CONSTRUCTS Precision Machines brought to life with a with a Dollop of Magic DRAGON ENGINES SL = 13 LV = 15 Mechanical Dragon. Armor +4 TRISKELION SL = 10 LV = 10 Moving Gun Tower. Armor +5. A Dozen Turrets. JUGGERNAUGHT SL = 11 LV = 12 Army Crusher. Armor +5 TIN SOLDIER SL = 6 LV = 3 Armor +2. Shield and Weapon. CLOCKWORK ASSASSIN SL = 6 LV = 14 Terminator Style. Built in Poisoned Blades and Repeating Crossbow. Retractable Wings. Gets +4 to Tracking. Armor +3 MECHANICAL MINOTAUR SL = 7 LV = 9 Bronze Armor +3 CLOCKWORK BEAST SL = 8 LV = 7 Regenerates 2 Hits per Turn. Armor +2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLEMS These can be made out of pretty much anything. They can also be sized up. Usually but nor always Man Shaped. HOMUNCULUS SL = 2-3 LV = 1-2 Tiny Men. Used as Servants, Spies, or for experimenting on. Some can Fly. Stealthy. CLAY GOLEM SL = 5-7 LV = 3 Regenerates. BRICK GOLEM SL = 6-7 LV = 4 Armor +1 FLESH GOLEM SL = 6-7 LV = 5 Undead. Regenerates. BONE GOLEM SL = 6-8 LV = 8 Undead. Armor +2 WOOD GOLEM SL = 8 LV = 6 Armor +2 STONE GOLEM SL = 10 LV = 10 Armor +3 IRON GOLEM SL = 9 LV = 12 Armor +4 COLOSSUS SL = 14 LV = 16 Will step on Foes. Brass Armor +5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ANIMATED These are animated by pure magic. GARGOYLES SL = 5-7 LV = 3-12+ Just part of the Furniture. Armor +3 Medium Speed Flyers. Claws and Horns. LIVING STATUES SL = 5-8 LV = 4-10+ Get +2 to Surprise. Armor +3 Mostly Human Shaped but any Shape Possible. Other Favorites include Minotaurs, Griffons, and Dragons. HOLLOW ARMOR SL = 6 LV = 3-8+ Ye Olde Empty Suit of Plate Mail. Wields Weapon and sometimes Shield. Armor +3 DANCING WEAPON SL = 2-3 LV = 2-8+ Scimitars, Swords, and Spears are Favorites. Armor +4 ANIMATOMES SL = 2-3 LV = 2-4 Books with Teeth. Bite for -2 Damage. Animal Intelligence. Sometimes with Legs and or Wings. ANIMATED CHEST SL = 3-5 LV = 4-8 Looks like a chest but has a Bite attack and sometimes has clawed arms and legs. Mimics Inanimate objects. SCARECROWS SL = 6 LV = 3-9 Can Cause Fear. Take Double Damage from Fire. PRIMORDIAL CLAY SL = 6 LV = 1-8+ Can be formed into any shape. Regenerates. --------------------------------------------------------------- ELEMENTALS Animated by an Elemental Spirit or pure magic. They take no damage from their own Element. They are immune to normal weapons. In general they have an SL = 3-10 LV = 6-12 They make HTH Attacks for +2 Damage. FIRE ELEMENTALS Causes Secondary Fires Also Flame Attack: Short Range for +1 Damage. ICE ELEMENTALS Freeze Attack: Short Range Immobilize for 1D3 Turns. Armor +1 EARTH ELEMENTALS Can Pass through Walls and Solid earth. Armor +3 WATER ELEMENTALS Water Jet Attack: Short Range: Damage and Knockdown AIR ELEMENTALS Whirlwind: HTH Attack hits all in Range. Fast Flyer LIGHTNING ELEMENTALS Lightning Bolts: Medium Range for +2 Damage SAND ELEMENTALS Regenerates. LAVA ELEMENTALS Lava Spray. Close Range. 1D2 Foes for +3 Damage ------------------------------------------------------------- MECHANOIDS COMMON MECHANOID SL = 3-7 LV = 1-4+ These are Animated Mechanical beings of near Human Intelligence. They are created to act as servants and sometimes guards. They run on a Battery with 10 Charges. They use up 1 Charge per day. They have 2D2 Arms. Roll 1D4 on the Arm table for the first Arm and Roll 1D20 for the rest. They roll twice on the Chassis Table. They roll once on the Locomotion and Head Tables. All Have Armor +2 LOCOMOTION TABLE 1D8 Movement: Notes: 1 Two Legs Can Walk Stairs 2 Treads Balance +1 3 Wheels Speed +10 4 Rollerball Speed +5 5 Levitation Very Slow Flier 6 3 or 4 Legs Kick at +2 Damage 7 6 or 8 Legs Climbing +4 8 Wings & Rocket Medium Flier. Also Roll Again CHASSIS TABLE 1D6 Function: Notes: 1 Armor Armor +1 2 Reinforcement Extra 1 Wound 3 Extra Battery 10 More Charges 4 Winch 20 Feet of Rope with Hook 5-6 Storage Space Hidden. Size of a Bread Box HEAD TABLE 1D12 Function: Notes: 1 Telescope See Very Far 2 Detect-o-Meter 1D4 Detection type Spells 3 Language Module Speaks an extra 2D6 Languages 4 Calculator Gets +5 to Mathematics Rolls 5 Navigation Module Gets +5 to Navigation Rolls 6 Antennae Long Range Telepathy 7 Motion Detector Gets +5 to Perception Rolls 8 Illusion Projector Can Record Messages too 9 Flood Light Out to Medium Range one Direction 10 Flare Gun Shoots Straight Up. Uses up a Charge 11 Nut Cracker Does Party Tricks. Bite. 12 Helicopter Blades Fly Slow Speed ARM TABLE 1D10 Function: Notes: 1 Hand Like a Human Hand 2 Grasper Hand with -1 Damage 3 Claw Hand with +1 Damage 4 Tentacle Hand substitute 5 Wand Pick one off the Wand Spell List 6 Crossbow Repeating 7 Water Hose Must Have Storage Space 8 Acid Sprayer Must Have Storage Space 9 Zapper Electrical. HTH. 1D6 Hinderances for 1D6 Turns 10 Sprayer Fungicide or Herbicide. Must Have Storage Space 11 Forklift Or Winch or Luggage Rack 12 Blow Torch Burn for +2 Fire Damage 13 Jack Hammer Or Chainsaw. Attack 14 Drill Attack 15 Skeleton Key Open Locks at +4 16 Scissors Or Garden Shears. Attack 17 Mop or Duster Cleaning Tool Attachment 18 Scalpel Surgical Tool Attachment 19 Turkey Baster Cooking Tool Attachment 20 Leaf Blower Landscape Tool Attachment ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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