vanish. Sometimes they are considered to be Divine/Gods. QUESTING BEAST SL = 6 LV = 12 Very Fast. Gets +5 to Hide and escape. Grants a Wish if you catch it. SEEING HARE SL = 3 LV = 10 Very Fast. Tells the Future if you catch it. THE GREAT STAG SL = 8 LV = 20 Spirit Protector of the Forest. May bestow a Blessing upon those it deems worthy. Knows Healing, Nature, Blessing type Spells. If beheaded it will turn into an avenging SL = 14 Slime Monster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DINOSAURS Populate the proverbial Lost Jungle Island VELOCIRAPTORS SL = 4-6 LV = 7 Fierce, Very Fast Predators. Bite +2 Damage CARNISAURS SL = 7-9 LV = 6 Mid Level Predators. Bite +3 Damage TYRANNOSAURUS REX SL = 10 LV = 14 Apex Predator. Bite +4 Damage. Stomp Attack. TRICERATOPS SL = 9 LV = 7 Shielded Head with triple Horns. Head Armor +3 Herbivore STEGASAURS SL = 9 LV = 4-8 Spiked Tail. Damage +2. Herbivore. ANKLYOSAURS SL = 8 LV = 3-6 Heavy Club Tail. Herbivore. Armor +2 GENTLE GIANTS SL = 8-11 LV = 4-8 Two and Four Legged Herbivores. Stomp or Tail Attack. They can Stampede MONOSAUR SL = 12 LV = 8 Dinosaur Sea Monster Predator. Swallow Attack. FRILLED LIZARD SL = 3-4 LV = 3 Spits Poison Short Range. PTERODACTYLS SL = 8 LV = 3-6 Lizard Men use them as Flying Mounts. Wings MICRORAPTORS SL = 2 LV = 2 Swarm Creature ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNUSUAL BEASTS More monstrous than animal-like. Base SL = 1D8 +1. Roll on the Beast Traits Table 1D4 Times. Typical Attacks: Claws, Horns, Hooves, Bite. BEAST TRAITS 1D30 Trait: Notes: 1 Raging If Reduced to Half Hits, gets +4 Damage 2 Wild Gets +2 Attack +4 Damage -2 Defense 3 Charging Gets +2 Attack +4 Damage when Charging 4 Scaled Gets +4 Armor 5 Elemental Resistance to Specific type of Elemental Damage 6 Regenerating Regenerates 7 Horned Gets +4 Damage with Horn Attack 8 Leaping Can Leap 2D3 Body Lengths 9 Stalking Gets +2 Stealth 10 Pouncing Gets +1 Stealth and Attack 11 Fast Movement Speed Doubled 12 Lurking Get +4 Stealth 13 Ancient Gets +1D2 SL 14 Ravenous Gets +2 Attack +4 Damage -2 Defense 15 Armored Gets +4 Armor 16 Roaring Foes get -2 Morale 17 Resistant Save at +3 vs Magic 18 Tusked Gets +3 Damage with Tusk Attack 19 Clawed Gets +3 Damage with Claw Attack 20 Protean If Killed will Spawn More Beasts 21 Gorging Can Swallow Smaller Foes Whole 22 Hulking Gets +1D2 SL 23 Biting Gets +2 Damage with Bite Attack 24 Rending Gets 1 Extra Attack per Turn 25 Social Pack or Herd: More will Show Up 26 Towering Gets +1D2 SL 27 Crushing Gets +3 Damage all Attacks 28 Vigilant Gets +2 Surprise and +1 Defense 29 Rampaging Gets +2 Attack +4 Damage -2 Defense 30 Trampling Gets +25% Damage with Stomp Attack

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